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Ice & Rapture

Page 3

by Connie Mason

  "I'd like to hear more about your plans and how soon you intend to leave for the Klondike," Maggie asked with deceptive innocence

  "Why the sudden interest in my plans'?"

  "Just answer my question. Chase Please," she added in a placating tone

  "Sure Just can't see how my plans would interest you Or is this some scheme to entice me into your bed1? If it is, you sure as hell don't have to go to all this trouble A simple request will do "

  "Why, you conceited oafl Enticing men to my bed is hardly my calling What do you think I am1?"

  "A mite long in the tooth, Maggie girl," Chase goaded, deliberately raking her trim figure with suggestive boldness "But I don't mind Never did fancy those sweet young things, all innocence and battin' eyelashes Give me a real woman who knows what she wants any day "

  Stunned, Maggie's mouth flopped open Never had she encountered such a rude, despicable creature She had always considered herself an enlightened woman, but Chase's crude teasing rendered her speechless She had never before felt the need to apologize about her age and marital status, but

  never before had it been thrown up to her in such a callous manner She never made excuses to anyone for choosing a career over a husband and family and wasn't about to do so now She was on the verge of spitting out a scathing retort when she decided that the best way to handle this offensive cowboy was to ignore his outrageous remarks Besides, she wanted something from him and it wouldn't do to anger or insult him at this point

  "Can't you be serious for once. Chase1?" Maggie chided, her amber eyes dark with suppressed rage

  "Believe me, Maggie girl, I am serious," Chase returned, his voice slow and lazy, with overtones Maggie chose to ignore "What's so all-fired important that you'd invite me to your room1?"

  "Tell me about your plans once you reach Skag-way " She perched gingerly on the edge of the bunk, ready to flee if Chase made an indecent move or suggestion

  "Same as every man aboard the North Star Get to the goldfields as quickly as possible " "Which route will you take?"

  "The easiest and most logical, accordin' to Rusty, is White Pass and raft upnver from Bennet Lake to Dawson Some still take Chilcoot Pass, Pullin' their gear by dogsled, but that route has been all but abandoned by now 'cause it's more difficult What's this all about1?"

  "I want you to take me with you I'll pay whatever you ask "

  "Anythin"?" Chase echoed, treating Maggie to an outrageous leer

  "Within reason," Maggie clarified, flushing She wanted to smack his face but forcibly restrained herself

  Sighing regretfully. Chase shook his head "Sorry, Maggie girl, the Klondike is no place for a woman I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't tempted, and not

  because of the money," he added, twinkling "But only a damn fool would attempt anythin' so foolish If you want my opinion, you'll stay board the North Star and return to Seattle instead of debarkin' at Skagway I hear the town is lawless and so corrupt murders occur nearly every hour of every day "

  "I didn't ask for advice, only your help in reaching the Klondike But if you insist on being stubborn, I'll find someone else to take me If not, I'm prepared to go it alone "

  She'd do it, too. Chase concluded, admiring Maggie's grit and determination but despairing of her reckless nature He didn't much cotton to women with driving ambition who thought themselves better than men, but something about this feisty lady made him want to cheer her on But not at his expense He didn't want the responsibility of taking a woman where she didn't belong Besides, Chase could well imagine Old Rusty's reaction to dragging a woman along with them to the Klondike

  "I doubt you'll find anyone willin' to take you, Maggie, but for what it's worth, I wish you luck Who knows, you're so blamed determined you might just succeed "

  "I will succeed. Chase McGarrett," Maggie promised softly, disappointed but not discouraged by Chase's refusal She stood, waiting for him to leave But Chase chose to linger, studying Maggie through eyes as vivid blue as the sea

  "You're some woman, Maggie girl"

  Then he reached for her, dragging her into his arms as his mouth slashed over hers Hot, eager, demanding, his tongue-tip prying them apart, her mouth yielding, he kissed her in a way that made her bones melt

  Chase groaned What was there about this woman that made him want her so1? His desire for Maggie was undeniable, the swollen ridge of his manhood a

  fiery brand through her clothing, its warmth sending heat through her loins His musky fragrance warped her senses as she clung to him, drowning in sensations foreign to her

  His hand claimed her breast and Maggie shuddered She knew this couldn't go on or she'd find herself surrendering a to him Desperately, she threw herself away from his potent embrace, needing to put a safe distance between herself and this powerful mass of brawn and muscle who was turning her inside out, exposing emotions she usually kept under tight rein

  Chase's mouth slanted into a mocking grin "Are you afraid of me, Maggie Afton? Are you frightened of how I make you feel?" "I fear, no man," Maggie denied vehemently

  Chase's eyes were so clear and sharp they pierced cleanly through her hard exterior, seeking the softness she tried desperately to conceal "Then why won't you let me kiss you1?"

  Maggie asked herself the same question Many men had kissed her, but Chase's kisses were an assault upon her senses He was ruggedly

  handsome—impossibly, wonderfully masculine, broad-chested and hard muscled—and he roused wicked, wanton instincts in her that she tried hard to


  "Dammit, Chase, I don't have time for this " Irritation sparked her words "I came to do a job and nothing or no one will interfere with the goals I set for myself You're an adventurer, seeking wealth and collecting conquests along the way, and I'll not be added to your list Now get out of here If you change your mind about helping me, let me know "

  A slow smile worked its way across Chase's rugged features There was something intriguing about this golden-eyed witch with the face of an angel and the disposition of a tigress that made him want to make love to her one minute and wring her neck

  the next She was infuriating, foul-ternpered, and too damn independent to attract any man with marriage on his mind No wonder she was still unmarried But hot damn, spinster or no, Maggie Afton was one gorgeous hunk of woman, one he'd have a high old time taming He'd bed her in a minute if she'd let him Right now though it looked as if his chances of making love to her were virtually nil

  "I'll not change my mind, Maggie girl, but if you change yours I'll be around If the sparks that fly between us are any indication, we'd be damn good in bed " Then he was gone

  "Ohhh," Maggie groaned, infuriated at Chase's audacity That cowboy had more gall than any man she'd ever met If one thing came from this adventure, it would be the certain knowledge never to tangle with cowboys from Montana

  Chapter Three

  During the summer of 1897, boats of every size and description clogged Skagway Bay More than two thousand horses and hundreds of dogs, goats, mules, and oxen were dumped overboard and forced to swim ashore in icy water Freight bundles were dropped onto scows and rafts, with no concern for breakage or water damage, and moved from deep water across the shallow tidal mud flats, then tossed helter-skelter on the shore The confusion and racket were unescapable day and night as men stumbled over trunks, boxes, food supplies, stoves, mining tools, and bales of hay in a frantic effort to locate their belongings and gather them into one place beyond the high-water line

  This was the bedlam Maggie found herself thrust into that August day in 1897 when the North Star steamed up the Inside Passage, downLynne Canal, and into Skagway Bay With hundreds of people

  pouring into town and hundreds more backtracking to carry their supplies over White Pass, sometimes making fifteen to twenty trips, the town took on the appearance of a grim carnival Every known kind of criminal and crook flocked there They swindled, stole, waylaid, drugged, attacked, and murdered men without restraint Maggie was soon t
o leam that most were part of a complex outlaw group bossed by Jefferson R "Soapy" Smith, an enterprising man who collected a fifty percent commission on various criminal ventures, promising protection when those who did the deed got in trouble

  The day the North Star hove to would live long in Maggie's memory People had tried to warn her, but she had absolutely no idea things would be this bad Undaunted, she stood on deck beside her fragile photographic equipment, ready to do battle with the first person who manhandled her valuable belongings Like a knight of long ago, it was Chase who came to her rescue, lifting her things aboard the raft sent out to ferry them ashore When she scrambled aboard the bobbing craft to accompany her equipment, she fully expected Chase to follow Instead, he saluted jauntily and stood by as the raft pulled away

  Aren't you coming1?" Maggie called out

  "Nope, got to get my cattle ashore See ya round, Maggie girl"

  What now1? Maggie thought as she sat on one of her trunks dumped unceremoniously on the beach by the bargeman As far as she could see, thousands of tents lined the beach up and down for many miles

  At least the scenery was spectacular, she reflected as she gazed in awe at the magnificent, snowcapped mountains hugging three sides of the narrow valley on which Skagway was built The open side faced

  the Lynne Canal with its mud flats and shallow water "Need help, lady?"

  Maggie heaved a sigh of relief At least there was one gentleman in Skagway, she thought But the man standing before her scarcely resembled any gentleman she'd ever seen He wore an assortment of rags, his hair and scraggly beard were long and unkempt His shoes were wrapped with rags to hold them together and most of his teeth were missing

  "Yes, thank you I'd appreciate it if you'd carry my baggage to the nearest hotel"

  A loud guffaw followed Maggie's words "There ain't no hotel in Skagway fit fer a lady But Mr Smith will rent ya a place on the beach to pitch a tent What in the hell is a lady like you doin' in Skagway anyways? Where's yer man?"

  "That's none of your business Just tell me where I can locate Mr Smith and I'll find him while you move my belongings to high ground "

  The man scratched his head in a most disconcerting manner "You'll find Soapy at Soapy's Parlor, most likely If he ain't there, try the Ice Palace


  "Folks 'round here call him Soapy His real name is Jefferson Randolph Smith He kinda runs things in Skagway "

  "Thankyou, Mr—"

  "Just call me Hank"

  "Thank you. Hank " She turned to leave, lifting her skirts to keep them from dragging in the mud

  "Fifty dollars, lady "


  "It'll cost ya fifty dollars to move yer belongin's above high-water line "

  "That"s highway robberyl" Maggie blustered

  Hank shrugged "Take it or leave it, makes me no nevermind "

  Damn, Maggie cursed beneath her breath She hoped she'd not be forced to linger in this hellhole long Opening her bag, she produced half the required amount, placed it in the greedy man's grubby paw, and trudged off across the wet sand "I expect you to guard my luggage well for that money," she threw over her shoulder "When I return you'll receive the balance "

  Unaccustomed to the sight of a well-dressed woman in this rough wilderness, dozens of pairs of admiring eyes and numerous covetous glances followed Maggie's progress—as did catcalls, hoots, and whistles, which Maggie did her best to ignore

  Maggie paused before the Ice Palace, debating whether to look for Soapy Smith inside or continue on to Soapy's Parlor She'd never been inside a saloon before, and she looked around for someone to send inside with a message for the notorious Mr Smith Suddenly the thud of hooves and the sounds of complaining cattle brought people rushing from the saloon and buildings lining the single street, oddly named Broadway Maggie turned her head just as Chase, assisted by an older man with a shock of graying red hair and a full beard, drove his cattle though the main thoroughfare

  As Chase passed by, two middle-aged women dressed in an odd assortment of men's clothing rushed up to intercept him "Whose cows are those, mister1?" one of the the women asked excitedly

  "Mine," Chase replied, tipping his hat politely "Got a corral hereabouts where I can pen them for a spell1?" "There's a corral behind the Ice Palace you can use "

  The feminine voice was soft, low, and provocative, and Chase reacted instinctively, craning his neck in the direction of the speaker A flamboyantly garbed woman stepped boldly forward "I'm Belle

  Delarue, owner of the Ice Palace "

  She was of medium height and voluptuous, with lustrous strands of thick, copper-colored hair piled atop her head in an elaborate style that framed her exotic features perfectly Wide mouth, sloping eyes, and high defined cheekbones all added to her allure Though her dress was bold and colorful, it wouldn't have been considered decent by most standards

  Chase's male instincts leaped out to devour the flaming beauty He found no fault with her looks except perhaps for the hardness lingering around her green eyes and too-bright smile A man could find aheap of comfort in those soft white arms, he thought idly Then he turned his head slightly and met Maggie Afton's contemptuous glare Her amber gaze slid over him with the knowledge that she knew exactly what he was thinking And blast it all, she was right I

  "Waitl" The woman who had first accosted Chase rudely shoved her way to his side, interrupting his silent observations "Are them cows fer sale1?" "Yep All hundred and twenty head"

  "I'll give you five dollars a head I'm Hannah Brown and this here is Kate Sites We own the Hash House Restaurant My customers are sick of bear meat and can't say as how I blame them A beefsteak sure would taste good "

  A crooked smile hung on the comer of Chase's lips "Sony, Hannah, you'll have to do better than that I brought these cows clear up from Montana "

  "Ten dollars," offered Hannah, growing desperate

  "I'll give you twenty " All eyes turned to Belle, who had just entered into the bidding, tossing a gloating look at Hanhah and her partner

  "ThirtyI' Hannah responded, prompted by Kate

  "One hundred dollars I" bid Belle, well aware that the two women couldn't afford to outbid her

  "We can't afford to go no higher and you know itl" Hannah retorted, her voice ripe with disgust "Come on, Kate, we got supper to prepare Bear stew tonight, menl" she called over her shoulder, drawing a groan from prospective customers

  When Belle loudly proclaimed, "Beefsteak at the Ice Palace tonight," it started a small stampede toward the saloon door

  Happy to see another woman in this godforsaken town, Maggie hurried after Hannah and Kate She hoped they'd know of a place to stay other than a tent pitched on a beach crowded with men of all description

  "Excuse me," Maggie called out "May I have a word with you1?"

  Both women turned in unison, their eyes widening at the sight of Maggie, impeccably dressed in the latest fashion "Land sakes, child, where did you come from1?"

  "I'm Maggie Afton I just arrived on the North Star "

  "Pleased to meet ya, Maggie I'm Hannah Brown and this here's Kate Sites Where's yer man1? Ain't safe in Skagway fer a woman alone, lessen they look like me and Kate " A loud guffaw followed her words

  Maggie couldn't help but smile at their friendly manner, or react in kind "I'm alone and I'm sorry about the cows Perhaps there'll be others come through "

  Hannah shrugged philosophically "Mebbe What ya doin'by yerself in a place like Skagway1?"

  "I'm a newspaper reporter with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer," Maggie explained "I'm on my way to the Klondike to cover the gold strike as soon as I find someone to take me "

  Til be damnedl" Kate exclaimed, bug-eyed "A woman reporter 'Bout time a woman got a decent

  job I sure wish ya luck, honey, but don't expect miracles Don't rightly know of any man willin' to take a woman to the Klondike I'm sure a woman will get there one day, but most likely it will be a woman accompanying her man "

  "Kate's right, Ma
ggie," Hannah concurred "And Skagway is no place fer a woman alone Gettin' to the Klondike is no picnic I respect yer gumption, but yer too young and puriy to be on yer own in this part of the world Gold fever makes men do crazy things "

  "Thanks for the advice, ladies, but I'll find a way to the Klondike, just you wait and see "

  A gap-toothed smile split Hannah's weathered face "I believe ya will, honey Meanwhile, ya gotta have a place to stay "

  "Exactly," Maggie concurred "Do either of you know someone willing to board me for a while1? Or a good hotel in town1?"

  "Only women in town besides me and Kate are saloon girls and whores Hotels here ain't fit fer a lady The saloons sometimes rent rooms," Hannah advised, "but don't reckon you'd be interested in that"

  "I could always pitch a tent on the beach," Maggie grimaced, suppressing a shudder "It won't be for long Only until I can hire someone to take me over White Pass to Yukon Territory "

  Hannah and Kate exchanged worried glances over Maggie's head "Tell ya what, honey," Kate suggested "I can bunk in with Hannah fer a spell and you can use my room behind the Hash House It ain't much, but it's clean and yer welcome to it"

  "Oh, no, I couldn't take your room, Kate I" Maggie cried, touched by their generosity "Sure ya can How's twenty dollars a week room and board sound1?"

  "Sounds wonderful, but "

  "No buts," Kate grinned, "it's all settled Come along, ya can send fer yer things later "

  Chase sat across from Belle Delarue in her cramped office behind the bar in the Ice Palace "What's your name. Cowboy1?" she asked archly She made no bones about sizing up Chase's lanky frame and masculine attributes, evidently liking what she saw


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