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Rebel Sweetheart

Page 2

by Sydney Canyon

  Shane felt her knees knock together.

  Rich cleared his throat. “I guess now is fine. I need to get Ms. Crowley settled on your bus and—”

  “Excuse me?” Haley raised an eyebrow. “Come again.”

  “Uh…I need to get Ms. Crowley settled—”

  “Yeah, I got that part,” she growled.

  Oh, here comes that feisty temper. Shane thought to herself.

  “Haley, she has to share your bus, we’ve been over this. You need personal protection.”

  “That doesn’t mean I need someone sharing my bed. Does she have to stand in the stall while I piss too?” she said sarcastically. “Put her on the bus with the band.”

  “Now, Haley, come on. If I won’t put one of those guys on your bus, what makes you think I am going to put her with all of them? That’s why I hired a female.”

  “Damn it, Rich. One Month!” she spat and walked back to the stage.

  “Sorry. She’ll get used to it,” he sighed, looking at Shane.

  She raised her eyebrows and nodded. This assignment was getting crazier by the minute.

  Chapter 5

  The band was still on the stage rehearsing, so Shane used the extra time to get acquainted to the tight confinement of the bus. There was a couch and a loveseat across from each other when she walked inside. The galley was next to the loveseat with a sink, stovetop, microwave, and refrigerator/freezer combo. The handful of cabinets above the sink had various boxes of food scattered across and a handful of bottles of liquor. The cabinet under the sink was full of dishes, as well as pots and pans. Across from the galley sat the small bench-style dinette table. The doorway in the wall between the galley and dinette led to a small hallway with a washer and dryer on one side, and the door to a small stateroom with a single bunk on the opposite side. The door to the shared bathroom was on the other end of the hall, with what she assumed was Haley’s large stateroom taking up the back of the bus on the other side.

  Shane tossed her bag onto the twin-sized bed in the small stateroom. Instead of having a window above where her bed was, the folding doors on the wall opened into a hanging closet that ran the length of the bed, which went from wall to wall in the tiny compartment. The nightstand next to the bed doubled as a desk with a small pullout chair under it.

  She decided to go ahead and check out the bathroom since she was alone. The toilet was on one side of the room behind another doorway with a tiny sink across from it. The opposite side of the room had the large vanity and glass enclosed shower. She stepped to the side and opened the door to what she assumed was Haley’s room. A queen-sized bed came off of the wall to the right with nightstands on both sides. A narrow dresser ran the length of the opposite wall with a large flat screen TV on top of it. A full closet ran the length of the other wall.


  Shane sat at the dinette table, holding each letter with a pair of tweezers as she read it. Rich was across from her, watching like a little kid at a magic show.

  “Well?” he asked.

  “You can’t see finger prints unless they are in something like ink or paint but, maybe he slipped up and touched the paper, or licked the envelope. Whoever it is, he’s definitely progressing. These letters go from an unhappy fan to threats on her life in a matter of six weeks. What happened during this time?” She raised her eyes to meet his.

  “I’m not sure. Her new album came out about four weeks ago, which is why she’s on tour now. At first, we thought it was someone who didn’t like her new album, but this is going a little too far.”

  “No, I agree with you. I’m sorry, I’m not up to date on her music. I’m not…I don’t generally listen to…”

  Rich laughed. “You don’t like country music. You’re not the only person in the world. To each his own and all.”

  “Yeah well, I need a copy of this album. Actually, you better get me all of her albums. I’ll start there.”

  “Okay. Do you have an iPod? I’ll load them.”

  Shane shook her head. “Not with me. I left it at home.”

  “No problem. I’ll have one for you after the show tonight with all of her music loaded onto it. Speaking of the show, I’m surprised Haley’s not back yet. She usually takes a power nap and loads up on some kind of carbs before she goes on stage.” He checked his watch. “The show starts in three hours.”

  “Maybe you should take off for a little bit and let me talk to her alone,” Shane suggested.

  Rich sat back against the cushioned bench and regarded her seriously. “Are you sure?”

  Shane flashed her cocky grin. “Yeah, if the bus starts shaking, you might want to check things out, but I think I can handle her attitude. She’s a little pissed off, you would be too.”

  “Well, okay, if you think you can calm her down then…” He waved his hand. “By all means, give it a try. You don’t know her very well.” He smiled and hurried off the bus.


  Shane was putting her clothes in the narrow closet above her bed when she heard the entrance door of the bus. She stepped out of the room and ran head on into Haley coming down the hall.

  “Oh, you’re still here. Wonderful!” Haley growled sarcastically.

  Shane backed up to let her pass by.

  “When you get a minute, we should talk.”

  “About what?” Haley asked with a raised eyebrow as she walked through the bathroom.

  “I know the show starts soon. I plan on being close by until the minute you take the stage. While you’re up there, I’ll be on the side so you’ll be in my line of sight at all times.”

  “Don’t you need to be discussing this with the security guys?” Haley huffed.

  Shane stepped closer to her. “No, those are rented guys that get paid eight or ten bucks an hour to stand around and look buff. I’m responsible for your safety, and you and I need to be on the same page. Now that your rehearsal is over, I’m going to go brief your band and road crew. Here’s my cell number, call me when you’re ready to leave the bus. That’s the best we can do for now.” Shane stepped back and turned to walk away.

  “Don’t think you’re calling all of the shots here. I come and go as I please. I’m not scared of some jackass who doesn’t like my music.” Haley slammed the door to her stateroom. Damn you, Rich. This is going to be a very long month. Why the hell did you have to put tall, dark, and handsome on my bus!?

  Chapter 6

  All of the road crew and band members were sitting on the edge of the stage when Shane walked in. Twelve pairs of eyes stared her up and down.

  “Gentlemen, this is Shane Crowley. She’s Haley’s new personal bodyguard. As you know, we’re beefing up security because some fans aren’t exactly happy with the new album. Ms. Crowley is here to keep Haley safe for the remainder of the tour, or until things calm down. What she says goes, and if any of you disagree with her…” Rich turned around. “There’s the door.”

  “Thank you,” Shane said, stepping closer to the stage. “As Mr. Bergman stated, my job first and foremost, is to keep Haley Nielsen safe. At the same time, I plan to make sure there is a fully functioning security detail for the entire operation.” She paused. “Going forward everyone will have a two-way radio to communicate with each other as well as with me. I know Mr. Bergman hires temporary security at each venue, but these guys do not have prior knowledge of our situation, and most of them are glorified rental cops at best. They don’t care about Haley and what happens to her. This is a side job to earn a little cash. Plus, one of the guys could easily be our letter writer,” she finished, waiting for Rich to pass out the small radios.

  “I know you gentlemen have a routine that you are used to following, and I don’t plan to change that, although I may make a few adjustments here and there. If, and when the next letter arrives, it goes straight to me. If anyone is asking to see Ms. Nielsen, they talk to me first. Last but not least, Ms. Nielsen doesn’t go anywhere without me at her side. Is that cle
ar?” Shane waited for some kind of answer. She turned around when she noticed all of the guys fidgeting and looking behind her. Haley was standing on the other end of the arena, listening. God damn it! What part of don’t go without me doesn’t she get?

  “You might as well join us, Ms. Nielsen,” Shane called out as she turned back around. “Are there any questions?” she continued. “This will take a few days to get used to. I’ll do my best not to step on anyone’s toes.”

  “Except for mine,” Haley sneered over her shoulder.

  “Well, on that note, let’s get back to work. Have a great show tonight guys,” Rich said as he walked up next to Shane. “Everyone will come around, eventually. You just pissed in the proverbial cookie jar.”

  “No shit,” Shane mumbled under her breath.


  Haley was sitting on the couch when Shane stepped back onto the bus. She couldn’t help looking a little too closely at the blond, curled up like a Cheshire cat. Shane shook her head as she sat on the couch across from Haley. Once again, blue-green eyes met gray ones in a standoff.

  “I know you have a problem with me being here, and we just got started. Mr. Bergman said you’re giving me a month. If you keep defying everything I ask of you, this is going to be a hell of a long month.” Shane never broke eye contact as she spoke.

  “I don’t need to be babysat, and I damn sure don’t need to be told what to do,” Haley sneered.

  “I’m sorry if I made it sound like I was telling you what to do. How about we start over? I’m here to keep you safe and find out who is threatening you before he makes good on his promise to attack you.”

  “You don’t even know me!” Haley growled.

  Shane raised her voice. “You’re right, I don’t!”

  “Then why? Why the hell do you care about some guy sending me hate mail? Why do you want to protect me so badly?”

  Shane closed her eyes. I have no idea. When she opened her eyes, she simply said, “Because it’s my job.”

  Silence filled the bus like a thick morning fog. Shane stared at the floor. She couldn’t trust herself to look into the eyes burning a hole through her. I can’t even stand this headstrong pain in the ass. Maybe I should just call Dennis and tell him to fuck off. She’s straight anyway, that makes it even more of a bore to babysit her. Shane was lost in thought when her two-way crackled to life on her belt. Haley saw the gun strapped in a shoulder holster resting under her right arm when she lifted the side of her suit jacket to grab the radio.

  “You carry a gun?” Haley gasped.

  Shane furrowed her eyebrows in question, then nodded as she keyed the radio.

  “Ms. Crowley, we’ll be ready for Haley in five minutes.”


  “Ready for me? What the hell? Who is that?” Haley snapped as she stood.

  Shane stood a foot away. “Calm down. That’s one of your road crew letting me know that the backstage security checks will clear in five minutes and you can safely walk through.”

  “I really do not like this.”

  “Haley, it’s not for you to like. Just cooperate with me and with any luck, I’ll catch this bastard and be out of your hair soon.” Shane checked her watch. “Are you ready?” She swallowed loudly as she ran her eyes from Haley’s scuffed boots, to the tight threadbare jeans, and across the thin black tank top barely covering her torso and perky round breasts. She shivered when their eyes met.

  “I’m fine. Let’s go,” Haley huffed as she stomped passed Shane and shuffled down the stairs of the bus.

  Shane was right on her heels and slightly to her left, scanning the tops of the buses and semi-trailers, as well as the rooftop of the building just before they entered. She wasn’t touching Haley, but she swore she could feel the heat coming from the feisty, petite woman. As soon as they were safely under the stage with the crew, Shane tucked the radio earpiece into her right ear. She then stepped up onto the side of the stage behind the side curtain so she could scan across the crowd and keep an eye on Haley.

  A minute later, the crowd roared as the moan of an electric guitar echoed around the arena. Shane watched the drummer start his slow staccato as the base and lead guitars joined in behind him. Soon after, she heard Haley’s bluesy, smoky voice, slowly draw out the words to her chart-topping song. The stage opened, and she rose up on the platform from the floor with the microphone in her hand and her guitar behind her back. When the floor closed, she snapped the mike into the stand and slung her guitar around to strum the chords of the chorus and pick the song up to its faster pace.

  Shane felt her foot tapping to the beat. Her eyes glued to the back of Haley as she ran up and down the stage, playing her guitar like a begging lover in need of release. Her singing voice reminded Shane of a country drawl version of Janice Joplin, although it was a little more blues and smoky, and definitely sexy as hell. Haley Nielsen’s country music was unlike any country music she’d ever heard.


  An hour and a half later, Haley ran down the staircase on the back of the stage. She was full of energy, hooting, hollering, and high-fiving her band members and stagehands. Shane dove off the stage, landing like a gymnastic cat next to her with her eyebrow raised and a cocky grin on her face. Haley rolled her eyes and continued celebrating the great show all the way to the exit doors of the arena.

  Shane was taken aback by the enormous crowd outside between the building and bus lot. “Holy shit!” she yelled, grabbing Haley and pulling her tightly against her. She muscled her way through the crowd with two of the road crew guys behind them, keeping the stray hands from grabbing at Haley. “What the fuck was that?” Shane rasped as she slammed the door to the bus. The hired security finally began crowd control and were able to get everyone backed away from the bus lot.

  “That’s what happens when you rock the roof off the house. The fans go crazy.” Haley smiled brightly and flopped down on the couch. “Get used to it. It’s like this every night.”

  “Do me a favor and do not leave this bus,” Shane said, then turned back around. “There’s a two-way radio on the table over there. If you need to leave for any reason, call for me.” She paused to meet blue-green eyes. “Please.”

  As soon as Shane stepped from the bus, she dialed Rich’s number on her cell phone. “When were you going to fill me in on the god damn attack mob outside?” she yelled when he answered.

  “Ms. Crowley? I’m sorry, I had no idea it would be that bad here. I should have warned you.”

  “How do you expect me to protect her when you don’t give me the full story? We both could have been killed tonight. I’m in charge at the next venue, or I’m out of here.” She ended the call and felt like throwing her phone against the side of the bus as she ran a hand through her unruly short curls. She wanted to hit something or shoot someone, but what she really needed was a glass of bourbon on the rocks. She paced around outside of the bus until she felt calm enough to go back inside.


  Haley was sipping hot tea from a mug when Shane finally boarded the bus again. Gone were her boots and tight jeans. She’d changed into a pair of little, black shorts. A tiny sliver of her smooth skin showed between her tank top and shorts when she raised the cup to her lips. Shane felt sweat run down her back, and it wasn’t from the Texas heat. She removed her jacket, placing it on the opposite sofa on her way to the small kitchen area. She rummaged through the liquor side of the cabinet and frowned when she didn’t see anything but rum, vodka, and tequila.

  “What are you looking for?” Haley asked softly.

  “Whiskey. Bourbon to be specific.” Shane called over her shoulder and settled for a light beer from the refrigerator.

  “Send Rich to the liquor store before we pull out tonight. He owes you, you know.”

  Shane turned around, pressing her back against the counter as she regarded the woman sitting on the couch with her legs curled underneath her. “Yeah, well, you didn’t exactly
fill me in on the mob crowd either.” She let out a deep breath. “What time do we leave?”

  “We usually don’t leave until sometime in the morning. It takes the guys two hours to tear down.”

  “I see.”

  “Can you take that thing off?” Haley eyed Shane’s chest where the shoulder harness connected, holding the gun tucked under her arm. “I’d prefer if you didn’t wear it in here.”

  “I forget it’s even there most of the time,” Shane said as she walked to the door of the bus and slid the lock closed. She set her beer on the table and grabbed her jacket on her way to her room down the hall.

  “How’s the driver going to get in?” Haley called out.

  “I don’t know. I hope he has a key,” Shane yelled back as she slid her shoulder harness off and tucked it into the drawer of her small nightstand with the handgun still snapped in place. She then unbuttoned her cuffs and rolled her sleeves back before walking back out to the living area.

  Chapter 7

  Shane awoke to a loud noise. She shook off the initial disorientation from being in a strange bed. Someone was on the bus yelling, to be exact Haley was yelling and more than likely at someone that didn’t deserve the brunt end of her temper.

  She pulled on a pair of navy blue chinos and a baby blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up on her forearms and slid into her shoulder holster, nonchalantly checking her guns clip before stepping out of her room to see what all the commotion was about.

  It was already ten in the morning. She had no idea how she’d slept so late. Then again, it was after three a.m. when she’d heard Haley playing her guitar in the living room. The bus was just taking off towards their next destination. Close to five a.m., she’d heard Haley slam her bedroom door, obviously unhappy with the song she was working on. With that thought, Shane realized she probably only had about four hours of solid sleep. No wonder the loud yelling had woke her. Nevertheless, she shuffled into the living room bright eyed and bushy tailed, as if she’d had ten hours of sleep and a nice hot shower. Neither of which she was privileged to. She still managed to look like a GQ model in the pressed clothes with her short, dark curls, stormy gray eyes and chiseled features. The gun holster under her right arm fit her like it was permanently molded to her body.


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