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Ice & Rapture

Page 20

by Connie Mason

  Maggie hated the perpetual darkness of the Klondike during the winter In contrast, the month of June boasted nearly constant daylight, providing a favorable climate to grow vegetables and other crops

  Fortunately, Scott had insisted that Maggie's hotel room be kept in reserve for her, else she'd find herself out in the cold Prices soared with the influx of miners She was now forced to pay one hundred and

  fifty dollars a week for her room, a staggering sum, but Chase's gold paid the bill and bought her food, also outrageously high-priced

  One day Maggie met Jack London in the hotel lobby She remembered the young man immediately, recalling his adventurous spirit and enthusiasm "Why, Mr London, it's good to see you again I've been hoping I'd see you so I might thank you for helping Chase He might not have survived if you hadn't come along when you did "

  "My pleasure. Miss Afton You don't know how happy I was to leam you were safe Chase was worried sick about you I assume he's fully recovered by now "

  "Chase was well the last time I saw him about a month ago Do you plan on staking a claim this spring and trying your hand at mining1?" Maggie asked curiously

  "Have lunch with me and I'll tell you," London replied, grinning cheekily

  Maggie thoroughly enjoyed the meal, due entirely to Jack London and the tales he spun of adventure and exploration in out-of-the-way places He hoped his journey to the Klondike would result in his first break in writing Already he had a novel in the works which he intended to call^b^ of Wolf and another titled Ca//O/m? Wild

  "I have no desire to find a bonanza in gold," Jack said, turning serious "What I'm gathering is a wealth of information for future reference Like you, Maggie"—by now they were on a first name basis—"I'm a writer, and quite serious about my profession I'm also a realist I seriously doubt there's a claim available any place in the Klondike I'll stick to what I know "

  You're certainly sincere about your work. Jack," Maggie replied, his enthusiasm catching "I'd be honored to say I knew the great Jack London when

  he was a fledgling writer Of course," she added with a mischievous twinkle. Til expect to see my name mentioned in one of your books "

  Maggie saw a lot of the twenty-one-year-old London that winter They had their love of writing in common as well as a sense of adventure They spent long hours trading notes about their experiences along the Yukon Trail When Jack wasn't around to cheer Maggie, Scott could always be counted on But the friendships she formed that winter of 1898 could not assuage her longing for Chase March couldn't arrive soon enough to suit her

  One day in late February, Scott's gentle probing into her plans for the future took on serious overtones

  "You'll be leaving soon, Maggie," he observed, his words tinged with a lingering sadness "In March the lakes and rivers will thaw, making travel possible again Hordes of starnpeders will be arriving daily when the passes open But I fear they'll find nothing but bitter disappointment, for all available claims are already taken "

  "That's exactly what Jack London said," Maggie mused thoughtfully "An interesting young man You've been seeing a lot of him lately " "We've a lot in common " "Maggie, I don't went to talk about Jack London, I want to talk about us "

  They were sharing supper in the hotel restaurant crowded with hordes of men whose voices were raised in raucous laughter and conversation More than a few were staring at her with avid appreciation In a town populated with so few real ladies, Maggie was a rarity who captured unwanted attention everywhere she went

  "Scott, let's not discuss this now," Maggie said, shifting uncomfortably "People are staring "

  "Of course they are, you're a beautiful women But I'm determined to talk about this Is there no place we can be alone1?"

  Rather than having their private discussion become the center of attention, Maggie said, "Come up to my room I know it's not proper, but after spending weeks alone in the wilderness with Chase I've little reputation left"

  "I'd never do anything to hurt you, Maggie "

  Somehow Maggie believed him Scott was the kind of man who would always be faithful, loyal, and loving But so would a dog Besides, Scott wasn't Chase Scott wasn't a slow-talking cowboy with a determined twinkle in his eyes and a crooked smile that sent her heart soaring Only Chase had the power to turn her knees to jelly and melt her insides He made love as if he invented it

  "All right, Scott, I'm ready to listen," Maggie said once they were alone in her room She sat primly on the bed while Scott paced the small room nervously

  "I've never met a woman like you before, Maggie You're daring, brave, and too damned adventurous for your own good But I wouldn't have you any other way I've waited a long time for a woman like you I'm asking you to marry me, Maggie "

  "But, Scott, I—"

  "We can settle in Seattle if you'd like," Scott continued, warming to the subject "You can write or continue with your career as a journalist I won't interfere I can find work easily enough in Seattle and—"

  "Scott, stop, please I can't marry you I'm fond of you, but I don't love you "

  "How do you know1? We've only shared one brief kiss Do you and McGarrett have an understanding1? If you're worried that I'll think any less of you because of the time you spent alone with him.

  you're wrong I only know I love you, and nothing else matters

  "You're a better man than I deserve," Maggie said sincerely "Living in a city like Seattle is far different from the Yukon You'd never be happy there, and I couldn't live here No, Scott, I'll always cherish your friendship—but, well, I think you know how I feel about Chase "

  "What can McGarrett offer you that I can't, Maggie1? A life of hardship and drudgery in Montana1? Or do you expect him to make a fortune off that claim ofhis?"

  "Your questions are entirely rational, but I can't supply the answers I don't even know if Chase and I have a future together I care for him deeply and he cares forme, but right now I don't truthfully know if anything will come of it"

  "McGarrett's a fool if he lets you get away," Scott muttered sourly

  Then, to Maggie's utter amazement, Scott was standing beside her, pulling her into his arms "I'm going to kiss you, Maggie, whether you like it or not"

  His lips were bold and insistent, holding nothing back of himself, willing Maggie to respond Never had he met a woman he wanted as badly as he wanted Maggie Uniquely different, she was a woman who inspired him with a love he'd nearly despaired of finding In his view, losing Maggie to a man who didn't appreciate her was a terrible injustice Though Scott was a basically honorable man, he was prepared to go to any lengths to make Maggie his

  Scott's kiss was so unexpected that Maggie was slow to react, lending him the courage to continue His kiss deepened, his tongue parting her lips, then slipping inside to savor her sweetness A strangled moan low in his throat jerked Maggie abruptly to her senses Scott's kisses were pleasant, enjoyable

  even, but he simply wasn't Chase Chase's loving rendered her incapable of responding to any other man There was only one Chase McGarrett, and if she couldn't have him she'd remain a spinster Though Scott was reluctant to release her, Maggie broke off the kiss and shrugged out of his embrace

  "I'm sorry, Scott You're the last person I want to hurt, but neither do I want to give you false hopes "

  "McGarrett again," Scott spat bitterly "What if he decides he's not ready to accept the responsibility of a permanent relationship? Do I have a chance then?"

  Maggie flushed, aware that Chase could very well decide he didn't need her in his life Of course she would survive, and perhaps even find happiness devoting her life to her work Maybe one day another man could fill the void, though she seriously doubted it

  "Would you settle for second best?" Maggie asked, doing everything in her power to discourage the determined Mountie "With you I'd settle for anything " His voice was low and so sincere it brought tears to Maggie's amber eyes

  "I wish I could love you, Scott Why does life have to be so complicated? I'm very fond of you, you k
now that As to what the future holds, let's just wait and see "

  Disappointment tasted bitter on Scott's tongue "If that damn cowboy hurts you, Maggie, I swear he'll pay "

  Chapter Thirteen

  The hard, depressing winter was especially difficult for Chase After the long days and endless nights of making love with Maggie, laughing with her, just having her near, making do without her was unbearable, his loneliness was a palpable, driving emptiness But no matter how badly he wanted her, she was safer in Dawson where Captain Gordon could protect her

  Despite the excruciating, bone-chilling cold. Chase worked tirelessly on the mound of gravel, separating more of the precious nuggets from the rockpile As soon as enough snow melted, he intended to dig along the creek bank in search of the vein that produced the gold Maybe Sam had already found it but died before he could reveal its secret

  Yet even when he toiled until he dropped from sheer exhaustion, thoughts of Maggie plagued Chase's every hour whether asleep or awake Truth to tell. Chase gave Maggie's surprising words that

  she was barren more than passing consideration Though he had insisted it didn't matter that she couldn't bear children, he realized that he wasn't being entirely truthful, that he'd thought often of his sons or daughters, living on the ranch he built He pictured them playing free and happy beneath the big sky of Montana

  Chase wanted children of his flesh to inherit his legacy With Maggie as his wife, that wouldn't be possible Would the love and passion they shared assuage the need for a man to reproduce, to watch a part of his own flesh and blood grow and prosper1? Chase didn't know He knew little beyond the fact that he wanted to spend his life making love to Maggie Yet that hardly solved his dilemma or eased his mind As the weeks passed and spring approached. Chase grew increasingly apprehensive about his meeting with Maggie The day the sun made its welcome appearance. Chase began preparations for his trip to Dawson He was anxious for the assayer to grade his cache of gold and equally anxious to return to Eleven Above and begin digging in earnest

  Spring at last' By now Maggie had written literally volumes on her experiences, mostly articles and short stones she intended sending to the newspaper and magazines She hoped Mr Grant would be pleased with her work Already the weather was moderating, snow melting and ice breaking up on rivers and lakes The town was emptying of miners returning to their claims, soon to be replaced by others corning over the passes and downriver in search of riches It was likely more women would arrive, as well as members of the press, and of course speculators

  Maggie was standing on the bank of the Yukon in late March with Scott and hundreds of others to watch the first appearance of the sun in weeks

  over the horizon It was a spectacular sight and exuberantly welcomed after a depressing winter of blizzards, ice, and snow, the worst in several years The corning of spring meant Maggie's time in the Klondike was limited Jack London was one of the first to leave Dawsoninhis continuing search for adventure and knowledge

  Among the first group of miners to arrive that early spring of 1898 was Rusty Reed

  Due entirely to Kate's tender care, Rusty's broken leg had mended properly and he appeared as robust as ever He was anxious to start immediately for the goldfields to see how Chase had fared during the winter, but he had promised both Hannah and Kate he'd look up Maggie if she was still in Daws on Rusty's first stop was the Royal Canadian Mounted Police office, where Captain Gordon told him where to find Maggie

  By now Maggie had grown sick of the small, sparsely furnished room in which she had spent weeks writing, pacing, and thinking of Chase All her meager belongings were packed, and she waited only for Chase to appear before leaving this frozen land of hardship and disappointment behind This time she intended to travel in comparative luxury in a steamship down the Yukon to St Michael, Alaska, through the Bering Sea and down the coast to Seattle It would add nearly three thousand miles to her trip, but she couldn't possibly travel the rivers, rapids, lakes, and passes to Skagway without a reliable guide That much she had learned from her previous travels Rumor had it that a narrow-gauge railroad over White Pass was already in the works, and that soon steamship travel would be possible from Lake Bennet at the foot of the pass to Dawson through the lakes and connecting rivers All these amenities would certainly ease the plight of the stampeders, Maggie thought, considering all the

  difficulties she and Chase had encountered along the Yukon Trail

  Maggie's mental musings were interrupted by a knock at the door, and her heart thudded with anticipation Had Chase finally arrived1? She flung the door open, gasping in surprise and pleasure to see a grinning Rusty standing on two good legs in the hallway

  "Howdy, Maggie, the Mountie told me I'd find ya here " When the lakes and rivers thawed. Rusty had been one of the first men across White Pass "Rusty, you don't know how glad I am to see youl" She dragged him inside, giving him an exuberant hug "I'm so relieved to see you on your feet again "

  "I was powerful worried about ya, and Chase, too I couldn't wait fer the ice ta break up so I could hightail it up here Did Chase and Sam winter at the claim or are they in Dawson1?"

  "Sam's dead Chase is at Eleven Above, though I'm expecting him in Dawson soon I can't imagine what's keeping him

  "Old Sam dead1? How do you know that1?"

  "Sit down. Rusty, it's a long story " Then she proceeded to tell him everything that happened from the day she left Skagway with Chase

  "Tamationl My trip was a picnic compared to what you two went through," Rusty said, amazed "Imagine Soapy Smith sendin' his toughs after ya They got what they deserved If I know Chase, he blames himself fer what happened to ya at the cabin "

  "It's over now I don't want to think about how close we came to death," Maggie said quietly

  "About you and Chase," Rusty hinted, blushing "Have you—uh, made any plans'?"

  "If you mean about the future, the answer is no "

  "He dam well oughta after spendin' weeks alone with ya in that cabin," Rusty said, indignant "I'll

  have a talk with the boy when I get up there and—"

  "It's all right. Rusty," Maggie smiled, gratified by his interest in her welfare "I'm a responsible adult and knew what I was doing I'm prepared to live with whatever Chase decides " Liar She knew dam well she'd fight to keep Chase in her life

  Rusty regarded Maggie with renewed respect Ifhe had his way. Chase would do the right thing where Maggie was concerned But no one knew better than he did how dam-fool stubborn Chase could be about certain things

  They parted a short tine later Rusty intended to leave for Eleven Above immediately Maggie had shown him the nuggets taken from the claim, and he grew so excited he could scarcely wait to begin digging Scott Gordon found him packing his supplies on the broad back of the packhorse he had recently purchased

  "Did you find Miss Afton?" Scott asked

  "Yep," Rusty replied, being his usual taciturn self

  "You heading out to the claim1?"

  "Yep Any objections?"

  "None I'd like you to deliver a massage to your partner "

  When Maggie told Rusty about Scott and all he'd done for her. Rusty gained more from what she didn't say than from what she did say about the handsome Mountie Evidently the man was smitten with her, and Rusty couldn't blame him Maggie was a feast for any man If Chase wasn't careful, he'd lose her

  "What is it you want said?"

  "Just tell him that ifhe doesn't appreciate what he has, I do Hell know what I mean "

  Nodding curtly, he turned on his heel and left Rusty thought the Mountie couldn't have made himself more clear

  Two days later. Rusty arrived at the cabin to find Chase already in the process of packing his gear for his long-delayed trip to Dawson He had meant to leave much earlier, but now it was already April and long past the time Maggie expected him

  "Howdy, son," Rusty greeted, grinning foolishly

  "You old sonuvagunl" Chase cried, pounding his friend on the back "All healed, I see You mu
sta been the first one to leave Skagway Did you get tired of havin' Kate fawrun' over you1?"

  "Sort of," Rusty admitted sheepishly "She's a damn fine woman. Chase, but she understands I had ta get up here Maggie told me about findin' all them nuggets "

  "You saw Maggie? How is she?"

  "Looked damn good to me That Mountie's been keepin' her from gettin' lonesome," he said slyly


  "Yep "

  Chase spat out a string of oaths

  "Ya got plans fer the lady?" Rusty asked with feigned innocence "If ya ain't, ya should She told me she spent weeks alone up here with ya " His voice held a note of censure rare for Rusty Chase flushed, unaccountably angered "What if ya got her in the family way?"

  "Let me worry about that. Rusty," Chase bit out stiffly "I'm headin' for Dawson in a day or two to see Maggie We'll work out our future without your help "

  "Ya better hurry," Rusty grunted, "if ya expect Maggie to be waitin' on ya Cap'n Gordon gave me a message fer ya "

  "What kind of message?"

  "He said to tell ya he's aimin' ta take yer woman, or words ta that effect The Mountie's smitten with Maggie, son, and aims ta have her "

  An angry calm settled over Chase Had the Mountie taken his place in Maggie's affections'? She had said she loved him, but many things could have happened during all those weeks they'd been apart Did Gordon know she was barren1? Did it bother him that he'd never have a child with Maggie1? Had they become lovers'? Without the fear of pregnancy, there was nothing preventing Maggie from taking as many lovers as she wanted Damnation! Why was he thinking like that1?


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