Book Read Free

Showdown: Tech Billionaires

Page 31

by Ainsley St Claire

  They’ve finished fueling the plane, and the girls need to board so we don’t hold things up for the airport.

  “I want you to call me when you land and get settled.” I reach for Lilly’s hand and squeeze it.

  “I promise,” Lilly says.

  I give Katrina and Bex another hug. “You guys will have six men from Jim’s team with you, and they may add a few more. Do what they say. I know they can cramp your style, but they’re there to protect you. I promise I’ll be with you as soon as this is all over.”

  Bex looks up at me with her big, brown eyes. “Why can’t you come with us, Daddy?”

  “I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

  Her arms wrap around my waist. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. Listen to Lilly and the security detail.”

  “I promise.”

  Katrina has taken a few steps away from the crowd. I can see the conflict in her eyes. I reach for her, but she pulls away. She doesn’t like goodbyes since her mother died. “Can’t you give your old man a hug? It may be a few weeks before I see you again, but I promise I will.”

  She jumps into my arms. “You have to come soon.”

  “Do you remember when you were kidnapped?” I ask. Without letting go, she looks up to me and nods. “When I got there, you weren’t scared. You were pissed off.”

  “I wanted to be at home with you and mom.”

  “Just remember that feeling. Okay?”

  She nods.

  I hold her close and whisper into her hair. “I love you so much, baby girl.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  I wave goodbye and watch as all three of my girls board their plane. It’s a matter of seconds before they taxi down the runway and the plane speeds into the air. I watch it gain altitude until it’s a tiny speck in the sky.

  Jim looks at me. “Ready to get this thing going?”

  I nod. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We board Jackson’s plane, and it becomes a planning station for the five-hour flight to San Francisco.

  The first part of the plan is for me to return home with Trevor, who will live in the house, along with two others on our team. We’ll have sentries who are armed and moving around the property at all times. Trevor and I will sleep in the safe room. It’s a two-bedroom apartment below ground at the house.

  We’ll land shortly before five in the morning, so I’m going to head over to the house as I would any other time I returned on this type of red-eye. I’ll go in to the office about ten and try to get on a normal schedule. We’re just going to wait it all out.

  Jim has the heaviest part of the job, which is to make sure that as the bait, I’m not hung out to dry.

  We finish the last of the details as the plane begins its final approach. Already the black sky has a glimmer of light at the horizon. This is it. Time to get this taken care of. I miss Lilly and the girls already. I shut my eyes for only a minute, and the next thing I know the bump of the plane hitting the tarmac wakes me.

  Trevor and the team unload the bags.

  Jim stands next to me. He stood next to me when we were in the Marine Corps in Afghanistan. He’s saved my life more than once, and he thinks I saved him after we returned. He’s my best friend in the world, and I know that if anything happens to him, Kate will kill me herself.

  “Do you want me to stay with you?” he asks.

  “Kate needs you more than I do,” I say.

  She looks at me and grins. “I’ve got him right where I want him, given that someone would have to be beyond stupid to attempt to breach Clear Security’s building. They’d not only have to get through the doors but past forty former Seals, Raiders, Rangers, US Marshals, and FBI agents before they could get to us in our apartment. Jim’s going to be of no use anyway if they get that far.”

  I shake my head. I still don’t want him in harm’s way.

  “Hey,” Jim says and pulls her into a hug. “I’d be stronger than all of them if they thought they were going to get to you.”

  “Sleep well, you two,” I say. “This is going to be over sooner rather than later.”

  “Agreed,” Jim says.

  Corrine is yawning.

  “I’m going to take my future bride back to our place and get her to bed,” Jackson says. “I hope everything works out well and quickly. Nate, if you need to jet out by helicopter, just let me know. I think we could get you to Sac or the Central Valley if we needed to keep it under the wire.”

  I nod. “That’s good to know. Thanks.”

  As we cross the Golden Gate and head to the house, my cell phone pings.

  Lilly: We made it. The ranch is stunning, but it would be better if you were here.

  She added a picture of her and the girls, and there’s a pit in my stomach. What if our plan doesn’t work? What if this is all for nothing?

  We all load up into our respective vehicles and head into our parts of the City. I feel empty without my family, but I’m ready to take the snake’s head off.

  Chapter 35


  Landon Walsh’s ranch sits nestled against the jagged Montana mountains behind it, which then open into wide prairies. When we land on the nearby runway, an older couple comes out to introduce themselves.

  “Welcome to Magnolia Homestead. I’m Molly Pierce, and this is my husband James.”

  James steps forward. “We’ve ordered a van, but it won’t be able to get all the way to the runway. This is usually a field we let the cows graze in.”

  Bex’s eyes grow wide. “You have real cows here?”

  James’ rough exterior softens immediately. “And rabbits, chickens, and pigs. I understand you like horses?”

  Bex takes a deep breath. “We love horses. How many do you have?”

  “After we get everyone to the house and settled, I’ll walk you around and you can count them. We have some foals that were born recently.”

  Katrina stays silent, but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

  “Anyways, as I was sayin’, I was wondering if Dave here could carry Helen to the truck, and we’ll get her chair situated. We have a room on the main floor of the house all set for her, and rooms for the nurses no problem. It’s just getting out of the field that has us worried.”

  Nurse Jackie steps forward. “She doesn’t weigh more than ninety pounds, but you need to get her in a bridal hold.”

  Dave’s brow furrows.

  “You need to hold her to you like a man takes a bride over the threshold,” Patty clarifies. “We’d also attach a belt to her so she won’t fall.”

  Dave nods. “Whatever you need to do,” he says.

  We watch as Dave picks my mom up like she weighs nothing. The nurses fuss around her, securing her to Dave, and he turns to James and says, “I’m just going to walk her up to the house like this. It’s no problem.”

  I start to object, but Molly puts her hand on my arm. “He’s fine. That man could carry an ox if he needed to.”

  “Okay,” I breathe. I need to let people help me and do their jobs. Everything is okay, I remind myself.

  We make our way up to the house.

  “I wish I had my riding gear,” Bex says.

  “Let’s make a list of what you need, and we’ll have your dad send it over,” I tell her. “I think you’ll need more than the one pair of jeans you have in your bag.”

  The girls take off running, and Molly walks with me. “You’re a good mother to those two.”

  “I’m only their nanny, but I adore them just the same.”

  “I can tell.” We walk in silence for a while. “There are several things the girls and you can do around here.”

  “Well, the girls do have schoolwork to finish up. The school year is almost over, but I don’t want them to get too removed from learning. It’s been chaos since March.”

  Molly takes my arm in hers. “I understand. They’re going to do just fine. You all have your own rooms up in the west wing, and I’ve put you
r mom and her nurses in the east wing. The hub of the house is the kitchen. Have I mentioned that I’m glad Mr. Walsh asked to come here?”

  “Me too. He’s a loud one, but he’s more the class clown than tyrant.”

  Molly chuckles. “You know him well.”

  I smile. “I suppose I do. He and Nate, the girls’ father, are close, and when we see him, he’s always a treat.”

  “Is there anything you or the girls don’t eat or food allergies I need to be aware of?”

  I shake my head. “As soon as I tell you the girls won’t eat something, if you make it, they’ll eat it.”

  “I remember those days. No problem.”

  We walk into the house, and she leads me to the west-wing bedrooms. The girls are already fighting over which room belongs to them.

  “I’ll take the smallest room with the single bed, and you two can fight over the biggest room,” I offer.

  “If you take the smallest, what will I do when I have a nightmare?” Bex cries.

  “And what will I do if I’m scared?” Katrina adds.

  “I don’t know. These are things to consider. But I want you two to work it out.” I shrug. “Let me know where I should put my things.”

  “It’s pretty early, so if you want to lie down for a spell, I can begin working on breakfast,” Molly offers.

  Bex perks right up. “What are you making?”

  “My specialty is French toast,” Molly replies.

  Bex is in love. “Do you want some help?”

  “Sure. The more we get done together, the faster we can eat.”

  I sit down on the bed, and worry about Nate hits me like a ton of bricks. What happens if he gets hurt? What do I do if something happens to him? I guess I can stay with the girls if they ask, but I’m betting their aunt would be in charge. It would be too hard to say goodbye… I take a few deep breaths. My anxiety is at an all-time high, and I lie back, shut my eyes, and breathe deeply. I need to get a handle on this.

  Sometime later, I hear a shuffling sound and open my eyes. Katrina is riffling through my computer bag, and I realize I fell asleep. “What are you looking for?”

  “I need a charger cord.”

  “Where’s yours?”

  “Maui. I left it outside the pool house. May I borrow yours?”

  “That’s fine.”

  “By the way, Dad called me since you didn’t answer your phone.”

  I reach for my phone and see four missed calls from Nate. Oops. “What did he say?”

  “He wanted to know how our flight went.” She finally finds what she’s looking for. “You missed breakfast, but Molly insisted we let you sleep.”

  “That was very kind of her,” I say.

  Katrina shrugs. “James is going to take us around the ranch while my phone charges.”

  “Okay. You don’t need me with you?”

  “Nope,” Katrina says as she plugs her phone in and turns to go. “Vincent and Patricia are going with us. Steve and Michael are doing something for Jim.”

  I nod. I’ll need to meet the Clear Security team and make sure I know their plan. “Thanks,” I say to her backside as she practically runs out of the room.

  I look around and see that it’s late morning. I took quite a long nap. I stare up at the ceiling. I still can’t shake my concerns about Nate and his safety. I need to hear his voice, I decide. I place the call, figuring even his voice on his voice mail should help.

  “Hi,” he says in a sexy tone as he answers, and my nipples pebble. Dang, just his voice gets me going.

  “Sorry I missed your calls. I fell asleep.”

  “You needed to rest.” His voice drops. “It’s not like we got a lot of rest on Kauai.”

  “If I were a betting woman, I’d say you got even less sleep and haven’t taken a nap since we left you on the runway in Maui.”

  “Sure I did. I slept on the plane.” He flips the call to FaceTime.

  I see the dark circles under his eyes, and I don’t want him to know how worried I am. “So, what’s the plan?” I ask, keeping my voice light.

  Nate takes a deep breath. “After the flight back, Trevor and I drove home, and I got a little bit of rest. We’re staying down in the safe room in the basement. I keep thinking how much I want to move.”

  “Then once we get through this, let’s have a conversation with the girls and do it. Where do you want to go?”

  “I wouldn’t mind moving back into the City. It’s more hectic with all the traffic, but we can move the girls to different schools to make it easier.”

  “I’m fine with whatever you want to do. I’ll support you and make sure the girls get on board.”

  “I miss you so much,” Nate says, and my heart hurts with how much I miss him, too.

  “What are you doing today?” I ask.

  “I’m on my way into the office, and I plan to just go about my daily business. We don’t expect anything to happen for a few days, or maybe even a few weeks. They have to realize I’m home and figure out their next move.”

  I sigh. “That’s so far off.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can….” He hesitates.

  I sit forward and straight as a board. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Out of an abundance of caution, I made a small change in my will. I’m asking that you take the girls if something happens to me. I know that would mean reshuffling your life again, but I think you’re the best person for that job. I’ve made Alicia the head of the company, and she can look out for your interests and the girls’.”

  I start to cry. “What happens if they come for us?”

  “They won’t. But if anyone tried to bother you, Jim and his team would make sure you were well hidden and fine.”

  “I can’t believe you’re telling me this. This sounds like you don’t think you’ll be back.”

  “Sweetheart, quite the opposite. But as a single father, I can’t pretend I’m bulletproof. I need to look out for my family, and you’re part of my family. The girls will need you if something happens to me.”

  “Fine. It’s not worth the argument, but you tell Jim that if something happens to you, I’m coming for him, and I don’t care who works for him. I’ll take him out.”

  “He’s right here. I think he heard most of that…and he’s nodding. He heard you.”

  “Hi, Lilly,” Jim says. “Your message is crystal clear. But also know that if Nate’s going down, I’m going with him. That’s always how it’s worked. But that’s not our plan. We’re going to get these people who have ruined so many lives.”

  “As long as we’re on the same page,” I say with as much menace in my voice as I can muster.

  Nate takes the phone back, and I can see him again. “Do you know what a turn-on it is to hear you get your hackles up about me?”

  I roll my eyes. Only he would think with his other head at a time like this.

  “I have the biggest hard-on right now. Damn, the next time we’re in bed, you better be bringing that with you. I’m going to have some fun.”

  “Nathan Lancaster, how old are you?”

  “I’m old enough to know that my woman will take out any motherfucker who tries to come for me, and it turns me on.”

  My heart softens, and I have to laugh. “Please be careful.”

  “Absolutely. I promise. And we don’t expect much to happen today. I’ve surprised them by coming home. But we’ve put out intel that I’ll only be here for a few weeks, getting things lined up to go into long-term hiding. And you should know, I carry an emergency button in my pocket at all times. And James and the team over at the ranch are on high alert. Be aware. Tonight, I want you to call me back, and I’m going to tell you all about what I do to bossy women.”

  “It better be licking my boots.”

  “Fuck, woman. I’m going to have to go see a doctor, because this hard-on is going to last me all day.”

  I giggle, and just like that, he’s diffused my anger and fears. “I’ll talk to yo
u later tonight.”

  Chapter 36


  But thirteen days later, I’m not feeling so positive.

  “Jim, this is taking too long. I’ve been here for two weeks, and nothing’s happening. I miss my girls, and I want to at least spend the weekend with them.” I drum my fingers on my desk at the office.

  “I understand, but you need to stay strong,” Jim assures me through the phone. “They may be hoping you’re going to lead them to the girls.”

  I know he’s right, but the anticipation is killing me. Last night Lilly and I had the best FaceTime sex we’ve ever had, but somehow that makes everything worse. Damn. I need to feel her and touch her, inside and out.

  “Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight?” Jim suggests. “Kate can make you her linguine and clams.”

  “Thanks. I think I’m going to watch the Giants game tonight with Trevor at home. If you want to join us—Kate’s welcome, too—we’re going to order pizza. I’d just rather leave at two tomorrow and meet up with Lilly for a few days.”

  Jim sighs. “I wouldn’t mind seeing the game, and I think Kate would rather sleep. She’s exhausted all the time.”

  “Maybe if you didn’t keep her up half the night doing terrible things, she wouldn’t be so tired.”

  “You’re so not funny. First, nothing I do with my wife is terrible. Second, you’re just jealous because Lilly is so far away.”

  “You bet your ass I’m jealous. But I’m also very happy for you.”

  “I’ll be there tonight.”

  “Good. See you then.”

  As usual, I receive pictures from Montana throughout the day. My favorites are the girls riding horses and Bex standing, in all her glory, with a piglet. I can already see her on a ranch with lots of animals as an adult.

  When I finally get home from work, I throw my keys in the bowl on the counter.

  “Are you going to go hide in your safe room again tonight?”

  I turn toward the familiar voice and see Viviana standing in black leggings and a black turtleneck sweater. Her hair is pulled back, and her makeup is severe.


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