The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One

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The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One Page 10

by M. Kristine

  “Arm or Leg,” looking at him and then the gun. “Better choose fast, Viper, before I do both,” he says raising his voice above a normal level having it ricocheting on the walls in the room. “Well, A-” before I can get the answer out, he fires his round right into my arm. The shot echoes around us inside the building bouncing off the walls.

  “AH, FUCK,” I roar out. Pain radiates up my arm and neck, a burning red pain. Grabbing the wound that has grazed along my flesh the bullet is in the wall across from me. My three brothers are on the ground with their hands over their heads. Yup, they could have worn a bullet through the skull. Ace really isn't thinking. The blood starts to gush down my arm onto my fingertips dripping on the floor in a pool.

  “That blood is a symbol of the betrayal you’ve shown to me, to your family, and your brothers.” Ace states calm and collected, checking his gun before placing it in the holster inside his cut just under his shoulder.

  “As I tried to tell you before, Prez, I didn't... haven't slept with Senna.” My eyes meet his narrowing. I’m fucking pissed right now.

  “Well you got off easy then, didn't you? Because you will take her innocence, won't you?” Shaking my head as he steps dangerously close to me, I’m fucking on edge now. The dude just shot me.

  “You have now taken ownership of my daughter. I want to let you know that if a hair on her head gets touched for any one of your sins the next bullet will be in your fucking head.” It takes all my inner strength to not to tell him to fuck off and listen to me for once, but he’s pulled the gun back out fast and is pointing it back at me. Egging me on to say another word. Baiting me for another reason to take his irrational bullshit out on my ass.

  “Oh, and Viper,” he says as he walks away tapping the gun on his thigh. “She will stay with you from now on. Wherever you are, she's right there with you,” the boys around us laugh out as Ace walks out of the clubhouse and Mrs H comes out with her medical bag.

  “You boys all bugger off. Go and do something other than loiter here for gossip.” Shooing them away she pushes me toward the couch and sits me down. “It’s through and through so just a few stitches and you'll be right as rain,” her eyes find mine. I know she can see all sorts of shit dancing around inside them and I don't even have the energy to hide any of it. What's the point?

  “What a mess,” she says to me looking up with a needle between her lips.

  “You can say that again. I-” she cuts me off

  “I know, Luca. I know you have loved her since you were 10 and she has loved you just as long.” Pulling a long sterile suture out of a packet she threads the needle

  “Fuck, Mrs H,’ I holler out tensing up. “What the fuck was that.”

  “Oh boy, that language. It was numbing spray and you’re lucky I'm using it,” her sweet voice cocoons around me.

  “Well that shit hurts.” She hands me a rolled up white gauze.

  “Here, bite that and be quiet.” her beautiful blue-gray eyes look into mine. “Oh, and Luca, you and Senna were made to love each other. She will walk with your dark. Believe me she's strong enough. Just trust.” With that she digs the needle into my skin as I bite down to stifle a scream

  “God at least give that spray a chance to work,” mumbling around the thick gauze. Mrs H just laughs and goes about her business.

  “Here, baby, here's a shot to help with the pain,” her overly high voice grates down my spine.

  “Fuck off, Callie.” I grit out. Her hands with her painted nails flick past my face as I rip the bottle from her grip.

  “Oh, Viper. Baby don't be like that,” she cooed sending bile rising up in my throat as her fake tittied ass sits down practically on my thigh. I shove her off me the contact causing my skin to ripple with disgust and Mrs H to look at me and her.

  “Can't you see I'm working here,” she says eyeing Callie.

  “Can't you see I’m trying to console my man,”’ Callie mouths her smart dirty mouth at Mrs H. My free hand places the bottle between my thighs lifting my hand up to her mouth I squeeze her cheeks tight forming an O with her dirty lips.

  “I ain’t yours. You won’t speak to a woman of importance like that your disrespectful little bitch. The only thing your good for, Callie, is on your knees with club boys cum all over your fucking face.” pushing her dirty ass off the couch with force I drop my hands from her face “Now fuck off.” Her eyes widen as her cheeks flame red.

  “Luca,’ Mrs H laughs out at me. Smiling at her I lean back taking a pull of the straight Jack. The burning down my throat is a welcome distraction from the burning in my arm. I shut my eyes, wait and think.

  “There you go, son. All done.” I open one eye and look at her beautiful, round face.

  “Thanks.” Shutting my eye again I dig deeper into my cut.

  “Luca,” the melodic sound of her voice ruffles out as she cleans up and packs away her things. “Mmmmhmmmm,” not opening my eyes at all this time. “You have to go back there,” she says to me.

  “Oh, no, I don't,” I answer back.

  “Luca.” Her voice is clipped. Oooo, sensing a little annoyance I open my eyes “No, I don't. I’m staying right here. She's crazy mad right now and this is going to make it even worse, I can't. I'm not good for her.” I watch her wipe her hands on her apron.

  “Luca, you are the best thing for her in this world. She needs a man who would kill his own shadow if it threatened what he loved.” Damn this woman. Why is she all wise and shit.

  “She's heaven, Mrs H, and I’m hell.” Knowing that she doesn't see anything other than what Senna sees. Luca Warren.

  “You’re her special kind of fire, Luca, and she’s your own special kind of hope. So, stop running.”

  “You have to say that cause your practically like my grandma, but I’m in denial here. I'm standing off here. I'm not moving.” I snap out taking another drink as my head is hurting now.

  “Luca Warren, you will get up right now. And you will stop running, you foolish boy.” Shit that's a tone I haven't heard from her sweet body before and it has me jumping to my feet.

  “Hell, Mrs H, where did that come from. You’re like scary and shit.” She laughs at me, “GO,” she says, holding my one uninjured arm up.

  “Jeez, fine.” I say backing away as she takes the bottle from my fingers

  “Good cause that wound shouldn't be in vain. Either way, Luca, you’re stuck with her now. Club rules.” She laughs, slapping my ass as I roll my eyes at her.

  “Love ya,” Mrs H, I holler over my shoulder

  “Love you too, my boy.”

  Pulling up to the safe house I couldn't even hear the roar of my Harley under me over the music blaring from the sound system. Fuck they are lucky this safe house is out on the outskirts of town. Neighbours wouldn't be so happy with two princesses throwing a full scale tantrum and, what did Flame call it, frat party.

  Rolling my bike around the side of the house and into the shed not wanting to leave her out tonight for the drunken, lame ass schoolboys to play wanna be bikers. Oh fuck, that thought has me pulling my helmet and gloves off fast. School boys, drunk. Senna. Not happening.

  Waking around the side of the shed there are people everywhere. Drunk kids and I mean kids like eighteen to twenty-year olds. The chicks wearing next to nothing. Shaking my head, I think their parents would be disgusted.

  I am a biker, I'm a sinner and I'm bad to the bone, literally. Even I feel for these parents. Like they would give the club girls a run by the way they are dancing, grinding, drinking and sucking dick tonight. Its looks like a clubhouse party and I suppose being brought up around the club and that way of life seeing that they have been pulling beers since the age of 10 they know just what to do.

  Doesn't take me long to seek out Capone. His eyes are glued to Saylor as she dirty dances with some zit faced, preppy boy. Flame is leaning against the deck. His foot up behind him on the boards, a beer in hand and a scowl on his face giving the young fuck boy talking to Senna a death stare.
  She's wearing a tight Ace of spades tank tied in a knot on the side exposing her taut stomach and cut out denim jeans looking all sexy and shit, with her flaming, red hair in a high as hell pony tail that has her hair falling in long ringlets down her back. Her eyes meet mine and she sucks in a deep breath. I see the hitch of breath in her chest as she looks me over. I offer her a nod as the boy steps into her putting his hand on her hip trying to pull her eyes back to him, but it’s mine they are locked with.

  Her eyes roam over my body. My injured arm is hidden under my cut, laying across my chest. It throbs like fuck. The burning hot flashes zap through me from the bullet hole and the eyes of the fiery goddess standing metres away from me. The glow from the fire pit lights up her white skin and makes my cock move under the heavy denim of my jeans. Knowing that I can take her now has him begging for it. Tonight, though all I want is a hot shower, a stiff glass of Jack, a joint and sleep.

  Tying the towel around my waist, my skin is still damp from the shower. The hot water was just what my body needed. Now it needs weed and Jack. Rolling a joint on the table in my room I look to my bedside lamp. It’s shining just a dull ember light through the room. Sucking in deep lung fills of the weed the pain begins to dull a little as it takes effect. Pulling my phone from my cut pocket unlocking it I scroll through my Spotify. The sound of the party is booming in full effect from outside and surrounds me. I need to just block it out, so I hit play on Imagine Dragons - Smoke and Mirrors. I let the music take over and I close my eyes, letting the buzz from the weed lull over me and the music take me away from the shit show that is this party outside.

  I didn't even hear the door open. It wasn't till I felt weight on the bed that my eyes snap open and I see her sitting there looking at me. Her eyes glide down my naked body with just the towel covering me.

  “Sup, princess,” I say pulling myself up slightly. I can smell liquor and smoke floating off her as she takes the joint from my fingers takes a small puff on it and coughs as what she thought was just a cigarette hits the back of her lungs.

  Taking it from her I finish it and swig back a mouthful of Jack. My eyes burning into hers she breaks the stare and her eyes fall to my arm and I watch the pain hit her.

  “What happened?” I hear the hurt lacing her voice.

  “Your dad happened, babe,” I reply, not even hiding the annoyance in my tone. “He fucking shot me.”

  “What!” she bites out as the music both on my phone and outside change over.

  "Your dad happened, babe." Her fingers trace over the bandage and dried blood. Mrs H was forceful with the don't get wet, so showering definitely was an experience with one arm out the damn shower. Her touch is soft, feather like, tickling the underside of my arm and sending a feeling down to my crotch.

  "Why?" She looks at me, her features stunning in the dull light.

  "Why does your dad do anything he does, babe." Her lashes fall over her cheeks as she closes her eyes. I pull her body down into me.

  "Me. He hurt you because of me and this party, didn't he?" Wrapping my good arm around her waist she pulls the bottle to her lips. Watching her swig back straight Jack like a boss has me wanting to fuck her hard.

  "You, yes. Party, nope." She places the bottle down and twists in my arms her eyes meeting mine. “There is a new problem and that said problem has been following us and watching. So, he told ya dad that we have been fooling around.

  She tenses, sucking in a sharp breath. "Well that's a fucking lie," she bellows out.

  Smiling at her, "well," I say raising my eyebrow.

  "Luca, we haven't even had sex." I laugh at the way she says sex.

  "I know this, you know this, but do you think your dad will listen?" I try to sound sarcastic but I’m too tired and stoned to even manage it.

  “Are you kidding me,” her voice has raised up a few notches to shrieking.

  “No, not kidding babe. The bullet hole says that I'm serious and now you’re mine. You belong to me and where I live, you live. Where I go, you go. How about that?” Her mouth falls open. I can't help myself; I lift a finger and close her mouth shut.

  “Really?” she asks me, searching my eyes for it to not be true or that easy.

  “Really, babe. I told you from day one that something like this would happen but let's not get shit twisted. I only got a bullet to the arm because of the fact that we are about to go into war and your old man needs me. He will so blast me once this shit is over though.” Running my finger over her jaw line, she’s fucking stunning and now she’s mine. Her hands move down my body to my waist.

  My hands grab her pulling them back up. “Not happening, baby.” I sigh “As much as I want to I can’t.” Her lips pout looking back at me.

  “We are allowed to now,” she purrs out into my space, so close to my face.

  “It still doesn't make it ok, babe.” She goes to open her mouth to speak but her hand slams shut over it. Her eyes go wide and I leap up knowing the way her eyes water instantly that she’s going to be sick. Pain ripples through my arm at the sudden movement and pulls on the stitches. Flicking her tiny body over my shoulder I run into the bathroom.

  When I place her head inside the bowl of the toilet she lets go and fills it with spew. The hot smell of Tacos and beer laced with Bourbon hit my nostrils.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Senna.” I heave. I'm not one for spew, holding a chick’s hair or rubbing her back, but for Senna I will. She mumbled some sort of shit through her heaving. Smiling down on her body wrapped around the toilet, after what feels like an eternity, she falls to sleep with her head on the toilet seat.

  Fucking gross babe. After wiping her mouth with a wet washcloth, I pick her up, carry her to my bed and lay her down. Sliding my body into a pair of boxers I slink into the bed next to her passed out body.

  Watching her chest rise and fall I think she is mine and I own her now. Soon the club and all that is the club will know and with that comes a new set of danger. Because that means all the bad and ugly will know and that's a threat to her life and my sanity. Because I will fucking kill to keep her like this right now. Pure, untouched. Clean, not dirty from all that is Viper.

  Chapter Twenty


  I slowly awaken with a jackhammer pounding against my skull. Ugh! What the fuck happened? My mouth feels like its full of cotton balls and my stomach is queasy as fuck. I roll over looking at my surroundings for the first time. I’m not in my room but Luca’s. How the hell did I end up here?

  Before I can analyze the questions in my head my stomach rolls and I can feel whatever is in my stomach is about to be known. I jump from the bed and run into the bathroom dropping in front of the toilet as I expel the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

  Fuck that hurts! I must have done this last night by the feel of my ribs and abs. I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember is drinking with Saylor as people who I didn’t know filter into the house.

  I get up from the floor, flushing my drunken night down the toilet before going to the sink to wash out my mouth. I get a good look at myself in the mirror and lord help me I look like shit. My hair is a rat’s nest on my head and mascara smeared under my eyes. I look as bad as I feel. Coffee...I need coffee, then maybe I will begin to feel somewhat normal.

  I walk out of the bathroom heading for the door when I see paper sitting on the dresser with my name scrolled across it in Lucas god awful handwriting. I grab it and open it, reading his words.


  Don’t know how much you remember from last night. I will fill you in later but know this- You are mine. It is more important now than ever before to keep you safe from everyone and everything. I have loved you from the first moment I say you twenty years ago. Now, I get to tell the world that you belong to me.

  Be good,


  I’m sitting at the table sipping on my second cup of joe finally starting to feel more like myself. Saylor h
asn’t made an appearance yet and I’m kinda glad. I need the quiet to help me sort through all the feelings that Luca’s note brought up in me. He said I’m his, that I belong to him, and that he loves me. I already knew the latter, because I love that man with every ounce of my heart and soul. He has been the only man that I can see. No one compares to him and no one ever will. He is right about one thing… I am his.

  I know he is at the club dealing with whatever shit is going on that put us into hiding. Looking around the house at the mess that was left behind, makes me wonder how far into hiding we really are. Yeah, it was dumb for us to throw a party at the one place no one is supposed to know about. Say and I have no clue who is after us and we could have led them straight to our door. Dumb fucking idea.

  I hear a door open and close down the hall and look up to see my sister and Capone walking down the hall together. He has his hand against the small of her back and she looks about as good as I do. Hair and makeup a mess, clothes all wrinkled, and her face is drawn down frowning.

  “Who pissed in your Wheaties?” I ask, taking a swig of coffee.

  “Need coffee bitch,” she grumbles as Capone pulls two mugs from the cupboard pouring them each a cup. Before Saylor can put sugar in it, he beats her to it. She gives him a curious look before asking, “How do you know how I take my coffee?”

  He looks up from the cups and gives her a small smile, “I know everything about you babe.”

  Well, well, well. Looks like my sister has a man who wants to care for her. I wish Luca was here to take care of me, like Capone is Saylor. He has always been softer than Luca. They are friends but very different men. Both will do what’s needed for the club, but Cap leaves that at the door and is totally different with my sister.

  I wish Luca could do that, could separate the enforcer from the man I fell in love with.

  His loyalty to the club is more than him and I. His loyalty to me frightens me because I know that he will kill for me. He has killed for the club for far less. He has a past he doesn't want to touch me, but doesn't he realize that each time I look in his eyes a little of him and that dark seeps in.


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