Redemption of the Fae

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by Jenee Robinson

  Redemption of the Fae

  Jenée Robinson

  Redemption of the Fae

  Book three

  Redemption of the Fae

  Copyright 2018 Jenee Robinson

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover design by: Reaper Designs

  Editing by: Michelle’s Edits

  Formatting by: Kassie Morse

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the author. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales are completely coincidental.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Also by Jenee Robinson


  About the Author

  Find Jenée Here


  Just a week ago, I was your typical girl about to celebrate her twentieth birthday. Well, if you count being a creeper killer and a runner for her faction as typical.

  My family and I were lucky to survive the first wave of the infected two years ago. We put up gates and barriers to keep them out. The only time someone was allowed out was to make a supply run. That’s what I did, I ran out in search of supplies and food. Foraging for anything that could be of use.

  On a routine run, I made a rookie mistake and was cornered by a few creepers. Then three handsome strangers showed up and helped me out. I tried to shake them, telling them I couldn’t take them home, but they followed me anyway, and that was the day my life as I knew it changed.

  My parents told me that the father that raised me wasn’t my real father, that my true father was a Fae King, and that I was a princess of the Fae Realm. I was told I had a fiancé named Evans, the asshole from my run. Come to find out, I had two other soulmates as well, Callum and Anton, the other two I tried to shake off my trail. I was told that when I met my soulmate that I would know, I would feel sparks, and when I held their hand, it was confirmed. Aside from my father whom had two soul mates— his late wife, and also my mother, I was the only other Fae with this gift.

  Thrown into this new life, we had to march forward, as an evil Fae King named Deezy was on the loose. We rushed to a Fae portal that would take us to the Fae Realm, only to find hundreds of creepers waiting there. I watched as Fae soldiers crossed through the portal to protect their realm, and Evans and I fought alongside them until the last creeper was taken out. We succeeded, that time.

  And so, into the Fae Realm we went, and as we crossed that threshold, my Fae powers kicked in with a jolt. Anton and Callum stayed behind to look after my family.

  With Evans by my side, I made the transition to Fae life. Just when I thought I was safe, and I could relax, my father threw a welcome home ball. As we left for the night, the creepers attacked. We were no longer safe anywhere. Deezy had ruined the human realm and had started on the Fae one. After the ball, I accidentally teleported Anton and Callum back into the Fae Realm, when they were supposed to be protecting my parents in the human realm. After which, I trained intensely with my powers and my sword. My father had planned for me to leave after I’d had more training, to warn the Northern Kingdom of the creepers, but a run-in with Deezy showed we were out of time, and I had to leave the next morning.

  We picked up Zach on the way. He had watched as his farm and family were destroyed by the creepers. Distraught and ready for revenge, he tagged along. My guys and I agreed to train him to fight the creepers and to avenge his family.

  As we neared the Northern Kingdom, we discovered that a horde was headed there as well. We made it there just in time to defend them, and l led the attack on the creepers, saving their kingdom. After the battle, we stayed and tried to convince the King to send support to fight the creepers and Deezy. Since I saved his only daughter from being a creeper’s afternoon snack, he agreed.

  His sons also agreed to accompany us to the Eastern Kingdom, but I decided that I needed to teleport Zach back to my kingdom to train. I couldn’t protect him if we faced another horde.

  As soon as our feet hit my home kingdom, I knew that something was not right. I ran to the front of the castle and found it had been attacked. I rushed to teleport back to my guys and company, taking them back to help me battle the horde of creepers attacking our home.

  When we had taken almost all the creepers down, I looked up just in time to see that the witch had my father. Not thinking clearly, I ran after her to save him, but I wasn’t fast enough, and she took him into the human realm. I wanted to go after her, to rescue him, but I had to protect our kingdom.

  When I arrived back, almost all the creepers were down, but so was Anton. He’d gotten distracted, and a creeper took a bite. The poison would spread, and he would change.

  I held him in my arms, and cried. As my tears landed on the wound, it started to heal, but I didn’t notice, too overcome with emotion to see what was in front of me. . . .

  Chapter One

  Still overcome with emotion, I hold Anton and cry. No one can console me, though they have tried. My heart is broken into a million pieces, this can’t be real. I just found him, and now he’s gone. I know life isn’t fair, but I don’t care, I want my Anton back.

  Callum pries me off of Anton, cradling me like only a lover can as I cry into his shoulder. He gently picks me up off of the ground and carries me to my room, setting me down in a chair before going to run me a bath. I stare silently ahead, unable to comprehend what has just happened. I hardly notice when he comes back and starts to undress me, until he gets to my bra. There’s nothing sexual in his movements, just love and concern in his eyes when I finally look into them. He lifts me again and totes me to the bathroom. Placing me in the tub, he starts to wash me, my back first, and then my hair. I know it should relax me, but I can’t seem to find it in me to do so. He dries and dresses me without a single out of place touch. Afterwards, he leads me to my bed and tucks me in.

  “Liauna, Evans is here, I’m going to shower, and I’ll be right back,” he says, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

  Evans doesn’t speak, and he’s still covered in creeper blood. He deftly pulls up a chair to the side of my bed and holds my hand, trying to give me comfort. It does little, but I appreciate it.

  I cry myself into a troubled sleep. Nightmares take over my dreams—the witch laughing, Anton being bitten—they replay over and over, I can feel my fear even in the dream state. I startle awake, covered in sweat, and hear Anton saying my name. I roll over as I’m being shaken. As soon as I see who’s shaking me, I scramble out of the bed, climbing over Callum, I use him as a shield. Trying to put some distance between this ghost and me as I scream.

  This time, Callum is the one startled awake, he just watches what’s going on. He doesn’t move and help me. This sends my mind racing. Am I crazy? Does he see Anton? Why is he is just laying there?

  “Anton, you’re dead. How are you here?” The disbelief can be heard in my voice

  “Liauna, I didn’t die, your tears healed me,” he whispers, his loving gaze staring at me.

  “Great, I’ve lost Anton and my mind,” I say, blinking my eyes a few times to make sure I’m not seeing things.

  Anton raises off the bed and takes a few steps toward me. I mimic his movements and
take two steps back. This can’t be my Anton, he died in my arms mere hours ago. This stranger in my room can’t be real.

  “Stay back.” I say, raising a hand towards him.

  “Liauna, it’s really me!” he exclaims, his face drawn in confusion.

  Callum is silent during our exchange. As he starts to speak, Evans bursts through the door.

  “I heard you scream, what’s wrong?” he worries, searching the room for an intruder.

  “Anton,” I say in disbelief.

  Evans crosses the room to me, taking my hand. “That is very much the real Anton. You healed him when your tears touched the bite, I saw it with my own eyes. The black in his veins started to retreat back to the bite. We didn’t say anything to you because we wanted to make sure he was completely healed before we got your hopes up.”

  He turns to Anton, “I told you to wait until I could talk to her. You didn’t see her break down when she thought you had died,” he grits out, the slight anger in his voice throwing everyone off.

  “I apologize to you all, I just wanted to be near her. I didn’t mean to freak her out,” he says, lowering his head in shame.

  “Anton,” I say lightly, taking a few cautious steps towards him, and as I reach out for his cheek he leans into my hand taking the comfort I’m so eager to give. “How is this possible?” I ask, tears streaking down my face.

  “I don’t understand, either, my Princess, but I’m grateful to be back at your side,” Anton replies. “If you want, I will go back to my quarters, and you say my name, and I will be right here.”

  As he turns to leave, his name rolls off my tongue in a whisper. He turns around and pulls me into a loving embrace. I relax into his cool body, and he holds me as I cry tears of joy and relief.

  When I’m all cried out, I turn to Callum.

  “You knew he was alive and didn’t say anything?”

  He reply is simply, “Group hug!” and with that I’m tackled from behind. If I wasn’t still in Anton’s arms I would’ve fallen. Even Evans joins in the hug. It is a wonderful feeling to be in the arms of all three of the men I love.

  “I want you all with me. I don’t think I’m ready to be without any of you right now.” I tell them, hoping they understand how much I mean my words.

  When we all return to the bed, I crawl into the middle, and Anton joins me on my left side. He lays flat on his back, and I hook one arm and leg over him. I have to touch him, I still can’t believe he’s real, that he’s healed and lying next to me. Evans snuggles up to my back, wrapping me in his legs and arms as well. Callum is in the big comfy chair, and a little pout can be seen on his full lips. I smile inwardly at that.

  I feel Evans’s grip loosen as he snores softly in my ear. I’ll never take that sound for granted ever again. Anton’s eyes are closed, but I’m unsure if he’s asleep. As if he can read my thoughts, a smile crosses his face.

  God, can he be any more handsome?

  I run my hands over his chest, lightly making hearts and letters, until his breaths even out and I know he’s under. Once he’s sleeping, I watch the rise and fall of his chest. I’m so grateful that he’s here with me, safe and unharmed, but guilt starts to consume me. That hag has my father, and I don’t know what evil she has planned for him.

  Since I can’t sleep, I might as well do something useful to fill my time. Hating to leave, I slide out of Evans’s arms and legs as gently as I can, then scoot off the end of the bed. My bare feet make a little slapping sound as I land. I hear a snicker and see that Callum has one eye open and on me.

  I tiptoe over to him, “Well since your ass is awake, get up and get ready to train.” I smirk, silently laughing when his face falls.

  He frowns at me but follows my request. He heads off to his chambers to get dressed, and I do the same, making my way to the closet. I quickly change into my training clothes: a simple blue tunic and brown leggings. I find my blue sneakers, so comfy and my favorite pair, in the corner of the closet. I grab a pair of plain white socks, and tiptoe out of the closet. I barely reach the door when I hear my name.

  “Liauna?” Evans says sleepily.

  I rush over and whisper, “Go back to sleep, I’m going to train with Callum.” I kiss him on the cheek, and his eyes are slide closed again as I walk to the door.

  Chapter Two

  As I twist the handle, it swings towards me slowly, revealing Callum standing there on the other side with an ornery grin on his beautifully tanned face. He’s only wearing jeans and some sneakers, and as my body starts to heat up at the sight of him, I almost fan myself. His torso is a testament to his strength, and I can’t keep my eyes from roaming over the hard planes of his body, devouring every inch of him as they drop to the dip in the front of his low-slung jeans. My breath catches as I notice how well those jeans fit him, and I place my hand over my drumming heart when I flick my eyes back up and meet his stare, those almost glowing amber eyes seeming as if they can see right through me.

  “Are you alright, Princess?” he asks with a grin filling his face.

  “Fine,” I squeak, sighing inwardly at how uncontrolled my voice sounds.

  As he chuckles he holds out his left hand, and I intertwine my right hand in his, letting him lead me to the courtyard. The lanterns are still lit, and the sky is starting to lighten as a new day dawns. One where I still have Anton, but my father is missing.

  Waiting for us and ready to train, are Kalli and Zach. They are both dressed in a simple tunic and tights, great for movement.

  A wicked smile spreads across my face. They have no idea what fresh hell awaits them. Callum doesn’t show mercy for me, so I know he will train them the same.

  I look around the courtyard. It isn’t abuzz with Fae like usual. This time I really look at my surroundings. It is a square, with blue and white flowers acting like a border, climbing the wall and hiding the brick behind it. A giant oak is located close to where we entered the courtyard, its branches reach for the sky, casting huge bursts of shade over the grass. The weapons are located on a post near at the other exit. It really is beautiful, I hate myself for not stopping to appreciate it before now.

  Noticing I’ve been lost in the beauty of my surroundings, I realize everyone is staring at me. I put being self-conscious aside and playfully punch Callum.

  “So, Master Trainer, what’s the plan for the day?”

  He looks at me with a toothy grin and winks, “Your favorite, Love, cardio. Lots and lots of cardio.” The sardonic grin doesn’t go unnoticed, and I almost want to punch him for real after he says those words.

  “Fuck, do you hate me, Callum? You can just tell me, you don’t have to torture me,” I all but cry out.

  That gets laughs from everyone but me.

  They think I’m joking, I might need more cardio, but it’s gonna kill me.

  “First, let’s start with a light jog. Follow me, everyone!” he yells, already taking off ahead of us, leading the way.

  We stick close to the kingdom. With the attack yesterday, there’s a lot of work to be done. The piles of creepers are still smoldering, the smell disgusting. Seeing that, I get a flashback of Anton being bitten, and I lose my footing, landing on my face. Such a graceful princess, I am. A few Fae rush over as I’m dusting myself off, trying to help me up. I wave them away.

  “I’m fine, thank you for checking on me. I’m sorry, but I need to get back to my jog,” I say, rushing to catch up.

  Callum and the others didn’t seem to notice my little accident, and they’re now a good ways ahead of me. I struggle to gain the lost ground, pushing harder than I ever have before, and I can feel a stitch starting to form in my side. I force myself to carry on, but my stride is starting to slow as the stabbing pain in my side grows. I grip my side, trying to match my breaths to my steps, but I think I’m going to die, until we arrive back at the courtyard.

  All eyes are on me as I’m the last to arrive, I do a little wave and collapse under the oak tree. I raise an eyebrow at Callum as he bri
ngs me a drink and a cinnamon roll.

  “What? Carbs are good for exercise,” Callum replies with a big grin. “We’re gonna start some new techniques today, hurry that cute ass of yours up. You may be the princess, but right now, I’m in charge.”

  I stick my tongue out at him, then devour my cinnamon roll in four bites, washing it down with my water. I take a moment to relax, inhaling deeply with my eyes closed as I center my thoughts.

  You’ve got this, Liauna. You promised Evans you’d kick his ass.

  With a smile on my face, I’m about to stand when I see a hand outstretched. I look up to see Anton and his damn green eyes peering down at me as the sun glistens off his brown hair throwing an almost red tint to it. I take his hand, sparks start at my fingertips and travel along my body as we touch. Standing, he asks, “What are you thinking about, Princess?”

  “Just kicking Evans’s ass, that would make anyone smile right?” I joke, trying to make light of the situation.

  “You’re not wrong,” he shrugs, the mirth in his eyes comforting to me.

  Still holding his hand, we walk to join the others, Evans and Anton have joined them

  “Okay, Zen Master, what are we learning today?” I inquire, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “We’re doing more kicks. Evans, come stand in front of Liauna. You get to play dummy for her,” Callum laughs, obviously loving that he has the power to make this happen.

  Evans glares at Callum as he comes and stands in front of me. Callum steps up beside me and shows me what he calls a crescent kick, telling me to aim for the head.


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