Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (Federal Aviation Administration)
Page 79
RAMOS—remote automatic meteorological observing system
RAPCO—radar approach control (USAF)
RAPCON—radar approach control (FAA)
RATCC—Radar Air Traffic Control Center
RATCF—Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (USN)
RBC—rotating beam ceilometer
RBDPE—radar beacon data processing equipment
RBSS—Radar Bomb Scoring Squadron
RCAG—remote communications air/ground facility
RCC—Rescue Coordination Center
RCCC—Regional Communications Control Centers
RCF—Remote Communication Facility
RCIU—Remote Control Interface Unit
RCL—runway centerline; radio communications link
RCLL—runway centerline light system
RCLR—RCL repeater
RCLT—RCL terminal
RCO—remote communications outlet
RCU—remote control unit
RDAT—digitized radar data
RDP—radar data processing
RDSIM—runway delay simulation model
REIL—runway end identifier lights
RF—radio frequency
RL—General Aviation Reliever Airport
RLLS—runway lead-in lights system
RMCC—Remote Monitor Control Center
RMCF—Remote Monitor Control Facility
RML—radio microwave link
RMLR—RML repeater
RMLT—RML terminal
RMM—remote maintenance monitoring
RMMS—remote maintenance monitoring system
RMS—remote monitoring subsystem
RMSC—remote monitoring subsystem concentrator
RNAV—area navigation
RNP—required navigation performance
ROD—record of decision
ROSA—report of service activity
ROT—runway occupancy time
RP—restoration priority
RPC—restoration priority code
RPG—radar processing group
RPZ—runway protection zone
RRH—remote reading hygrothermometer
RRHS—remote reading hydrometer
RRL—runway remaining lights
RRWDS—remote radar weather display
RRWSS—RWDS sensor site
RSA—runway safety area
RSAT—runway safety action team
RSR—en route surveillance radar
RSS—remote speaking system
RT—right turn; remote transmitter
RT & BTL—radar tracking and beacon tracking level
RTAD—remote tower alphanumerics display
RTCA—Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTP—regional transportation plan
RTR—remote transmitter/receiver
RTRD—remote tower radar display
RTS—return to service
RVR—runway visual range
RVRM—runway visual range midpoint
RVRR—runway visual range rollout
RVRT—runway visual range touchdown
RWDS—same as RRWDS
RWP—real-time weather processor
S/S—sector suite
SA—sand, sanded
SAC—Strategic Air Command
SAFI—semi-automatic flight inspection
SALS—short approach lighting system
SATCOM—satellite communications
SAWR—Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station
SAWRS—Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting System
SBGP—state block grant program
SCC—System Command Center
SCVTS—Switched Compressed Video Telecommunications Service
SDF—simplified directional facility; simplified direction finding; software defined network
SDIS—switched digital integrated service
SDP—service delivery point
SD-ROB—radar weather report
SDS—switched data service
SEL—single event level
SELF—simplified short approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
SFAR-38—Special Federal Aviation Regulation 38
SFL—sequence flashing lights
SHPO—State Historic Preservation Officer
SIC—service initiation charge
SID—standard instrument departure; station identifier
SIGMET—significant meteorological information
SIMMOD—airport and airspace simulation model
SIP—state implementation plan
SIR—packed or compacted snow and ice on runway(s)
SLR—slush on runway(s)
SM—statute miles
SMGC—surface movement guidance and control
SMPS—sector maintenance processor subsystem
SMS—safety management system; simulation modeling system
SNBNK—snowbank(s) caused by plowing
SNR—signal-to-noise ratio, also: S/N
SOAR—system of airports reporting
SOC—service oversight center
SOIR—simultaneous operations on intersecting runways
SOIWR—simultaneous operations on intersecting wet runways
SRAP—sensor receiver and processor
SSALF—simplified short approach lighting system with sequenced flashers
SSALR—simplified short approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator lights
SSALS—simplified short approach lighting system
SSB—single side band
SSR—secondary surveillance radar
STA—straight-in approach
STAR—standard terminal arrival route
STMUX—statistical data multiplexer
STOL—short takeoff and landing
SURPIC—surface picture
SVCA—service A
SVCB—service B
SVCC—service C
SVCO—service O
SVFB—interphone service F (B)
SVFC—interphone service F (C)
SVFD—interphone service F (D)
SVFO—interphone service F (A)
SVFR—special visual flight rules
SWEPT—swept or broom/broomed
T1MUX—T1 multiplexer
TAA—terminal arrival area
TAAS—terminal advance automation system
TACAN—tactical air navigation
TAF—terminal area forecast
TAR—terminal area surveillance radar
TARS—terminal automated radar service
TAS—true air speed
TATCA—terminal air traffic control automation
TAVT—terminal airspace visualization tool
TCA—traffic control airport or tower control airport; terminal control area
TCACCIS—Transportation Coordinator Automated Command And Control Information System
TCAS—Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCC—DOT Transportation Computer Center
TCCC—Tower Control Computer Complex
TCE—tone control equipment
TCLT—tentative calculated landing time
mmunications Certification Officer
TCOM—Terminal Communications
TCS—tower communications system
TDLS—Tower Data-Link Services
TDMUX—time division data multiplexer
TDWR—terminal doppler weather radar
TDZ—touchdown zone
TDZ LG—touchdown zone lights
TELCO—telephone company
TELMS—telecommunications management system
TERPS—terminal instrument procedures
TFAC—to facility
TFR—temporary flight restriction
TGL—touch-and-go landings
TIMS—telecommunications information management system
TIPS—terminal information processing system
TM—traffic management
TM&O—telecommunications management and operations
TMA—Traffic Management Advisor
TMC—Traffic Management Coordinator
TMC/MC—Traffic Management Coordinator/Military Coordinator
TMCC—terminal information processing system; Traffic Management Computer Complex
TMF—Traffic Management Facility
TML—television microwave link
TMLI—television microwave link indicator
TMLR—television microwave link repeater
TMLT—television microwave link terminal
TMP—Traffic Management Processor
TMPA—traffic management program alert
TMS—traffic management system
TMSPS—traffic management specialists
TMU—traffic management unit
TNAV—terminal navigational aids
TODA—takeoff distance available
TOF—time of flight
TOFMS—time of flight mass spectrometer
TOPS—Telecommunications Ordering And Pricing System (GSA software tool)
TORA—take-off run available
TR—telecommunications request
TRACAB—terminal radar approach control in tower cab
TRACON—Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility
TRAD—terminal radar service
TRB—Transportation Research Board
TSA—taxiway safety area; Transportation Security Administration
TSEC—terminal secondary radar service
TSP—telecommunications service priority
TSR—telecommunications service request
TSYS—terminal equipment systems
TTMA—TRACON Traffic Management Advisor
TVOR—terminal VHF omnidirectional range
TWEB—transcribed weather broadcast
TY—type (FAACIS)
UAS—unmanned aircraft systems
UFN—until further notice
UHF—ultra high frequency
URA—Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
USAF—United States Air Force
USC—United States Code
USOC—Uniform Service Order Code
V/PD—Vehicle/pedestrian deviation
VALE—voluntary airport low emission
VASI—visual approach slope indicator
VDME—VOR with distance measuring equipment
VDP—visual descent point
VF—voice frequency
VFR—visual flight rules
VGSI—visual glide slope indicator
VHF—very high frequency
VIA—by way of
VLF—very low frequency
VMC—visual meteorological conditions
VNAV—visual navigational aids
VNTSC—Volpe National Transportation System Center
VON—virtual on-net
VOR—VHF omnidirectional range
VOR/DME—VHF omnidirectional range/distance measuring equipment
VORTAC—VOR and TACAN (collocated)
VOT—VOR Test Facility
VP/D—vehicle/pedestrian deviation
VRS—voice recording system
VSCS—voice switching and control system
VTA—vertex time of arrival
VTAC—VOR and TACAN (collocated)
VTOL—vertical takeoff and landing
VTS—voice telecommunications system
WAAS—Wide Area Augmentation System
WAN—wide area network
WC—work center
WCP—Weather Communications Processor
WECO—Western Electric Company
WEF—with effect from; effective from
WESCOM—Western Electric Satellite Communications
WIE—with immediate effect, or effective immediately
WKDAYS—Monday through Friday
WKEND—Saturday and Sunday
WMSC—Weather Message Switching Center
WMSCR—Weather Message Switching Center Replacement
WSCMO—Weather Service Contract Meteorological Observatory
WSFO—Weather Service Forecast Office
WSMO—Weather Service Meteorological Observatory
WSO—Weather Service Office
WSR—wet snow on runway(s)
WTR—water on runway(s)
Appendix C
Airport Signs and Markings
Figure C-1. Samples and explanations of standard airport signs.
Figure C-2. A sample runway with various possible markings and signs.
Figure C-3. Samples and explanations of standard airport markings.
14 CFR. See Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
100-hour inspection. An inspection identical in scope to an annual inspection. Conducted every 100 hours of flight on aircraft of under 12,500 pounds that are used to carry passengers for hire.
Absolute accuracy. The ability to determine present position in space independently, and is most often used by pilots.
Absolute altitude. The actual distance between an aircraft and the terrain over which it is flying.
Absolute pressure. Pressure measured from the reference of zero pressure, or a vacuum.
A.C. Alternating current.
Acceleration. Force involved in overcoming inertia, and which may be defined as a change in velocity per unit of time.
Acceleration error. A magnetic compass error apparent when the aircraft accelerates while flying on an easterly or westerly heading, causing the compass card to rotate toward North.
Accelerate-go distance. The distance required to accelerate to V1 with all engines at takeoff power, experience an engine failure at V1, and continue the takeoff on the remaining engine(s). The runway required includes the distance required to climb to 35 feet by which time V2 speed must be attained.
Accelerate-stop distance. The distance required to accelerate to V1 with all engines at takeoff power, experience an engine failure at V1, and abort the takeoff and bring th
e airplane to a stop using braking action only (use of thrust reversing is not considered).
Accelerometer. A part of an inertial navigation system (INS) that accurately measures the force of acceleration in one direction.
ADC. See air data computer.
ADF. See automatic direction finder.
ADI. See attitude director indicator.
Adiabatic cooling. A process of cooling the air through expansion. For example, as air moves up slope it expands with the reduction of atmospheric pressure and cools as it expands.
Adiabatic heating. A process of heating dry air through compression. For example, as air moves down a slope it is compressed, which results in an increase in temperature.
Adjustable-pitch propeller. A propeller with blades whose pitch can be adjusted on the ground with the engine not running, but which cannot be adjusted in flight. Also referred to as a ground adjustable propeller. Sometimes also used to refer to constant-speed propellers that are adjustable in flight.
Adjustable stabilizer. A stabilizer that can be adjusted in flight to trim the airplane, thereby allowing the airplane to fly hands-off at any given airspeed.
ADM. See aeronautical decision-making.
ADS-B. See automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast.
Advection fog. Fog resulting from the movement of warm, humid air over a cold surface.
Adverse yaw. A condition of flight in which the nose of an airplane tends to yaw toward the outside of the turn. This is caused by the higher induced drag on the outside wing, which is also producing more lift. Induced drag is a by-product of the lift associated with the outside wing.
Aerodynamics. The science of the action of air on an object, and with the motion of air on other gases. Aerodynamics deals with the production of lift by the aircraft, the relative wind, and the atmosphere.
Aeronautical chart. A map used in air navigation containing all or part of the following: topographic features, hazards and obstructions, navigation aids, navigation routes, designated airspace, and airports.
Aeronautical decision-making (ADM). A systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances.
Agonic line. An irregular imaginary line across the surface of the Earth along which the magnetic and geographic poles are in alignment, and along which there is no magnetic variation.
Ailerons. Primary flight control surfaces mounted on the trailing edge of an airplane wing, near the tip. Ailerons control roll about the longitudinal axis.
Aircraft. A device that is used, or intended to be used, for flight.
Aircraft altitude. The actual height above sea level at which the aircraft is flying.
Aircraft approach category. A performance grouping of aircraft based on a speed of 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing configuration at maximum gross landing weight.