Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1)

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Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1) Page 9

by K. M. Neuhold

  Leaning over, I wrap my lips around the head of his cock, and he shoves his fist into his mouth to stifle his cry as I swallow him down. No sooner is his cock buried in my throat do I feel the pulse of his orgasm as it washes over him. Each pump feels long and hard against my tongue, seeming to go on forever as I swallow spurt after spurt of his hot, thick seed, leaving me no doubt he’s having the orgasm of a lifetime.

  I don’t release him from my mouth until he sags back into his chair, and he shoves at my head weakly.

  “Holy mother of fuck that was intense,” he mutters when I sit up. “Whatever this shitty movie is, it’s my new favorite.”

  “Mine too,” I agree, carefully tucking his spent cock away and zipping up his pants before snuggling into his side to watch the end of the movie. My cock is still hard as nails, but it can wait. Like I said, we have forever.

  Chapter 14


  There’s nothing quite like waking up with Jonah wrapped around me after a night of love making until we both collapsed from exhaustion. When we’d gotten home from our date, we’d both been so worked up from our newfound power play fantasy, and the thrill of what we did at the movie theater, that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. It really was like we were teenagers again, getting off together over and over, unable to satisfy the lust we were sharing.

  I smile against the skin of Jonah’s shoulder before placing a kiss there and quietly wiggling out of his grasp. My ass is a little tender, reminding me of the way I’d ordered Jonah to fuck me, having him bend me over the arm of the couch and taking me roughly before I did the same to him.

  Jonah makes a sleepy noise of protest as I slip out of bed, a plan in place to start being the man he needs me to be for him. I grab his phone off the nightstand along with his watch and then I go to the dresser and pull out a pair of scrubs, along with socks and underwear. Then, I jump in the shower to get ready for the day.

  When I come out, my skin wet and towel wrapped around my waist, I’m greeted by Jonah smiling at me from bed.

  “Good morning,” he murmurs.

  “Morning, JJ.” I lean over and kiss him, deftly avoiding his hands as he tries to pull me back into bed. “Behave, pup,” I scold.

  “If you’re trying to make me less horny, talking like that is definitely not going to work,” he complains.

  “There’s no hope of making you less horny. I’m just trying to make us not late to work.”

  “Oh shit, what time is it?” he asks, sitting bolt upright and reaching for where his phone should be.

  “You have time,” I assure him calmly. When he scrunches his eyebrows up, I reach out with my index finger to smooth it back down. “The morning stresses you out, so I want to try something different. Let me worry about what time you need to leave. You just get up and shower while I make breakfast. You don’t need to look at the clock or worry about the time; trust me to let you know when we have to get out the door.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Good. Go shower while I scramble some eggs for us.”

  Jonah climbs out of bed, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me in for a hug.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything,” I promise, squeezing him tighter before releasing and swatting at his ass. “Now, get moving.”

  He yelps, and I watch with a smirk as he scurries into the bathroom before I can give him another swat.

  By the time he gets out, I have two plates with eggs and toast ready and waiting for us.

  “I can’t believe you laid out my clothes for me,” he comments.

  “Too much?”

  “No, it was sweet. It made me feel taken care of.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  Breakfast is noticeably less stressful than it usually is without Jonah worrying over possible traffic and checking the time every thirty seconds. Instead, we sip our coffee leisurely and talk about what we might want to do together on our next shared day off.

  When the alarm on my own watch goes off, I take our dishes and put them in the dishwasher and then bring Jonah his shoes to put on.

  “This was a really nice morning, thank you.” he says as we walk out to our cars.

  “Then we’ll do it this way from now on,” I assure him. “I love you, have a good day.”

  “Love you too,” he calls, shutting his door and waving at me before pulling out of the driveway.

  “So?” Seb prompts as soon as I walk through the door to the clinic.

  “So?” I parrot, my mind still back in bed with a warm, sleepy Jonah.

  Seb rolls his eyes at me and places himself directly in my path, an expectant look on his face.

  “So, what happened with your man? Is it all sorted out?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I let out a small laugh, unable to believe how dramatic I was being two days ago. Of course Jonah wasn’t cheating on me. It all seems to silly now in hindsight.

  “That’s it? I’ve been on pins and needles, and you’re not going to give me more than oh, yeah?”

  “He wasn’t cheating on me,” I offer with a shrug, trying to step around him but finding Seb directly in my path again, this time rolling his eyes.

  “No shit. What was the real problem?”

  I can feel my cheeks heating. I’ve never exactly been a prude, but I have always felt like a sex life should be private—unless, of course, voyeurism is your thing—and I can’t see a reason Seb needs to know the details of what happened between me and Jonah.

  “Jonah is interested in trying some different things, and he wasn’t sure how to tell me,” I answer as succinctly as I can manage.

  “Ooo, what kinds of things? Kinky shit? Please say threesomes,” Seb begs, dramatically making his hands into a prayer steeple and gazing toward the ceiling.

  “I’m not sure God approves of all gay ménage…or any kind of ménage, as far as I know.”

  “Psh, I was praying to Zeus, that motherfucker loves sex, he’ll totally have my back on this one.”

  “Good luck with that.” I try to step around him again, and this time he lets me, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t follow me to my office.

  “Seriously, Doc,” he says when we reach my desk, “everything’s good?”

  “Everything’s great,” I assure him.

  “Good. You two are like, my only proof that love is real. If you two ever break up, I’m going to throw in the towel on finding prince charming and really start slutting it up.”

  “I can’t even imagine what that would look like,” I mutter dryly, and Seb smirks before sticking out his tongue and then sauntering out of the office, back into the treatment area to get ready for our first appointment of the day.

  Before things get crazy, I pull out my phone and send a quick I love you text to Jonah, then I log in to my schedule for the day and start preparing.


  Dear Art,

  I told him! Ok, well, he walked in on me trying on the hood, and I kind of had to tell him. But he took it really well. We talked, and we know we have a lot of stuff to figure out since it’s all so new to both of us, but he wasn’t freaked out like I thought he’d be. We even went to the kink shop yesterday and bought a bunch of puppy stuff. I’m still a bit nervous to put everything on and see what he REALLY thinks. But overall, it’s going better than I dreamed! Thanks for your advice, and sorry, no way am I sending you pics ;) .


  One Loved Puppy

  I finish typing my email to Art on my phone just as Addie approaches me with a chart in her hand.

  “Pretty sure this guy has an STD; his wife was glaring daggers at him as he described having pain with urination,” she tells me with a stifled chuckle.

  “Sucks to be him,” I comment, taking the chart and looking at the history she took for me before making my way into the room to likely play marriage counselor as much as I’m going to be playing doctor.

  Even annoying patients with relationship problems can’t get me down today though,
because I’m still riding the high from last night and this morning. I knew I liked Lars taking control, but the way he made me feel so taken care of this morning, so completely loved takes my breath away.

  It turns out the patient has Chlamydia, and I manage to duck out of the room before his wife starts throwing things.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull out to find a reply from Art.

  Dear Puppy,

  So glad to hear that! Sometimes being caught with your pants down (literally or figuratively!) can be a great ice breaker for difficult conversations. I’m glad he took it well. I had a feeling he would based on how you described him. If you change your mind about sending me any cute pics, feel free any time ;). I love happy endings, so feel free to share any other updates too!

  Sincerely, Art

  Chapter 15


  Two weeks after we got the trainer’s number from Adrian, I finally get around to calling Vale. I was waiting for Jonah to be ready to put on all the gear, but it’s taking longer than I expected. It didn’t surprise me that he wanted a few days to let the whole thing sink in after we talked, and I appreciated the time to be able to do more research online and wrap my head around everything. But now, I’m not sure what the hold up is.

  Don’t get me wrong, the power fantasy we’ve been playing with has been fantastic, but I’m more than ready to take the next step and see what it will be like for Jonah to have some puppy time.

  I don’t want to push him, but I find myself sneaking into the second bedroom to look at the hood and other items, imagining what they’ll look like on Jonah. And I suspect he’s been doing the same.

  “Vale Garrett,” a deep, rich voice answers the phone.

  “Hi, this is Lars Williams. I got your number from Adrian…um, I don’t know his last name. He works at Kink Closet?”

  “I know Adrian,” he confirms, his voice going a bit soft around the edges. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, he said you do training for puppies and their masters?”

  “I do,” he confirms.

  “Great. See, my boyfriend told me recently that he’s into this. It’s new to both of us, and I want to make sure we do it right…that I do it right,” I confess.

  “I take it you’re the handler?”

  “Yes,” I confirm. “We’ve been together ten years, and we’ve played a little with power exchange in the past, but not much. It’s been two weeks since I found out about the puppy stuff, and we’ve been experimenting more with it, but I know I have a lot to learn still so I can be a good master to him.”

  “I can hear in your voice how much you care about him; that’s a great place to start from.”

  “So, how does this work?”

  “Let me look at my schedule and we can book you a session to come in and get the feel for things. I’ll send you a questionnaire to get an idea of both your preferences and experience. With new clients, especially new to the lifestyle, I like to have a sit down at the first session to answer questions and get comfortable with each other. Then, your pup would get changed and we get to have some fun with training. Some couples only come in once to learn some basics, others come in multiple times until they’re confident—it really depends on your comfort level.”

  “That sounds good,” I agree. “The only thing is, Jonah hasn’t exactly been comfortable putting on his pup gear yet.”

  “Tell me more about that,” Vale prompts.

  “Well, I know he put on the hood because that’s how I found out about all of this. But, once we talked about things, we went to Kink Closet to buy everything else he needed, and he just put it away when we got home and hasn’t brought it up since. I didn’t want to rush him if he’s not ready.”

  “Since I haven’t gotten to know either of you yet, I can’t say for sure but wanting to be your puppy is a submissive act. Chances are, he’s waiting for you to tell him it’s time.”

  “Oh.” Of course, that makes so much sense. How could I not have seen it? “I can’t believe I’m fucking up as his master already.”

  “You’re inexperienced, and that’s okay. That’s what I’m here for. The number one thing to remember is that your pup is looking to you to know what to do. Even when he’s not in pup mode, I’d venture to guess he’s a fairly submissive partner?”

  “Yes. We already talked about him wanting me to take more control of things in our daily lives, and I’ve done just that. I didn’t realize it extended to telling him when to be a puppy.”

  “It doesn’t for everyone, but if he’s unsure about how you feel about things, I’m sure he needs the reassurance. Let him know you want this.”

  “Thank you, that’s good advice.”

  Vale chuckles. “I’d hope so after twenty years training couples and singles getting into the lifestyle. Now, let’s get your first session scheduled, shall we?”

  We agree on the following Monday, since it’s the next day Jonah has off, and two doctors are scheduled, which means I’ll get to leave after surgeries. As soon as I hang up the phone, I have a new sense of control and determination. Getting everything out of the guest bedroom closet, I take it to our bedroom and lay it all out on the bed before calling for Jonah to come in from the living room.

  “Wha-” he starts to ask, cutting himself off when his eyes land on the bed. “What’s all this?” He fidgets, biting his lip as he looks down at all the gear.

  “I want you to be a puppy.” Is that the right way to say it? Play puppy? Do puppy stuff? I’ll have to ask Vale when we go in for our session.

  Jonah’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, his eyes betraying his nerves.

  “Are you sure?”

  “JJ,” I reach for his hand and wait for him to look at me before continuing. “I want this. It’s not going to be scary,” I promise.

  He gives a resolute nod and reaches for the red jockstrap with white bones covering the front. Using his teeth to yank the tag off, I wince.

  “Don’t do that; you’re going to break a tooth.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me and gives a playful growl, baring his teeth at me. I chuckle and shake my head.

  “How did I not see this puppy stuff sooner?” I tease.

  “I’ve been asking myself that same question for weeks,” he sighs.

  I take the underwear out of his hand and bump his chin so he stops looking at his feet and meets my eyes.

  “Maybe we weren’t ready to see it before, but we’re ready now,” I tell him confidently. “Now, strip. Puppies don’t wear clothes.”

  He grabs his shirt by the back of the collar and tugs it over his head, tossing it in the direction of the laundry hamper but letting it fall on the floor. His pants are next, followed by his boxers until he’s standing bare, his nerves obvious by the fact that his cock isn’t anywhere close to hard, which is a rarity when he’s naked.

  Uncertainty dances in his eyes as his gaze flits over each item on the bed, trying to decide where he’s supposed to start. I’m not sure I totally understand all this Master business yet, but Vale’s words are still bouncing around my mind. And I’ve been an expert in Jonah’s needs since we could walk. I know how to handle this in the way he needs, and hopefully, once we get our bearings with everything else, it won’t be so different from what he’s always needed from me.

  Dropping to my knees in front of him with his jockstrap still in my hand, I tap his left foot. With a relieved smile, he lifts the foot, and I slip the underwear on that side and then tap the other. We repeat the process, and then I drag them up his legs and into place. By the time I have it snug in place, his cock is starting to fill out the front a little more as his nervousness lessens. Next, I reach for the kneepads on the bed and put them on using the same method, first one leg, then the other.

  Getting back on my feet, I assess the items on the bed, choosing the tail next. I agree with Jonah that a fluffy tail would be better, but the plain black one we chose two weeks ago should do the trick in the meantime. May
be after we play, we can go online and find a tail he likes better.

  “Get on your hands and knees for me.”

  When he obeys, I stop and stare for a few seconds, my cock thickening against my thigh at the sight of him on all fours for me, the jockstrap framing his hot as fuck bubble butt perfectly. Once I manage to tear my gaze away, I grab the lube off the top of the nightstand and drop back to my knees behind him.

  I grab a handful of his ass in one hand, parting his cheeks to gaze down at his hole, pink and still slightly puffy from this morning’s fuck.

  “Are you too sore from this morning?”

  “No, I’m fine,” he answers breathlessly, lowering himself onto his elbows so his ass is high in the air while his face rests near the floor.

  Squirting some lube onto my fingers, I hold it a second to let it warm up before circling his hole, smearing it around, and then pushing two inside at once.

  “Ungh,” he groans, clamping around my fingers for a moment before relaxing and pushing back onto them.

  I don’t take much time stretching him since I was inside him only a few hours ago, focusing more on making sure his anxiety is ebbing and his channel is nice and slick with lube before reaching for the tail. I pull my fingers out so I can grab the lube again as well, squirting some onto the tip of the plug and then placing it at his entrance. He gives a little grunt that turns into a moan as I ease it inside.

  “How does it look?” he asks, whipping his head around once it’s in place.

  “It looks good. Try to wag it,” I suggest.

  He squirms around awkwardly, trying to find the right motion to make the tail wag, before finally getting it right and moaning again.

  “Oh, wow.”

  “Feels good?” I guess.

  “Yeah,” he agrees in a strained voice. “Really good.”

  “This should be fun, then.” I place a chaste kiss on his right butt cheek before standing up again.

  I wipe the excess lube onto the bed sheets since they need to be changed anyway after our morning fun, and then I eye the hood and the collar, trying to decide which to do next. Jonah waits patiently on the floor, his head hanging down as he takes slow, deep breaths, obviously working to keep himself from overthinking and panicking.


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