Chaebol Heirs - Book 1

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Chaebol Heirs - Book 1 Page 1

by V. Muñoz

  Chaebol Heirs

  V. Muñoz

  This book is fiction. Any resemblance to living or deceased persons or events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, companies, organizations, places, events and happenings are the product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously only.

  Copyright © 2021 by V. Muñoz


  Chapter Chapter1 : Prologue

  Chapter 2: 4 years later

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7: 3 months later

  Chapter 1


  Kim Namjoon, Park Chinhae and I - the holy trinity of the Chaebol heirs. We became best friends at age four, and our parents own some of the most powerful companies in South Korea. We were the future of said companies , obliged to do everything necessary to hold the compan ies’ positions in the market. Our parents didn’t marry for love - their choices were solely based on what would be good for the companies. Money, power and ambition. That’s all that mattered to them , leaving no room for tri vial things like love. And the same was expected of us, sooner or later.

  The three of us knew that one day we’ d get married to someone we were probably never going to love, but we understood that it was necessary to keep the power. We also knew that every marriage in the Chaebol families was laden with scandals . C heating husbands, embezzl ing wives, and secret lovers were th e norm . It was like we were living on the set of a modern Downton Abbey, and the three of us found it more intriguing than anything else.

  Chinhae, Namjoon and I always loved to create scandals, no matter the consequence. We were notorious at school and college for creating chaos , exposing secret relationships between married teachers, or reminding stuck-up students where their place in the food chain was.

  Everyone respected us and no one dared to mess with me - every one knew my two best friends would show up and ruin their lives. And the reverse was also true - I was always ready to protect my two favorite boys at any cost. This meant that I was watching them the weeks leading up to one of the most important nights in our lives.

  Prom night was one of the most important nights in our school, and yet I hated it with all my heart . My two best friends already had dates for the night , but despite my beauty and popularity on campus, no one had dared to ask me out. Everyone clearly remembered what had happened to the last guy who thought that taking me on a date meant that they were entitled to a kiss . Namjoon and Chinhae made sure he wouldn’t ask anyone out again anytime soon. Sometimes I hated their overprotective nature, but to be honest, especially when it came to Namjoon, it made me weak for them.

  Namjoon has always been the taller of the two , and was the quintessential bad boy , always wearing a leather jacket, dark skinny jeans and ripped boots , his chestnut brown hair slicked back. Girls and women would swoon when they saw him, and he knew that his dragon-like eyes and the dimpled dirty smirk playing on his lips were the ultimate heartthrob features. He enjoyed teasing the hell out of me, and if I didn’t know how his mind worked, I would’ve assumed he had a crush on me. But of course, I knew better. Namjoon was just like that.

  I was still dateless when prom night came up, so Chinhae decided to dump his date for me. I silently wished that Namjoon had done the same, but of course he didn’t. To him, our nightly cuddle sessions were just about helping a friend get some sleep. I harbored a crush on Namjoon for ages, but he kept me f irmly in the friendzone. Which was okay, because we had agreed to never date each other. It would probably ruin our friendship, and that was too valuable to lose or even risk.

  Chinhae also shot me warning glares whenever he caught me staring at Namjoon for too long, a wor dless reminder of the pact . I loved my boys to death, but the extra feelings I had for Namjoon w ere a bit too much. Whenever my feelings got too heavy, Chinhae was always there for me. He never complained when I bawled my eyes out every time Namjoon fucked another girl , and kept my feelings a secret from the taller boy.

  I know, best friends are not supposed to keep big secrets like this from each other , but as long as Chinhae was in the picture , that was enough for me. My relationship with him was less about teasing, and was instead deeply brotherly. Even though he was just a few inches taller than me, he protected me like a lion ess protects its cub . Namjoon always said that an angry Chinhae is scary as hell, and he was right. Even with his softer facial features, light brown eyes and pursed full lips, an angry Chinhae could stare d own guys bigger than him without flinching .

  My two boys were worlds apart in looks and temperament, and even though I wished for a more intimate relationship with Namjoon, I knew things were better just as they were .


  Today was finally prom day and during lunch break, everyone was busy finalizing their details , including Namjoon. He was with Soojin , his prom date and his girl for the night, pro bably listening to her concerns about the dress she had chosen . I was sitting at our usual table in the school cafeteria, Chinhae on my right, and we were both staring daggers at Namjoon, who seemed oblivious .

  “My god, Val. I still can’t believe he picked Soojin as his prom date , ” Chinhae scoffed, visibly disgusted. After all, Soojin was notorious for having slept with half of the swim team in under a week. However, she was absolutely stunning, and made for the perfect prey , considering Namjoon’s intentions.

  “Let him have his fun. As long as he doesn’t get any genital diseases…” I replied, busy typing into my smartphone . I hadn’t realized Namjoon was back at our table until I heard his deep voice.

  “Who gets genital diseases?” he drummed his fingers on the table , his gaze darting between Chinhae and me, his e yes gleaming with excitement. I quickly locked my phone and just as I was about to put an end to the conversation, Chinhae chimed in.

  “You, my dear best friend. Soojin fucked almost everyone in our grade and also some college guys.” Chinhae shot him a knowing glance, but Namjoon just shrugged .

  “So what? Perfect match for me I would say. If she could take all the dicks in our swim team, she can surely take mine , ” h e shot me a playful wink.

  “Ewwww, I didn’t wanna hear that , ” I mock gagged . That guy really didn’t give two shits as long as he got laid. Namjoon gave me a dirty smirk, making me roll my eyes.

  “Yah, stop it! You’re really such a hoe, Joon-ah , ” Chinhae punched his best friend’s shoulder, but Namjoon just chuckled , his eyes glued to me. It looked like he was expecting me to say something.

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes at Namjoon, who se head was now resting in his palms.

  “You okay with that, princess? Me going with Soojin tonight?” he asked.

  Chinhae silently watched the strange interaction between the two of us. He knew that I was into Namjoon, but also hoped that it wasn’t mutual. As Chinhae often said , I deserve d someone better than Namjoon , e ven though they were best friend s. Chinhae hated how Namjoon drowned his problems with alcohol, drugs and sex , a nd no need for him to get involved with me.

  I was still looking at Namjoon, his eyes searching mine for any clue about what I was thinking. “Yah, why don’t you ask ME if I’m okay with your dating choice, Namjoon-ah?” Chinhae tried to sound offended, and the three of us broke into laughter .

  “ChinChin, are you jealous of Soojin? Do you wanna confess something to us?” I loved teasing Chinhae because he got worked up so easily , but this time it didn’t work. Instead of having a funny discussion about Chinhae’s world views, he became silent, a serious expression clouding his face.

  “No , ” he responded before he stood up and left the cafeteria in a rush. Namjoon and I remained glued to our seats , flabbergasted by Chinhae
’s sudden mood shift . He had never sw itched from playfulness to seriousness that fast before , so there had to be something wrong .

  I quickly typed out a text asking him if h e was still picking me up at 6 for prom . He read it immediately, but didn’t reply , making me huff in annoyance. Namjoon grabbed one of my hands and gently strok ed the back of it, making me jerk up in surprise. However, Namjoon didn’t seem to notice.

  “Come on, he’ll snap out of it before tonight. No need to worry, princess , ” he flashed a dimpled smile at me, which was just too much. I felt my cheeks heating up, so I dr opped my gaze to my still untouched lunch. I needed to leave. Now. He didn’t know how much I really liked it, and I preferred to keep it that way at least for now.

  “I must get going then. See you tonight, Joonie , ” I snatched my hand away from his and quickly got up to my feet before he could say anything. That was a close one .


  With only a few hours left until prom started, I was sitting at home, un sure whether I’d be going at all. Chinhae wasn’t answering his phone and had left me on read, which made me nervous. He also wasn’t at home, which only made my anxiety worse, and I could feel a headache coming on .

  That’s why I found myself, not even 10 minutes later, after my last attempt to call Chinhae, in front of Namjoon’s apartment. He lived three floors above me , which made visiting him or sneaking into each other's rooms very easy for us. I typed in his door code and rushed into his room without announcing my presence. Usually he was listening to loud music, and would barely hear anything el se . I definitely wasn’t expecting the situation I’d now stumbled upon : Namjoon was jerking off.

  And god, that was a sight to be seen. I always kind of knew that he had a big dick, but seeing it now, in its full glory, was still something else . I could feel the wetness pool between my thighs. He had his eyes closed and was biting down on his lower lip, deep groans rumbling from his throat while his big veiny hand stroked his thick length. I wished I could just wrap my lips around it, but decided against it . As quietly as I could, I walked out of his room again, carefully clos ing the door be hind. I took a few deep breaths then shouted his name loud enough for him to hear it over the music and his current activity.

  “F-Fuck…. Princess… give me a minute , ” I heard him curse behind the closed door. Of course, I could’ve waited some time until he was finished, but I had an emergency and Namjoon had already clouded my mind with lust, and it was only fair for him to be as unsatisfied as I was. A minute later his door burst open, revealing a very disheveled Namjoon. He was visibly stressed , and he shoved one of his hands into the pocket of his sweatpants, probably trying to hide the still very visible erection.

  “What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at Chinhae’s by now?” Namjoon scratched his neck with his free hand, letting me storm into his room to sit down on the bed. I threw myself back into his pillows, a defeated sigh escaping my throat.

  “Chinhae is ignor ing my calls and messages and isn’t at home. So, I guess I’ll stay at home now, too, as my best friend aka prom date just ghosted me.” I closed my eyes, feeling exhausted about the unnecessary tension in the group. Chinhae acted weird, an d Namjoon was being Namjoon. I was desperate for my best friend’s touch , and I had somehow sank so deep into my thoughts, that I didn’t realize how close Namjoon was . His face hovered over mine upside down, head slightly tilted to the side.

  “You do know that you have two best friends, right?” I nodded and closed my eyes . “And you do know that if Chinhae blows you off, I’ll dump my date and go with you, right?”

  My eyes shot open, widening a bit at the sudden closeness of Namjoon’s way too handsome face. “W-what?” It came out even more wretched than I had expected, making the tall man hove ring over me pout. He disappeared from view and sat down next to me, so I lifted my legs and placed them in his lap.

  I propped myself up on my elbows, frowning at his sudden statement and behavior. Of course, we always had each other’s back but Namjoon had spent weeks talking about getting laid by Soobin at prom, so much s o that it had annoyed the hell out of Chinhae and me. Why would he miss that chance just to help me, his best friend , out? Namjoon felt my gaze on him and locked eyes with me, giving me another one of his signat ure dimpled smiles.

  “I’m serious, Val. If he blew you off because he thinks he needs to act off today, I’ll dump Soojin right here and now and go with you.” His hands started massaging my calves, making me groan loudly. I loved it when he did that. Namjoon’s hands really could do magical things, but then the thought of him jerking off just minutes ago made me jump out of his hold, quickly pulling my legs closer so that I was now sitting cross-legged, facing him.

  “Yah, don’t say shit like that, Joonie! You chose Soojin because you wanted to get laid tonight , ” I scoffed. Namjoon just inched closer to me, his hands playing with my fingers. Again, I wanted to pull away, but his next words made me stop.

  “I’d let that chance pass for you, princess , ” He said, almost shyly. His gaze had fallen to my hands and I could see a hint of pink on his cheeks. What the hell was going on with my best friends today? First Chinhae, now Namjoon. Before I could protest or think this completely through, Namjoon was back to his usual cocky self, and lifted me from his bed bridal style , making me shriek.

  “What the hell, Namjoon? Let me down , ” I punched him on his shoulder, making him chuckle.

  “Nah, princess. You need to get dressed and I’ll carry you aaaaall the way down to your apartment. It’s faster that way.” And with that, he walked out of his apartment, straight to the elevators, without putting me down.

  “That’s so embarrassing, Joonie. I have feet to walk , ” I buried my face in his chest as we passed other residents of the expensive apartment complex who were eyeing us suspiciously.

  “And I just want to carry my best friend around. Besides, it’s also a good workout for me. Press the button please, princess.” We entered the elevator and I quickly pushed the button to my floor and the button to close the doors, having already had enough of the glances we got because of the weirdness my best friend decided to flaunt .

  “Yah! I’m not that heavy!” I punched him again, nose scrunched up, which only made him laugh out loud. The elevator doors opened and with quick steps, Namjoon put me down in front of my apartment door. I was busy entering the door code when I felt Namjoon’s breath on my neck.

  “I didn’t say that princess. Now get your pretty ass ready and text me what color your dress is . I’ll pick you up at 6.” A small peck landed right under my earlobe, one of my most sensitive areas. I had to bite my tongue to hold back the moan trying to escape my mouth. Fortunat ely Namjoon was oblivious, and was already walking back to the elevator . He winked at me when he turned back and caught me looking at him. God, th e night was going to be hard.

  I decided to wear a long black A-line dress with spaghetti straps and a deep V-neck that perfectly complemented the side slit. It was covered with black Swarovski stones, making it sparkle in the dim light like the night sky. I also had a slightly hidden agenda: I knew how much Namjoon loved the night sky, watching the moon and the stars, so I highly hoped that he’d like the dress on me , and maybe he ’d finally make a move on me instead of just teasing the hell out of me.


  Namjoon kept his word and showed up at my doorstep on time. My mother was at first confused because she knew that Chinhae was supposed to be my prom date, not Namjoon. “Uhm, Namjoon, can I help you?” My mother was not a big fan of him, and every body knew it To her he was a bad influence, with all the family drama and his unhealthy coping mechanisms, she often called him rotten. Which was yet another reason I needed to stay just friends with Namjoon.

  “I’m taking Valentina to prom, Mrs Rodriguez.” I watched the interaction between them from afar, reveling in the attitude he had towards her. He didn’t back down from her glare. When his gaze fell on me, Namjoon’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Ah, there s
he is. Let’s go, princess.”

  Chinhae still hadn’t replied to my text or called back , but at the moment, I really didn’t care. Namjoon stood waiting for me , looking particularly handsome in his black suit. His gaze wandered over my dress, and he was doing that little eye thing he always did whenever he was excited about something.

  “You look dashing, princess,” he whispered into my ear when I reached him, placing a soft peck on my cheek. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks and quickly glanced away, feeling anxious because of the sudden intimacy with Namjoon.

  Usually I was very quick-witted, but I couldn’t seem to find the right words, so I just waved him off. “Yah. Stop being cheesy, Joonie.” I playfully roll ed my eyes to try and cover up the original expression that was creeping up my face - the absolute amorousness I felt for Kim Namjoon. He didn’t recognize it or if he did, he just ignored it in my favor, and made his way to the elevator s with me right beside him , down to the garage.


  We headed to the venue in Namjoon ’s black Aston Martin, a gift his father had recently given him out of guilt . When we arrived, people began whispering and glancing at the car , especially at the two of us coming out of it. We always had that effect whenever Namjoon, Chinhae and me arrived somewhere, as we tended to draw people’s attention like moths to the flame .

  Girls were eyeing me with envy, because even though every one knew that no one stood a chance to have Namjoon as their boyfriend and that he was just out for a good fuck, girls were always fighting for his attention , hoping to get a taste of his notorious skills in bed. I smirked at them and linked arms with Namjoon, who just winked at the little group of girls watching my every step as we entered the venue.

  I scanned the room trying to find Chinhae, but quickly realized that he wasn’t there. A little pout formed on my lips and Namjoon noticed my mood shi ft immediately, holding me tight by my waist before he leaned down and whispered into my ear : “Don’t worry about him tonight, let’s just have fun, princess.” I glanced up at him , and he gave me a small smile.


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