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Darkness Rising

Page 6

by Katie Reus

  “Thank you,” she whispered, seeming nervous.

  Of him? “Were you dancing for me in that club?” His heart rate kicked up as he watched her, waiting for a response. The memory of her dancing was forever seared into his brain.

  She made a sort of strangled sound and shook her head. He noticed that she didn’t answer aloud, however, and understood why immediately. He would scent her lie if she did.

  “You are lying,” he murmured, taking another step closer to her, crowding her.

  “You think highly of yourself.” Her words were raspy and uneven.

  “Maybe I do. But I still know that you are lying. Why do you deny the attraction between us?”

  She sighed, and pressed a gentle hand to his chest. That simple touch sent pleasure surging out to all his nerve endings. He wanted to lean into her, to feel her entire body pressed up against his. Not just her hand. “Look, I am attracted to you, and it’s messed with my head and perhaps my reactions to you as well.” It seemed to take a lot for her to admit this. “But you have just woken from a long Hibernation. I was the first female you saw, so it’s natural that you would be attracted to me—”

  “I’m not attracted to you because you’re the first female I saw. I have had many females in the past.” None compared to her though. No one could.

  Her eyes narrowed slightly.

  “Not many, just some,” he rushed out. He certainly did not wish to hear of her sexual past. “My awakening has nothing to do with my desire for you. I want you because you are you.”

  “Even though I’m a healer?” she asked, her words sharp.

  “I apologize for what I said before. I seem to blurt out whatever is in my head around you. It is disconcerting. I want you because you are Greer.”

  “You barely know me.”

  “I know enough. And I want to know more. Everything.” He wanted to learn everything about her, what she liked and disliked, what turned her on.

  “We need to stop this discussion right now,” she said quickly.

  “Why? I like the color of your cheeks right now.” He wondered how flushed she would become if he tasted between her legs, and just barely resisted asking her if she would like him to pleasure her. He wondered a lot of things. Like what color her nipples would be.

  He should be focused on finding Cynbel and locating the other ancients he needed to speak to, but instead he simply wondered what Greer would sound like as he thrust inside her. What she would feel like. How loud she would be as she came.

  “Look, even if we’re attracted to each other, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Why not?”

  “You said yourself I’m not the type of female you are used to.”

  “Well I am a fool. You are the perfect female.”

  She seemed to struggle to find words for a long moment, then she took a small step back. “We are far too different. I heal people, and you…”

  “I what? I kill?” It was true enough. He didn’t randomly kill; he was not a psychopath. But his life involved killing. It was the way it was.

  Before she could respond, the door flew open and the purple-haired hybrid—Cynara—stuck her head out, smiling widely at the two of them. She had imbibed much alcohol, he thought. Or enough that she felt the effects of it, he was certain. “I think we’re going to play strip poker. You guys in?”

  Greer made another strangled sound as she looked at Reaper with far too many emotions, then back at the female. “Ah…I don’t know.”

  “What is this strip poker?” He had so many questions about this time period. So much of the language was inane.

  “It’s a game you play with cards. You get naked when you lose different hands.”

  He looked back at Greer. He didn’t like the thought of her naked in front of anyone else, which was ridiculous. They were shifters after all. But he did not care for the thought. Still, he would like to show off for her so he reached for the hem of his shirt and started to pull it off. “How does this work? Surely we don’t lose our actual hands?”

  Greer made a sort of squeaking sound and grasped his wrists, stilling him. He savored the feel of her gentle touch on him, wishing she would keep holding him. So he remained still, not pulling away. “No. You don’t get naked to play. Poker is a card game and hands refer to different rounds you play with the cards. Strip poker is a made-up thing that’s all very silly and childish,” she said, shooting Cynara a sharp look.

  “Justus thinks it’s beneath him as well but I will be playing.” There was more than a spark of challenge in Cynara’s words, and Reaper was certain they were meant for the vampire in the kitchen.

  “With your brother here?”

  “Eww, gross. No way. Bo and Nyx are about to leave soon. They need to get back to my sweet niece.”

  He sensed a bit of disappointment rolling off Greer and realized she must really like the other couple. “I will play if Greer plays,” he said.

  Greer glanced at him, surprise etched into her fine features. “Okay, I’ll play.” Her luscious lips curved up ever so slightly. “Even though I think the concept of this is beyond ridiculous for supernaturals our age.”

  “Age doesn’t matter. Fun is fun.” Cynara winked before she ducked back inside.

  Chapter 7

  “You are cheating.” Cynara narrowed her gaze at Justus, who was sitting across the table from Greer and Cynara—wearing only boxers.

  For some reason the boxers surprised Greer. Not that she had ever thought of Justus in any sort of stages of undress but she’d kind of assumed he would be a commando type of guy. Instead he wore boxers with little fangs and hearts on them. A gift from Cynara if she had to guess.

  “How am I cheating? I’m almost completely naked. I’m losing.” He lifted a challenging eyebrow, staring right back at Cynara.

  “I don’t care. You are cheating.”

  Greer stifled a laugh as she met the gaze of Reaper, who was also sitting across the huge oak table in the dining room. She had a feeling that both Reaper and Justus were cheating but for different reasons.

  Because the two males were the only ones who were pretty much naked by this point. She was certain that Reaper was losing intentionally so he could get naked—to take off his clothes slowly, methodically, as he tried to turn her into a puddle of hormones. It was hard to concentrate while he just sat there all sexy and confident.

  And she was also certain that Justus was losing intentionally so that Cynara wouldn’t have to take off any of her own clothes. All other supernaturals had long since gone and just the four of them continued to play this absolutely silly game of strip poker. Greer had only lost her shoes so far.

  Even if the game was ridiculous, she could admit that she was having a good time. Her clan came to her for advice, for therapy basically, and she was always happy to help out. But right now she liked just being Greer. Free to have fun and do what she wanted.

  And after Reaper had admitted to her why he hadn’t wanted her coming along for that flight earlier, it was impossible to be mad at him.

  Prima strode into the room, a plate of food in her hands. She’d disappeared an hour ago but it seemed she was finally back. She picked up a chicken wing and popped the whole thing in her mouth. Then she shook her head. “This is a sad display.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” Cynara’s tone was light and teasing as she eyed Justus and Reaper—but mainly Justus. “There’s nothing sad about these two guys.”

  “Eyes only on me.” Justus’s voice was a low growl, making everyone go still as he stared at Cynara, his eyes starting to glow amber.

  Uh oh.

  Clearing her throat, Greer dropped her cards onto the table. “I’m done for the night. Reaper, so are you.”

  He didn’t argue, simply stood—still wearing boxer briefs, thank the stars—and followed after her.

  Whatever was going on between Justus and Cynara was about to come to a head, and Greer didn’t want to stick around for it. They were either going to ki
ll each other or screw each other on the dining room table. She was betting on the latter. “You too, Prima!” she called out when the ancient female stood there watching the other two as if they were entertainment. No wonder Conall had wanted her here.

  “Let’s head to the third floor,” Prima said, joining both her and Reaper on the stairs, grabbing two bottles of wine in her free hand on the way out. “There’s a balcony in one of the rooms. We’ll give them some privacy.”

  “Did you want to grab some clothes first?” Greer asked Reaper.

  He simply grinned and shook his head.

  Okay, then. They were just going to hang out and he was going to be mostly naked. Awesome.

  On the balcony there was a rectangular mosaic table with four chairs already set up—as well as a tray of wineglasses. If she didn’t know better, she’d say that Prima had set this up.

  Greer had snagged a bedroom on the second floor when she’d arrived earlier and it seemed as if no one had taken the attached bedroom to this balcony. She was curious where Reaper and Prima would be sleeping but she definitely wasn’t going to ask. The bags that she and Justus had left in the downstairs living room had been moved, so clearly someone—Prima, she was guessing, since Reaper hadn’t been far from Greer all night—had put them up in bedrooms.

  “Hey, I’ll be back,” Prima said as she sat the wine bottles and opener on the table. Then with no more explanation she simply disappeared with her plate of chicken wings.

  Greer sat at one of the chairs, feeling inexplicably nervous around Reaper now that it was just the two of them—and he was half dressed. She wasn’t a young dragon; she was over a thousand years old. But Reaper made her feel as if she was experiencing her first infatuation again.

  Though it was far more than that because her dragon half was involved. That alone made her cautious being around him. Not that she really had a choice. She’d promised to keep an eye on him and Prima. “So what happened with the male you hunted down?” Obviously they hadn’t found him. Or she assumed since he hadn’t said anything.

  “We lost his scent. But after a few hours of sleep I plan to go after him again.”

  “Why do you think he ran?”

  “I do not know that he did. Prima and Mira had a long list of enemies—as did I—before their Hibernation. It is possible that Cynbel saw Prima and left. Or…I simply do not know.”

  “Why is it important for you to find him?” He’d been scarce on the details, at least with her. And she could admit she was curious to know more about him. If the information was important, she would tell her Alpha.

  He paused for a moment, searching her face with those bright amber and green eyes she found intoxicating. She could easily lose herself under Reaper’s watchful gaze. “He is someone from my past I wish to connect with.”

  Oh wow, that wasn’t vague or anything. “Have you ever thought of settling down with a clan? Not your former one but…a different one. The world is different now for shifters. There aren’t wars like there used to be. Well, there are human wars but things are different for our kind.” And it would be helpful for him to have clanmates, friends. She was just asking to be polite—at least that was what she told herself. It wasn’t as if she cared where he went after this.

  Liar, liar, her dragon half sneered.

  He made a sort of noncommittal sound as he reached for the bottle and opened it. “Would you like some?”

  “Sure, thanks. So you’re just going to ignore my question?”

  He gave her one of those wicked grins as he poured. “I don’t have an answer to that right now. I have not been awake long enough to have solid plans. But the offer from your house still stands.”


  “To pleasure you with my tongue.” He sat back, looking pleased with himself.

  She nearly dropped the glass she’d just picked up. “Reaper!”

  “I enjoy it when you say my name.”

  She set the glass down, feeling her cheeks warm up. “You can’t say things like that.”

  “Why not? It is true.”

  “Because…you just can’t.” She cleared her throat, unnerved by the way he watched her. Like a hunter watching prey. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  He paused, still watching her intently, but answered. “To look for Cynbel and the other ancients I would like to speak to.”

  “Do you want company?” Whatever he felt regarding her being a healer, she was still able to hold her own.

  “I would. But at the first sign of danger, I will protect you at all costs.”

  Oh. Oh, hell. The way he made that promise was so incredibly hot. “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  He lifted a shoulder—his bare shoulder, drawing her gaze across his chest and down to those cut abs. Why the hell was he out here like this? To drive her crazy, for certain. “Regardless, it is what I will do.”

  She took a sip of her wine, finding herself flustered once again. How the heck did she respond to that? “I might head to bed.” She needed distance from him, and the longer she stayed out here with him, the more likely she was to do something stupid.

  “Would you like me to join you?”

  She stared at him for a moment. “Ah…no.” She was such a liar.

  “If you change your mind, I chose the bedroom right next to yours.” He spoke so calmly, though his eyes sparked with heat. “Come get me at any time.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She held her wineglass as she stood, and almost snagged the whole bottle. She needed something to take the edge off tonight. And since she’d decided to retain some control, she wouldn’t be taking off the edge with him. Unfortunately.

  “Please do. I promise not to rest until you have found release multiple times.”

  She opened her mouth once but couldn’t find any words. Nope, heat pooled low in her belly and she was so very tempted to take him up on the offer. Because she was almost positive he wouldn’t be disappointing. Oh no, he had that confidence for a reason. But the possessive glint in his eyes told her that would be a mistake. He wasn’t offering simple sex, he was offering more.

  And the thought terrified her. Because dragons mated for life.

  Making nonsensical sounds, she hurried from the balcony, desperate to escape from him as more heat surged through her. Her nipples were tight little beads against her bra as she imagined him going down on her, stroking her over and over until she came against his face. Oh, he must scent her need for him too, which was even more embarrassing. She couldn’t even attempt to hide it now.

  Why had he given her such a bold offer? He must have known she’d say no. Gah, he was determined to make her crazy. Now she was going to have to get herself off tonight.

  Because she was turned on with no one to turn to. Well, that wasn’t true. There was only one male she wanted, but he was the exact opposite of what she needed. And she wasn’t going to cross that line.

  Something told her that if she did, there would be no going back.

  Chapter 8

  “What is the matter with you?” Cynara pushed up from her chair once she heard the others moving up the stairs and farther away from her and Justus.

  “You shouldn’t be looking at anyone else but me.” There wasn’t a hint of apology in his words for the way he’d just growled at her in front of everyone.

  “I wasn’t! And it wasn’t like I was flirting with him. I just made a comment, complimenting both of you!”

  “I only ever want your eyes on me.” He rounded the table so fast she barely saw him move. Yep, Justus was a powerful vamp—and the sexy male was driving her crazy. Right now his normally brown eyes were flaring a wild amber.

  “Where is this jealousy coming from?”

  He stepped into her personal space and had to look down, given that she wasn’t wearing heels and was half a foot shorter than him. “I think you know exactly where this is coming from.” His words were a rough whisper. “You just keep pushing my buttons.”

/>   “What buttons are those?” She put her hands on her hips and knew her violet eyes were likely sparking right now too—for multiple reasons. Being this close to him when he was practically naked, wearing boxers she’d given him as a joke, had electricity humming through her body. She was also annoyed at him, but she was more turned on than anything. She was always turned on because of Justus, damn him.

  “Strip poker? Really? You think I’m going to let other people see you naked?”

  “It was just a game.” She’d never seen him so angry before. She wasn’t afraid he would hurt her. He would never, ever do that. Not physically anyway. And not intentionally. But this male held her heart in his hands, and for some reason he wouldn’t leave New Orleans until she agreed to his ridiculous request to mate. He’d followed her here from Biloxi when he should be back in upstate New York dealing with his coven.

  “I don’t think it was.” He leaned down a fraction until his nose was nearly touching hers, his scent making her dizzy. “I think you knew exactly what you were doing. And for the record, I was cheating—I lost because you’re not taking off clothes in front of anyone but me.” He was full-on growling now.

  And she liked it. “When did you become so puritanical?”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means I know all about your exploits!” Damn it, she hadn’t meant to say anything.

  He frowned, moving back to give her a little space. But not much. “What are you talking about?”

  “Nothing.” Embarrassment rolled through her.

  “Tell me.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or nothing. Just tell me.” He leaned against the table as he crossed his arms over his chest. Unlike shifters, he wasn’t so massive, but lean and corded with muscle. She loved that look. Loved him. Not that she’d tell him the latter.


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