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Dark Touch

Page 20

by Elle Lewis

  I stood still, staring at the two of them, barely noticing Nyx and Cato. I thought that I had let go of the normal parameters of reality and nothing else could surprise me. Yeah fucking right. I couldn’t feel my legs and I was breathing a little too fast.

  Aleo made a graceful gesture with his hand. “Please, sit.” His voice was clear, filled with an authoritative command that suggested leadership.

  I took a step back, not wanting to get closer to him or the metallic man. I bumped into Cato and had to grit my teeth to stifle a scream. Cato reached out to steady me, but I sidestepped him and took several quick steps backwards. I needed space, I needed air, I needed to get out of here.

  Cato walked towards me and I backed up further, pressing myself against a tree.

  “Don’t,” I said.

  “Cato come sit. She is safe. There are no Dark Ones in the vicinity,” Aleo said calmly.

  Cato looked at me. Concern filled his warm brown eyes for a moment, and then he walked to the small collection of logs and sat down on the one directly opposite of Aleo. Nyx remained standing. She was to the right of Aleo, a bored expression on her face. She crossed her arms and frowned at me, as if I were a petulant child that wasn’t listening. I really didn’t like her.

  I dug my fingernails into the bark of the tree. The pain on my left side burned hot and sharp. This is the reason you are here. Calm the fuck down and find out the truth.

  Aleo centered his attention on me. His ivory wings were tucked behind his back, falling over the wooden log and onto the ground, like spilled milk.

  He balanced his arms on his knees and folded his long hands. “I am Aleo and this…” He gestured to the metallic man. “…Is Inigo.” Inigo inclined his head in greeting but didn’t speak. I stayed quiet, wrestling with my survival instincts.

  “You are afraid,” Aleo said. “And have every reason to be. The Dark Ones are vicious and cruel. They enjoy the torment of living things. I am confident that you have realized we are very similar to them. Despite notable differences, you mistrust and fear us. I understand your fear Sloan Stolar, but it is unnecessary for we are sworn to protect you. Inigo is here for a very specific purpose, which I will soon explain. He does not have the ability to appear as human as we do, yet he has arranged his form in way that is the most familiar to you. I apologize if his presence is alarming, but you will not be harmed. You are safe.” Aleo stood slowly. He extended his hand again, gesturing to the space next to Cato. “Please, sit. I must explain the truth to you. You must know what is happening. Do you not wish to have the truth Sloan Stolar?”

  Hell yes, I wanted the truth. I took in a slow deep breath and let go of the tree, forcing myself to walk forward. I sat down on the same log as Cato, not getting too close to him.

  “Finally,” Nyx muttered.

  Aleo returned to a seated position on the log across from me. Looking into his translucent eyes was extremely unnerving, but I fought to keep my fear under control. I focused on Aleo and attempted to block out Inigo’s disturbing presence.

  Aleo inclined his head. “Thank you, Sloan Stolar.”

  “It’s Sloan…just Sloan is fine,” I said.

  “Alright, Sloan,” Aleo said. “For you to understand the events that have transpired, I must explain the true nature of the universe to you. Your comprehension of these matters could impact not only your own survival, but the survival of this planet, do you understand?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  He nodded. “Let us begin. First, remove what you think you know from your mind. Empty it of the facts this world has taught you. Can you do that?”

  “Uh, sure,” I whispered.

  “This world, this reality, is not the only one in existence. Are you familiar with the theory that many realities are capable of co-existing? Side by side?”

  “I’ve heard of it.” Thank you, Donovan.

  “It is accurate.” Aleo went on. “Your world exists alongside others. This dimension is nestled within many. There are several hell dimensions. Worlds ruled by ferocious gods. Versions of Earth that are infested with monsters, with immortals. In this reality, in this world, we are the sentient beings.”

  “Are you Gods?” I asked.

  Aleo smirked. “No. Although humans like to depict us that way. What are the words they use, Cato?”

  “Angels and Demons,” Cato responded.

  “Angels and Demons,” Aleo laughed quietly. “No. We are the Warriors of the Guild.”

  “I mean, it’s a little confusing…with the wings and everything,” I said.

  Aleo squinted his eyes at me and tilted his head, the motion making his dreadlocks swish.

  “I’m sorry. Keep going,” I mumbled.

  “Creation is not a simple matter. We are pressed against other worlds. This one functions within the normal parameters of science. For example, evolution. Or atoms and electrons. The possibility of water existing on Mars. All of it is correct. This is the structural aspect of this universe. I am not here to refute any of this. Planet Earth and its race have a relatively sound comprehension of the sciences. However, your race has absolutely no knowledge of the second aspect of creation, the aspect that has so suddenly and violently presented itself in your life.”

  Aleo paused for a moment. I realized I was holding my breath. I let it out slowly, afraid and anxious for what was coming.

  “There is more to creation than just the observable qualities of science,” Aleo continued. “It lies within the fabric of existence, a subtle mystery vibrating on the very air, tugging on the outer rings of this galaxy. It resides in the fabric of time and space, gliding throughout the black vast ocean of this universe. It exists inside living creatures. It is simply known as energy, and it flows from The Source. The Source is tucked away in the deepest section of this Universe. As you approach its location, the billions of stars and galaxies that illuminate the black openness of space become scarce, eventually terminating until there is nothing but the deepest black. And there, in the center of everything and nothing, it glows. Brighter, more brilliant than anything you can imagine, swirling with colors humans do not recognize. It is tangible light, a substance that has no equal to allow comparison. It is everything, holding both light and darkness. The Source is inexhaustible and has been since the beginning of time.”

  My mind wrapped around his words, spinning colorful images. I could picture the deep black of space—the brightness and glory of suspended stars and galaxies.

  Aleo went on, his eyes locked with mine. “When a new organism comes into being, like a human baby for example, a portion of The Source is siphoned off and emerges inside the new organism. It is what animates that being. I believe some of the people on this planet would use the word, soul? It is the portion of an organism that cannot be measured or observed, yet there is something more to the animation of a living being other than its anatomical functions. Something that sets it apart— a spark—a blaze of life. Humans believe the soul leaves the body when the being dies. Their body is gone, but a part of them continues on, correct?”

  I nodded.

  “Humans have sensed a deep truth, although the details are not exactly right. When a being dies, the energy which was imparted to it by The Source does in fact leave the body. It is dormant throughout their lives. The death of an organism activates the energy, at which point, it emerges from their lifeless form and is reabsorbed into this universe to be used in a new creation. It could become a part of another human on this very planet, or it may present itself in a very different creature on a planet in a neighboring galaxy. Energy from The Source is never lost or destroyed. This type of energy becomes the essence of that person. Their soul if you will. It is what animates them and guides them thro
ughout life, providing intuition. This type of energy also holds the capability to absorb an organism’s learning and experience in that life time. Have you ever known someone that seemed innately wise? Someone who was ahead of their time? What would be a few examples, Cato?”

  “Albert Einstein. Beethoven,” Cato responded. “Humans refer to it as reincarnation.”

  “Reincarnation. Do you see Sloan?” Aleo asked. “These individuals can push a planet further in its development because they have been given recycled energy from a different civilization. Knowledge is transferred, allowing species to flourish and prosper. It is the fabric that threads itself through this reality, connecting all those that exist within it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I answered. “So then when something is born, it either gets reused energy from an organism that just died, or new energy directly from The Source?”

  “Correct,” Aleo said. “There are many different types of energy that exist within The Source. I have told you about one—the one that resides inside of living creatures. This energy is called Living Energy, and now you are familiar with its purpose and its intention. For now, I will not inform you of the others. I do not wish to overwhelm you.”

  I nodded, although he was already overwhelming me. This was like a science lesson on steroids, dipped in a coating of what the fuck.

  Aleo went on. “The organisms that live on a planet, like a human, are created by way of reproduction and evolution. The Source typically does not create living organisms, planets, or galaxies. You must keep these two things separate in your mind. Living Energy simply animates organisms and connects them, understand?”

  I nodded again, trying to keep up.

  “We are exceptions,” Aleo continued. “Cato, Nyx and I are entirely different beings. And we emerged directly from The Source, with a specific purpose. We are a part of a Guild of Warriors that balance and protect the energies. There are billions of galaxies that exist within this reality and all of them are protected by Warriors. The Source is infinite and glorious, and it contains insurmountable beauty. But it also contains darkness. There cannot be light without dark, there cannot be beauty without destruction. Living Energy often has dark energy mingled within it. Some beings have more dark energy than others. Although I have witnessed organisms that are given only light. It burns within them so brightly that the world in which they are apart knows wondrous things. What you must understand is that there are always opposites, always two forces pulling for control of something that must be balanced. Do you follow?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “We protect that balance,” Aleo went on. “The Dark Ones are beings of destruction. They too emerged from The Source, and like us, they can change their appearance at will, blending in with any given population of a planet. They are full of undiluted, pure, Dark Energy. Just as the Warriors are full of only light. We are at war with them and must ensure that the Dark Ones do not disrupt the balance of energies within a galaxy. The repercussions of which could be devastating.”

  An image of Darrow flashed in my mind—electricity lacing up his arms—his black eyes full of hunger. No, not electricity. Dark Energy. I rubbed my left fingertips together, afraid. Darrow’s words echoed within my mind. I am within you. My chest tightened. I needed a break, but Aleo kept going.

  “The Dark Ones force the imbalance to the extreme, by converting humans and other living organisms to pure Dark Energy. By the simple act of touch, a Dark One forces its essence into their victim, converting Living Energy into Dark Energy. The organism never survives the conversion process. In the case of humans, the heart stops. The victim dies, and Dark Energy is absorbed into the universe. The original Living Energy is lost, forever. The eons of existence—the knowledge and experiences of all those creatures who held it within them—is gone. The Warriors attempt to prevent Dark Ones from converting living beings, but we are greatly outnumbered.”

  “Can’t you just kill the Dark Ones?” I asked.

  “It’s not that simple. But I am afraid we are running out of time. I have already given you a great amount of information.”

  “I want to make sure I understand all this. When someone dies a natural death, their Living Energy is activated, released and then recycled. But until then, it just lays dormant inside of them?” I asked.

  “That is correct,” Aleo answered.

  “Okay. So that means that death is the key for energy to be activated and then leave a body, right? The Dark Ones pretty much force a person’s death while they are converting the energy.” I thought of Elody, and the man in the alley.

  “Yes. The damage is twofold. They convert Living Energy into pure Dark Energy and force death upon the organism which allows the Dark Energy to be released,” Aleo confirmed.

  I nodded. “Then why am I not dead?”

  Nyx and Cato both shifted uncomfortably. Aleo leaned back. “That is the question, isn’t it? You have baffled us all, Sloan. Which is why Inigo is here. He will be able to provide an answer.”

  I finally allowed myself to look at Inigo. He gazed in my direction, the fire of his eyes so bright that I squinted.

  The damn rabbit hole had become an endless abyss. I was still falling, the bottom nowhere in sight.



  I exhaled, unable to control my growing frustration. “I don’t understand…you said that a victim never survives the conversion process. This doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You survived because when you were born, you were not given Living Energy,” Aleo responded.

  I shook my head. “No, you literally just said that Living Energy is given to every organism.”

  “My exact words were, ‘typically living energy is given to every organism’. The Source contains insurmountable possibility. It is not limited or confined to one way of existence.” He said this as if it were common knowledge, something that I should already know. “You were given a different type of energy. Possibly a new one that has not been seen before.”

  Fear fluttered inside my chest. “Why? Why was I given something different?”

  “There is no reason,” Aleo explained. “The Universe is equal amounts chaos and equal amounts order. You were not chosen. You were not destined. The Source simply chose to impart something new into this Universe. Asking why is pointless.”

  “So, I’m some goddamn loop hole? What’s going to happen to me? And why are you only now telling me all of this? Where were you a week ago?” I demanded.

  Nyx’s lavender eyes flashed with anger. She opened her mouth to say something but Aleo held up a hand and she immediately closed it. Cato stared into the fire silently, sadness creasing his godlike features.

  Aleo’s expression softened slightly. “I understand that this information is frightening and apologize that there is not more time to answer all of your questions. I assure you that Cato will address them later. Please listen carefully. When Darrow touched you, he forced his Dark Energy into your body. If Living Energy flowed through your veins, you would have died. The fact that you lived proves The Source imparted a different energy to you at birth. Darrow immediately knew that you housed a different energy. Darrow is powerful and has a comprehensive understanding of The Source. He will see this to the end.”

  I fell silent, nervously chewing on my bottom lip.

  “The Four were notified of the situation. We needed Inigo. They are the only ones who can summon him,” Aleo explained.

  I rubbed my temples. “The Four. Right. And I’m sure we don’t have time to talk about them either?”

  “Later. I must prioritize this discussion,” he stated. “Inigo is the keeper of the Universe. He is a living record of all energies in existence and
all that may come to be. He is a direct link to The Source. And he is the only one that can tell us what energy you truly possess. If we are to protect you and respond appropriately, we must know.”

  Aleo leaned forward, again balancing his elbows on his knees and folding his hands. “I will be honest with you. This is the first time a human has been touched by a Dark One and has not died. It is in fact, the first time any living organism in the history of this universe has been given something other than Living Energy. It is my belief and the belief of The Four, that whatever energy was given to you at birth has a built-in defense mechanism. Meaning—when Darrow touched you—your natural born energy was activated and immediately began fighting. Do you feel pain, beneath your skin?”


  Aleo nodded. “It is the two energies, battling within your veins. Dormant energy resides within the cardiovascular system. It is centered in your heart and is suspended throughout the blood. How far has the Dark Energy moved?”

  “My entire left side, from my temple down to my toes,” I answered.

  “Your natural born energy is strong. Now, we cannot delay any longer. Inigo must begin. Do you understand why he is here and the importance of what he must do? Touch is required. Please do not be afraid, he will not harm you.”

  My stomach tightened. I wanted to protest and refuse to let Inigo near me. But the words died in my throat. This was necessary, but I was still afraid. What energy did The Source give me when I entered this world? And what will it mean once the truth comes out?


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