The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One

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The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One Page 11

by M. Kristine

  “So, this little party was a fucking dumb idea girls,” Capone pipes in sitting down at the table. His feet lift up and rest on the table next to my face. I push them off with a look of disgust.

  “Well only to you and Luca.” Saylor says looking at him with nothing but crazy love in her eyes. “He was fuming when we got back here late last night too, I may add.” She says pulling the cup to her lips I watch as she drinks down the hot liquid. Capone looks at her like he owns her. OMG own her. Shit! Luca said the same thing to me last night.

  “Cap did Luca speak to you at all last night?” I question him pulling my knees up into my chest placing my cup on my knees trying to hide my face as it gives me away each time.

  “Nah, I saw him walk in and that was it. The party was pretty crazy loud.” looking at him over the rim of the cup. “You know that He’s going to be fuming right. Flame and I did try and warn you.” turning my gaze to Saylor who is trying hard to not laugh. I shrug my shoulders pushing myself up.

  “Well we get told a lot of things Cap.” I say as I walk to me room for a shower.

  Walking out of my room after a much-needed hot shower, I smell food and my stomach begins to grumble.

  “Food.” I say grabbing a water from the fridge. Saylor’s all happy and shit, singing away to Pink that is playing on the surround sound.

  “What has you so happy?” eyeing her “Anything to do with the biker I saw walking from your room this morning?” from the corner of my eye I see him outside the window. No shirt. Tattoos on show the sun causing beads of sweat to dot his body. OMG he's every girl with daddy issues wet dream and so happens to the guy my sister is crazy about.

  “Dad shot, Luca.” I blurt out her body snaps fast to mine

  “What!” she hollers shocked.

  “Yep just what I said.” Running my hand over my neck the tension is building there like I have to face dad knowing that he has shot Luca and made me his. Couldn't we do what normal couples do and date first.

  Staring out the window my mind runs to all the shit that will come from this now. How will this play out? Where will we live? What will we do? Like in the past dream world I had been living in when I pictured Luca and I it was like well just that a perfect dream world. This omg this is the real deal big bad wolf and the MC club princess.

  “Earth to Senna.” Saylor snaps her manicured nails in my face. “I swear Sen you’re like not here.”

  I dragged my eyes from the outside and Capone working to clean up our mess to my sister. “What?” I asked her, “I was saying is he ok.” looking at her as I took a sip of water, I needed this all of a sudden, my throat was dry as a dessert,

  “Oh, you know Luca he's fine.” her eyes roll. “They all are the same. And you” she asked pulling herself up to sit on the bench.

  “Me well I'm confused and worried but I'm way too hungover for any of this thinking shit so I'll leave you and lover boy to it, I'm going back to bed.” throwing the bottle cap at her as she slides down I see her look out at Capone.

  “Maybe dad will shoot him too and we both can be confused together,” walking away from her laughing to myself my head hurts and the sun is way too bright. I fall onto the bed in my room placing my sunglasses over my eyes the instant black is so soothing and the banging inside my brain dulls slightly.

  I must have fallen asleep because before I know it amongst all the still lovely quiet is loud POP sounds and smacking wood splintering along with windows shattering.

  OMG what the hell it sounds like fireworks.

  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Over and over I then hear yelling and voices cackling out in laughter. Jumping from my bed as the window shatters and the curtains billow around the room at the instant intrusion of air, I hear my name being called. Yelled. Screamed. God, I don't know. Overall the noise and the throbbing inside my skull I can't make out what.

  I hear a sick, skin crawling laugh and all I can make out is “Pay bitches.”

  Suddenly my door flies open, and Luca throws himself at me and we land on the floor, his body’s shielding me from more popping that is causing the walls in my room to vibrate.

  “Stay down, baby,” he whispers in my ear as the chaos continues to swirl around us. I can feel his heart beating fast as his chest covers my back, my face pushed into the overly soft carpet. He is protecting me and keeping me safe. I have no doubt he will always be there. As fast as it started everything goes quiet. I am still breathing frantically and internally I’m freaking the hell out.

  “OMG, Luca, what the hell was that?” I ask him as I try to turn over to face him.

  “Bullets, babe. And a fuck load of them.” He shifts slightly still covering me but rising up on his arms, so I am now caged in. I see the blood seeping through the sleeve of his white tee. His arm bleeding means he would have popped the stitches.

  “Baby, you ok?” he searches my body with his eyes

  “I-I-am-yep, I am fine,” I stammer out my breathing ragged.

  “You're bleeding.” I say pointing to his arm, my hand grazing along his thick peck.

  His eye fall to his arm “Yup, I am.” he says it like he already knew. “I’m good as long as your good.” His face lowers closer to mine

  “I’m good.” I say to him and he laughs at me

  “What's so funny?” I say looking at him.

  “You, and the fact you have sunglasses on inside.” His smile is panty dropping on form.

  “Yeah, well I have a hangover from hell and the sun is freaking loud.” I say to him, slightly jabbing him in the ribs with my hand. He flinches looking down at his ribs and my hands that have now stayed and sprawled out wrapping around his waist holding him.

  My eyes follow his movements as he looks back at me his stare full of lust, desire. Well at least I hope that's what I see because my body is humming for it. Before I can even analyse that thought process his lips crash into mine taking my breath away. His tongue explores my mouth, seeking out my tongue and they began the sweet intoxicating dance.

  “Whoa, Bro. Is she ok?” Capone's voice sounds out around us as Luca tenses breaking the kiss, his eyes snap behind him to Capone and now a shaking, pale Saylor at his side.

  “Yeah, she’s fine.” he replies moving rather reluctantly from me and my body. I hate the loss of him. “Did you get a look at who it was?”

  “Nah, brother. Masked up with bandanas and on motorbikes,” Capone says as he steps into the room and looks out the smashed window. “They were trying to get you, princess,” his tone is edgy and has me worried that the news got out already that I am Viper’s. No one will care if they say Luca. Luca to them is no one. But Viper, well, he is an important someone.

  “Bandana color?” Luca questions like that matters right now. Our safe house has been shot. Saylor steps over to me and I wrap her in my arms.

  “Black and yellow, brother.” he says back to Luca as Luca runs his hand over his stubble, making that sexy raspy, sound. Sort of like sandpaper rubbing over wood, it’s sending a sexual chill to my core. I need to have sex and with him. STAT.

  “Girls, we gotta roll out. Shit’s a mess out there,” one of the prospects comes flying in stating this like he's the man.

  I sense Luca tense, so I seek out his hand to calm him down. I see the annoyance flick through his eyes as he looks at the guy.

  “No fucking shit, boy.” he barks out and with that he is dragging me behind him to his bike Capone and Say not far behind.

  Sweet so we are leaving.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Senna's arm wrapped tight around my waist as we head back to the clubhouse. Fuck nowhere is safe o take them This pace though at least its full of men and guns. Men though drunken men and prospects like we have Four chapters in to help with this fucking war that is rolling in on us. The Mexicans fuck me they are crazy.

  I had just gotten inside when the first shot had rung out. All I can think as she clings to me, her scent engulfing me, was what if I wasn't there? What if she
got hit? What if they took her? I have a feeling that I am unsure what to do with fear. It’s fear that something that I really fucking like, well love, could be hurt, killed, taken.

  This has me nervous, so fucking nervous. My walls are built thick. I stick my dick in chicks and don't even blink while leaving them on the floor. Be it at the club, a bar downtown, a seedy motel room. or a dirty bathroom floor. I am vile. I have scars, demons and nightmares, I have men after me for fucking their wives, killing their brothers or removing, extracting, confiscating, blowing up their drugs, homes, guns, money, clubs. You name it, I’ve done it.

  Senna though, Senna has me feeling shit. Has me wanting to be better, to not be that guy. To like, well love, to her and only her. I just hope she's ready for the ride.

  The clubhouse was quiet when we pulled up. Just a few die-hards sitting around drinking and playing cards. Most of the guys out in the garage, or down at the strip club we own on the same side of town as my gym. A few guys will be there too, working out no doubt.

  The day is slowly fading as the sun starts its downward drop into the cusp of the skyline. I had left here only two hours ago sorting out the plan for this fucking warehouse job. If that Mexican bastard is behind the drive by on the safe house, I will personally take care of him for good.

  Mrs Austin along with my mom and sister are at the bar as we walk in. Mrs Austin walked up to her girls. She inspects them for any damage, scratches, cuts, scraps, marks and holes.

  “No Holes, Mrs A,” I say kissing her cheek.

  “Luca, oh sweet lord, you’re bleeding,” She says concerned.

  “That's not from today, Mrs A,” I say to her trying to hide my eyes by looking above her head.

  “It was Ace wasn't it? He knows, doesn't he?” she doesn’t fuck around with her words. I know she has known that I have loved the girl’s way before all of this growing up shit happened. But I know she sees that my love for Senna is different.

  I just nod about to open my mouth, but I'm interrupted by Ace. He whips his hands out pulling his daughters close to him, kissing each cheek over and over. As they complain about being shot up and moved out and having to even go there in the first place, I shake my head. At least you’re fucking alive I murmur under my breath low enough, so no one hears me.

  “Fuck, could have been worse suck it up girls,” I hear him say as I walk to the bar. Leaning over I crack me a cold Bud and fall into one of the oversized couches. The adrenaline leaving my body and a wave of tiredness washes over me in its place.

  My eyes are heavy, my arm fucking aches, and I have a constant pounding inside my brain.

  “We need to talk,” Ace says as my dad lets go of Lane and mom sits down next to me.

  “Let me see that arm, son.’ Her sweet voice is a welcome calm to the chaos that is inside my mind right now.

  Slipping my arm out of my cut, the sleeve of my tee is caked in blood. Some dry, some still wet. It sticks to my arm causing me to suck a deep breath through my teeth as mom pulled the top away and undid the bandage.

  “Lane, some hot water, Iodine and clean bandages please,” her eyes fall to Ace’s as Mrs A comes over to look over her shoulder

  “Was this really necessary Sam?” her eyes burned into his.

  “Well, yes, it was,” he snaps out rubbing a hand over his face.

  “Really, no other way than that?” my mom says as Lane places down the steaming bowl of water dropping a few drops of Iodine into it, making it turn a rusty orange.

  “Well, he broke a fucking law and that required action,” his tone is annoyed. As he looks at me, I hold up my one hand

  “Don't look at me. I ain’t complaining. I just think that if I had slept with her then, yup, fair call to shoot me,” his eyes widen as my mom’s eyes glare into his.

  “He hadn't even slept with her yet,” my dad bellows behind Ace. He stiffens and turns, “and you still shot him.” My dad is past angry at this point. I can see it in his eyes. He's stressed out that we are under fire and a pending war from a gun deal that they didn't really think through.

  “In my defense, the dude said so and well that law has been passed down for years upon years through clubs,” he looks around past my father at the girls.

  “You could have just asked me dad,” Senna says, her eyes sad and her cheeks red.

  “Love-” she cuts him off. “Your laws are stupid and so are you,” her eyes burn with anger as Ace steps forward toward her and Saylor.

  “Save it dad, we don't wanna hear it,” they both turn on their heels and head up the stairs to the room above us. Their wing. Their safe place in a world that commands havoc and bloodshed.

  I watch her walk up the stairs and I can't help but wonder what is going on through that head of hers. We haven't even had a chance to talk about last night or anything before it all turned to this mess.

  “I’m not going to even justify what I did. No one, club member or not, touches my daughters.” I chance a glance at Capone he is just looking at his feet. Yup, you’re fucked too brother.

  “So, what the fuck happened out there?” Ace booms, sitting down in front of me. Cap and Flame along with my dad and Blade all pull up chairs forming a circle type thing. Lane leaves and walks up to the wing that's for her and mom when they are here.

  “Um what happen was the safe house got shot up,” my arm is fucking on fire. Looking at mum, “Fuck, that shit hurts,” I seethe out unable to focus on anything other than my arm.

  “Flame and a couple of the prospects and I were cleaning up. The girls were inside and well before we knew it there were bullets being fired from everywhere,” Capone pipes in as Flame rubs the back of his neck. I shake my head knowing damn well what's about to come.

  “Cleaning up? What and where the fuck were you?” Ace barks. My mom jumps as does Mrs A who’s looking over his shoulder. I shake my head; this is going to be a long night.

  “I was here. You know, planning and going over maps, surveillance, codes and guns with Blade and dad. You were out doing whatever you were doing.” Ma finishes with my arm, taping the new bandage.

  “Keep it clean. I will look at it in two days,” she says kissing my cheek.

  “Thanks, Ma.” I murmur into her ear kissing her back.

  “Come on. Sheila, let’s leave the men to talk.” I watch as mom pulls Mrs A by the arm and they disappear into the lounge room. My eyes meet Ace’s they are fuming.

  “Look, I wasn't there. I pulled in just as all the bullets started flying into the house. I ran right inside seeking out Senna she was standing in the middle of her room as a flurry of bullets came flying into the room shattering the window. I pulled her to the floor covered her body with mine and waited out the shit storm.” Ace just nods looking at me then Capone.

  “They were shooting with semi-automatics and they made a fucking mess. There was as many as 8 shooters on bikes wearing black and yellow bandanas. That's all I could make out as I ran from the yard to the house and into the kitchen where Saylor was,” Capone adds into the mix.

  Ace mumbled under his breath as I look at Capone. I could see he was annoyed that he couldn't make the ID of the gang or men that did this.

  “I have a funny feeling that we have the Devils Knights on your tails too. Aren't their colors black and yellow?” Slipping my good arm into the pocket of my jeans I pull out a rather squashed pack of smokes, taking one from the pack and lighting it. I see Ace look at my father.

  “Maybe we should listen to the boy, Ace,” my father states low and screaming authority. “Maybe it's time we give the younger ones some more intel and power. I think it's time they see things, watch, listen and know things that are different from the old days. Change is coming and they are the change.” Rubbing my finger over my bottom lip I think that may be the smartest thing my old man has said in a long while. I've been pushing for them to loosen up and give me more. I can handle it. They know this. It's the way now. Out with the old and in with the new.

  “Didn't you just get
a request from the Devils wanting 10 Kilo of coke and 150 AKAS?” Spade, my father, asks Ace. This is news to me and has me moving forward on the couch leaning my elbows on my knees.

  “I sorted that. I told you.” Ace scratches the back of his neck. He’s nervous and he’s worried thinking that just maybe not letting me deal with the Devils has now ended up in the safe house being shot up. And we now have the Devils Knights, the Mexican Cartel and the wanna be gang banger Mexicans on our asses wanting fucking blood, guns, blow and bragging rights. Great.

  “Well looks like you all need to sit around a table and really hash this all out. Make a plan and stick with it. Settle all this shit once and for all,” Wise man speaks up. It Causes me to whip my head to where he is. I forget he is here. He's always so quiet, stealthy and always listening, watching, observing us and our actions. He is in his late 70’s. He's like a grandfather to me. I always go to him for advice or to vent on the annoyance of my father and Ace; their lack of faith in me.

  “Listen to the boy and follow. You old boys need to just trust,” he says picking up his cane from next to him. “Eight am be at church. We will all have a say then,” he stands and walks from the room to his private quarters on the lower level of the club.

  Stubbing out my smoke I’m quite happy he has called an end to this talk as I’m not sure there is much more I could take. Nodding at the guys I take the stairs and slink into my room.

  She's here. She is in my bed. Wrapped in my blankets leaving her scent on my pillow, in my sheets. Closing my eyes, a low groan ripples up my throat. Striping out of my clothing, dropping my cut to the chair and kicking off my boots I pull back the covers and climb in bed next to my sleeping beauty. Yup she's mine, all mine. And I could have lost her today.

  Pushing a strand of hair out of her face her eyes flutter open and I am greeted by her piercing green eyes.


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