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Ice & Rapture

Page 8

by Connie Mason

  Chapter Six

  Before leaving for the Ice Palace, Chase stopped in to see Rusty to tell him all—or nearly all—that had transpired that eventful day "Where in tarnation you been, son1?" Rusty asked peevishly "Been waitin' all day fer ya ta show up "

  "Busy," Chase said curtly, still upset over the way Maggie tried to manipulate him—though in the end she had gained nothing and lost her virginity in the bargain Chase had to admit he suffered a rnite of guilt over that, but Maggie certainly had enjoyed it, probably as much as he had, if that were possible

  "Too busy fer an old friend and partner1?" Rusty sounded bored, in pain, and very much put out for being neglected "If it wasn't for Kate, I'd probably rot away in here Tell me what you been up to, son "

  "I got a job. Rusty, just till you're well enough for us to continue onto the claim "

  "You know blamed well that ain't gonna be anytime soon," Rusty complained "What kinda job1?"

  "I'm workin1 for Belle Delarue at the Ice Palace "

  "Whatl You gonna be her fancy man1?" Rusty sounded bitterly disappointed "I can't believe it I reckoned you had more pride than that

  "Damnation, Rusty, there you go, always jumpin' to conclusions My duties will consist of dealin' blackjack, nothinmore "

  "I heard Soapy Smith has his finger in the business "

  "Don't rightly know, but I can keep an eye on the man and earn our keep at the same time I aim to get our money back "

  "Ain't likely," Rusty scoffed "The man rules the town with an iron fist There's some who thinks he's a saint He's head of the welfare department that helps widows and children "

  "He also hires thugs to steal and kill One way or another, I'll get our money back In the meantime, I'll be stayin' at the Ice Palace A room goes with the job As soon as you're up to it, I'll have you moved Looks like we're gonna be holed up here for the winter, and I aim to make the most of it"

  "I'm gettin' kinda used to this storeroom," Rusty claimed "Besides, you can always take Maggie Afton up on her offer From what I seen of her, she ain't no fragile flower, and if she's as anxious to get to the Klondike as she lets on, you and her oughtamake a good team Old Sam Cooper is probably gettin, a mite anxious wondenn' where we are I told him we'd be up there by the first of August, and that day passed weeks ago "

  Sam Cooper was an old prospector Rusty had hired to protect their claim in their absence for five percent of the profits An abandoned claim was an open invitation to claim-jumpers and thieves

  Chase didn't want to be reminded of Maggie The way she used him still rankled Evidently she expected him to feel guilt over robbing her of her

  virginity and offer to take her to Dawson as a means of salving his conscience

  "It'll be a cold day in hell before I take Maggie to the Klondike," Chase bit out angrily "No woman is gonna manipulate me "

  Rusty looked thoughtful "Did you and Maggie have a fallin' out1?"

  "You might say that I'd better get goin'. Rusty, I'm due at the Ice Palace I'll come by tomorrow and ask Kate how soon you can be moved

  "Don't reckon it'll be any time soon," Rusty grumbled, reluctant to leave Kate's care

  Chase hurried off, refusing to glance at Maggie's closed door or think about what had passed between them The incredible satisfaction she had given him and the unaccustomed feelings she had stirred in him were far too confusing to delve deeply into at this time As far as Chase was concerned. Miss Maggie Afton was a scheming bitch who used her body to gain her own ends

  Yet why did his hands sweat and his body tremble when he thought about what Soapy could have done to her if he hadn't shown up when he did1? Obviously Soapy wanted Maggie out of town, but that contrary little vixen wouldn't listen to reason She deserved whatever she got. Chase thought, not really believing it Though he thought her a contrary female who resorted to devious methods, he knew he'd not hesitate to come to her aid as many times as necessary

  Still stunned over the way Chase had left her the night before, Maggie was up bright and early to take pictures and conduct more interviews in order to complete her article on Soapy Smith She learned that the next mail packet was due any day She set her tripod up on the beach but was dismayed to find few people willing to talk, unlike the day before

  Only those on their way home, broke and disillusioned, could be persuaded to talk about Soapy It appeared that Soapy's toughs had circulated around town issuing warnings to anyone who cooperated with the lady reporter, unless they said only good things about Soapy It was difficult, but Maggie was still able to gather sufficient information for her purposes

  It was late afternoon when Maggie put her notebook away and began dismantling the bulky camera, eager to begin her article that would label Soapy Smith a crook She felt pleased with her work, and a smile hovered at the comer of her mouth She still hadn't abandoned the notion of going to the Klondike and had specifically made mention of it to more than one stampeder during her interviews, stating that she would pay well A few expressed interest, but as yet she was still stranded in Skagway, and it was nearly the first of September Maggie understood that both White Pass and Chilcoot Pass were all but impassable after October

  "What in the hell are you doin' back here1? Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday1?"

  Maggie whirled, the smile on her lips turning sour when she saw Chase glowering at her "I've a job to do," she said crisply "What kind of reporter would I be if I let men like Soapy Smith intimidate me1?"

  "One who valued her skin Hell's bells, Maggie, don't you know Soapy's toughs have been watchin' you1? Why are you dead set on provokin' that man1?"

  "I only write the truth," Maggie shrugged "Can I help it if the man is afraid the world will learn what's going on up here1? He may be a benefactor to some, but I know what he's really like "

  "So do I," Chase muttered beneath his breath

  "What are you doing down here1?" Maggie asked, trying to ignore the strange stirrings in the pit of her

  stomach Just looking at Chase made her tremble with weakness

  She saw Chase as he had been last night, his massive bronze chest bare, pressed against the softness of her breasts, his smooth loins tightly enmeshed with hers His strength, his sexual prowess, and the expert way he drew a response from her quivering body combined to make her want him again—and again

  Chase's unprovoked verbal attack after they had made such incredible love had hurt Maggie deeply She had felt so wonderful after their loving that she naturally assumed Chase would feel the same way and would want her with him on the trip to Dawson She had no intention of using her feminine wiles as a means of persuasion Their loving was nothing more complicated than the result of two healthy people of the opposite sex desiring each other She couldn't help it if Chase McGarrett acted like a spoiled child

  "Belle said I could use the storeroom at the Ice Palace to store our tent and equipment," Chase explained "I came down to the beach to gather our gear I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you back down here I can't be around to protect you all the time "

  Maggie bristled "I didn't ask for your protection "

  "You were damn glad to see me when I showed up yesterday," Chase argued "Then you paid me back by seducin' me, hopin' to get me to agree to your plans But it did you little good to give up your virginity You should have saved it for someone who appreciates it"

  "Oh-h-hl" Maggie said, stomping her foot "You're an obnoxious man. Chase McGarrett, and certainly no gentleman Go back to the Ice Palace and Miss Delarue I certainly don't need you " Hefting the camera and tripod under her am, she stalked off

  Chase watched Maggie walk away, momentarily distracted by the seductive sway of her hips Then he shook his head to clear it of the disturbing thought of Maggie sprawled beneath him, arching to meet his thrusts, eagerly following his instructions But shaking his head did damn little to dispel the memory of Maggie's white body responding eagerly to the touch of his hands and lips Though Chase's hands were occupied with packing his and Rusty's belonging
s, his mind relived each tiny detail of the too-short minutes spent with Maggie in her bed The only thing that his wayward thoughts settled upon was the fact that he wanted her again—and again

  Maggie put the finishing touches on the first installment of her articles titled "Corruption in Skagway " She bundled the pages in a neat package along with the exposed plates to take to the post office later She'd worked two days on it and was quite proud of her work She hoped Mr Grant would be equally proud What she needed now, she decided, was fresh air and a walk But first she stopped in to visit Rusty, who proved as cantankerous as ever The only person who seemed able to handle him was Kate

  Maggie didn't stay long and soon wandered along Broadway, wondering how long she'd have to remain in this corrupt town Abruptly her mind was jerked back to reality when she saw Chase strolling across the street with Belle Delarue' clinging to his am He was dressed like a fancy gambling main in suit, high collared white shirt, and string tie Shiny new boots and leather holster clasped to his slim hips added the finishing touches to the outfit Though Chase cut a grand figure, he looked oddly out of place and uncomfortable in the stylish clothes But evidently Belle thought he looked marvelous, for her eyes roamed possessively over his virile physique as if she

  wanted him for dinner No doubt she'd already had him, Maggie thought, disgruntled Maggie frowned, wondering why the notion of Chase in Belle's bed should disturb her so greatly Who cared what Chase McGarrett did1? Or with whom1?

  Chase saw Maggie watching him from across the street but chose to ignore her, instead devoting his undivided attention to the petite woman clinging to his arm He didn't entirely succeed, for his eyes strayed more often than he'd have liked to the vivacious newspaper reporter with more beauty than sense Chase had heard from different sources that Maggie was making inquiries around town for someone to provide her escort to the Klondike for a fee He hoped to God no one volunteered Maybe she'd go home, then, where she belonged

  "Chase, you're not listening," Belle pouted

  "Sorry, Belle What were you sayin"?"

  "I asked if you knew that nosy newspaper woman who's going around town asking questions "

  "Yeah, I know her"

  "I thought so, since you seemed quite interested in her just now Plain little thing, isn't she1? Well past her prime "

  Plain1? Maggie plain1? "I wouldn't call Maggie Afton plain, boss lady " Chase had no idea Belle had been watching him so closely "She isn't exactly over the hill, either "

  "Still, she's quite brazen to want to go to the Klondike alone There aren't any women that I know of at Dawson City I've been told there aren't even any whores or saloon girls up there yet"

  Chase continued to watch Maggie, disappointed when she disappeared into a store Despite what he'd told her earlier, he wanted to be able to protect her always Damn, why did Maggie have to affect him in ways that left him confused and vulnerable1?

  "Chase what are you thinking, honey1?"

  "Huh1?" Reluctantly Chase shifted his flagging attention back to Belle "Just thinkin' that the town 'pears full of newcomers I reckon they're just passin' through to the Klondike "

  "Are you envious1?"

  "Damn nghtl If we hadn't been robbed, me and Rusty would already be there "

  "If you're careful with your money, you could join the starnpeders next spring It's so late in the year now, you couldn't accomplish much by the time you got up there anyway Another month or so and you'd have to close down the claim for the winter "

  "I reckon you're right," Chase allowed grudgingly He didn't say that spring of next year would be too late to save his ranch He had expected to pay off the loan with some of the money from the cattle

  "I know what will make you feel better. Chase," Belle hinted coyly, hoping to coax Chase from his dark mood "Let's go back to the Ice Palace We've several hours yet to kill before the evening crowd arrives and I know a most delightful way to pass the time "

  For the past few days. Belle had tried most unsuccessfully to invite herself into Chase's bed But to her chagrin. Chase found one excuse after another to fend her off, which she viewed as unnatural It seemed abnormal for a virile male like Chase to deny himself the pleasure she offered Belle knew for a fact that Chase was bedding no other woman He spent most of his spare time over at the Hash House catering to that injured partner of his Suddenly warning lights went on in Belle's head Didn't that spinster newspaper woman live at the Hash House1? Of course, why hadn't she suspected it before1? Chase was bedding that uppity bitch every time he went to see his partner!

  "Sony, Belle," Chase said, surprised at himself for turning down her suggestion "I promised Rusty I'd

  spend the afternoon with him He's bored as hell"

  Belle fumed in impotent rage Why did this incredible man thwart her best efforts to seduce him at every turn1? "I thought you'd have your partner moved over to the Ice Palace by now Or is he still too ill to be moved1?"

  "It's the dangedest thing," Chase mused thoughtfully, "but Rusty don't want to leave He seems perfectly satisfied with that little storeroom behind the Hash House, though I 'spect Kate Sites has somethin' to do with his decision "

  "Kate Sites? That dned-up old prune?"

  Chase frowned, not at all pleased with Belle's description of the kind-hearted Kate "Nevertheless, the two have a lot in common, and Rusty seems to dote on the woman You go on back to the Ice Palace, boss lady I'll see you later "

  Ignoring Belle's sputtering protest. Chase shrugged free of her arm and sauntered off Belle had never been so humiliated in her life She simply had to speak to Soapy Something would have to be done, and soon, about that newspaper snoop who pretended to be so virtuous and upright but spread her legs just like any other woman

  Maggie lingered in the store, in no particular hurry to leave The day was too fine despite being spoiled by Chase and his whore Encountering him on the street had nearly ruined her day Since their passionate encounter a few days ago and Chase's subsequent anger, Maggie had avoided him, making certain she was either out or confined to her room when he came to call on Rusty That was another thing that bothered Maggie She expected to stay in Skagway no longer than a few days and already over two weeks had slipped by She felt guilty depriving Kate of her room, although that good woman insisted she wasn't being put out

  When Maggie finally arrived back at the Hash House, she stopped off first at Rusty's room She knew how partial he was to peppermint candy and had managed to buy a few sticks for an exorbitant price She hoped the sweets would help ease Rusty's grumpy disposition She hadn't counted on finding Chase with the older man, and she paused in the doorway, poised on the verge of flight

  "Well, are ya gonna stand there or do yaneed a special invite1?" Rusty growled when he saw Maggie standing uncertainly just inside his room

  Chase swiveledhis head, drinking in the sight of Maggie's slim form, flushed face, and warm amber eyes registering confusion and a hint of some other vague emotion "Yes, join us. Miss Afton Have you found someone willing to take you to Dawson yet1?"

  The air between the two crackled with electricity, the tension mounting until Chase had to look away or go up in ash and smoke One frosty glance from Maggie Afton did more to arouse him than all Belle Delarue's feminine wiles

  Maggie sizzled with indignation If not for Rusty looking at them as if he'd just made a great discovery, she'd give Chase apiece of her mind A very large piece "I'm considering several offers," she lied "I'll make up my mind in a day or two "

  "Yeah," Chase replied skeptically, "and Soapy Smith offered to give back the money he stole from me and Rusty "

  "Mr Smith stole your money1? That's another black mark against the scoundrel I'm glad I didn't give up on exposing him The first of my articles and pictures are ready to mail Now if you excuse me, there are things I have to do "

  She turned to leave, then changed her mind I almost forgot I bought some peppermint candy for Rusty " She walked into the room, placing a small package in Rusty's eager hands
br />   "Bless your heart, girl," Rusty chuckled, licking his lips in anticipation "Always did have a powerful cravin' fer peppermint candy " He popped one of the treats into his mouth and rolled his eyes "Much obliged Maggie You warm an old man's heart"

  "Go on with you. Rusty," Maggie teased, "you're not old, just set in your ways "

  Though Rusty was well into his fifties, his weathered features and grizzled appearance added years to his age

  Chase was amazed at the way Maggie had brought Rusty out of his doldrums with her meager offering Why hadn't he thought of it1? He owed Rusty more than he could ever repay, yet had never thought to bring him sweets—or anything else

  "Good-bye, Rusty, I'll see you later Enjoy your visit with Chase I'm sure he's given up a—er, pleasant afternoon to be with you " Then she was gone, her skirts swishing about her slender ankles as she disappeared around the comer

  "What in tarnation was that all about, son1?" Rusty asked, eyes twinkling with wry amusement It was the first sign of humor Chase had noted in his friend since he was robbed and injured

  "Maggie saw me with Belle this afternoon and she naturally assumed—" A scream brought Chase's words to an abrupt halt and he leaped to his feet "What in the helll That sounds like Maggie "

  It took Chase sightly more than five seconds to reach Maggie's door, which was flung wide open His heart leaped to his throat when he saw her lying on the floor "Maggiel Maggie, darlin'l Oh, my God "

  "I'm all right. Chase," Maggie gasped, rising unsteadily to a sitting position Chase bent and helped her to her feet Strangely reluctant to leave Chase's supporting arms, Maggie leaned gratefully into his embrace


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