Mack Daddy

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Mack Daddy Page 17

by Penelope Ward

  A look of alarm shone on her face. “What the heck is going on, Mack? I asked around looking for you, and they told me something happened with Jonah.”

  “I didn’t think you were going to show.”

  She knelt down and kissed her son. “I’m so sorry, honey.” Turning to Mack, she said, “I didn’t expect to get called into the office on a Saturday. But I’m here now.” She gave her ex a once over. “Why are you drenched?”

  “I was volunteering in the dunk tank but left when I noticed some boys picking on Jonah.”

  “What were they doing exactly?”

  “Pulling his hair and making fun of him.”

  “Are you serious? You shouldn’t have left him alone.”

  She was such a bitch to him.

  Torrie finally acknowledged me. “Miss. O’Hara.

  “Hello, Miss Hightower. Good to see you again.”

  She addressed me, “Did you see what happened?”

  “I did see them taunting him and pulling his hair. Mack interrupted it. They’re a group of boys who are known for making trouble. I’ll be contacting their parents.”

  “I’d like their parents’ names and contact information, as well,” she said before turning her attention to Mack. “I’m going to get him out of here, take him home with me for a little bit.”

  “He’s fine, Torrie. He needs to learn to be strong. He should stay.”

  “He doesn’t look fine to me. I’m just around the corner anyway. You can come get him later.”

  Mack seemed upset that Torrie insisted on cutting into his scheduled time with Jonah, but he let Jonah decide. “Do you want to go to Mom’s?”

  When the boy nodded yes, Mack said, “Okay…well, it’s my night, Torrie. We have dinner plans with some friends, so I’ll come get him at five.”

  I inwardly cringed at the thought of Mack going over to Clarissa’s tonight.

  “Fine,” she said curtly before holding out her hand. “Come on, honey.” She looked at me. “Good to see you, Miss O’Hara.”

  I faked a grin. “Same.”

  After they disappeared, Mack and I were left alone for the first time.

  A long moment of silence followed until he bitterly bit out, “Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “He went home.”

  “That was real funny what he did. Pretty juvenile for an old fucking man.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was going to be mean about it. I think he just finally snapped.”

  “I can relate. I can feel myself snapping at this very moment, in fact.” He wrung the water out of his shirt. “What was supposed to be a good day has turned into a real shitty one. I’m so done.”

  “You need a drink.”

  His reply took me aback.

  “I need a fuck is what I need, Frankie. Want to volunteer? If not, I bet Clarissa would be down for that.”

  That burned.

  He was mad and intentionally trying to get a rise out of me. But I took it without dishing anything back because I felt like I somehow deserved it after this morning. I could see right through him. More than anything, he looked hurt.

  Still completely soaking wet, he got up suddenly and exited the room without saying goodbye. All eyes seemed to be on him as he walked through the gymnasium and eventually out into the parking lot. I watched as he got into his truck and sped away.

  I stood there frozen at the entrance, unsure of what to do. Lorelai had taken over manning the pastry table. The right thing would have been to stay and figure out another way to help. But I was so done with going against my own happiness to do the right thing.

  As I escaped into my car, I decided I was going straight home to face Victor, to tell him I would be moving out. It was the right decision, even if things didn’t work out with Mack. My having such intense feelings for another person wasn’t fair to him. So, I told myself I was heading to our condo on Beacon Hill. But the reality was, I was driving down Route Nine toward Framingham.

  When I arrived at his house, Mack’s truck was parked outside.

  He was home.

  I nervously knocked on the door, thankful that Mrs. M. was nowhere in sight.

  After about a minute, he opened, still looking angry as hell. “What are you doing here?”

  All of our time together seemed to flash before me as I looked into his pained and exhausted eyes. It had all come down to this moment.

  Say something.

  “I’m still her, Mack—that, awkward, unsure girl who’s just in awe of you. I’ve been enamored with you for many different reasons over the years, but today, seeing you with your son, well, I’ve never loved you more. I love you. And I see you. I see how hard you try. I see all the love you have to give.”

  He closed his eyes briefly. “You should go home.”

  Not this time.

  “I’ve been lost and scared, but I’m pretty sure this is home.”

  Grabbing onto the wet material of his shirt, I stood on my toes and pressed my lips against his. For a split second, it seemed like he was going to resist, but then I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, and a deep groan of concession escape him.

  “Fuck,” he muttered over my lips as he gripped my ass before pulling me into the house and kicking the door shut. I knew the second I heard it slam that there was no turning back.

  Mack bumped into some furniture as he walked backwards while he kissed me harder. He unwound the paisley scarf that had been wrapped around my neck and threw it carelessly onto the ground. Refusing to detach ourselves long enough to see around us, we stumbled down the hall, practically glued at the mouth until we were finally in his bedroom.

  The shades were drawn, but there was just enough light coming in for me to be able see him. Running my fingers through his damp hair, I could taste beer on his breath. He must have opened a bottle the second he got home, certainly not expecting that I would follow him here. More than the beer, though, I could taste him. For the first time in my life, I got to taste the man of my dreams and become intoxicated by his indescribable, yet addictive, flavor. Breathless, wet, and shaking, nothing else mattered in the world anymore. Reaching up as high as I could on my tippy toes, I refused to come up for air as we consumed each other, our tongues colliding in a desperate struggle for more.

  He growled over my lips, “You’d better leave right now if you have any intention of going back to him, because I don’t plan to leave an inch of you unmarked. I’ll give you ten seconds to walk away.” He started to count, kissing me in between each number he recited. “Ten…nine…eight…seven…” He lowered his mouth to gently bite my neck. “Six…five…four…three…two…” He kissed upward then whispered over my mouth, “One.”

  I hadn’t budged.

  Mack took hold of my wrists, locking them behind my back before flipping me around toward his bedroom wall. “You’ve always belonged to me, haven’t you, Frankie?” His kiss was no longer gentle as he sucked voraciously on the skin at the back of my neck. The heat of his breath was making me crazy. My entire body went limp, completely submitting to him. “I need you…now,” he panted in my ear. “Need to fuck you hard. Please don’t tell me to stop.”

  “I won’t.” My nipples stiffened. “Don’t stop. Please.”

  He slid his hands up my sides then began to unbutton my blouse before practically ripping it off of me and tossing it aside.

  My cheek was pressed gently against the wall as he slowly kissed a line down my back.

  His hands moved to my waist, where he pulled the fabric of my skirt down just low enough to see the tattoo on my lower back.

  I closed my eyes and waited. Ten seconds felt like a minute.

  Then, I felt his lips tenderly kissing the area of my skin where the lotus flower was inked. He gripped my hips and continued to kiss over my tattoo, grazing me with his tongue. Having his mouth on my body was making me so incredibly wet with an urgent need to feel him inside of me.

  Suddenly, I felt my underwear sliding down.

; “They’re so freaking wet,” he muttered. “I need to taste it.”

  This time, when he resumed his worship of that spot on my back, he kissed lower and lower before spreading my ass cheeks. Without warning. I felt his hot mouth between my legs, under me, devouring my pussy from behind. Kneeling, he continued to take ownership of my body in a way I’d never experienced before. It was seriously like a symphony of movements and sounds: his tongue thrusting in and out of me with rhythmic precision in sync with the motion of his mouth while he worked his fingertips over my clit. And fuck me…he was hitting all the right notes. Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing.

  He flipped me around and gazed up at me with hazy eyes that reflected the highest threshold of hunger and desire. Returning his mouth to my swollen clit, he began to suck on my clit with renewed enthusiasm. His sexy moan vibrated between my thighs. No one else had ever seemed to take such pleasure in going down on me.

  As my fingers raked harder through his hair, he must have sensed I was about to lose control. He suddenly stopped and slowly stood up. “I want to feel you come against my mouth, but I’d rather you come with me inside of you.” Placing his forehead against mine, he said, “Remember all those things you wished I could do to you? I’m about to make all your wishes come true if you let me.”

  “I’ve wanted you for so long,” I whispered, unable to contain the desperation in my voice.

  Mack’s hair was a mess. His shirt was still damp from earlier and clinging to his chest. When I looked down and saw his hard cock straining through his jeans, I couldn’t help but place my palm against the heat of his erection. He hissed at the contact then removed my hand before pulling me into a firm embrace. The muscles in my back nearly cracked. I realized in that moment how strong Mack was, and I wanted nothing more than to feel all of his weight on top of me, to let him ravage my body. I desperately needed him to fuck me.

  His eyes were penetrating as he slowly lifted the wet T-shirt off of his perfect body. I could have watched that over and over again.

  I licked my lips at the sight of his sculpted chest in the flesh. It had been a long time since I’d seen him completely shirtless. He had even more definition now and a true six-pack. To this day, I still felt undeserving of this beautiful man.

  Running my palm in a line down his chest to the happy trail of hair at the base of his abs, I whispered, “I love your body.”

  “You’re all it needs right now.”

  He unsnapped my bra from the front, letting it fall. His chest was rising and falling as he stared down at my breasts before leaning in to suck on my nipples one by one. He was sucking so hard that I knew it would hurt tomorrow; but I didn’t care. The harder, the more painful, the more intense…the better.

  I pulled away from him. He thought it was because I was uncomfortable.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  “No.” Without further explanation, I dropped to my knees.

  He got the picture fast and didn’t hesitate to facilitate. Mack unzipped his jeans and took his beautifully thick cock out.

  Wrapping both of my hands around it, I marveled at the hot, veiny, shaft before slowly swirling my tongue around his crown. Tasting the salty arousal as he throbbed in my mouth was probably the single biggest turn-on of my life. I circled my tongue faster around his tip before lowering my mouth down over almost the entire length. Feeling him at the back of my throat, I intentionally moaned so he could feel it.

  “Fuck. Are you trying to kill me?” he rasped.

  I began to take him faster, rubbing the precum all over his dick with my hand. The sounds of pleasure coming from him made me want to suck him completely dry.

  He bent his head back, willfully taking everything I had to give. “You’re amazing at this. Best fucking head ever,” he said before suddenly pulling my hair. “But you need to stop.”

  Grabbing my hand, he lifted me up and led me over to his bed before pinning me down and hovering over me on all fours. His silky sheets, which were covered in the scent of his cologne, felt smooth under my bare ass. The anticipation of finally getting to feel him inside of me caused the muscles between my legs to contract.

  “You tell me if I’m hurting you, okay?” he said as he spread my legs apart wide. Those were the last words spoken before he lowered his body down and slowly pushed inside of me. The girth of his cock stretched me until he was balls deep. What started out as almost painful eased into a fast and intense rhythm.

  “I love you.” His words were soft in my ear, almost apologetic, considering the forceful way he was rocking into me. I couldn’t get enough. At one point, I started to buck my hips, and he stopped his own movement in order to feel me riding him from underneath his body. “Fuck, that feels good,” he groaned before he resumed pounding into me hard.

  Mack wrapped my legs around his back so he could go even deeper as he fucked me. The bed was creaking. His balls slapped against my ass as he hit all of the right angles, making it so hard not to come. I didn’t want it to end. Sweat was pouring off of us as our eyes stayed glued to one another. We were connected in both mind and body in that moment. It amazed me how sex with him could feel so primal—animalistic—and yet it was still the most tender, emotional experience of my life.

  As I dug into his muscular back with my nails, grasping onto him for dear life, I knew that no other man would ever satisfy me again. No other man had satisfied me in this way. I was more certain than ever that Mack was the only one for me. There was no way this feeling could ever be replicated…because it had been years in the making.

  His pace became more frantic, matched by his ragged breathing. I knew he was going to come.

  “Look at me, Frankie. Look at me, and tell me when you want me to come inside of you. I’m gonna come so hard. I want you to feel every bit of what you do to me.”

  When I felt myself climaxing, I couldn’t find the words to say it. My eyes simply rolled to the back of my head. But he knew. His body then came crashing down in a series of thunderous thrusts as his orgasm tore through both of us, his warm cum shooting inside of me.

  Mack swore as he came. “Oh, fuck….fuck…fuck…yes….fuck.” It seemed to last a long time, his hips moving in and out as he savored his orgasm. He eventually collapsed on top of me. “Excuse my language…but fuck!”

  “Fuck, yes.” I panted and laughed, trying to catch my breath. “Please tell me we can do that again.”

  “Best sex of my damn life. Screw that. Single. Best. Moment.”

  “Are you serious?”

  He smiled. “Yeah. I swear on my life. That right there was it. Took thirty years, but it was the single best moment. Bar none.”

  Closing my eyes, I pondered that. “Mine, too.” I said, honestly.

  He ravaged me with a kiss then said, “Good to know you’re not allergic to me anymore, Frankie Jane.”

  “Well…your injection worked.” I laughed.

  When he slowly withdrew from me, it was like a gravitational pull had been unnaturally interrupted. I felt empty, immediately wanting to be filled again. He wrapped his palms around my face and devoured my lips.

  “My beautiful, quirky, girl. I can’t believe I finally had you. Do you have any idea how long I’ve dreamt of this?” He kissed me long and hard again before he said, “Now, I can fucking die in peace.”

  “Please don’t die on me now. Things are just getting good.”

  “Not a chance. I need to live to be able to do that to you again many times over. You’re stuck with me.”

  Hands interlocked, we lay in a blissful state for several minutes before loud banging shook us to our core.

  I jumped up. “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know. Stay here.” Mack threw his jeans on before bolting out of the room.

  Wrapping my naked body in his comforter, I nervously waited.

  That was when I heard a woman’s voice say, “Jonah, go back into the car right now, please.”


  Oh, no


  A rush of adrenaline hit me. I hopped up and began frantically putting my clothes back on. I could feel his cum dripping down my thigh as I hid inside the closet and listened to every word of their altercation

  “I told you I was going to pick him up later.”

  “Yeah, well, he wanted to come back. Whose car is that parked in your driveway, Mack?”

  “That’s none of your concern. Please take Jonah back to your place, and I’ll come get him soon.”

  “Who’s here? Who are you fucking?”

  Please, Jesus. Make her leave.

  Then, I heard her say, “That scarf on the ground. That looks like the same one Jonah’s teacher had on.”

  “Torrie, you need to leave.”

  “Where is she?”

  Footsteps approached. I could hear Mack frantically trying to stop her.

  “Don’t touch me!” she spewed.

  The bedroom door burst open, banging against the wall.

  She slid the closet open next. Torrie’s eyes were filled with venom as we came face to face. My chest was rising and falling. I had no words. I could only imagine how this looked to her, given that she had no inkling of our history.

  Mack braced for her reaction. I knew I should have said something, but the words wouldn’t come.

  She was shaking in anger. “Isn’t your son already fucked-up as it is? This is what you do to him? Fuck his teacher? You’re a despicable human being.”

  Despite the seriousness of this, Mack remained relatively calm. “No, Torrie. There’s a lot more than you think you know going on here, and we need to talk about it.”

  She pointed her index finger at me. “As for you, I’ll be reporting you to school officials tomorrow.”

  I wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come.


  “You don’t understand,” Mack said.

  “Oh, I understand just fine, and you’re gonna pay for this. Don’t even think about picking up your son tonight.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “I can do a lot more than that. Believe me.”


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