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Hearts Collide (Infinity Prism Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Kylie Walker

  “Thanks, man,” he told Eddie with a firm handshake and a pat on the back. “That was an easy interview. You made it seem like it wasn’t work.”

  Eddie gave him a subtle wink and leaned in closer. “That’s my job.”

  Trevor was about to take his leave when Eddie put a hand on his arm and gave him pause. “Say, I’m wondering if you could clear something up for me?”

  “I can try.”

  “Rumor on the street says you had a falling out with a member of your crew and that he’s threatening legal action. Is there any truth to that?”

  Trevor smirked. He was surprised Eddie didn’t turn on the recorder on his cell phone just to make this official. He was surprised by the legal action comment, but as quickly as rumors spread in this business, the truth always became a twisty, broken version of itself.

  “I don’t have any comment, Eddie. I know you understand.”

  The older man gave a dismissive shake of his head. “Oh, I know, I know. This is totally off the record, Trevor. Totally off the record.”

  “Is it?” Trevor narrowed his eyes. “Is it ever really off the record?”

  He may be new to this kind of stardom, but he wasn’t stupid. Every word he or his bandmates said would be scrutinized and twisted in case it made good media or turned into viral meme material. No thanks. He wasn’t about to be the reason millions of people laughed over something he said that got twisted into what it wasn’t. It was hard enough to control what got put onto social media as it was. They’d cultivated a good reputation, and it was going to stay that way.

  “What about that young man that was killed, oh ten-ish years ago or so? Is it true he was the brother of your social media manager? Any connection there?”

  Trevor slipped his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, a move he turned to in an effort to keep his emotions under control.

  “Am I under investigation or something here, Eddie? What gives?”

  He slapped Trevor playfully on the back. “Of course not! Just trying to clear up the rumors.”

  As of this moment, Trevor hadn’t been aware of any rumors. A lump formed in his throat. Eddie had asked about Kyle Greene, about his connection to Emelia. Word was out there, circulating around. How far would people dig? And just how much would they find out?

  “If it’s a rumor, Eddie, you can assume it’s false. If you’ll excuse me.”

  He left, despite the host calling after him. Memories flooded his mind as he skipped out on his driver and walked down the sidewalk. He wasn’t sure exactly where he was going. It didn’t matter. If he kept walking, maybe the ghosts in his head would go away.

  He had done it. He’d done a terrible fucking thing. He’d tried not to, and wanted to make it right. And the result had been a completely avoidable tragedy. The memory had haunted him for so damn long. So. Damn. Long.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed a hand over his forehead. Fuck! Emelia’s face stared back at him, her innocence seeping out of her like a glow reminding him that of all the people the truth would hurt, she’d be the one to suffer the most.

  She had lost Kyle once, and telling her what really happened that night would be like losing him all over again.

  And Trevor would lose her.

  Hell, he would lose everything.

  Whipping out his cell phone, he called Roman.

  “Yeah, meet me at, ah—” he looked to see what intersection he was at. “Twenty-third and Bird St. There’s a café, Holly’s. Just you.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Just get your ass here, and I’ll tell you.”

  Trevor took a seat at an outside café table, his fingers wringing together with anxiety he’d never felt to this extent before. His body trembled with nervous shakes. This was it. He had held the truth inside for so damn long that he couldn’t do it anymore. Downing a beer while he waited for Roman, he found himself even tenser when his friend took a seat across from him. Worry was etched all over his face, but he sat quietly and waited, seemingly knowing that Trevor had something to say at his own pace.

  “There was no deer the night Kyle Greene died. His brother didn’t swerve to miss a deer. There was no damn deer.”

  Roman’s throat moved as he swallowed. “How do you know, Trev?”

  “Because,” Trevor closed his eyes hard. “Because I was there.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Trevor wasn’t sure how he would perform tonight, but it had to be done.

  A bonafide Rock God would be able to push his problems aside and get out there and rock the fucking show like everything was rainbows and unicorns. Just went to show how much he lacked in the Rock God department.

  Roman hadn’t said much after Trevor had confessed to him. And honestly, he didn’t feel all that much better for having confessed. He thought he would feel lighter or something, but the ghosts were still there. The burden was still there. The only difference was another person knew what had happened now. He knew in his heart that Roman would never tell another living soul, that his confession was secure. But it didn’t change that his best friend might think differently about him now. If his silence was any indication, Roman was mulling all this over and probably, decidedly, had found Trevor severely lacking. Guilty.

  He went through the motions of the show, somehow blocking out the lights and the crowd, managing to perform but not enjoying a second of it. His voice was strong, and he was on point with every single thing. Except whenever he glanced at his best friend, Roman wasn’t looking back. Instead of sharing a microphone and jamming a few lines together like they always did, Roman turned away when Trevor approached.

  If he’d fucked up this much with his long-time friend, how would things go with Emelia?

  After the show, he bypassed the crowd and his bandmates and immediately texted Emelia to see where she was. She had chosen for the past several nights to have her own hotel room. She was there, doing some computer work. He didn’t worry about showering or changing as he had his driver take him there. Let everyone else party. This was more important.

  She answered his knock in a pair of silk pajama shorts and a matching tank top. Her hair was free around her shoulders; her cheeks flushed with pink. It was almost midnight. He was surprised to find her up yet; wondered if she had waited up to hear from him.

  “Hey,” she said with a drop of curiosity. “You didn’t want to hang with the guys?”

  He gripped the doorframe. “May I come in?”

  “Oh, of course.” She moved to the side to allow him to enter. Trevor ran a hand through his hair, not even sure what it was that he wanted. Her company. Her attention. Her love.

  “You want some water or something? I don’t have any alcohol.”

  “No, Em. I’m good.”

  He felt a little awkward standing in the middle of her hotel room. She bypassed that, though, and opened a boxed pizza on the table and cracked a bottle of water.

  “Well, you look like you need something. You’re a little pale. And, I’m sorry, but Rock God’s do not look pale.”

  There was laughter in her voice, but he couldn’t return the emotion. Trevor went and lightly took her arms in his hands. She turned worried eyes on him.

  “I’m not a Rock God, Em. I’m nothing. I don’t deserve any of this.”

  “You’re scaring me. What’s wrong? Is it Grant?”

  He gave a sharp shake of his head and sank into a chair. Emelia followed suit, sitting next to him and holding his hand.

  “No. It’s me, Emelia. It’s me. I just... I just need you. Okay?” He gave her wrist a tug. She stumbled forward out of her chair and into his lap. Trevor spread his knees so her body could fit between them. Taking her face between his hands, he brought her lips to his. The kiss was gentle, soft and warm. Sparks flew in every direction over his body, her simple touch clearing his mind.

  She moaned softly and deepened the kiss. With a groan, Trevor pulled her in closer, kissed her harder, claiming her mouth with complete dominance.
She allowed it, leaning in when he asked for more, her arms going around his shoulders and holding on tight. Her lithe body fit onto his lap as they kissed. Finally breaking away, Trevor took a breath and ran a hand over her hair. Her lips were swollen and red from his kiss.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” he said quietly. “Let’s sit out on the balcony, eat some of that pizza and stare at the harbor.”

  She smiled and gave a short laugh. “Did you black out and wake up as Mr. Darcy?”

  “Haha. I actually know that reference, just so you know, and I’ll take it as a compliment. No, Em. I’m stressed. I need... to decompress. And I need to do it with you.”

  She kissed him again, soft and light. “I love that I’m the person you chose to hide with.”

  “No, you’re the person I chose to run to. You’re my rock, Emelia.” He peppered kisses over her cheeks, temples, stroking her hair and wishing he could hurry this into so much more. He wanted to throw her on the bed and ravish her beautiful body. But they had to take this slow. As slow as their lust would let them. She edged out of his lap and stood, reaching for his hand. He took it, threading their fingers.

  “Come on then. We’ve got a harbor to stare at.”

  Trevor let her pull him to his feet. He let her lead him to the balcony and pull up a chair for him. He let her get him food and something to drink. He let her start the conversation.

  It dawned on him that he’d let Emelia do whatever the hell she wanted.

  As long as she was by his side.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  The crowd was exceptionally fired up tonight.

  Emelia was on cloud 9, right up front where Trevor could see her every second of the concert if he wanted to. And she wanted him to! They made no secret of their relationship, and she surged with pride watching him perform.

  Trevor’s talent was genuinely remarkable.

  Singing his praises was just too easy. Sure, he had hired her to do social media, but it was only natural to spout her pride for the band wherever she went. And she told anyone and everyone around her precisely what she thought of his exceptional talent.

  She was swooning over him, she knew. This was the sticky-sweet part of new love, and she was enjoying every second. She longed to be with him when he wasn’t next to her, or in this case, up on the stage only inches away from her. She knew she walked around with a lovestruck grin, and she didn’t care who saw it. She and Trevor had been spending every free second together, and it was never enough.

  “I’ve never seen you this happy before,” Chloe yelled out to Emelia through the roaring hum of the crowd.

  “I know!” Emelia shrieked with excitement. Her heart leaped in her chest. She had never been this happy when she was with Grant.

  Her life was bright and sunny, cheerful and going perfectly right now. She had thrown her heart and soul into her job as their social media manager, creating perfect, visual stories on all of their social media accounts.

  Chloe was thriving as Emelia’s assistant, taking on the extra work Emelia couldn’t get to without breaking a sweat. They were both exactly where they needed to be. Not to mention, traveling the country all summer was a hard option to let go of. They were having a blast. Now that Grant was officially out of the picture, Emelia could move on and follow the desires of her heart.

  Trevor suddenly pointed at her. “This next song is for Em.”

  The crowd roared with approval and cheers filled Emelia’s ears. She blushed as Chloe hugged her. There was no going back now. Trevor had just basically announced they were dating. They didn’t have to hide it any longer.

  It had been a wild ride for Emelia. She didn’t want to view her new relationship with Trevor as a rebound. She was taking it slowly with him — one step at a time, or as Trevor liked to tease baby steps.

  She couldn’t deny the fact that even when she was with Grant, she still had the subtle attraction for Trevor that grew stronger over time. It was as if the universe was a magnet, and fate was the attraction pulling her towards him little by little.

  Their relationship was moving gradually, and that was working out perfectly for their scenario. They didn’t want to rush into anything. The way Emelia explained it, she just wanted to have fun and see what happened with Trevor. She was still trying to recover from the chaotic relationship she had with Grant. Yet, every time she looked at Trevor, she trembled with a warm sensation that no guy had ever made her experience ever before.

  “You are so lucky,” one girl whispered into her ear as the next song began.

  “Never let him go. I’m so jealous,” another girl, on the other side of Emelia screeched into her ear.

  She’d felt the pang of desire for him, even when she was with Grant. Now that she had the option to be open with her heart, she followed in the perfect direction. Every beat of her heart drummed for Trevor.

  As she stared up at him, gazing longingly into his handsome ocean blue eyes, he pierced her soul. She couldn’t wait to be alone with him later. For now, she was ecstatic and thrilled to be jumping up and down and dancing, blending into one sweaty mess with the rest of the fans in the crowd.

  After the show, Emelia charged towards Trevor with such profound enthusiasm that she practically barreled into him. His million-dollar smile was even more enhanced as she wrapped her arms around him.

  Trevor grabbed her around the waist and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and giggled with a playful shriek. He swung her around, spinning them both in a fast circle.

  “That was your best show yet.” She dug her fingers into his hair as he leaned in to give her a passionate kiss.

  He grinned like a kid in a candy store. “You’re only saying that because I said your name on stage.”

  She shrugged innocently.

  Every fiber in her body tingled with excitement. Elation rushed through her blissfully in her belly.

  “Emelia!” She heard a man’s voice ringing her name.

  She turned around. It was Roman approaching her, wearing the most genuinely adoring smile she’d ever seen.

  “Hi, Roman.” Trevor gently placed her back on the ground, and she stood on her tip toes to give the drummer of Infinity Prism a hug.

  “Congratulations,” he said with a gleam flickering in his green eyes. “You won the heart of Trevor Jameson. A nearly impossible challenge.”

  “Hey.” Trevor swatted at Roman’s arm at the subtle yet playful dig. “I resent that.”

  “I’m giving her a compliment.”

  “Thank you,” Emelia laughed.

  “So is he,” Roman whispered so that Trevor couldn’t hear the next bit. “He needs a girl like you to take care of him.”

  Emelia felt touched. “I’ll do my best.”

  Roman leaned in close to her ear. “I’m glad you two worked things out. I was nervous over how that was going to go for you.”

  Unsure what he was referring to, she cocked her head, about to ask him to clarify, but Trevor pulled her close and gave a face that said this party was over.

  “We’ll see you all later.”

  Emelia glanced up at him. Her pulse pounded through her ears. “We’re not going to the afterparty?”

  Trevor traced her jaw with the backs of his fingers. “I want to show you my private dressing room.”

  It was an offer she couldn’t refuse.

  He kept his arm around her as they walked to his dressing room. Her heart raced, her pulse loud in her ears. She could feel his urgency in the tension of his muscles and the quickness of his breath.

  He held her hand as he pushed open his dressing room door and swiftly locked it behind them.

  “I needed to have you alone.” He cupped the back of her head and drew her in for a kiss.

  “God, yes.” Emelia kissed him with everything she had. She inhaled his spicy cologne and relished in his powerful, masculine scent. “It’s nice to get away from the noise and the people always swarming around you.”

  “What can I say?” T
revor raised his arms and gave her an adorable smile. “I am a Rock God.”

  Emelia rolled her eyes and laughed. “You sure are, you handsome, sexy stud muffin.”

  “Stud muffin?” Trevor laughed. “I haven’t heard that one since 1996.”

  Emelia smirked. “How old were you in 1996?”

  Trevor laughed, and the sound tinkled in her soul. He swooped her up and pressed her against the wall. “You’re mine.”

  It was time for her to take off her protective mental armor. Trevor wasn’t going to hurt her in the same ways that Grant had. Her inhibitions slipped away as he pulled the shirt over her head, exposing her black lacy bra.

  His eyes twinkled with satisfaction as she allowed him to continue. She wasn’t going to deny him any longer. The sexual tension and suspense left them both hanging like a cloud.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he whispered into her ear as he nibbled on it.

  “I want to,” she cooed, moaning against the way she felt his hard cock pressing against her bare thigh.

  “Are you sure?” His hands were moving through her hair, delicately giving her chill bumps with pleasure. His hands felt so good rubbing her all over, strong, sturdy and protective.

  Emelia craned her neck and moaned against Trevor’s enthusiasm. His hands were all over her, frantically grazing across her skin and leaving streaks of intense heat that warmed her to the very core.

  “Trevor,” she whispered his name like a prayer song.

  “I want to be inside of you,” he groaned as he continued to shower her neck with kisses.

  Emelia nodded. “Me too.” She whimpered with desire and felt the tingle of lust as it spread between her legs.

  Her heart might explode, or shatter. She crooned under his embrace, opening for him as he pushed inside her. The pulsing need grew, agonizingly so, demanding and loud that she take him all until he stuffed her to the hilt.

  She gasped at his girth. He was thick, completely well endowed. She breathed her eagerness, opening for him, arching her hips and taking him all. Trevor groaned as he began a steady thrusting.


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