Redemption of the Fae

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Redemption of the Fae Page 2

by Jenee Robinson

I mimic his movements, and I would’ve landed a blow on Evans’ cheek, but he blocked it with his arm.

  “Spoilsport,” I pout, sticking my bottom lip out at Evans. He kisses me on my nose.

  “What, do you think I’m gonna let you mess up this beautiful face of mine?” he grins, shaking his head and ‘tsk-ing’ me.

  Callum slaps me on the butt and whispers in my ear, “Get back to work.”

  With a grin on my face, I get back into position and kick out with my right foot. Blocked. I line up again and at the last second, switch and kick with my left. Catching Evans off guard, I land a blow on his beautiful cheek. Dazed for a second, he looks at me in disbelief.

  “What? I told you that I would kick your ass one day. If you’re expecting it, how will it ever happen?” I ask, shrugging my shoulders dismissively, secretly proud that I was able to land that.

  “Kiss it,” he sulks, a frown on his beautiful face. I can’t help but roll my eyes and shake my head at his antics.

  “Now, now, Evans, if I start that, you’ll expect me to kiss every place I land a kick or punch.”

  “Damn straight!” he chides and purses his lips, pushing his point harder.

  “Well, I’ll remember that the next time you knock me on my ass.” I quip back with a mock glare aimed at him.

  After a few more tries, I still haven’t hit anything other than a block. Next, Callum shows us a kick he calls an axe kick, you want to land it on the collarbone; the result would be a break. I get sidetracked watching him, and I have to ask him to show me again, this time paying attention.

  I need to ask him where he learned all these moves.

  I practice a few times by myself before I make Evans my target. I stop and watch as Zach practices with Callum, and Kalli with Anton. I’m grateful that I can learn with them by my side.

  Continuing with my training, I align my legs just as Callum showed me, and start practicing with my dummy: Evans. This time I don’t land any surprise blows. I have his full attention, and he’s not cutting me any slack.

  A few more rounds, and Callum has us run through all of the kicks and punches he’s taught us so far. Once we’ve completed a few sets of each move, I’m tired, sore, and sweaty and a soak in the tub sounds like heaven.

  Callum dismisses us, and I head back to my chambers to freshen up. I barely have time to wipe the majority of the sweat off with a wet rag before I hear a knock at my door.

  “Give me a minute,” I call out.

  I run in the closet and grab the first dress I see which is a scarlet red A-line sundress. I hear the creak of my door just as I slide it over my head. Hurrying to get it on, I see Evans walking into my closet.

  “Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack. I think I need a lock on my door, just so I can change in peace.” I huff out, my hand over my heart as I catch my breath.

  “What? Am I not welcome?” Evans asks with a shocked look on his face.

  “You’re always welcome, but if I say give me a minute, please do as I ask.” I tell him pleadingly.

  “As you wish, my princess. I just came for that kiss you owe me,” he says seductively, as he wraps me in his arms.

  “Oh, does big, bad Evans have an ouchy?” I inquire, as I flirtatiously bat my lashes, and I slide in closer to him. My soft, warm lips press against his skin, trailing kisses as I work my way up to the cheek I hit, leaving goosebumps in my wake.

  “All better?” I giggle a bit. “Can you zip me up?”

  With a wide grin, he reaches for my waist, pulling me closer and zips me up without looking as he replies, “Almost, you’d better do the same to the other side just to be sure.”

  I obey, once again trailing kisses, but slightly lick and suck at the skin of his collarbone. He inhales deeply, as if it’s unexpected. When I reach his cheek, my lips linger there for a second more. Once I pull back, I see a satisfied look on his face and a fire burning in his eyes.

  A cough sounds from behind us, and I peer around Evans to see that Anton and Callum are both standing there awkwardly, watching our exchange. Anton looks a little turned on, and Callum’s face reads ‘uncomfortable.’

  “Sign me up to be your punching bag if that’s the treatment they get, Anton offers.

  “Be careful what you wish for.” I wink.

  “Lunch is ready, the council will be joining us, too. We have a lot to discuss as well as plan.” Evans tells us both.

  “Yes, I’d like to talk to Kalli for a moment before I head into the dining hall. I want a few moments to talk to her alone.”

  “As you wish, my love.” Evans says, giving me a gentle bow before leaving with Anton.

  As I wait for Kalli to arrive, I take in this gorgeous room. I still can’t believe all of this is mine. I step towards the bed, taking the sheet in my hand, I rub the fibers with my fingers.

  OMG so soft. I don’t want to leave this.

  Lost in my thoughts, I don’t hear the door open. A tap on my shoulder startles me. Jumping a little, I hear a chuckle behind me.

  Upon turning, I see Kalli. “Thanks for the mini heart-attack,” I say as I raise my hand over my fast-beating heart.

  “You wanted to see me, Princess?”

  “Yes, Kalli, I do. We’re about to have lunch with the council. They will try to convince me to stay here and rule, or to leave them in charge. I want you to take my place and rule. Can you do this for me? I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need someone I trust to protect my people,” I plead with her. There is no surprise on Kalli’s face, only a hint at a smile on her lips.

  “If it is your will, Princess, I will do it for you,” Kalli simply replies.

  “Kalli, just because I’m your princess doesn’t mean you have to agree.”

  “Yes, I do, but I have also served your father long enough that I know what he would want. I will make the best decisions for the kingdom and the people. Even when it’s not the easy answer,” Kalli replies eagerly.

  “Thank you, my friend, I knew I could count on you.” I smile from ear to ear. “You don’t know how much weight you have lifted off of my shoulders.

  I step towards her and embrace her for the first time. I know in my heart that she is the best to lead, and I’m glad I didn’t have to beg.

  Ending the awkward hug, I say, “Okay, let’s get to lunch, I’m starving.”

  We link our arms together and head to the dining hall.

  Chapter Three

  Amazement fills my eyes as I notice for the first time that the stone blocks the castle is built with have little specks of glitter in them. How did I not notice this before? I remind myself that I need to slow down and enjoy the details in life.

  The guards open the door as we approach, and as we enter the hall, everyone stands. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I hate being the center of attention, and I’m not used to this princess business. I need to work on my self-confidence. I am a Princess, I will not let attention fluster me anymore. I straighten my back and walk proudly before everyone, letting them see I am a strong and able woman.

  I walk towards my normal seat at the table, where Evans takes my hand and leads me to my father’s chair. It’s the most ornate chair in the dining hall. The edges are wooden roses with a plush sapphire cushion on its back and seat. A lot of care went into the carving of the roses. Tracing my finger over the one that sits on the top left, I speak.

  “I’m sorry, but I cannot and will not sit in my father’s chair. He will be returned to our kingdom to take his rightful place. I don’t want to insult any traditions or hurt feelings, but I cannot sit here,” I say with a strength that comforts me. I know in my heart, he will return.

  Evans pulls out my chair that sits to the left of my father’s, and I take my seat as he scoots my chair toward the table. I can see a few of the council members start to argue, but Evans silences them with his glare. Oh, I can imagine the looks on their faces when I tell them that they’re not in charge, that Kalli will rule in my stead. I can imagine shock, horror, or disappo
intment as a few looks I might get.

  As soon as the food is placed in front of me, I start piling it in. I shovel food in my mouth so fast it’s as if I haven’t eaten for days. Once I take a breath and look up, I notice all eyes are on me. I blot my mouth with my napkin and resume eating, just less like an animal. There isn’t much conversation going on. So much has happened so fast that I think we’re all still trying to adjust and deal with it all.

  Once the plates are cleared, lunch is over, and the council members are the first to exit the table.

  “Council members, will you join me in the throne room? We have much to discuss,” I ask with strength in my tone, but on the inside, the thought of telling them they won't be in charge, is secretly filling me with glee.

  “It would be our pleasure, Princess,” the oldest one replies, speaking for them all.

  I wipe my face and hands, then stand and walk for the throne room. It isn't a long walk, and Evans is at my side the entire time, so close that our hands graze each other’s. His touch calms my nerves. It is time to tell them my plan. I just hope that my father approves of my decisions. I don’t have time to second guess myself, so I shake off those thoughts and continue on.

  Once we’re in the throne room, I ascend the steps and take a deep breath as I walk towards my throne, I take my seat, and Evans takes his post, slightly behind me.

  “Members of the council, we have a list of things to discuss.” I won’t give them a chance to interrupt, so I try to get everything out rapidly before they try. “Firstly, I will go after the witch that has my father. Secondly, I will not leave the kingdom in your hands. I have already asked someone to rule in my place. Kalli, please come up here and stand next to your brother?” I ask her, with a smile, gesturing to where she needs to be.

  Kalli walks from behind the council and stands just in front of her brother.

  “Council, Kalli will rule until I locate my father and bring him back. You are to advise her, but in the end, it is her decision. Is that understood?” I ask with a raised brow, daring them to argue or test my rule.

  They nod their heads in agreement, but I see a mix of shock and disappointment on their faces. I roll my eyes and smile on the inside, knowing I’ve made the right choice.

  “We need to find a way to better defend our people as well as a plan to protect them from creeper’s bites and scratches. Anyone have any ideas?”

  Callum has been silent, standing in the back with Anton up until I asked this question. His eyes light up as he steps forward.

  “I would like to see if we can make some kind of elixir from your tears. There has to be a way to make it portable, like maybe wear a vial on a necklace. Get bit? Take the stopper out and drink it,” he says awkwardly, a little pitch change making his voice a little squeaky.

  “That’s a great idea, Callum. Princess, you will have to go see the Kingdom’s alchemist. I’m sure she can figure something out. Jaime is a very smart and accomplished individual. I really like the portable elixir idea. That will help the people feel more secure and safe in these unsure times,” Councilman Basil says.

  “Yes, can you have a guard take me to meet Jaime? Kalli, will you and the guys talk with the council about the best way to defend our people?” I ask, rising from my throne.

  Evans walks up to me, kissing my cheek then gives a simple reply. “Of course.” He retrieves a guard that’s stationed at the door to lead me.

  Quietly and quickly, I descend the stairs, and the council members give a little bow as I pass. Callum and Anton both kiss my cheek as I stop next to them for a moment.

  Chapter Four

  In silence, I continue to follow the guard who has taken me to a wing of the castle that’s underground. We descend staircase after staircase, and I'm starting to get dizzy. The stairs follow a tight spiral, floor after floor. Anticipation fills me, I don’t know what to expect, I have no idea what this Fae will be like. The farther we go down, the more dark and damp it becomes, turning into a almost basement-like environment.

  Finally after what feels like ten minutes on the stairs, uncounted number of flights, I can see light coming out from the cracks of the door as we near it.

  The guard stops and knocks, and after a minute, the door swings inward, revealing a beautiful Fae with hair the colors of strung gold and autumn leaves. It hangs slightly past her shoulders, and is the perfect frame for her brilliant blue eyes.

  Damn, I have yet to see an unattractive Fae. Feeling a little self-conscious and silly, I step into her laboratory. The guard nods and closes the door behind me. My eyes wander all over the workshop. It really looks like one of the labs you see in the movies. Vials and bottles fill almost all of the tables, and the ones that don’t have them are littered with papers.

  “I’m sorry, Princess, if I would’ve known you were coming to visit, I would’ve picked up my workspace,” Jaime says, already trying to pick up some of the mess.

  “Oh, Jaime, do not bother yourself with tidying up, I am here on urgent business. I am in need of an elixir, one that will protect the Fae or humans from a creeper scratch or bite. I was told you were the Fae for the job,” I say hopefully.

  “Yes, I would have the resources, but I don’t know where to start, Princess. I would need something that can cure a bite already. I have no answer for that.” The sad look she has almost makes me crack a smile. I can hardly contain the glee as I say my next words.

  “My tears, they cured Anton.”

  “Tears can’t be the only answer, princess. I have seen others cry on the wounds of their loved ones, and nothing. What would make your tears any different?”

  “I am a half-fae princess with the powers of water, fire, and air. I also have teleportation powers. Other than that, I’m just a typical girl.”

  Jaime eyes me and raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound typical. I have never heard of a Fae with so many powers, let alone magic tears. I have read that the tears of a virgin had healing properties. So, I need to ask Princess, are you a virgin?”

  “Yes.” I say with confidence, but also a little shyly, grateful the guard waited outside. “I was raised to wait till marriage to give myself to someone completely.”

  “Okay, Princess, I will need some of your tears and some of Anton’s blood. For research on how to best make an elixir.”

  “Well, I can’t cry on cue, give me a few minutes to myself, and I’ll see if I can muster some up for you.”

  I step away from Jaime, taking a moment to myself. I try to remember sad things, things that may make the tears flow. I think back to that first run when we lost so many, leaving my parents, losing my dad to that horrible witch, and finally Anton dying in my arms. With his image in my mind, tears start to flow.

  “Jaime, quickly grab a vial or two and see if you can get some of these tears. I do not know how many I will cry.”

  She runs over, with a vial in each hand, trying to get them as they drip.

  Almost slapping myself on the forehead, I realize tears are a form of water, I should be able to control them. I will them to fill the vials in her hands as well as some empty ones on table.

  Slack-jawed, Jaime stares unbelievingly.

  “Good thinking, Princess.”

  “If you are in need of more, please let me know before we journey out to find my father. I would like a few necklaces to take home with me if we travel that far. I will also bring Anton down for testing. Thank you for you help Jaime.”

  I bid her goodbye. Just as Kalli hits the landing, she looks at me with a eyebrow raised.

  “Fuck, stairs.”

  Kalli just laughs at me and heads toward them. “Princess, you keep saying you need more cardio in your daily routine. Here you go. What’s better than stairs?”

  “So, I can’t just teleport back up?” I smile weakly.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she starts up the stairs again.

  Kalli’s right, I need to suck it up and take the stairs. It’s just so much easier to go down than up.
r />   I decided to do jogging intervals, so I jog 8 stairs and walk 4. Counting the stairs and concentrating on not falling on my face, I’m at the top before I realize it. It still sucked, but I’m proud of myself for not complaining the whole way. I need to find Anton and take him to Jaime, now. The sooner she can start an elixir, the faster I can find my father, and, hopefully, stop this curse. Redemption will be mine.

  Lost in my own thoughts, I run into Anton. Just like the first time, I fall on my ass.

  Looking up at him, I say, “Oh, I was coming to find you.”

  Extending a hand, he helps me up. “Were you, my princess?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “I just met with the alchemist, and she believes that she will be able to make an elixir. She would like a sample of your blood, since you’re the first known case cured from a bite.”

  “Does she have a theory of why your tears healed me?”

  “She has some ideas. Let’s head down there, I want to get these stairs over with.”

  Hoping he doesn’t ask about the ideas, I walk off to where I just came from. I quicken my pace and jog down the stairs. In a blur, Anton runs past me.

  “Asshole,” I whisper.

  I can hear him laughing on the landing.

  He is waiting for me as I finally make it down the last step, arms crossed, and with a grin on his face. “Took you long enough.”

  Sticking my tongue out, I push past him and right to Jaime’s door.

  Knocking, I say, “Jaime, I brought you a half-human pin cushion.”

  I hear laughing on the other side of the door as it opens.

  “Pin cushion is a strange name. Welcome, I’m Jaime.”

  Anton raises his hand to shake hers, and she just grabs it and pulls him into her lab.

  He has a ‘help me’ look as he disappears inside the door.

  I blow him a kiss and close the door. I ascend the stairs just as I did minutes before. Once I hit the top, I am proud of myself for not taking the easy way out.

  I decide to stop at the kitchens for a cinnamon roll to satisfy my sweet tooth. I love that the staff is so nice, I don’t even have to ask. They know my sweet tooth and hand me a cinnamon roll wrapped in a napkin. I thank them as I leave, enjoying each bite as I walk to my room. Next I plan to soak in my tub while reading some of my book, I will skip dinner and head to bed. I has been a long day.


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