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The Twisted Fairy Tale Box Set

Page 76

by Holly Hook

  Headlights illuminated the street behind me and I rode through the closest yard, forcing my bike over bumps and dips in the grass. I reached the backyard and found no one looking out their back window at me. The sound of Stephanie's car grew louder and I stood there, holding my breath and begging my pulse to stop hammering so fast. If she came back here, I'd have nowhere to escape to except for the deck and then she might demolish that like a crazy person. But the car rolled past and got fainter. I'd evaded her for now.

  But those dwarves were still out there.

  I felt better on wheels, at least.

  I stayed in that yard for what felt like forever. The car didn’t come back. I wondered if I should go back to the cops, but Stephanie was well known around here. A haven for problem kids. I was a problem kid. It was her word over mine. They’d never believe me that she tried to run me down or that Haven House’s residents had morphed into horrible dwarf creatures.

  Or that they all wanted my life.

  I got off my bike and turned in a circle.

  Everyone wanted to kill me.

  Everyone except for Moanna and possibly some strangers on the street. I couldn’t even be sure about that.

  And worst of all was the fact that I didn’t even know why.

  Moanna was the only person I could go to. And that was a risk.

  After I listened for a bit longer, I rolled my bike out of the yard and thought a silent apology to whoever kept this grass all neat. Moanna lived outside of town. I’d have to ride through miles in the dark and avoid all the cops. Not easy. And I had dwarves to avoid, too. But at least I could ride faster than they could run.

  Moanna told me once that she lived out on Radish Road and had a huge split tree in the front yard. I could find that if I looked. She was all I had left.

  Sara had made sure of that. She didn’t need the huntsman to tear out my heart. She had already succeeded at that.

  So I did the only thing I could do.

  I made a left out of that random yard and started to pedal.

  The dark buildings sped past as my tires whizzed through the night. I should feel free, out of Haven House at last, but now there was nothing but darkness ahead of me. A huge, empty expanse of darkness.

  I should go grab my dream journal.

  It might hold more clues to who I really was. Where I had come from. Why everyone wanted to kill me.

  Haven House stood empty. Stephanie had left, searching for me somewhere else. A distant motorcycle revved. Someone was out late drunk. It must be closing time.

  I checked the door, but of course Stephanie had locked it. The dwarves sure hadn’t. I pulled again, harder, but it was useless. Then I searched around for a rock. I found one of Stephanie’s decorative ones that she’d lined by the sidewalk, one with a butterfly carved into it. I heaved it at the glass door and it shattered with a deafening roar that might wake the neighbors.

  Glass sparkled in the dim streetlight and I ducked through the bottom half of the door, careful not to impale myself on any of the glass. Success. The kitchen was dark and the fridge hummed like normal. I walked past Stephanie’s office. Past the downstairs bathroom. My reflection looked like a hunched, shadowy figure and the scent of toothpaste wafted out. The dwarves sure hadn’t used any. Stephanie must have.

  Upstairs. The steps creaked. Before, the noise was charming, but now it was horrifying. If any of the dwarves had made it back here they would hear me. My head pounded and I felt the wound. I had a huge, raised welt on the side of my scalp. My hair would hide it, but the pain wouldn't fade for a while. At least the nausea was gone and the dizziness was better. I seemed to be recovering.

  My bedroom door stood open. The faint glow of my alarm clock shone against the wall. My dream journal was still in my backpack, tampered with. It was the one thing here that was truly mine. Stephanie and those dwarves would never get their hands on it again.

  I ducked into my doorway.

  And noticed too late that a tall, dark figure stood by my bed, watching me.

  I stopped. My heart about did the same.

  The man reached up and lowered his hood farther down over his face as if worried I could see in the dark. He bobbed his head like he was nodding.

  It was the man in black.


  “Mara,” he said at last. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter Ten

  I backed right up into my wall. I couldn’t breathe.

  The downstairs bathroom mirror. I had walked right past it and this guy must have come out of that one at midnight. I wondered how he had evaded the dwarves.

  “Talk?” I asked. I hated how scared I sounded. I should be braver than this, but this was the guy who had wiped the memories of my Foods class and messed with mine. Who knew what fake crap he’d put in there?

  “Yes,” Alric said. The air was cold and sharp around him. He radiated a dark energy and it was wrapping around me, embracing like some frigid boa constrictor. I commended myself for the thought. “I only wish to talk to you, Mara. I can only imagine how confused you are and how everyone seems to be against you. My Watchers, Edward Rain and Alyssa Laney, have been reporting your experiences to me for the past several days.”

  “Watchers?” I asked. I thought of the red marks on my teachers’ arms. “You have little minions who spy on people? I knew it.” I was getting some bravery back at last. If this Alric guy wanted to kill me, he would have done it by now. Right? He wouldn’t have announced his presence.

  But a deep mistrust of the guy rose up inside of me. A tiny, shrill voice in the back of my mind screamed at me that I should leave. Or better yet, find a blunt object to hit him over the head with. This guy was making me angry and I didn’t know why. He must be right that there was some history here that only he knew. Alric had the upper hand. I had to remember that.

  “I have Watchers all over in this world,” Alric explained. He remained a tall, still shadow, one so dark that even the crappy light coming in through the window seemed bright. “They always report to me when a Legend is out and about, missing from Fable. And in case you haven’t guessed, Fable is the world where the fairy tales all live. They’re real, Mara. As real as I am, standing here. And as real as you.”

  I shuddered. “And the dwarves. Are they working for you?”

  Alric laughed. It was awful. “Dwarves? No. They’re horrible, stupid creatures as you found out. I can’t believe it took you so long to realize what those so called children actually were. The fairy tales are not what you think they are, Mara. Have you guessed which story is yours?"

  I gulped. “Snow White.”

  The man in black didn’t speak for a long time. “You’re clever,” he said at last. “That is your story, even though you are no longer in Fable. Even if you leave that world, your story always follows you."

  “So it’s true,” I managed. “I came from some storybook world and now I’m here and everything’s all messed up. And who the hell are you?”

  “Alric,” the man said. “A wizard. I’ve been watching Fable for a long time, and many of the stories are falling.”

  “Falling?” I asked. I managed to gather my sense of humor. “So Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother didn’t have her Life Alert bracelet on when the wolf found her? And she never got rescued? Is that what you mean?"

  Alric stood there like he didn’t know what to think. At least I had something on him. “I mean that the fairy tales are ending in ways they normally do not,” he said. “Darkness follows when a fairy tale does not meet its predicted end. The land around it becomes dark. The same thing might happen here in this world if your story goes in a direction it never has before."

  I shuddered again. This darkness didn’t sound like the kind I’d dig. And did this guy sound happy about it? He kept his tone neutral, so I couldn't tell.

  “So how is this supposed to end?” I asked. “With a happily ever after?”

  “Yes,” Alric said. He sat down on the bed and I felt a lot less threa
tened. At least I’d have a second or two to run if he tried anything. “I sent you here because I want to help you get your happily ever after, Mara. Sara has taken your prince. She’s taken your trust. Eric was meant for you. And he is a prince. He’s escaped from Fable, just like you have.”

  “But why are the dwarves trying to kill me?” I asked. “That doesn’t make any sense. They’re supposed to be helping me hide from Sara. She’s the evil queen, isn’t she?” Sara had always imitated me. At least, I remembered her doing so. I read somewhere that imitation was a sign of jealousy--and that fit the idea of the evil queen way too well.

  “Dwarves,” Alric said, “are corrupted by darkness very easily, just like elves, some animals, and some people. Darkness is spreading through Fable. They must have spent some time in it if they’re trying to kill you. I told you, Mara. Fable is changing and it’s going dark. Remember your dreams.” Alric motioned to me. "I imagine they are darker than night. They're your true memories, the only ones you carried to this world."

  I peeled myself from the wall. I thought of Eric. Of dark forests and castles. Of horrible green vines with thorns inches long and of ravens perched on dead trees. My dream journal was full of those. Pages and pages worth.

  Fable must be getting very dark.

  “You were in one of them,” I said. “In one of my dreams.”

  “You may be remembering the time I sent you here,” Alric said. “I am sorry your memory is gone. Truly, I am. It often happens when a Legend crosses into this world. But I am on a mission to protect Fable and free its inhabitants from the prison they are trapped in. You’re not the only one I have visited, Mara. But you need to get your prince back from Sara if you want your happily ever after. You’d never know with a girl like her. She might even be planning to kill him. And you know she wants to hurt you. I can guarantee that. Just read your story. Your death is there.”

  I thought of the apple. The red, scary, poisonous apple.

  “So what do I do?” I asked. I felt no better now that I had some answers. “And what are you getting out of this? You know, I tend to not like a lot of people. Most of them are crap.”

  “I agree,” Alric said. His tone got a bit lighter. “I agree with your sentiment. I sent you here to hide you from Sara, but it seems she was waiting for you all along. She’s turned the dwarves to her side. And Stephanie. She must have some knowledge of Fable herself if she’s here. You need to avoid them at all costs. Hide until you can strike. You have to stop Sara before she can take away what’s rightfully yours.”

  “How?” I asked. “How do I do that?”

  Alric held one hand out. “With a poison apple, of course. Give her a taste of her own wickedness before she can take your life away. If you don’t act, that will be next.”

  And then I saw what he held.

  Even in the dim light, it was obvious. An apple the color of blood, without a trace of green or yellow and with perfect, shining skin. It looked like an apple someone had polished and made for an art class, not one that contained deadly poison.

  I shrunk back again. “Are you kidding? You think she’s going to fall for that? It’s her own game.”

  “True,” Alric said. “But you can find a way to slip this to her.”

  “I’m not taking it,” I said. “How do I know that touching it won’t kill me? You could be on her side. You don’t exactly look like a Gandalf type of wizard.” This was it. Sara’s final strike. Then she could make sure Eric would never free me from my deadly sleep.

  “I’m touching the apple,” Alric said. “We need to feed the evil Legends their own pain before they can hurt us.” He laughed, louder this time. I was getting nervous that someone would walk into Haven House and hear, but no footfalls came up the stairs. “And you judge me by my looks? They’re often deceiving. The dwarves had you fooled with their terrible disguises.”

  “I can't even see what you look like. I’m still not taking it.”

  “No one is forcing you to eat this,” Alric said. “I suggest you take it before Sara can find it. Your story is following you. It always does, even if you aren’t in Fable. It’s the fate of Legends. If you don’t act now, Sara will find a way to murder you. And I believe she knows who she is and she has the upper hand.”

  “You’re saying I have to kill her.” I felt sick at the thought. "But she was my friend. At least, I think she was."

  “You may have some false memories," Alric said.

  "Memories that you put there," I said. "You stuck me in Mr. Rain's classroom and made me think Sara and I were friends."

  "I had to," Alric said. "Sara was already in the other world when you appeared there, so I altered Sara's memory, too, and made her think the two of you were friends as well. I hoped she would forget her hatred of you, but something must have jogged her memory. You might have to remember what could have done that."

  And then Alric stood.

  I thought he was reaching up to strike me, but instead, he brushed past me with the swishing of his robe and to the doorway of my bedroom. “They’re coming,” he said. “You need to leave.” He handed me the apple again. “Think carefully about this. I can only make suggestions to you.”

  The door creaked open downstairs.

  A bit more glass shattered.

  I prayed it was a burglar taking advantage of the opening. Even a gang of burglars. Or a gang, period. But then I heard the gruff voices of the dwarves and I had to stop myself from throwing up.

  “I swear, she must be here.”

  “The girl would run.”

  “I hit her on the head! This is not my fault!”

  “Shut your trap, Mog.”

  “She came back for something.”


  And then the steps creaked big time, struggling under the dwarves’ weight.

  Alric shook his hand at me. “Take it!” he whispered. “Get out the window. I’ll stop them.”

  I did the only thing I could.

  I took the apple.

  It was heavy in my hand, the heaviest apple I had ever felt. This was the one from my dream. The one with Alric in it where I was standing in the woods, ready to eat it.

  This man in black might have saved my life.

  The dwarves finished thundering up the stairs and then they all stopped.

  I held my breath and stuffed the apple into my backpack. I had to get out of here. If I opened my window, I could climb down the vines. I didn’t know how Alric would stand up against the dwarves from hell. I zipped my backpack tight, slung it over my back, and opened my window so fast they must have heard it for sure.

  A dwarf uttered a word that must be a curse.

  And the seven of them all thundered back down the stairs. They feared Alric. The air got even colder and a flash of light filled the hall behind me, then faded. A pained scream followed and someone made soft thumps down the rest of the stairs, then landed. The other dwarves stopped and one growled again.

  Feet thundered back up the stairs.

  “Mara. Go,” Alric ordered.

  I moved.

  Books and apple and dream journal in tow, I kicked out my screen. It went toppling to the garden below and I swung my feet over the window. I had climbed the vines before—at least, I remembered doing it—and I knew just where to grasp. The trip down was hard with the backpack on. Vines dug into my palms, etching burns. I grasped at the brick with my feet. It was almost as if Alric had given me these memories to help me survive this world.

  I hit the ground and fell into a heap, then stood up again. A crack of energy sounded from above and another pained growl followed. Alric was duking it out with the dwarves. I had to take the chance and flee.

  My bike lay near the compost heap where the purple lettuce was still rotting. Maybe I should have fed that to the dwarves and Stephanie after all. It would have been fitting. And Sara. If I had time I would scoop that up and give that to her instead of the apple. But the dwarves could come back down with their hammers any se
cond. Alric shouted something from the building and I took it as a cue to hop on my bike and ride away.

  * * * * *

  I rode out of town until the sun started to come up, following the road signs which grew farther and farther apart. At last, I found Radish Road, way out in the boonies. It wasn't easy riding through this dark. There was nothing to see by out here except for the stars between the walls of trees.

  A faint pink glow formed on the horizon and shone behind a bunch of trees that lay ahead. I slowed my bike down on the dirt road and eyed a stop sign far ahead. The air smelled like dew and forest and it all reminded me of some lost memory that I couldn’t quite grab. Fable, maybe. This must be what Fable smelled like. The world must be full of wild places where bears and wolves roamed.

  Not like this world, where it was the island instead of the sea.

  Moanna would be waking up soon. I didn’t know where else to go. There weren’t a lot of people at the high school who weren’t freaked out by Sara and I. But at least none of the dwarves had followed me and Stephanie had no clue that I knew Moanna at all. She could ask at school if I’d been talking to anyone, but even they might not be able to tell her. The Watchers sure wouldn’t if they were working with Alric, and Alric wanted me to stay alive.

  Maybe they had been watching out for me the whole time.

  And Sara tried to kill Mr. Rain for it.

  It was a weird thought that I couldn’t wrap my mind around. Mr. Rain picked on everyone, so he might have done the same to me to keep the suspicion off him. Mrs. Laney hadn't wanted me to ingest any of that lettuce. And the principal had let me off easy when I should have gone to jail according to the story Mr. Rain gave her. She must have spoken to Alric before making the decision.


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