Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1)

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Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1) Page 8

by K. M. Neuhold

  “You don’t like these?” Lars asks, no doubt noticing my grimace when I look at the tails.

  I can feel a blush rising in my cheeks, but I know it’s time I move past my nerves and talk with Lars about this stuff openly. It’s the only way we’re going to be able to figure out if this is for us.

  “Not really,” I admit. “I like the idea of a tail, I mean…come on,” I laugh, running my finger along the rounded end of the plug. “But I kind of want a prettier one? I’m not sure if that makes sense, but I’d love a fluffy tail.”

  Lars eyes the tails, tilting his head slightly before looking at me again. “Yeah, a fluffy tail would fit you better than these. I wonder if they make fluffy tails that curl up like this though? I kind of like the idea of the tail being high and visible while you run around.” His voice gets a little husky as he’s talking, and my nerves are put to rest. He’s turned on by this, at least to some extent.

  I pull him a little closer, dipping my head to brush my nose against his cheek.

  “I like that idea too,” I agree. “How do you think I’ll look in one of those jocks, with my fluffy tail wagging and my cock hard?”

  Lars lets out a quiet gasp, following my gaze to the underwear. He nods his head rapidly, reaching out and grabbing several of them in one hand. “Let’s get these and a black tail for now while we look online for the kind you want.”

  “Okay,” I agree with a smile.

  “You need these pads,” he concludes, grabbing those off the wall as well. “What about a leash and collar? Do you like any of these? Or would you rather have a harness?”

  My smile gets even wider as I grab a brown leather collar and matching leash.

  “What about a toy?” I ask shyly, my eyes lingering on a soft, stuffed bone.

  “Get it.”

  With our arms loaded up with stuff, we return to the front to check out.

  “Find everything you needed?” Adrian checks.

  “Do you have a recommendation for somewhere to find fluffy tails?” Lars asks.

  “Oh, yes.” He grabs another sticky note and writes down a website. “This is where I got mine. It’s pink and fluffy with a little bit of sparkle in the fur. It’s fabulous. I’ve tried to get the owner to stock more options here, but the puppy stuff isn’t the biggest seller, unfortunately.”

  I chuckle and take the note.

  “Is it weird that I’m really curious to see your puppy persona?”

  “Not at all, everyone who sees Diva loves him,” Adrian preens. “I’m not sure if you’d be up for it, but at the end of next month, there’s a puppy romp at Collared, the kink club downtown. I’ll be there, and so will tons of other pups with their handlers.”

  I glance at Lars to gauge his reaction and find him looking curious.

  “Maybe,” I agree. “Thanks for all your help.” I reach for the bags, but Lars beats me to it, grabbing them all in one hand.

  “My pleasure. Feel free to swing by any time if you have questions or just need someone to talk to. And make sure to call Vale; he can help.”


  When we get home from Kinky Closet, Jonah takes all his purchases and puts them in the guest bedroom closet with the excuse of wanting to keep everything together. I’m not buying it for a second, especially not with the hint of anxiety and uncertainty still in his eyes. But I also don’t want to push. We can explore this at whatever pace he’s comfortable with, and if he’s not ready to put on the hood and everything for me, then we can wait until he is ready. Even if I am dying to see what he looks like as a puppy.

  “You know what we should do?” he says when he returns from putting his things away.

  “What should we do?”

  “Make up for our last failed date with a better one tonight.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I agree. “What do you think? Dinner and a movie? Something more exotic than that?”

  “I’m up for dinner and a movie,” he says with a slow smile. “Will you pick?” His shy, hopeful tone lets me know there’s more to the request than simply not wanting to choose where we go to eat.

  I study him for a few seconds, trying to work out the hidden meaning, and when a light pink colors his cheeks, I finally understand. He’s asking to test out these possible new relationship dynamics. Not new exactly, but more than what we had before.

  “I’ll choose, puppy,” I assure him, putting a bit of the authoritative rumble behind my words and watch the way his blush deepens. I swear his body hums for me.

  “Thank you.” His words come out barely above a whisper, his eyes downcast as he works through the nerves no doubt barraging him right now. It’s how he’s always been, almost more anxious after he’s asked for something or done something that makes him nervous. It’s like he’s able to hold back the floodgates just long enough to get through it, then it all comes crashing down on him after.

  Stepping into his personal space, I tap the bottom of his chin to get him to look up and meet my eyes.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t know what you needed sooner, but I am going to learn how to be the best Master there ever was, I promise you that.”

  A smile tilts the corner of his lips and he gives me a shaky nod.

  “What should I wear?”

  I consider for a few seconds, trying to decide where I’m taking him and what the best outfit would be.

  “Put on your green polo; I love the way it brings out your eyes. And those dark jeans of yours that drive me wild,” I instruct.

  “And underneath?” he asks wickedly, his nerves clearly ebbing.

  “Put on only what I told you,” I answer before tugging him into a deep, drugging kiss, our tongues sliding together in a motion so familiar I swear I dream of it most nights. Even after all these years, kissing Jonah sets off a herd of butterflies in my stomach and makes my cock hard almost instantly. When I manage to pull back, I place one quick peck against his lips and then put a hand in the middle of his chest to push him away before I give in to temptation before our date. “Go, get dressed.”

  “Yes, Master,” he murmurs, the word even better on his kiss swollen lips than I’d been imagining this morning.

  Once he’s gone, I glance down at myself and realize I should get changed for our date as well. But I decide to wait until he’s finished so I don’t end up jumping him while we’re both in the bedroom changing.

  While I wait, I sit down at the kitchen table and pull out my phone. I bring up some of the websites he showed me last night to do a little more reading. I have every intention of keeping my promise to him and learning how to be exactly what he needs. It may take some time to get it exactly right, but that’s okay. Because if there’s one thing Jonah and I have, it’s all the time in the world together.

  Chapter 13


  Lars is in full date mode, opening the door for me at the restaurant and ordering us a nice bottle of wine.

  “If you’re trying to impress me, it’s working,” I tell him with a little smile as I peruse the menu.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  I can’t resist reaching across the table and grabbing his hand, simply to feel a connection with him while we both decide what we want to eat. When we’d first started dating, PDA, even hand holding, was something that freaked me out. I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone judging us for being together. Over time, I got past it, mainly because the way Lars smiles any time I touch him in public is worth a million judgmental sneers.

  Even now, after all this time, his eyes sparkle with surprise and love when my hand comes to rest on his. It still feels like our first date, except it only keeps getting better.

  “Do you remember when we were nineteen and my date stood me up on Valentine’s day?” I ask rhetorically; I know there’s no way Lars has forgotten.

  His smile only gets bigger. “How could I forget? It was our first date. Although, neither of us was willing to admit that out loud for another six years. But I swear that single Valentine’s d
ate we shared was the reason I never kept another boyfriend around more than a few weeks. I was too busy comparing them all to you.”

  He flips his hand over so we’re palm to palm, and I use my index finger to trace the lines on his palm, vaguely remembering some silly palmistry book I read as a teenager.

  “I always loved you, Lars, but that was the night I fell in love with you. God, I was so head over heels with you after that I could hardly think straight. Why the hell did we wait so long to make things official?”

  “We were young and stupid,” he concludes with a shrug. “But forget the years we wasted, we have the rest of our lives together.”

  “The rest of our lives?” I repeat hopefully. Not that there’s any doubt that we’re in it for the long haul, but it’s always nice to hear.

  “You bet your ass.”

  “You two are way too cute,” our waitress says, stopping by to get our order.

  “Thanks, but I think he’s the cute one.” I wink at Lars, and he shakes his head.

  “No way,” he argues. “Giant ginger teddy bears are adorable.”

  “Well, I think you’re both adorable,” she concludes. “You two ready to order?”

  “Shoot, no, he distracted me,” I laugh, looking at my menu again, feeling the pressure to hurry up and pick something.

  “I know what you like, JJ, let me pick for you?” Lars offers, and a feeling of calm settles over me. I love the feeling of Lars taking control, eliminating the need for me to fret over silly little things.

  “Sure,” I agree, and he orders me some chicken dish while getting steak for himself.

  “Was that too much?” he checks as soon as our waitress walks away.


  “Me ordering for you, was it too much? I’m not sure where the line is, how much you want me to be in control of.”

  “Everything,” I tell him with a happy little sigh, lifting my wine glass to my lips. “Honestly? I get my fill of running shit while I’m in the ER. At home, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t be happy to let you worry about. Is that what you want or is that too much on your shoulders?”

  “It’s not too much. I like the thought of it actually, more than I thought I would.”

  Happiness bubbles inside me, making me feel like a can of shaken soda, fizzy and ready to burst. I’m still not sure how the actual puppy stuff will go, and I’m nervous as hell about it, but at least we’re on the same page here. It’s already going better than I’d hoped.

  “But what about when we’re around our friends or families?” I ask, the thought occurring to me and flattening some of my happy fizz. “Won’t they think we’re weird if I’m letting you tell me what to do and stuff?”

  “They already think we’re weird,” he points out, and I’m inclined to agree. “We can tone it down around other people if you want, but I don’t want us to feel like this is something to be ashamed of.”

  I let out a disbelieving laugh. “You don’t think me wanting to dress up like a”—I glance around and lower my voice—“puppy, isn’t something to be ashamed of?”

  “No, I don’t,” Lars says firmly. “Frankly, it’s no one else’s god damned business. It’s our private life, and I couldn’t give a single fuck about anyone’s opinion on it. Obviously, if the dominance/submission aspects are going to be full-time, then that’s something they’re likely to notice. But the rest of it? I don’t see the need to tell anyone unless you feel like you want to.”

  “No, not really,” I agree. “Maybe down the road we could tell Seb; he probably wouldn’t be weird about it. But I agree, no one else needs to know.”

  “Glad we have that settled.”

  “I love it when you’re all firm and protective of us.”

  “I know,” he smirks.


  After our talk at dinner, I’m filled with a sense of confidence that’s making me feel a little bold and reckless.

  “We should’ve checked the movie listings before coming,” Jonah says, looking at the unimpressive list of options. “None of these look worth watching.”

  “So, let’s get tickets to something that looks awful and sit in the back making out like teenagers for two hours.”

  Jonah lets out a giggle that should seem ridiculous coming from a man of his size, but it’s cute as fuck.

  “Okay, that sounds fun,” he agrees, biting his lip and reaching for my hand.

  I hardly even pay attention to the movie I choose, hitting a title on the screen, choosing seats in the very back corner, and then taking our tickets when they print.

  We don’t bother with popcorn since we just had dinner, but I do get Jonah a ridiculously expensive package of Red Vines, because they’re his favorite. Then, we head into the nearly empty theater and claim our seats. We’re even lucky enough to get the kind of seats with the armrest that moves so we can make our two seats into one loveseat.

  We snuggle together, and as soon as the lights dim, I pull Jonah into a kiss. The only other people in the theater are sitting all the way in the front row, so I’m not worried about anyone bothering us as my hand sneaks under Jonah’s shirt so my fingers can run through his coarse body hair.

  “Did you know the first blowjob I ever got was in a movie theater?” he whispers against my lips, and I growl at the thought of him with anyone else, even though I know it was forever ago. “It was horrible; I didn’t even finish. The dude was all teeth and gag reflex.”

  “Well, sure, in hindsight. I’ve spoiled you with my technique,” I tease.

  “Yes, you have,” he agrees, kissing me again, long and hard until we’re both hard and panting into each other’s mouths.

  “Did you do as I said and skip the underwear?” I ask. Jonah smiles against my lips and nods. Dragging my mouth along his jaw until I reach his ear, I flick it with my tongue and enjoy his lustful shudder. “Unzip your pants,” I rasp the command into his ear.

  He gasps quietly, pulling back from our embrace and reaching for his zipper with trembling fingers. I hold my breath, my cock pulsing in time with my racing heart as he slowly drags the zipper down, exposing the tuft of hair and the thick base of his cock. I expect him to pull his cock all the way out, but when he stops to look at me with expectant eyes, I realize all I told him to do was unzip. Oh, this is going to be fun to get used to.

  I glance around quickly to verify we’re as alone back here as I thought we were and then back at his partially exposed erection.

  “Pull your cock out.”

  He doesn’t even look around himself, trusting me enough to simply follow the instruction without hesitation, and fuck if that isn’t the headiest feeling I’ve ever felt.

  Lifting his hips, he wiggles his pants down enough to get his hand inside and adjust the angle of his cock to pull it out. I know I should be completely blasé about the sight of him at this point in our relationship, but it never fails to rock me in the very best way. He holds it straight up with his fist around the base; the light from the screen is enough for me to see moisture gathering along his slit. It’s not enough to see much other detail, but my mind is more than capable of filling in the color and topography at this point.

  “Play with yourself, but don’t come,” I order, flicking my eyes briefly to his face to see heat and joy there, before returning to his hand on his cock.

  He strokes himself slowly. It’s the kind of stroke I’ve seen him use when he doesn’t know I’m watching, when he’s lying on the couch with his hand down the front of his pants, not really trying to get himself off, only wanting to chase the feeling of want and need, to revel in it.

  I press my hand against my own aching cock through my jeans.

  Keeping my eyes on the pretty display that’s just for me, I lean closer and nibble at the spot just behind his ear that always makes his toes curl. I’m rewarded with a quiet gasp and a stuttering of his stroke before he catches himself and keeps his hand moving. While I suck and lick at his neck, I slide one hand down his body and gen
tly grasp his balls. He gasps again as I palm him, rolling them in my palm and tugging just enough to feel their retraction as they try to draw closer to his body, to tighten and prepare for release. But I’m having far too much fun to let that happen yet, and we have a long movie ahead of us still.

  Sliding my hand up, I wrap my thumb and forefinger around the base of his cock, holding him snuggly and making what amounts to a cock ring with my grip, causing his cock to stiffen and pre-cum to leak down his shaft onto my fingers as he continues his slow strokes. His breath is coming out in ragged pants, and his muscles are tense, just waiting for me to give him permission to finish.

  “We have a long way to go, puppy,” I warn him. “I want to see just how long you can play with your bone for me.”

  Jonah makes a sound that seems to be somewhere between a laugh at my bad pun and a groan of frustration at the way I tighten my grip around his cock.

  “Lars, I… I…”

  “Ah, ah, behave,” I scold quietly, loving the way his eyes go wide, and his cock pulses in my grasp at the admonishment.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, my hand still around his cock, I pretend to watch the movie, feeling my own cock begging for release with every stroke, noting every time he slows down or speeds up and every time his breath hitches and his muscles tremble. A man with less restraint—or possibly less obedience—would’ve already come. But Jonah continues to torture himself for over half an hour until both of our hands are soaked with his pre-cum, and his balls have all but disappeared inside his body.

  I’m so fucking proud of him and turned on by the time he starts to squirm and whine.

  “I can’t, it’s too much,” he complains through gritted teeth. “Master. Lars. Please.”


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