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Declan: The Callaghan Mafia #1

Page 12

by Rylan, Savannah

Slowly working the thin dagger down my sleeve from its silken cradle.

  “What are you going to do now?” Daly asked, grinning.

  “Depends. Are you a gentleman or no?”

  “A gentleman always plays by the rules. Except when there are none.”

  “On the contrary. I was always raised with the idea that there were rules. Always rules. Even when there seemed to be none,” I said.

  “Is that so?” he asked.

  “Mhm. Like when a man holsters his only weapon, it’s only fair that he be met with the same respect.”

  “I don’t have a gun pointed at you.

  “But you do have a gun pointed at your own daughter. Doesn’t bode very well for Maeve if you’re still willing to press metal to your other daughter’s head, does it?”

  This had to work. I kept my cool for as long as possible. Daly’s eyes flickered over to Ciara before he heaved a heavy sigh. He nodded his head and I heard Ciara sputter with relief. Perfect. This was exactly the situation I needed.

  “All right. Here’s the plan. You leave here with your dignity and your life intact. And in payment for ruining my evening, Ciara stays here,” Daly said.

  I grinned. “We had a deal, Daly. Are you really ready to pay back the millions you owe the Callaghan Family? Especially when you’re the one who tried to organize Ciara’s escape in the first place?”

  “I didn’t—I wasn’t—”

  Her words got choked off as the small dagger slipped down into the palm of my hand.

  “You can’t prove anything,” Daly said.

  “I can,” Ciara sputtered.

  “Shut up, bitch,” the bodyguard murmured.

  “Oh, you really shouldn’t have used that word,” I said.

  I flipped my wrist out and the dagger slid between my fingers. I winked at Daly before wrapping around, channeling the talents Flynn had taught me. I released the dagger, watching it soar through the air. And as Ciara mutedly cried out, I watched the sharp knife embed itself into the neck of the bodyguard. Blood shooting from the man’s neck as he released Ciara.

  Before gunshots rang out as she fell to the floor.



  I screamed as gunshots rang out. The bodyguard stumbled away from me and I ran toward Declan. His hand reached out for me. All I had to do was get behind him and I knew I’d be safe. Strings of curses fell from Father’s lips. I outstretched my arm for Declan’s hand, his fingers wiggling for my own. I wanted to be with him. Behind him. Protected by him. Because I knew my father wanted nothing more than to kill me right now.

  Then, I felt myself floating.


  “Hold on, Ciara!”

  “Get her out of here,” my father growled.

  “No!” I shrieked.

  I flailed around, beating my fists into the back of the man that had picked me up. I ripped up his shirt and dug my nails into his back, causing him to cry out in pain. Bullets continued firing around me. Heat whizzed by my legs. I knew someone was trying to shoot at me, so I made myself an impossible target.

  I kept flailing as the bodyguard kept stumbling.

  My father grunted before I went crashing to the floor. I reached out and caught myself before I cried out in pain. My shoulder ached. My back ached. My face ached. Everything hurt. I bled in places I didn’t need to be bleeding. I tried pushing myself up, but my body wouldn't move. I kept falling back to the floor, helpless as the gunshots stopped around me.

  “Declan,” I choked out.

  “I’m right here. I’ve got you, Ciara.”

  He scooped me off the floor before he whipped around. And as my head fell backward, I saw the bodyguards gathered around Father. I saw him on the ground with blood on his shirt. Blood on his pants. Men talked into their shoulders and one of them aimed a gun at us.

  Before Declan fired off a shot and put him down.

  “Declan,” I whimpered.

  “Hold on. I’m getting you out of here.”

  He rushed us back through the distillery, and every once in a while, gunshots popped off. I jumped with the sounds. With the way Declan growled and ducked behind the massive stainless steel drums. I’d never experienced this kind of pain in my life. I was still bleeding. Still warm. Still shaking, despite how warm I felt.

  Then, the cool air of the night hit my skin. Causing me to grunt.

  The drive home was a blur. I remembered Declan talking on the phone with someone. I remember the bumps of the town-car hurting beyond all recognition. I remember feeling as if I were dying. I also remember the feeling of Declan stroking his fingers through my hair. Telling me it would be all right. That we were headed home. That I was safe.

  And for once, I believed the words of a man.

  I believed I was safe with him.

  “On my count. One, two…”

  Where am I? “Aaahhhh, Declan!”

  “On my count. One, two…”

  What the heck is happening? “No, please stop!”

  “Is that it?” Declan asked.

  “One more. On my count. One, two…”

  No, no, no. Stop. “Please, stop!”

  I sobbed into a pillow. I don’t know how it got there, but I cried into it. My entire body felt as if it were ripping itself apart. Every atom of my being engulfed in flames. But as quickly as the pain exploded, it dissipated. Leaving only a dull throbbing as someone slipped something around my head. As something settled against my arm. Harnessing it to my body as my eyes finally cleared of their tears.

  “Ciara, can you hear me?”

  “De—Declan?” I asked softly.

  “Hey there, beautiful. I need you to answer some questions for the doctor. Okay?”

  I furrowed my brow. “A doctor?”

  Then, a man I didn’t know exchanged himself with Declan.

  “Where else are you experiencing pain?” he asked.

  I was hesitant to answer for fear more pain would follow.

  “If you don’t answer me, I’ll have to go searching for it myself,” the doctor said.

  I swallowed hard. “My left cheek hurts.”

  He nodded. “We already got that taken care of. You needed a bit of glue to close the wound. But not much. You’ve got a nasty bruise there, though. It’ll take a few days for it to go away.”

  “And my arm?”

  “You dislocated both your shoulder, your wrist, and your thumb. We had to pop it all back into place. We’ll give you pain medication to help you sleep, but your arm will be in a sling for the better part of a month.”


  “Does anything else hurt?”

  I sighed. “Uh, something between my legs hurts.

  “What?” Declan asked sharply.

  I shook my head. “Not like that, I swear. No one ruined me.”

  Declan shoved the doctor out of the way before cupping my cheek.

  “I’m not worried about someone ruining you, Ciara. I need you to understand that.”

  I nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  “I’m worried that someone has done something to you they shouldn’t have. Your father will pay heavily for this. We can talk about that at a later date. But, did someone…?”

  He couldn't even say it.

  “No. I just—there’s this aching throb. Like, on the inside of my thigh.”

  Declan sighed with relief. “Okay. Spread your legs for me and let the doctor take a look at it.”

  I started trembling. “Okay.”

  I screwed my eyes shut and spread my legs. The doctor danced his gloved fingers over something that made me wince. He pressed down, and I whimpered. Declan cursed underneath his breath. My eyes flew open at the sound and I sat up before pain rushed through my body.

  “Oh, that hurt,” I grunted.

  “You’ve got a very nasty bruise. It’s really swollen. I’m going to have to drain a bit of the blood. But don’t worry. I’ll numb you up first. All right?” the doctor asked.

  “Declan,” I

  He slipped down to my side, tilting my face toward his. “I’m right here, beautiful. Keep your eyes on me.”

  Even with the numbing solution, the pain was more than I wanted. I winced. I groaned. Declan kissed me and swallowed my sounds as the doctor drained the blood from underneath my skin. But, once he was done, there was relief. No more throbbing. No more effort to keep my legs closed. They snapped shut, and the fire between my legs quickly dissipated.

  “There’s a good girl,” Declan whispered.

  “Is there anything else?” the doctor asked.

  I shook my head softly. “No. That’s it.”

  “Well, then my suggestion to you is a long, hot bath. You won’t be able to take a shower until your cheek is healed, so get used to them.”

  Declan scooped me up. “Not a problem, doctor. Thank you for your time.”

  I leaned against him as he walked us upstairs. And the next thing I knew, I was being lowered into a hot bath. Things came in snippets. Pieces. Blurry memories. He lowered my naked body into the water, though I’m not sure how he got me naked in the first place. He kissed my forehead. The tip of my nose. He slowly eased me up and started washing my back. Cleaning me down from tonight’s activities.

  Things were silent between us until he finally broke the tension.

  “We need to talk about what happened tonight,” Declan said.

  I sighed. “What do you know?”

  “Don’t ask that. Just start at the beginning. What took you to your father’s distillery?”

  I swallowed hard. “Your mother paid me a visit. She had this envelope of money and told me to run. That she’d help me come up with a new life and a new name away from the Callaghan Family.”

  “What happened after that?”

  “She shoved the money at me and left. I went and dumped it on the table and found these pieces of paper. I recognized the colors, so I put the pieces together. And when I saw my family’s crest, I immediately wanted to know why in the world my father was working with Fiona to get me to escape after selling me off to you.”

  Declan’s hand tensed against my back. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I was just—in such a daze. So—so shell-shocked. I mean, it was your mother. And I—please, please don’t be mad. I’d never—”

  “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. I know you didn’t go there to run. Just to get answers.”


  He sighed. “But there for a little bit, I was under the impression that you left me.”

  “I’m so sorry. Please. I’ll make it up to—”

  He gripped my chin and tilted my face up. His lips fell against mine, silencing my pleas. The heat of his kiss burned me. It melted the pain away as I sank down into the bath. His hand moved to my cheek, cupping it. Along with the bruise. Along with the permanent scar my father’s slap would leave behind on my face.

  Another one for the books.

  “I know. It’s okay,” Declan whispered.

  I sniffled. “Are you going to kill me if my father had something to do about your father?”

  He stayed silent for a little too long before he answered.

  “No. I can’t do that. Not after this. Not after you’ve shown such loyalty to this family. Something even my mother can’t do. But we do need to talk about what will happen to your father if he does have something to do with this.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t care what you do.”


  I scoffed. “I’m serious. Declan, that man tortured me my entire life. The scars on my body are from him. These marks on my body? From him and those bodyguards. As far as I’m concerned, you can do whatever the hell you want with him if he has anything to do with this. Or, even if he doesn’t.”

  Silence fell between us. My back fell against the wall of the bath. Declan’s gaze searched my face before a wild grin spread across his lips.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re sexy when you cuss.”

  I snickered. “You’re insane, you know that?”

  “Insanely in love with you, yes.”

  I paused. “Wait, what?”

  His lips crashed against mine and he quickly scooped me out of the warm, soapy water. With my body dripping wet, he carried me out of the bathroom. He placed me down in a chair before locking my ankles to the legs of it with leather. With buckles. With cool metal that sat hard against my skin. I gasped at the sensation. I watched him stand before he walked behind me. His hands fell to my shoulders and I winced. Then, he gathered my hair in his hands.

  “I love you, Ciara. Which means you’re mine. Forever.”

  I sighed at his words. “I love you too, Declan.”

  He pulled my hair back and his lips fell against mine. I moaned down the back of his throat as I heard him rummaging around for something. I lifted my unharnessed hand to cup the back of his head. To hold his lips close against my own. Then, he lifted up. Leaving me whimpering for more of him with my legs spread and tied to the legs of the chair.

  “What are y—what is that?”

  Something cool touched down around my neck. It sat close to my skin. Almost like a choker. It was thin. Dainty. My fingertips danced across it before Declan walked back around to the front. His eyes scanned my naked body. My breasts, still covered in soapy bubbles. My pussy, unfurling for him as my clit swelled. And my body, vibrating with a need for him.

  “How beautiful you are,” he murmured.

  I fingered the necklace. It felt so delicate against my skin. Declan smiled wildly as he dipped between my legs, his eyes still level with mine. His fingers reached out. He touched the necklace before winking at me. And as he lowered himself between my legs, I watched his gaze whip up to mine.

  “You are to never leave our home without that necklace on. Understood?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “You can wear another necklace with it. But you are to never leave without it.”

  “Okay,” I whimpered.

  “You look beautiful in the jewelry I buy,” he murmured.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  And when he dove between my legs, my head fell back.



  “Oh, Declan. Yes, please.”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “Right there. Please, right there. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Just like that, Decl—ooooh, yeah baby.”

  Her juices dripped down my face as her legs trembled against the chair. I slid my hands up her thighs, massaging them with the motions of my tongue. Her clit pulsed for me. I watched her head fall back. I drank her down, tasting her salted ocean texture against the back of my throat as I growled against her pussy lips. This was for her. All of it, to try and calm her down. Help her release. Help get her mind off tonight. I wanted to make her feel better. Make her feel like the queen she was to me. And as the family colors of the crest in gems around her neck sparkled back at me, I smiled.

  It looked stunning on her.

  My cock grew against my pants as I devoured her. I lapped at her clit and sucked her cute little pussy lips. I licked her clean as her body pulled taut. Pouring juices against my chin and down my fucking neck. She bucked against the restraints. I pressed her knees open and watched her jumping pussy unfurl. But I didn't stop. Not with her first orgasm, and not with her second.

  “I can’t. Declan, I can’t anymore. I—I—I—oh, yes. Oh, yes. Right there. One more. Don’t stop.”

  I chuckled between her legs as her tune quickly changed.

  I licked her entire slit as I reached down for the restraints. I undid them from her ankles and her legs quickly wrapped around me. Trapping my face against her pussy. I pulled her close to me. I felt her slide down the chair. I rubbed my stubble against her sensitive skin as I sucked her clit between my lips. My body sizzled with need. My dick wept with a need to be inside her. And as her body pulled taut, I listened to her broken sounds. Choking off inside her thro
at as her pleasure crashed over her.


  I cleaned her up slowly, relishing every droplet she had for me. And when she finally collapsed back against the chair, I scooped her into my arms. I placed her against the mattress. I watched her eyes flutter open and closed. I grinned down at her as I peeled my own clothes away, ready to slide into bed beside her.

  Before sliding into her from behind.

  “Oh, Ciara.”

  She whimpered as my cock filled her.

  “I’ll go slow. I promise.”

  She sighed as my lips kissed her shoulder.

  “That’s it. Such a good girl. So perfect for me.”

  She moaned softly as my arm wrapped around her waist.

  “I’ve got you. You’re safe now, beautiful.”

  Her ass cheeks pressed against my pelvis as we rocked together. Slow motions that wouldn't hurt her as she laid there, offering herself to me. I kissed her shoulder. I nibbled against her pulse point. I buried my face into her hair as she bucked back against me. I slid my hand between her pussy lips. My fingers fell against her aching clit. And as she shivered for me, I swirled my fingers around and around. Tracing that pulsing nub as she shivered.

  “Oh, Declan,” she whispered.

  “That’s it. Grip my cock. Pull me over the edge with you,” I murmured.

  Her pussy clamped tight, pulling me deeper as my balls disappeared into my body. Thick thread of come shot from my tip, matching her pulsing movements. I held her close. I buried my face into her neck. Being careful of her wounds, I emptied myself within her. Just happy that she was alive.

  And back with me.

  The next thing I remember, my eyes fluttered open. With her body still against mine, I felt my hand encompassed with warmth. I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings. And when I saw that Ciara hadn’t once pulled away from me last night, I grinned. My hand was still trapped between her thighs. My cock was still rock hard and filling her tight pussy. I slid myself up, growling with a need to be back inside her.

  But I was never one for unconscious sex.

  I propped my elbow underneath me and studied her. The way her chest effortlessly rose and fell. The way Ciara’s soft snores filled the space around us. The way my heart thundered at the sight of her tangled up in my silken sheets. Her smell encompassed me. The warmth of her body drew me nearer to her. And as I dipped down to kiss the shell of her ear, my heart skipped a beat.


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