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Legends of Ogre Gate

Page 50

by Jeremy Bai

  “The resonance between the coral and the mountain manifests as powerful, magical fluctuations that pour out from the coral. Only the most powerful of magic users would be able to sense the fluctuations, and even then, only after performing certain rituals and spells. Which is exactly what my father did. In any case, the fluctuations affect all living beings within a certain radius of the coral, stirring their hearts and minds, slowly fostering a sense of euphoria.

  “The effect takes time, and it would be virtually impossible to identify as something out of the ordinary, at least up to a point. Essentially, the Zhizhu Coral makes everyone around it feel happy. However, once it reaches a certain level, the euphoria will begin to turn into a mania that rapidly devolves into insanity.

  “The Zhizhu Coral is one of ways that my father has managed to subdue and control Qi Xien. By moving the coral from city to city within his domain, he keeps the populace inexplicably happy. The effect created will last for many months after the coral is gone, allowing my father to essentially suppress any negative emotions in the places he controls, quickly winning over the populace of newly conquered cities.”

  Li Buwei shook his head. “In my opinion, it is an insidious and vile method of control. Removing the Zhizhu Coral from his arsenal of tools is merely one step in the long-term plan to remove him from power.”

  Bao and Sunan had not even been given time to recover from their shock regarding Li Buwei’s identity, only to be slammed with this new bit of shocking information. Apparently, Li Buwei was finished with his explanation, as he maintained his silence and simply looked over at them.

  After a long moment passed, Bao said, “What will you do with the coral? Destroy it?”

  “No. I fear that damaging the resonance between the coral and Mount Zhizhu could have catastrophic ramifications. I plan to seal it with magic and then bury it in a place no one will ever find it. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but many of the mountains in these lands contain caverns and tunnels which naturally inhibit magical fluctuations. They are like voids in the world around us. There is one particular mountain in Suk territory to the west that has such void pockets. Perhaps that is where I will bury the Zhizhu Coral. Right under my father’s nose, so to speak…”

  The conversation went on for a few more minutes, after which they returned to the dining hall. The match between Tie Gangwen and Qian Chengsi had ended, and another match had begun, pitting Lin Cuirou against the Timeless Master’s sworn brother, Pei Fu.

  Everyone was in very high spirits.


  The Dragon-Phoenix Sect stayed in the Grotto of the Timeless Master for a full week. Martial arts tips were exchanged and bonds formed.

  For the first time, the members of the Dragon-Phoenix Sect felt as if they were truly a part of the newly forming world of martial arts that existed in Qi Xien. They had brothers- and sisters-in-arms, fellow heroes who were willing to fight and risk their lives for the good of the people. For their home.

  Of course, Sunan and Bao spent many hours in private discussing Li Buwei’s shocking revelations. In the end, they could find no reason to distrust him, and they even went to the extent of reassuring him of their intentions to support his cause.

  At dawn on the eighth day, it was with much ceremony that the Timeless Master saw them off. He even personally escorted them to their boats on the Zun River. That was where the true farewells were said, and the Dragon-Phoenix Sect began to make their way west up the Zun River, toward Zun Shan.

  The trip was relatively uneventful. On a few occasions, they made contact with local tribes, engaging in trade at one point and even picking up a new recruit or two. Eventually they reached Zhaoze Swamp, a misty, dank place that abounded with mosquitos, snakes, and a variety of other unsavory beasts.

  On one occasion they even saw a flying crocodile, whereupon Bao said, “Remember that old man we fought?”

  “Up north?” Sunan replied. “Yes. I wonder what happened to him. He was no weakling.”

  “That old man?” Wang Tian said. “He goes by the name Kind Devil Fuling. After his run-in with you, he’s only ever been seen in the Dai Bien Forest. Rumor has it he’s taken up with Hua Pi the Skin Dancer.”

  Zhaoze Swamp was so large that it would possibly take days to travel from one end to the other. However, instead of following the river west, which would have led them to the very same trading post where they had defeated the Bone General, they headed north along a tributary that led to Heiping Valley and Lake Liyu. Roughly a day after the swamp gave way to jungle, they reached one of the most impressive sights south of the Banyan Mountains.

  The Falls of Sura.

  One of the tallest waterfalls in all the lands, it sent water crashing down fully a thousand meters.

  Cut into the mountain rock next to the waterfall was a steep staircase leading up to the area beyond.

  It was a hair-raising climb, but everyone made it safely, after which they retraced the same path back to Zun Shan that they had taken after the final encounter with the Bone General.

  After returning to the palace, preparations began for the wedding.

  An auspicious date was set during the first lunar month, and invitations were sent out to key figures in the martial arts world, such as the Scorpion Swordsman and the Timeless Master.

  As the date approached, the activity in the sect reached a fever pitch. The entire palace was thoroughly cleaned and decorated, and much work went into the crafting of spectacular wedding garments for both Sunan and Bao.

  Important martial artists from across the empire arrived one after another, even the Timeless Master. Much to the delight of both Sunan and Bao, Sun Mai returned, along with his most trusted apprentices, who had once been members of the Dragon-Phoenix Sect themselves. Most members of the Dragon-Phoenix Sect were recalled from their various missions and assignments throughout the empire.

  Because of all the hustle and bustle, there was no time to sit down and reminisce with Sun Mai. However, both Sunan and Bao could tell at a single glance that he had changed since they last seen him. At one point, he and Sunan clasped forearms, whereupon Sunan’s eyes went wide.

  Leaning forward, he lowered his voice and said, “Sun Mai, your martial arts… how far have you progressed?”

  A faint, enigmatic smile appeared on Sun Mai’s face. “Far. Very far.”

  “You’ve surpassed me, haven’t you?”

  Sun Mai nodded slightly. “I’ve reached a level of mastery that is profound to say the least. After the wedding, we can sit down and discuss it a bit more.”

  Although the occasion was a wedding, this was also one of the first times in which the top figures of the martial arts world were gathered together in one place. There were some whispers of fear regarding what would happen if someone chose attack them in this moment, but everyone was confident that with so many top-level fighters together, not even the Demon Emperor would be so reckless.

  When the actual day of the wedding came, Sunan donned his wedding garment, which was crafted from crimson brocade silk, embroidered with nine golden dragons that were so lifelike they seemed to be on the verge of leaping off of the garment and flying about the room.

  Sheathed at Sunan’s waist was his Wind Saber, for which Ruan the Flamingo had crafted a beautiful scabbard of red lacquered leather, inlaid with a design of blue pearls that flowed like the wind. Although no one would be able to tell just by looking at it, the scabbard contained a spell formation which focused the energies of the Wind Saber in on itself, allowing it to build up shocking levels of power the longer it remained sheathed.

  As for Bao, she decided to buck the long-standing traditions of Qi Xien and wear a blue wedding gown. None of the wedding guests had ever seen a blue wedding gown before, but it matched perfectly with her Phoenix Crown and was embroidered with a single silver phoenix that seemed even more lifelike than the nine dragons on Sunan’s garment. The phoenix’s eyes were made from rubies that glittered brilliantly, even during the dark of night.
Of course, when wearing her Phoenix Crown, she was careful with her wording so as not to unwittingly unleash its power upon the guests.

  Bao and Sunan also forwent many of the customary traditions for Qi Xien weddings, which would eventually become a precedent among members of the martial world.

  The ceremony itself was simple. They kowtowed to heaven, to earth, and to the Timeless Master. Then they shared a cup of tea.

  As simple as that, and they were married. Bao put away the Phoenix Crown as soon as possible, still fearing that it might accidentally wreak havoc.

  Then the banquet began.

  There was much toasting, followed by performances and acts of all sorts and kinds. Ten of the most beautiful female disciples from the Pure Phoenix Division performed a graceful dance, and several of the Golden Dragons played a ballad. One of Sun Mai’s apprentices, Shisan, recited a 1,500-year-old poem written by Emperor Lin from the Era of the Thundering March. Three of the Timeless Master’s disciples performed a comedic interpretation of the Goddess Xian Nu Shen creating the world.

  Later, there were martial arts performances. Ping Fangrou had a new drunken martial arts routine, which solicited a challenge to a duel from Bao. However, no amount of persuading could convince Ping Fangrou to fight Bao on her wedding day, so they agreed to postpone the match until a later date.

  Liu Jiahui had recently invented a qinggong technique that left everyone in the audience gasping in awe, and the Scorpion Swordsman performed the marvelous feat of slicing ten needles down the middle in a single blow. Tie Gangwen and Hero Qian Chengsi had an exhibition match that turned out to be more a comedy routine than a fight. Tie Gangwen repeatedly used the fact that he was missing an arm to flummox Qian Chengsi, but he was eventually defeated after Qian Chengsi bound his left leg up. The “One-Armed, One-Legged Duel of Legend” quickly became the talk of the martial world.

  Eventually, the time came to give gifts. There were almost too many to count, everything from weapons to clothing to books.

  The Timeless Master provided them with an ornamental rock that he mentioned, in passing, came from another world. Sun Mai handed them a bamboo scroll, personally written by him, which he said was the second volume of his scripture.

  However, the most impressive of all the gifts came from an unlikely individual: Du Qian.

  He preceded his gift with much fanfare and even a flowery speech, after which he left for a few minutes. When he returned with the gift, everyone was left shocked to their core.

  Chapter 76: A Rope and a Sack

  An enormous bronze chariot burst into the room, manned by none other than Du Qian. It wasn’t just the chariot that was bronze—the horses pulling it were of the same material, except for their eyes, which glowed bright blue. It was obviously a war chariot made for battle, with spikes on the wheels and thick protective armor, although the design seemed ancient and even somewhat simplistic.

  The horses pulled the chariot into the middle of the hall in dramatic fashion, whereupon they stood stock-still, almost as if they were nothing more than statues. Du Qian hopped off the chariot and with a flourish of his arms said, “Phoenix Sovereign. Dragon Sovereign. Allow me to present to you an artifact of incredible power. Crafted by Ruan the Flamingo using a branch from the Epoch Tree as its axle, this is the Chariot of Qi Xien!

  “It was created by magic both ancient and mysterious and will give you an edge in the fight against the Demon Emperor that no one else in the land possesses.”

  He ran his hand down the side of the chariot. “As you can see, it is large enough to fit four or five people. The magical horses which pull it never get tired, and most shocking of all, they can drive the chariot with no one at the reins! You heard me correctly. Once in the chariot, simply say the words ‘chariot, take me to…’ and say any place in the world, and the chariot will take you there.

  “Furthermore, the speed the chariot can attain on an open road vastly exceeds that of any ordinary chariot or horse. Best of all, the horses need no rest or food. The chariot can ride without stop through a cloudy, moonless night, or even dark caves and caverns beneath the surface of the earth. Not even the fastest steeds from Kushen would be able to overtake it. With the Chariot of Qi Xien, you will be able to move across the lands with incredible speed, and in complete safety. For example, the trip from here to Daolu, which would normally take weeks, can be made in only five to seven days.

  “Dragon Sovereign. Phoenix Sovereign. Ruan and I have been preparing this gift for many, many months. Years, even. Please accept it with our most humble congratulations!” With that, he clasped his hands and bowed deeply.

  Bao and Sunan were, of course, completely stunned, as was everyone else in the room. In fact, at first, nothing met Du Qian’s speech other than astonished silence.

  A long moment passed, after which Sunan said, “Master Du, this… this is incredible!”

  Du Qian smiled and opened his mouth to say something in response, but before he could, Sun Mai rose to his feet.

  “Brother Du Qian,” he said, “this is indeed most impressive.” Looking over at Sunan, he said, “Dragon Sovereign, may I have the honor of inspecting this marvelous gift?”

  “Of course, Sun Mai.”

  Sun Mai stepped forward to look more closely at the chariot, starting with the horses. “Brother Du Qian, I presume that you tested the powers of the chariot, correct? It really can go anywhere in the world?”

  “Of course, Brother Sun Mai. Over the past months, Ruan and I have taken the chariot to locations such as Zun City and the outskirts of Xuanlu. And of course, Daolu.”

  “How did you get it down the steep steps leading to the bottom of the mountain?”

  Du Qian smiled. “This chariot is driven by ancient, powerful magic. Do you really think a few steps would pose a problem for it? We even told the chariot to take us to Naqan. It began to speed to the west, but we interrupted the journey. In any case, rest assured, it can take its riders anywhere.”

  “Anywhere?” Sun Mai said, looking up, an expression of slight surprise on his face.

  “Anywhere,” Du Qian said confidently.

  Sun Mai walked around and hopped up into the chariot itself. “According to the legends I have read, the roots of the Epoch Tree burrow down so deep into the earth that they provide an anchor for Qi Xien within the flow of time. I wonder how that affects the powers of the chariot?”

  Du Qian frowned slightly. “What do you mean?”

  “Brother Du Qian, you crafted the chariot using an item of power that comes from a different realm. Doesn’t that mean that the chariot can transcend the world we see around us? Might it not reveal secrets regarding the very nature of the world itself?”

  Du Qian seemed slightly taken aback. “Perhaps it could—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Sun Mai smiled, picked up the chariot reins, and said, “Chariot, take me to the Perfect Realm.”

  Gasps echoed out from the audience, and yet… nothing else happened.

  Du Qian’s face drained of blood, and he took a step back.

  Sun Mai cleared his throat. “Chariot, take me to the Upper Realms.”

  Nothing happened.

  “Chariot, take me to see Xian Nu Shen. Chariot, take me to see Hen-Shi and Gushan. Chariot, take me to see Supreme Judge Yu.”

  Nothing happened.

  At this point, Du Qian’s face darkened. Hurrying forward, he hopped up into the chariot next to Sun Mai. “Now listen here, Sun Mai—”

  “Chariot, take me to the moment when Xian Nu Shen created the world.”

  Muffled rumbling like distant thunder filled the ears of all present. Time seemed to slow… and then stop. Brilliant colors burst out from the chariot, surrounding the entire thing, filling the eyes of all onlookers until all they could see was painful whiteness. Then… the chariot vanished.

  After the light faded away, cries of shock filled the room, and numerous individuals shot to their feet, including Sunan and Bao.

  Only a
moment later, though, more rumbling sounds and blinding light filled the room, and the chariot was back.

  It looked different. Its previously smooth and lustrous surface was now riddled with damage, as though it had been hacked at with blades and beaten with clubs. There were even arrows protruding from a few areas and what appeared to be teeth marks.

  Du Qian and Sun Mai were in the chariot, although they looked very different as well. Sun Mai’s head was no longer cleanly shaven. His hair hung past his shoulders, and he was completely disheveled. He also had a scraggly beard, and his robes were stained with both dirt and blood, seemingly on the verge of falling off his body. Du Qian was similarly bedraggled.

  However, what was most shocking about the scene was neither the chariot nor its two riders.

  Instead, it was what hung on the outside of the chariot, on its wheels, and even clinging to the horses. Corpses. Dozens of them, complete with rotting flesh and protruding bones. Some of them even dripped with viscous blackish fluid that was apparently partially congealed blood.

  As soon as the chariot appeared in the room, it became clear exactly what type of corpses these were, as their heads moved, and they looked around with snarling grimaces. Almost instantly, they began to hop off of the chariot and look around at the stunned wedding guests.

  One of the corpses seemed older and somehow more limber than the other corpses.

  “Well, well,” she said, opening her mouth to reveal long, razor-sharp teeth. “You’ve brought us to some lovely food!”

  If the sight of a talking, reanimated corpse wasn’t shocking enough as it was, when people looked over at her, cries of astonishment and shock filled the room.

  “Mao Mei?” Mao Yun blurted.

  This reanimated corpse looked almost exactly like his own sister, Mao Mei!

  Mao Yun’s head swiveled, and moments later locked on to another young woman sitting some distance away from him, who was looking at the reanimated corpse, her jaw dropped and her eyes as wide as saucers. That young woman was also Mao Mei.


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