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Ice & Rapture

Page 5

by Connie Mason

  Waving him on. Rusty watched as Chase left the alley, his face a grimace of pain He didn't want to let on in front of Chase, but his leg hurt so damn bad it was all he could do to suppress the groan lurking at the back of his throat

  Chase emerged from the alley, grabbing the first person he saw on the street "Where can I find a doctor? My partner's been hurt" "You won't find no doctor in Skagway, mister There's one in Juneau, though Heard tell there's one in Dyea, too Take your friend there " "You don't understand His leg is broken, and he can't be moved," Chase growled, growing impatient

  "Well, if that's all, Kate Sites is the closest thing to a doctor in town She set more than one broken bone that I know of You'll find her at the Hash House "

  Chase groaned Kate Sites One of the women who wanted to buy his cattle Why did it have to be her? She was probably still mad at him for selling his cows to Belle and raking in a hefty profit Still, Rusty could be crippled for life if he didn't get help Stiffening his shoulders, he raced off toward the Hash House

  It was the supper hour, and Chase found both women busy preparing and serving food to their hungry customers Hannah saw Chase first and

  approached him, hands on ample hips "What's the matter. Cowboy, don't you like beefsteak1? Thought you'd be over at the Ice Palace enjoyin' yer profits But if yer hankenn' fer bear stew, set yerself down "

  "Sony 'bout that, Hannah, but I needed the money I also need help My partner and me were attacked and robbed tonight They stole our gold and broke Rusty's leg I was told Kate knew some doctoxin' "

  "Oh, the poor man," Kate said, hurrying over when she heard Chase's plea

  "Sounds like Soapy Smith's doin's," Hannah grunted, not unduly surprised by Chase's disclosure "Happens all the time If he can't cheat a man outta his money, he'll steal it"

  "Will you help me1? I'm not even sure I can pay, but I can't let Rusty go unattended and end up a cripple for the rest of his life "

  "Where is your friend1?" Kate asked

  "I left him lyin' in the alley between the general store and the assayer's office I was afraid to move him "

  "I don't know Got customers here to think of, and it being supper time and all " Though Hannah expressed reservations, Kate had already made up her mind

  "Chase, what are you doing here1?" Chase whirled, surprised to find Maggie standing at his elbow

  "Maggie I" Despite his urgency, the sight of Maggie's beautiful face brought a sigh of profound relief to his lips Once he found out what this town was like, he'd been damn worried about her But apparently Maggie had escaped unscathed while he and Rusty had fallen victim to unscrupulous men before one day had elapsed "I was worried about you "

  "You know this man1?" Hannah asked

  "Yes," Maggie freely admitted, "we met aboard ship Mr McGarrett was kind enough to help me

  with my baggage He also provided me with a story for my very first article to leave Alaska "You're acquainted with these ladies'?" Chase asked, surprised

  "We just met today, but Hannah and Kate kindly offered me a room until I find someone to take me to the Klondike Are you here to sample their, bear stew?"

  "I wish it was nothin' more serious than an empty stomach that brought we here," Chase said, managing a shaky smile "Me and Rusty were attacked and robbed tonight"

  "Oh, no, your grubstake," Maggie groaned, expressing true sympathy for Chase's predicament "Are you hurt?"

  Gingerly he fingered the egg-sized lump on his head "Nothin' serious It's Rusty who's injured I left him lyin' in the alley nursin' a broken leg "

  "Have you summoned a doctor?"

  "Doctor I Hrumphl" Kate said with a hint of disgust "If one ever came to Skagway, he'd only stay long enough to buy supplies and join the stampeders to the Klondike "

  "Oh, poor Rusty, what can we do?"

  "Well," Hannah, the more outspoken of the two women, conceded grudgingly, "if you know this cowboy, I guess it's okay to help I'll round up a couple of boys to cany Rusty back here so Kate can treat him She's the best doctor hereabouts, even if I do say so myself"

  "You'll have to splint the leg first. Chase, can you do it?" Kate asked anxiously

  "I don't know, but I sure as hell can try," Chase said, his mouth set in determined lines

  "Wait here, I'll be right back " She hustled off, leaving Chase and Maggie alone as Hannah turned back to her customers

  "I didn't know Kate was a doctor," Maggie mused

  "She isn't, but she's all I got right now "

  "Chase, I—I'm sorry About the money, I mean And your partner What are you going to do now1?"

  "Damned if I know," Chase admitted shakily "We might be forced to sell our claim Neither of us has more than a few dollars in our jeans, a tent, and some supplies "

  The gleam in Maggie's eyes should have alerted Chase, but he was too worried about Rusty to notice Then Kate returned with two burly men carrying a wide board, several short pieces of wood, and strips of cloth

  "I'll talk to you later, Maggie 'Pears I'll be around longer than I expected " Motioning to the men, he hurried off "Chase, wait, I'm coming with you Maybe I can help "

  As it turned out, Maggie's help was greatly appreciated by Rusty, who by now was nearly senseless with pain Maggie's steady hand was called upon to splint Rusty's leg when Chase's clumsy fumbling only added to his partner's torture

  Rusty passed out long before Kate snapped the bone into place with amazing skill Afterwards they moved him to a small storeroom sparsely furnished with cot, table and lamp located behind the Hash House Chase sprawled on the floor beside Rusty When Maggie stopped by a short time later with a tray of food, both men were sound asleep

  Chapter Four

  Maggie had a lot to think about after she returned to the crackerbox room Kate had been good enough to vacate for her She felt real sympathy for Chase and the dilemma facing him, but she still couldn't help the jolt of elation his predicament brought Wouldn't he be more amenable now to considering her offer of payment for taking her to the Klondike1? She'd much rather go with someone she knew than trust a stranger who was likely to take advantage of her

  Chase McGarTett might be a crude, uneducated cowboy, but Maggie knew he'd do nothing to harm her He was the kind who, once committed, would keep his word The only problem was that he was too attractive, too well endowed with masculine virility for Maggie to be completely immune to his appeal Close contact with Chase for weeks on end would be dangerous, in more ways than one, Maggie

  decided, but no more dangerous than trusting her life to strangers

  Why did she have to be so attracted to the big ox? Maggie asked herself as she undressed for bed He was the complete opposite of the men she normally associated with He thought nothing of kissing her and taking liberties where none were given whenever he pleased She'd have to be on her guard at all times if she traveled with Chase, but Maggie considered herself a match for any man—especially one like Chase McGarrett, who constantly challenged her resolve

  Though Maggie arose early the next morning, she found she was the last one up Hannah was already in the kitchen flipping flapjacks and Kate had just walked into the kitchen with an empty tray

  "Momin1, Maggie " Kate grinned, her brown eyes alive and friendly in a face showing more than her forty-odd years "Did ya sleep well?" "Very well, thank you," Maggie returned

  "Help yerself," Hannah invited as she sped by with a huge tray of flapjacks, which she placed on a long trestle table where several men were seated "How is the patient1?" Maggie asked Kate as she fixed herself a plate of the tempting flapjacks They smelled delicious

  "Fair to rniddlin'," Kate replied, smiling shyly "He's a bit testy, due to pain, no doubt, but I gave him some laudanum last night, and Chase said Rusty slept for several hours Poor man," Kate clucked sympathetically "All that money and now they're broke "

  "Do you know what their plans are1?"

  "Beats me Chase and Rusty were discussin' it when I left a few minutes ago "

  Unable to sle
ep because of the hard floor beneath him and Rusty's moaning. Chase had awakened ear-

  ly He thought about looking for a cup of coffee in the kitchen when Rusty groaned and opened his eyes

  "How are you feelin'. Rusty1?" Chase asked solicitously

  "Ask me in a week," Rusty grumbled He tried to shift his position and a jolt of pain shot through his leg "What happened1?"

  "What do you remember1?"

  "Nothin' much after leavin' the Ice Palace and—and—oh shit, I was robbedl Did the bastards get everythin"?"

  "All they left were the few dollars and change in our pants pockets They were only interested in the gold "

  "I'm sorry. Chase I shoulda knowed better I know what Skagway is like and ignored the danger You can bet your ass Soapy Smith is behind this "

  "I sure as hell aim to find out," Chase said grimly

  "What we gonna do now1?"

  Before Chase could answer Kate arrived with Rusty's breakfast She fussed over him like a mother hen, plumping his pillow and washing his hands and face with a wet cloth she brought along with her until he began to sputter and protest that he didn't need no dang fool woman mothenn' him

  "Come to the kitchen when yer ready fer yer breakfast. Chase," Kate Called over her shoulder when she turned to leave "In a few minutes the place will be full of hungry men " She flashed Rusty a shy smile, then hurried off

  "Looks like you made a conquest. Rusty," Chase remarked cheekily

  Rusty's face turn beet red beneath his beard "Kate's a mighty fine-lookin' woman, but I ain't got time fer such nonsense We're damn near penniless.

  son, well have to sell the claim and maybe lose the ranch "

  "Not if I can help it," Chase said tightly

  "Don't do nothin' foolish, son This is Soapy's town "

  Til think of somethin1 Eatyour breakfast. Rusty I'll be back later "

  When Chase entered the kitchen, Kate and Hannah were too busy to talk and Maggie had already eaten and left, so he helped himself to a plate of flapjacks and drank three cups of coffee Afterwards he walked directly to the tent Rusty had erected on the beach, retrieved a clean set of clothes from his pack, and headed over to the bathhouse He still had a few dollars in his jeans and intended to spend them on a shave, haircut, and bath

  Maggie rapped lightly on Rusty's door, not wanting to awaken him if he was napping

  "It ain't locked " Rusty's gravely voice still hinted of pain but sounded much stronger than the night before

  Maggie stepped into the room "How are you feeling, Mr Reed1?"

  "Like hell Who are you1?" Evidently he didn't remember her from the night before

  "Maggie Afton I'm afriend of Chase's "

  "Yer the damn fool newspaper reporter who's tryin' to get to the Klondike Ain't ya got no sense, girl1? You should be thinkin' 'bout a husband and younguns instead of traipsin' around the country lookin' fer trouble "

  Maggie flushed If Rusty weren't flat on his back and in considerable pain, she would have lambasted him thoroughly "Thank you for the advice, Mr Reed, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions I came to see if you need anything, but if you prefer to be alone I'll understand " She turned to leave

  "Whoa, girl, I ain't chasm ya off Chase ain't back yet and I could use some company Might take my mind off the pain And I'd feel more comfortable if ya called me Rusty "

  "Is it unbearable. Rusty1?" Maggie asked, concern coloring her words "Would you like me to ask Kate for some laudanum1?" "No, girl, not yet I'll need a clear head when Chase returns We got some important decisions to make "

  Maggie nodded, well aware of the problems facing them Looking around for something to sit on, she spied an empty crate and drew it close to the bed She made appropiate Smalltalk for several minutes before Rusty blurted out, "I can see why you got Chase all tied up in knots Yer a beautiful woman, Maggie Afton "

  "Why thank you. Rusty," Maggie replied, flustered "But you're wrong about Chase If he's tied in knots, it's not over me " "Suit yerself, girl," Rusty said, a twinge of pain bringing a grimace to his face "Do you still plan on going to the Klondike1?"

  "Don't see how I'll be laid up the rest of the summer, and then well have to hole up here for the winter Chase can probably find work to pay for our keep, but it won't be enough fer a grubstake or to save the ranch "

  Maggie cleared her throat "Did Chase tell you I offered to grubstake him if he took me along to the Klondike1?"

  "Yeah, he mentioned it"

  "The offer still stands He and I can go, and I'll see that you're taken care of here You can follow when you're fully recovered "

  "If I know Chase, he ain't gonna agree to no such outlandish notion "

  Maggie bristled indignantly "My work might not

  be important to you, Mr Reed, but to me it's my life I'm constantly being belittled and ridiculed by my male counterparts, and I worked hard to make a place for myself in a man's world. Because I'm a woman I'm forced to go a little bit farther, put out a little more effort to prove myself Can you blame me for wanting to scoop everyone else with this story1?

  "I begged and pleaded to be allowed to come up here," Maggie continued relentlessly "Mr Grant, my editor, finally consented when he learned most of the male reporters were likely to abandon their assignments and join the stampede once they got to the Klondike "

  Throughout Maggie's heated argument. Rusty suppressed the smile hovering at the comer of his lips Maggie Afton was all Chase said she was and more, he thought, eyeing her with unconcealed admiration She was a damn plucky female, too stubborn to listen to reason and determined enough to succeed Suddenly it occurred to Rusty that Maggie was exactly the kind of woman Chase needed, someone who would never bore him but would keep him on his toes at all times When those two came together—if they ever came together—it was likely to produce fireworks all the way to the Arctic Circle He wondered if Chase and Maggie would ever discover they were perfect for one another without a certain amount of meddling from an old fool

  Though Rusty wholeheartedly endorsed Maggie's ideas, he still thought it too risky for a woman to travel to the Klondike Also, driving ambition in a woman was something that would take some getting use to He reckoned Chase felt the same way or he would have accepted Maggie's offer immediately

  "I can't speak for Chase, Maggie If he wants to take you to the Klondike, hell do it with or without my permission "

  "He has to do something," Maggie argued logically "You're both broke, you're injured, and you can lose your ranch if you don't make good in the Klondike "

  A sadness crept over Rusty's weathered features when he thought of the ranch in Montana Chase loved so much Seeing his expression, Maggie thought she had tired the injured man with her rather lengthy visit and made to leave "I've overstayed my welcome," she said, offering a shy smile "I'll come back again If you need anything, please let me know "

  "I appreciate your concern, Maggie I reckon I am a mite bushed " His eyes closed and Maggie tiptoed from the room

  Chase felt like a new man after his bath, shave and haircut His clean clothes resembled those he just taken off—cord jeans, cotton shirt, and denim jacket His pockets might be empty, but he felt a whole lot better

  While he bathed he did a heap of thinking, corning to one conclusion Since Rusty was unable to travel for a spell. Chase knew he would need some kind of work to support them through the summer and winter He fully intended to stick around Skagway long enough to recover his twelve thousand dollars Selling the claim was another option, though he fought it If rumor could be believed, claims all up and down Gold Bottom were paying off handsomely It stood to reason theirs would produce equally As well once they were able to work it Damn, if only there was some way for him to get to the Klondike, someone willing to grubstake him and provide for Rusty in his absence

  Inexplicably he thought of Maggie and her offer to grubstake him if he took her along He scolded himself soundly for even thinking of accepting, no

  matter how desperate he was Bes
ides, he'd never be able to keep his hands off the beautiful reporter during the time it took to reach the Klondike Her voluptuous body and angel face would tempt a saint and Lord knew he was no saint He'd end up in all kinds of trouble, he might even end up with a wife he wasn't ready for That chilling notion abruptly jolted him to his senses, and he directed his thoughts elsewhere

  After Chase had made himself presentable, he made his way to the Ice Palace, his mouth set in determined lines Just as he surmised. Belle Delarue was more than glad to see him

  "Come in. Chase, and close the door," Belle greeted him when Chase entered her small office behind the bar "What brings you here this time of day1? I thought by now you'd be joining the stampede to the Klondike "

  A frown darkened Chase's brow He'd met Soapy Smith in Bellets office yesterday Could she have anything to do with the robbery1? It was a thought, one that might bear pursuing It seemed no one in this hellhole called Skagway was above suspicion "Does that job offer still stand1?" he asked

  "It sure does. Cowboy, but what made you change your mind1? Can I hope it had something to do with those fringe benefits I mentioned1?" A wide grin slashed across Chase's face "You sure don't beat around the bush, do you1?"

  "Why be coy1? When I see something I like, I go after it Stick with me and I'll make you richer than that claim of yours The sky's the limit as long as we don't rile Soapy By the way, what did make you change your mind1?"

  Chase knew he had to tread carefully so as not to let on that he suspected Soapy of robbing him of his money "I lost my grubstake. Belle " "Damnation! All twelve thousand1? I thought you


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