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Redemption of the Fae

Page 8

by Jenee Robinson

  “Callum, isn’t this relaxing?” I ask.

  “I think a nice run through the forest in the moonlight is relaxing. Maybe once this is all done we can do that,” Callum replies.

  “As fun as that sounds, only one of us can see in the dark. My luck, I’d run into a tree and knock myself out,” I tell him.

  “I’d only laugh a little, then I’d help you up.” Callum laughs.

  “Geez, my knight in shining armor,” I reply. “Okay, as fun as this is, we better get back. I need to check in with my father.”

  “Fine, buzz kill. We can go back.”

  “Oh, trust me, I would much rather stay here with you. We have the witch taken care of, but Deezy is still out there,” I remind him.

  “Yes, I know you’re right. It was just nice to relax for a minute or two. I swim to the shore and will my air magic to dry me so I can dress.

  “Will you dry me, too?” Callum asks.

  I put my hand on my chin and look like I’m pondering his question. He stands there and a little shiver runs through him.

  “Yes, of course.” I laugh. I urge my air magic to swirl around him and dry him.

  He kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you, now I’ll race you back to the palace. No teleporting!” he calls as he runs off.

  “Assbutt, you could’ve given me a head start.” I yell at his back as I start my jog back.

  As I enter my bedroom, Callum is lounging on my bed.

  “What took you so long?” he jokes.

  I don’t answer him. I throw my sweaty shirt at him and continue on to the shower. After I pick out the dress I’m gonna wear, I dry off and dress. A quick brush through my hair, and I add the tiara.

  Callum is still on the bed when I exit the closet.

  “Are you going to dress for breakfast?” I ask him.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow.

  “I think it’s more the lack of what you are wearing. I don’t mind it one bit, my father may,” I retort.

  “Fine, I’ll meet you in the dining hall,” he replies.

  The halls are abuzz with Fae. Everyone is chattering and smiling. I guess the morale is up now that my father has been returned.

  The doors to the dining hall are opened by new Fae guards, making me wonder if his old ones were killed in the attack.

  Everyone at the table rises when I enter. My father’s face is wide with a smile. “There you are daughter, I was beginning to worry,” he says as he pulls out my chair beside his.

  “Sorry, Father. Callum and I got a cardio workout in this morning. We jogged to the waterfall and back,” I tell him.

  “Well, that sounds tiring,” he states. “Let us enjoy breakfast.”

  Grabbing a cinnamon roll, I start to dig in when a Fae warrior busts through the dining hall doors.

  She is breathing hard, she is the same Fae I met when I teleported home for the first time.

  Forgetting my breakfast, I race to her side.

  “What’s happened? Who’s hurt?” I ask.

  “Deezy, he is leading a horde of creepers for the faction. He is only a couple days away. I ran all the way here as soon as I could,” she says.

  “Thank you. What were you doing so far from the faction?” I ask.

  “It had been really quiet on the run, so we decided to scout a little farther and it’s a good thing we did,” she replies.

  “Yes, I agree. Father, we must rally the troops. I can teleport to the north and east kingdoms. I hope the Northern King’s sons talked with the Eastern Queen. With all that’s happened, we never made it south. I can also teleport to the wolf pack and see if they are willing. What do you say Father?” I look to him for answers.

  “Sounds like you’re on top of it, daughter. Ready yourself and your men. Leave at once. I will get our troops ready to head to your human home right away.” He hugs me and pushes me towards the door.

  “Take care, Father. I will see you at home,” I say as I exit. Anton, Evans, and Callum are on my heels.

  I walk directly to my closet and change into my human-realm clothing: my jeans and my camo tank-top, and also my boots. I strap my sword on my hip, and I’m ready to leave.

  My men are dressed and ready for battle. They simply nod, and I step into their arms. Taking a deep breath, I blink, and we are in the Northern Kingdom.

  We arrive at the gates, and the guards welcome us.

  “Welcome to the Northern Kingdom. What can we help you with?” the guard on the left side of the gate asks.

  “Thank you,” I reply. “I am Liauna of the Western Fae, I am here to see King Metis. It is urgent.”

  The guard on the left nods to the other, and he takes off running, then he opens the gates for us.

  “Princess, please come in and follow me. Lev ran ahead to inform the royal family you are here. He will gather them all in the throne room.”

  “Thank you, that will be helpful,” I say.

  We walk the rest of the way in silence. Two guards open the doors to the throne room, just like the Fae do in my father’s kingdom.

  As we enter, Ender and Eli stand, and Cait runs over and throws her arms around me. After she ends the awkward hug, she leads me close to the throne. Her father nods a hello.

  “I’m sorry to intrude unannounced. Deezy is nearing my home in the human realm. Please King Metis, can you help me defend my family and my home?” I plead.

  Eli steps closer and speaks, “I will. You defended our kingdom without knowing us, and you saved my sister’s life.”

  “Thank you, Eli.”

  King Metis stands, “What do you need from us?”

  “Any soldiers you have that can fight the creepers. I can teleport them to my home. I need to go meet the Eastern Queen and see if she will send aid as well.”

  “Of course, Princess, Lev, please gather the soldiers. Ender will accompany you to the Eastern Kingdom. He and the Queen are on good terms.” Metis chuckles.

  “Thank you so much. How long till they will be ready?” I ask.

  “Ender, gather your stuff. The soldiers will be here any moment. Cait, please run to the kitchens and tell them to gather food for our soldiers. Eli, please make sure the tents have been packed,” the King orders.

  With that Cait and Eli exit the room, just as the soldiers start to enter.

  I turn to the king and ask, “King Metis, do I have your permission to teleport these soldiers inside your castle walls?”

  “Yes, but all I ask is you teleport me first,” he says.

  I’m taken aback, that was not what I was expecting him to say.

  “As you wish.” I say and turn to Anton. “Will you teleport with me and the King? Then show him around and introduce him to my parents?”

  “I would be honored,” Anton replies and wraps his arms around me.

  “King Metis, if you please, wrap your arms around me and Anton, and we will be off,” I tell him.

  He does just that, and I take a deep breath. In a blink we are in the human realm–my first home.

  I bid the King goodbye. Then I kiss Anton and whisper, “Be careful.”

  Before he can reply, I’m back in the Northern Realm.

  My heart aches. I hate leaving him there, but I know it was needed. Then I start teleporting eight to ten soldiers at a time.

  Ender steps up to me, “I know you’re worn out, but we must make our way to the Eastern Kingdom. Queen Kylie is just and fair, I believe she will help our cause.”

  Evan and Callum wrap their arms around me, and then I feel another pair do the same. Knowing it’s Ender, I teleport us to the Eastern Kingdom.

  We still have a little bit of a walk ahead of us, and I’ve never been to the Eastern Kingdom. I was just about there when I teleported Zach home to find my kingdom in chaos and under attack.

  I see Callum and Evans pull out their rings and place them on their ring fingers. Sighing, I realize I left mine in the castle. What a stupid thing to forget.

bsp; Evans sees the distress written on my face and smiles.

  “Do not worry my love, I packed yours as well. I knew we may need them, and it wouldn’t be on the top of your list. Only because you are worried about your home.”

  He then motions for my hand and slips the ring onto my finger.

  I lift my left hand to his cheek and caress the smooth skin, “Thank you, Evans. That was very thoughtful of you.”

  The gates of the Eastern Kingdom are finally in view. The gray stones seem to touch the clouds, but have the medieval castle vibe just the same.

  The closer we get to the gates, the more guards I see in a single line in front of them.

  Ender closes ranks with me and then takes the lead. Evans is about to say something to him, but I stop him.

  “Ender is our best chance to talk to the queen. We are strangers, but they know him here. Pray luck is on our side, and she will see us. Especially since we have a friend of hers in tow,” I tell him.

  “You are right, Princess,” is all he replies.

  The guard in the middle of the line walks a few paces towards us. Ender holds up a hand for us to stop. So, we do just that.

  “Ender, it is nice to see you. Where is your brother? It is not often we see you two apart,” the guard questions.

  “Hello, C.A., I am here on behalf of my father and the Western Kingdom. We need an audience with the queen right away,” Ender replies.

  “Let me take you to her. If you are here it must be pressing,” he says as he turns.

  One nod from him, and the guards move aside, all but the two that open the doors for us.

  We are led in silence, straight to the throne room. The Queen stands as we enter. She is dressed in a formal ball gown, her long brown hair is in loose curls, and her chocolate eyes bore into us.

  “What is the meaning of this?” she demands.

  Ender steps forward and kneels on one knee. “I am sorry for this intrusion, Queen Kylie. Deezy is about to attack a small group of human survivors, and we have come to you for aid in this matter. I am accompanied by Princess Liauna, daughter of King Roman. Her mother and family are the survivors. My father and brother are already in the human realm. They are setting up camp for the Fae and working on a strategy to stop Deezy.”

  “And why should I care if Deezy wipes out some humans? How does this affect me and my people?” she asks looking at me.

  Following suit, I mimic Ender’s motions, but I don’t stay kneeling.

  “With all due respect, my family is just the first stop. Deezy will attack all the survivors until he controls the world. He will not stop when he has the human realm, he will come back to the Fae Realm. He will attack when it is least expected, and he will win if we are divided.”

  “I hear what you are saying, Princess. I will talk with my captain again and see how many soldiers we can spare,” she replies.

  “Thank you, I am grateful for any help,” I reply.

  She exits, and we are left in the throne room. I walk back over to Evans and Callum.

  “Good job, Princess. You spoke with respect and authority. The perfect balance,” Evans tells me.

  “Thank you, I was hoping it wasn’t too over the top. Next we need to go back to the pack and see if any of them will be willing to fight with us, too,” I tell them.

  “Yes, I agree. If we can’t stop Deezy, they won’t be safe, either. So, either they fight with us now, or they fight unaided later,” Callum replies.

  Just as he stops talking, the queen returns with a lot of soldiers following her.

  “Here are the soldiers, and I can send more when they return from training. It will be a few hours before they will be ready to leave,” the Queen states.

  “If I have your permission, I will teleport them from here,” I reply.

  “I have no issue with that at all. You’re welcome to get started when you are ready,” she tells me.

  I raise my voice, so all the Fae in the room can hear me.

  “I will start teleporting you ten at a time to the human realm. King Metis and Eli are already there, please find them and help with whatever they see fit. So, for me to be able to teleport you, it works best if it’s a big group hug. Can you all handle that?” I ask.

  One loud “Yes,” and we are ready. Callum counts ten and sends them to me, I drop them at my home and return. This goes on until we are left in the throne room with the Queen. Ender hitched a ride with the last group.

  “Thank you, Queen Kylie. I don’t know how to repay your generosity,” I say.

  “You stop Deezy, and we are even,” she states.

  “Thank you again, we have one more place to stop before we join the fight,” I reply and turn to Callum and Evans. “If you two are ready, let’s go see the pack.”

  Evans and Callum kneel and say goodbye to the Queen. They wrap their arms around me at the same time, and we are gone.

  Opening my eyes, I see the familiar gates from our first visit. Showing up unannounced, we were a few feet from the gates.

  Jaylin and some of the pack males are walking to greet us. As we get close, Jaylin speaks first.

  “Is it time?” she asks.

  “Yes, Deezy is on the move. If any of your pack is willing to help me protect my home, I can teleport them. To give them time to set up camp,” I reply.

  “Yes, we will help you fight. Our Priestess, Jessica, would like to join us as well. We have supplies already gathered and ready, so when you called we were ready. We want the man that cursed our home, to pay for this plague,” she says and nods to her males, and they jog back through the gates.

  “Follow me, Jessica said to bring you to her when you arrived,” Jaylin says and starts back to the gates.

  The little community is abuzz with activity as the fighters ready and say their goodbyes.

  The Priestess is waiting on her little porch, and when she sees us she disappears back inside, leaving her front door open for us to enter.

  “It’s about time you came back. I expected you sooner,” she complains.

  “We had a couple events that prevented us from visiting. We did stop the witch and rescue my father. Thank you for the potion and the location. If it weren’t for your help, I’m not sure if we would have succeeded.”

  “I am glad that my skills are still useful,” she replies, pushing her red hair behind her ear.

  I hadn’t noticed the sprinkles of freckles that cover her nose and cheeks. She is no longer the aged beauty she was when we met. Her wrinkles are gone, and now there is a twinkle in her jade green eyes.

  “Thank you, Liauna. I am free to be me again. This is my true self. I am a witch that Hela hunted. She wished to take my powers and increase hers. I can not thank you enough for freeing me. It was a curse of my own, hiding like a trapped rat. Jaylin and the pack took me in no questions asked. They do know I am a witch not a priestess. In exchange for a safe haven, I have helped with potions and medicines. If you will allow me, I would like to travel with you to your home and help in any way that I can.”

  My mind is blown, how could this be real. Why didn’t she trust us enough to tell us before? So many unanswered questions, but I don’t have the time to dwell on it. I have a pack to teleport to my home. Once they are settled, I have to pop back to my father and grab more cure necklaces from Jaime.

  All this teleporting has been wearing on me. I have never teleported so many people or so many times in one day or ever.

  “You are welcome to join the fight, I can not guarantee your safety. If you come along, you will join the fight or help the wounded. Sorry, but we don’t need any dead weight,” I proclaim.

  “I will fight. The wounded are goners. I will be no help for them,” she retorts.

  A smile fills my face, “Oh, right, you don’t know. We have a cure,” I say and turn and walk out.

  I don’t know if we can trust her, but we can use all the fighters we can get. I don’t know how many creepers are in this coming horde.

  Callum and Ev
ans are mumbling behind me, as we walk back up to Jaylin. She is standing in the shade of an overgrown tree.

  She can see the distress on my face, but I just hold up a hand, stopping her before she speaks.

  “I understand why you didn’t tell us, but we will have to rebuild that trust. I think you did what was best for you and your pack. I would do the same for my people. Are your people ready? We need to get to my home soon, so we can set up camp before dark,” I tell her.

  “Yes, Princess. We are ready. Follow me,” she replies.

  Still hurt with their distrust, we head back to the front of the camp. I see a huge crowd of shifters waiting for us.

  I go through the same spiel I did to the Eastern Fae, and the teleporting starts. The last four I take are my two guys, Jaylin, and Jessica.

  Once we are in the human realm, my legs wobble a little under me. Evans wraps his arm around my waist to mask my unstable legs. I look at him, and he just winks.

  My parents and Rae run to where we appeared and tackle me with a group hug. I’m thankful for Evans’s strong arms, I would’ve fallen to the floor without them.

  They release their hold on me and are all smiles.

  “Thank goodness, we have so many people here, Dad’s head is about to explode!” Rae exclaims.

  “Tell him not to worry, that is the last of them. I need to jump back to the Fae Realm, grab more cure necklaces from Jaime. Would you show Jessica and Jaylin to the camp, Rae?” I ask.

  “Of course, come find me when you come back,” she says as she walks away leading them.

  Evans eyes me with concern and raises an eyebrow at me and says, “Are you sure you can teleport two more times?”

  “I have to, the necklaces are needed for the additional Fae and the pack. I will need a nap once we come back,” I reassure him just as Anton arrives.

  He walks up to me and wraps me in his arms, pulling me to him. “I have missed you,” he says and kisses me on the lips.

  “Aww that’s sweet, i missed you, too. Do you want to come with me to get more cure necklaces?” I ask, staring into his emerald-green eyes.

  “I will follow you anywhere,” He states simply.

  I turn to look at Evans and Callum and say, “Will you please help the Fae and pack settle in? Anton and I are going to pop back to the Fae Realm, make sure everything is okay and grab some more cure necklaces. When we teleport back, I’m going to try and make my bed the spot I hit. Anton will let you know when we are back safe. All this use of magic has taken a toll on me, I really need a nap.”


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