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Ice & Rapture

Page 15

by Connie Mason

  "You're all the woman I want, sweet—all the woman I need to make me happy "

  Maggie flushed, refusing to met Scott's eyes How in the world had her dull, disciplined life become so complicated in so short a time1?

  "Maggie, look at me," Scott said, grasping her chin between thumb and forefinger and lifting her head "Do you care for me at all1?"

  "As a friend," Maggie said "I value your friendship and all you've done for me "

  "God, Maggie, I don't want your friendship, I want your love Why1? Is it Chase Me Garret? Do you love the man1?" "I do care for Chase," Maggie admitted, "but nothing will ever come of it"

  "Then the man is a fool," Scott snorted, unwilling to believe a man existed who didn't want Maggie "If you felt that way about me, I'd never let you go Perhaps I can change your mind "

  A mischievous grin hung on the comer of Scott's mouth as he carefully removed the bowl and spoon from Maggie's hands and set them on the floor He was already propped up in bed, so it took little effort to reach out and draw her into his embrace, wincing when the roughness of her shirt came into contact with the numerous wounds and bruises on his naked chest and arms

  "Scott, what "

  A muscle twitched at the comer of his mouth, and his chin with its dark growth of stubbly beard was set in determined lines as he lowered his head and swallowed Maggie's protest He kissed her with all the love and longing in his soul, his tongue parting her lips and delving inside to taste greedily of her sweet essence A groan escaped from deep in his chest, and his breathing told Maggie he was aroused by her, a condition that mustn't continue

  What little Maggie knew of Scott told her he was a wonderful man, kind and honest, someone she could depend upon But he wasn't Chase Scott's kisses were pleasant enough, but they did absolutely nothing to her And they had to stop She had slid her hand upward over his bare chest to shove him away when a loud crash and swirl of wind-driven snow ushered in an apparition from out of her wildest nightmares

  There was an unconscious arrogance in the way he swaggered into the room that Maggie recognized

  instantly His heavy coat, fashioned of animal skins, was encrusted with snow, a woolen cap covered his ears and head clear down to his eyebrows A copper-hued stubble dusted with frost lent him an eerie appearance as his keen blue eyes stared fixedly at the man and woman sprawled across the cot

  "Couldn't you wait long enough to find out if I was dead1?" Chase spat, his voice hinting of pain, exhaustion, and bitter disappointment

  Abandoning Scott, who gaped at Chase with obvious confusion, Maggie shrugged from the Mountie's arms and leaped to her feet "Chase I Oh, my God, you're alivel You've finally cornel"

  She rushed forward, expecting to be swept into his arms, but she came to an abrupt halt when no such welcome was forthcoming Instead, Chase slipped out of his coat, took off his hat and gloves, and ambled toward the fireplace

  A silence fraught with mounting tension swirled around them until Chase slanted Scott a disparaging glance and said, "I assume you're Captain Gordon They told me in town you brought Maggie up here Where's Sam Cooper1?"

  Why was Chase acting as if they were strangers'? Maggie wondered bleakly As if there had been nothing between them1? Didn't he know how thrilled she was to know he was alive1? Didn't he know she and Scott were just friends'?

  "Scott—Captain Gordon—was attacked by a grizzly," Maggie offered lamely She made hasty introductions as the two men eyed each other wanly "He arrived at the cabin yesterday and I tended his wounds "

  "And did a damn good job of it, I'll bet," Chase muttered sourly

  "See here, McGarrett," Scott said, finally regaining his wits "I know what you're thinking, and it's not true I'd never do anything to hurt Mag—Miss Afton

  She's a damn fine nurse It was fortunate she was here to ease Sam Cooper's passing " Chase spun around to face Maggie "Sam's dead1? Damnl If I had gotten here sooner "

  "It wouldn't have made a difference. Chase," Maggie said sadly "Sam was too sick and had been too long without a doctor I made him as comfortable as possible, and his passing was peaceful Two prospectors from upstream came by that morning and buried him "

  "Where was Captain Gordon1?"

  "I was miles away visiting claim sites," Scott answered, stung by Chase's surly attitude According to Maggie, McGarrett wasn't in love with her, but he sure as hell looked and acted like he was suffering from a case of acute jealousy "I arrived yesterday just as Maggie said I intended to take her back to Dawson immediately, but our return was necessarily delayed due to my injuries "

  "Damnation, Maggie girl, when it comes to sense you were shortchanged Don't you know how dangerous it is for you here1?" When he finished with Maggie, he rounded on Scott "What kind of lawman are you to let a women come out here on her own1?"

  "She wasn't alone If I hadn't accompanied her, she would have come by herself," Scott countered stoutly "Maggie had my escort here and will have it back to Dawson Don't tell me how to do my job, McGarrett"

  "Does your job include layin' buck naked in bed with your hands all over my woman1?"

  "Your womanl" Maggie gasped, astounded "No man owns me

  "It's not what you think, McGarrett," Scott sputtered, finding it difficult to like the arrogant American

  "Don't rightly know what you Canadians call it, but you and Maggie sure as hell weren't wrestlin' on that cot"

  "There are times you can be downright exasperating. Chase McGarrettl" Maggie said, her amber eyes turning dark with anger "And you've said just about enough on that' subject Now it's time for some answers from you Where in the hell have you been the past few weeks'?"

  For an answer Chase unbuttoned his shirt, peeling it off with the top of his longjohns to reveal the angry raw scar just below his right shoulder blade It looked as if whoever had tended it botched the job or else it was left to heal on its own

  "Those miserable varmints who attacked us musta used a dirty knife on me," Chase explained, "'cause infection nearly done me in My God, Maggie, I was frantic when I woke up and found you gone What happened1? Who were those man and how did you escape them1?"

  Maggie couldn't help but stare at his bared torso Chase was magnificent—beautifully rugged, strong, muscles like steel, power like a raging storm, sweeping everything in its path Not even Scott, who was no slouch in the looks and brawn department, could compare with Chase

  "The men who attacked us were two of Soapy Smith's toughs. Bandy andZeke They said I angered Soapy when I abruptly changed plans and chose to accompany you to the Klondike They were instructed to kill you and—and do whatever they pleased with me "

  "Sonuvabitchl If those bastards hurt you—I"

  "I'm afraid you've underestimated Maggie's res ours eflilness," Scott said with a hint of reproach Maggie and Chase had been so engrossed with one another that neither noticed that Scott had risen somewhat painfully from the cot and struggled into

  what remained of his clothes At least his boots and hat hadn't been shredded by the bear's sharp claws Fortunately he had replacements in his saddlebag

  I escaped before they harmed me," Maggie explained, deliberately glossing over her injuries "I killed Bandy, though Thank God for the knife you insisted I carry Then I stole their raft and floated downriver to Dawson "

  Maggie made it all sound so simple that Scott felt obligated to add, "She accomplished this with her hands tied together, so swollen the doctor wasn't certain he could save them When she reached Dawson, she was half-drowned and frozen The raft broke up against a boulder, and she's lucky to be alive Not only is Maggie a remarkable woman, but an extremely brave one "

  Chase regarded Scott narrowly It didn't take brains to realize the Mountie was smitten with Maggie Chase wondered if Maggie returned those feelings He knew Maggie enjoyed his lovemaking, and that she cared for him a great deal, but they had always stopped short of openly declaring a stronger emotion Yet the thought of another man touching Maggie in the same way he had drove Chase crazy with jealousyr />
  "You don't have to tell me about Maggie's courage, or anythin' else about her," Chase declared crisply "Maggie is one helluva woman, and I'd be the first to admit it"

  Suddenly Maggie became aware that Scott was up and fully dressed "Scott, what are you doing up1? Your injuries "

  "I'm fine, Maggie I've been hurt worse," Scott said, limping toward the door "Thanks to you my injuries will heal with no ill effects But I really should get back to Dawson If I don't return soon, they'll send out a search party How soon can you be ready to leave1?"

  "Maggie's goin' nowhere with you. Captain," Chase said with firm conviction

  "I think we should let Maggie make her own decision," Scott bit out, swallowing his angry retort for Maggie's sake "If she remains here much longer, she's likely to be snowed in for weeks Neither of you seems to realize the danger involved or how harsh fifty degrees below zero can be It's a shock to your entire system Exposed flesh can freeze in seconds If you're trapped here in January, you'll experience the worst the elements have to offer "

  "I realize this is no place for Maggie and that she'll be more comfortable this winter in Dawson," Chase admitted "I don't want her to suffer any more than you do, but we need to—talk I'll take her to Dawson myself in a day or two "

  "Maggie1?" Scott asked, praying her good sense would prevail He didn't think Chase McGarrett trustworthy enough to care for Maggie properly He seemed the reckless sort, too damn arrogant for his own good and too possessive of Maggie for Scott's liking "I strongly urge Maggie to return with me now to Dawson " He was dead serious, his voice low and emphatic

  Maggie realized that Scott spoke from experience as well as concern over her welfare His eyes were softly pleading, but so were Chase's as she shifted her gaze to him Softly pleading and openly hungering She could no more resist her body's dictates than she could stop breathing Besides, there were too many questions that needed immediate answers What could one more day hurt1? If she returned to Dawson with Scott now, she might never learn the answers

  "I'm sorry, Scott, I want to stay with Chase," Maggie said slowly "Chase will take me back to Dawson in a couple of days We need this time alone " Chase must have been holding his breath, for Maggie was certain she heard the hiss of air through

  his teeth when she announced her decision to stay Though he said nothing, the look in his eyes spoke more eloquently than mere words "You're making a mistake, Maggie," Scott warned ominously "Is there nothing I can say to change your mind?" "Nothing, Scott I'll see you in Dawson in a few days "

  "You're past the age to need a keeper, so I'll say good-bye See that you get Maggie back to Dawson safely, McGarrett, or you'll answer to me " He stomped to the door

  "Scott, wait—you can't go out like that Your clothes are in shreds "

  "I have a change in my saddlebag "

  "At least change before you leave," Maggie entreated him "Have a care for your own welfare "

  Scott nodded and left the cabin, returning a few minutes later with a full set of clothing, including long]ohns and uniform In his brief absence not a word was spoken between Maggie and Chase as they stood facing each other, yearning toward one another yet fearing to ignite the flame lest it devour them too soon So charged was the atmosphere that Scott was able to change without either Maggie or Chase aware of him in the back of the room He was nearly out the door before Maggie remembered him

  "Scott, thank you "

  "No, Maggie—thank you," Scott replied, his voice tinged with sadness After slanting Chase an inscrutable look, he slammed out the door

  They were alone The harshness of their breathing reverberated like thunder in the absolute silence of the room, two hearts beating as one The very air around them crackled with electricity, yet neither Maggie or Chase moved, neither spoke It was as if a barrier had been erected between them, as each waited for the other to breach the narrow gap Then

  abruptly Maggie was in Chase's arms, unaware of how she got there, or who made the first move, and not really caring She was where she belonged, where she wanted to be

  Chase's voice was a husky murmur as he repeated her name over and over his frantic kisses landing indiscriminately over her cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth, anywhere he found an inch of exposed flesh Then his mouth found hers and he kissed her thoroughly, exploring the inside of her mouth, savoring the texture of her inner cheeks, stroking her tongue with his Their lips blended in endless kisses, tenderly, aggressively, as he probed for the deepest taste of her Maggie thought she would die of pleasure When they finally parted, she was giddy with an emotion she recognized immediately She loved this magnificent cowboy with her whole heart and soul

  "Damnation, darlin', I've been frantic with worry since those varmints earned you off," Chase said raggedly Maggie knew he spoke the truth for he wore his concern in the deep lines etched in his face "I imagined all kinds of things while I lay recuperatin' from this dang wound You could have been killed, or—or raped and left for dead It nearly drove me insane I blame myself, I should have protected you I'm sorry, Maggie girl"

  "It's not your fault. Chase We had no idea we were being followed "

  "Maggie, I—" When words failed him, he kissed her again With all his experience, he'd never felt so drawn to another human being, or craved to know and be known so completely, to love and be loved

  Maggie knew exactly what Chase wanted She wanted it herself, burned for his touch, yearned to become a part of him again in the most intimate way possible Her eyes spoke eloquently of her feelings, and Chase nearly exploded with longing But

  when Maggie lifted her lips for another kiss. Chase deliberately denied her

  "I want you somethin' fierce, darlin', but I need to carry in the supplies and get the dogs in the shelter first I bought dogs and a sled in Dawson Soon the snow will be too deep to ride That's why I told Captain Gordon I'd bring you back to Dawson in a day or two " As he spoke he pulled on his shirt and coat and jammed his cap down on his head

  "Are you hungry. Chase1?"

  "Damn near starvin' "

  "While you're tending the animals, I'll heat up the stew I made with the last of the deer Scott shot I've discovered I've a talent for cooking "

  "The talent I'm interested in has nothin' to do with cookin'," Chase said, leering at her

  While Chase made numerous trips outside for bundles of food and supplies, Maggie busied herself with preparing their meal The meager daylight hours were nearly spent by the time Chase led the animals to the lean-to erected next to the cabin and returned to the welcome warmth of the snug room Shrugging out of his outer garments, he turned to watch Maggie, pleasuring himself with the sight of her Maggie felt the hot weight of his eyes and stilled, meeting his look with her own heated gaze

  "Everything's ready," she said quietly The clear blue of Chase's eyes settled on her with startling effect, sending her appetite flying out the door She couldn't have swallowed a bite

  Evidently Chase felt the same "Put the food back on the stove, darlin', it's not vittles I'm hungry for "

  They were standing close enough to touch "I've no pride where you're concerned. Chase I want you too "

  Maggie's golden gaze never left Chase's face as her fingers moved to his shirt, unfastening each button with maddening slowness Chase inhaled sharply as

  she kissed his furred chest with hungry lips, teasing and rubbling his flat masculine nipples with an instinctive sensuality, savoring the taste and scent of him

  No words were spoken None were required It was as though words would only give unnecessary voice to that which they both felt in their hearts Kneeling, she skinned his pants and longjohns over his hips, waiting for him to lift a foot so she could remove his boots and stockings Then he was naked, his manhood rising magnificently from its nest of burnished hair Drawing her palms down his body, she marveled at the flexing breadth of his shoulders, the lean sides of his waist, the powerful muscles of his thighs Her fingertips caressed the taut velvet of his stomach and she heard his breathing change,
becoming raspy, stopping completely when she filled her hand with the throbbing length of him

  "Oh, sugar," Chase groaned as if in pain "I don't want this to end before it begins It's been so damn long "

  Deliberately he removed her hand, burying his face in the soft place between her neck and shoulders as he struggled with the fastenings on her shirt "Damn," he cursed, "I'm all thumbs Help me, darlin',"

  With impatient eagerness, Maggie tore at the buttons while Chase continued to nuzzle her neck, his tongue a hot brand against her flesh When the last button fell away, he slid the shirt down her arms and tossed it aside Her breasts were as beautiful as he remembered, firm, wonderfully full and feminine, crowned with prominent coral nipples His tongue slid downward and Maggie felt the moist tip gliding along the valley between before he chose a pouting nipple on which to lavish his undivided attention

  A shudder traveled the length of Maggie's slender form as Chase drew the sensitive bud deep into his mouth, nipping with his teeth, then loving it gently with the moistness of his tongue Transferring his attention to her other breast, he suckled with increasing vigor, causing Maggie to cry out in desperate need Suddenly her knees refused to hold her, and Maggie would have fallen if Chase hadn't swept her off her feet and earned her to the cot where he stripped her of her remaining clothes, until she lay beside him in naked splendor

  Away from the fire, the air felt cool on Maggie's skin, and she shivered Recognizing the problem immediately. Chase sought to remedy it by pulling the blankets from the empty cot and laying them carefully on the floor before the fireplace Then he scooped Maggie in his arms, blankets and all, and placed her on their makeshift bed, falling beside her in a tangle or arms, legs, and blankets


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