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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 49

by Alex Grayson

  As I make my way unhurriedly down the five steps from the door, I spot a gleaming silver cage in one corner beneath a strobe light. The bright flash hiding the people within. A flush crawls up my neck, to my cheeks, from the heat in here and the anticipation.

  I finally reach my destination, that lone stool in the middle of the bar, and delicately seat myself so I’m facing the many rails of booze and ceiling high mirrors along the back. My hemline hikes up my thighs. I don’t bother fixing it. Its proximity to the little triangle of my thong heightens the thrill. Instead, I take my wristlet into my fidgeting fingers and wave it at the bartender. She smiles and flashes me her index finger before going back to making four dirty martinis.

  “Are you waiting for someone?” The deep bass of a man’s voice drifts by my ear. Goosebumps prickle my arms at the quiet rasp somehow heard above the din.

  I cock my head and turn slightly in my seat. Just enough to show he has my attention, but not enough to put my body on display like I’m begging for it. Attention, that is. I’m not. I’m not here for just anyone. This plan has been in motion for six long weeks, and with one glance, I believe my target has been met.

  “Not anymore.” A coy smile has his blazing blue eyes dropping to my mouth.

  With no seats available, he steps closer into the gap beside me, delivering a panty melting smile of his own. The scent of sandalwood fills the space between us. He leans his right arm on the bar top and begins a slow perusal of my outfit. I give myself time to do the same, following the sharp pressed lines of his charcoal suit, complete with a jacket covering his white dress shirt. The top three buttons undone at his throat give a tempting glimpse of his tan hidden beneath the clothes he wears. His chest appears smooth, and it takes my mind to the place of steel muscles encased in soft skin I want to touch.

  “Sorry about the wait, what can I get you?”

  I’m interrupted from openly lusting at this man by the bartender finally joining us. Just in time, too, as my mouth has gone dry and is begging for a drink.

  Though, I’m sure it’s not alcohol I want.

  I briefly close my eyes, willing myself to have patience, and direct myself at the pretty brunette tending bar.

  “I’ll have a vodka soda, please. Lime and light ice.”

  Warm fingers graze the visible skin along my mid back. “Put it on my tab, Krista. Thanks. And I’ll take my usual.”

  “Coming right up, Mr. Reynolds.” She starts mixing drinks and loses my attention.

  I turn a bit more on my seat, bringing my exposed right thigh into the open. He doesn’t miss the move. I wonder who else can see us. Knowing my husband is out there somewhere, watching, revs me up even more. I nearly jump when a warm palm settles beneath my thigh and his thumb skates along the outside.

  “I’m Evan.”

  “Ally.” My breath hitches when his fingers press inward.

  If I wasn’t wet before, I am now.



  As my wife of twelve years flirts openly with another man, I watch. And I wait. My muscles burn with desperation for action. The need grows inside of me to approach the two of them and reclaim what’s mine. Rather than embarrass us both, I recline in the comfortable black leather couch, clutch my glass of whiskey, and toss it back. The burn brings with it a clarity that reminds me of why we’re here.

  I can’t help zeroing in on his hand on Ally’s thigh. The way his tan looks startling against her milky coloring. The thought comes swift of that same hand drifting to other places on her naked flesh. The way she squirms a little as he caresses her skin.

  She must be wet.

  I imagine her scent, recalling the memories of time spent between her thighs worshipping my wife. Too many to possibly count.

  After what feels like an eternity of watching them flirt, but in reality has only been a handful of minutes, I pick up my phone and send her the second text of the evening.

  Are you going to kiss him?

  I don’t expect a response. That’s not how this little game works.

  Thirty seconds later she’s tipping her head, most likely creating an excuse to check her phone without being rude.

  He nods, and she opens her wristlet to view my message. She tucks her cell back inside and scans the crowd around her. It’s too bad she’ll never see me in the dark alcove I’ve chosen. This spot is perfect for seeing her beneath the pendant lights above the bar, but the darkness around me cloaks me from her view. I hope she feels me watching.

  A few more words are exchanged between the lustful partners. He touches a loose strand of hair at her cheek. She covers his hand with hers while gazing into his eyes. Another second passes, and then…

  She does it.

  Her other hand reaches around his neck and tugs him closer. She tilts up as he leans down, meeting delicately in the middle in what appears to be a lust-filled kiss. He clinches her around the back and nearly drags her from the stool as he pulls her body tighter to his own.


  A flare of jealousy spikes fast in my gut, prompting me to toss back more booze. As much as I want to smash this glass in my hand and storm over there, I can’t.

  The look on her face, a flush of passion and pleasure, expresses how okay she is with this. I’m acquainted with that look quite intimately. Not only is tonight playing out exactly as it should, but my dick is hard as steel while I watch.

  Ally slides off her stool and takes his hand, tugging him lower so she can speak into his ear. I can only assume she’s asking to go somewhere more private. My little minx is as anxious to move this night along as I am. His big body, encased in a suit more expensive than my mortgage, blocks my view and indulges her with another lingering kiss. He fixes his grip on her delicate hand and pulls her on a straight trajectory through the mass of people dancing the night away. Before I lose sight of them, I take my cue and stalk through the dark perimeter in the direction they left.

  I spot them weaving around the crowd toward a wide hallway on the left side of the room. From my introduction to this club, I know it leads to private rooms. A hefty price of membership and a swipe card are required to access this level. Fortunately for me, I’ve been hooked up with a card of my own for this special occasion.

  I wait in the darkness as he swipes his own card and gestures for her to enter before him. Ally gives a last fleeting glance to the open club behind her before she sashays her sweet little ass through the door. I hope she was looking for me. I hope she hasn’t forgotten that I’m here in the shadows. I hope her blood thunders as hard as mine pulses in my dick at what is to come. Or rather, who, when, where, and how hard.

  Her. Me. Soon.

  And very fucking hard, if I have any say.



  “Are you nervous, baby?”

  Evan leans against the white door to the private suite and regards me with watchful eyes. I swallow hard and break gaze in order to scan my new surroundings. The room is well lit with recessed lights and sconces on the walls. It reminds me of a dungeon. A bed in the middle of the room, complete with wrought iron head and foot boards, sits centered on a plush red rug. To my far right is another closed white door, and beside it, a tablet is mounted on the wall.

  I return his question with one of my own.

  “What’s over there?” I gesture to the door with my head, and Evan follows my movement.

  “A full bath. There are toiletries for your convenience as well.”

  “And the tablet?”

  He smirks. “Think of it as an ordering service.”

  My stomach flips at the glint in his eye. “For food?”

  He rubs his index finger across his full lips. His eyes are full of promise and pleasure. It’s downright unnerving to be on the receiving end of such a potent stare. “Among…other things.”

  “Okay.” I try to keep my shoulders back in confidence. The truth is, I haven’t been on a first date or a one night stand in over a decade. Doubt creeps in with
my nerves. “Show me?”

  He peruses me slowly before pushing off the door. “It’ll be my…pleasure.”

  My stomach swoops again at hearing that word fall from his lips.

  I follow him to the tablet mounted on the wall. A swipe of his keycard brings it to life.

  “Tell me, Ally,” Evan begins in that deep tenor of his. “What are you looking for this evening?”

  “Surprises,” I breathe. A flush forms on my cheeks.

  “Are you wearing lingerie?”

  I bite my lip. “Yes.”

  Evan nearly growls. “Good girl. Have you ever played with ropes or scarves?”

  My mind flits back over scattering memories of Otto and me. I ignite inside, remembering the loss of control and being at someone else’s mercy.

  “Yes,” I reply huskily and watch as Evan’s gaze darkens. He taps along the screen, too quick for me to understand what he’s doing.

  “Tonight will be quite fun.”

  Oh, God. I sure hope so.

  “I hope you’re ready,” he states conversationally as he stalks toward me. I tip my head back when he gets close. Standing at his full height must bring him to at least six foot, maybe six one. Next to my five-foot-three, I’m dwarfed by his massive size. Without breaking eye contact, he shrugs casually out of his suit jacket and tosses it away without a care to where it lands. I want to explore him more now that he’s removed a layer of clothing, but I don’t get the chance.

  Evan swipes his hand through the curtain of hair at my neck, swiftly gathering a handful in a tight fist. The tiniest movements send prickles of pain across my scalp. He leans down until our eyes are locked, faces inches apart. So close, I can feel his warm breath waft across my lips. His other hand grips my jaw, keeping my face steady.

  “Do you want this?” All traces of humor vanish from his tone. This is raw, and heady, and oh, so serious.

  I swallow thickly. “Yes.”

  He releases my jaw and traces his index finger in a slow decent along the column of my throat. “Do you want…me?” He pauses his finger just inside the nearly indecent cut of my dress between my breasts.

  This is it. The point of no return. I take a fortifying breath.

  “Mmhmm,” I exhale.

  Evan’s finger traces the curve of my breast. “I need to hear you say it. Tell me you want me.” His mouth dips to the arc of my neck below my ear, and his lips brush my skin. The contact sends a shiver through me.

  All hesitation is lost. “I want you, Evan. Please.”

  His hand wraps fully around my breast and his thumb caresses my nipple while his mouth makes contact with the sensitive skin right above my pulse. The warm press of his lips and soft touch ignites me at once. We moan simultaneously. His tongue swipes my flesh, and coupled with his skillful fingers, sends me into a frenzy.

  I encircle his neck with my arms, and he releases my breast to grip beneath my thighs and pull me into his arms. Securing my legs around his trim hips, I dive for his mouth at the same time he goes for mine. We end up in a needy lip lock. His tongue spears in between my lips at the same time his fingers dig into my backside, coaxing a slow moan of his name from me.


  Just as I return for another taste, a sharp knock on the door stops us. He swipes his tongue along his lower lip and grins.

  “That’ll be our order.”

  Anticipation from what I just experienced and what’s to come has me unsteady on my heels when Evan sets me on my feet. I’m reluctant to let him go. I forgot how intoxicating it can be to touch someone new for the very first time. The small experiences I’ve had so far tonight are not enough to satisfy my newest craving.

  I want more of this man. All of him, if he’ll let me.

  Evan retreats to the door, opens it, and picks something up from the floor. He walks to the bed with what looks like a wooden tray with handles and sets it down on the end. He touches some of the objects. From where I’m still standing, it appears to be a tray of various fabrics. His comment about ropes and scarves begins to make sense.

  “Your mouth is exquisite, Ally. I can’t wait to see what other talents you’re hiding. Are you ready to take things further?”

  That mouth he’s speaking of dries up as he begins removing his cufflinks. I start to nod, but remember what he said earlier about wanting to hear me say it out loud.

  “I want more.”

  “Come closer, then, baby.” He begins unbuttoning his shirt.

  Adding a little confidence into the sway of my hips, I cross the space between us until I’m standing beside the foot of the bed. About twelve inches of space are all that separate me and an unobstructed view of his chest as he pulls the remaining button through the hole. He drops he ends of fabric and holds his hands out low to his sides.

  “Take the shirt off me, Ally.”

  Lines and ripples of muscle run across his torso. I want to trace each indent with my fingers and follow them with my tongue. My touch is tentative when I place my hands on the indentation just above his hips, taking a moment to simply feel his warm, smooth skin. I slide them upward, over the inverted triangle of his torso and the bumps of his ribs, stopping just short of his armpits.

  I pull both palms into the center of his chest, not neglecting his pectorals as I make my way up to his collar bone and over to his shoulders. The material of his shirt rides along my wrists. When I lift up and slide my fingertips down his arms, the shirt falls with them. Gravity takes over, and it flutters to the floor.

  Evan pulls in a shuddering breath.

  “You’re a tantalizing little minx. My turn.” He grins devilishly and deftly finds the zipper along my side. With one long, torturous pull, he frees me from the confines and the dress drops to my feet. I’m now nearly naked except for my black silk thong and stilettos. I should feel shy, but the way he’s looking at me has me licking my lips and lifting my chin.

  “Fucking gorgeous.” He grips my jaw and plants a swift kiss on my lips. Before I can react, he’s pulling a piece of fabric from the tray and holding it up to my face.

  “That’s all you get to see. For now.”

  The thought of being blindfolded with that glorious chest in front of me has me fighting not to stick my lower lip out. If that’s what he looks like without a shirt, I can only imagine what his body looks like below the waist. Images of sculpted quadriceps and calves assail me, making it that much harder to give up control.

  I keep those thoughts to myself. Regardless of wanting to see more of him, I trust that he has my best intentions in mind. After all, that’s what brought me here in the first place.

  He layers the fabric over my eyes, holding the ends in one hand as he steps around me to tie it in the back. The scarf is heavier than I assumed and completely blocks out all light from the room. I’m plunged into darkness.

  As if a switch flips, my skin prickles with awareness. Losing my sight has heightened my other senses in an instant. I’m suddenly off kilter even though I know I’m standing near the bed. I can’t remember the height of it, or how many steps it is until I’m off the plush rug. My high heels feel inches taller than they did only a moment ago. My breathing picks up and my heart rate spikes—

  “Breathe, Ally. I’m right here.”

  A soothing caress runs from shoulder to wrist. His touch leaves, only to return on my naked breasts. His index fingers and thumbs rub my sensitive nipples, causing my head to fall back and a moan to leave my lips. He keeps up, even as they turn to peaks. I can’t stop myself from pulling my shoulders back and offering them to him in a silent plea to keep going.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful. Your skin is flushed and your nipples are begging for my mouth.” He grabs my left hand and curls my fingers around the iron footboard. “Hang on and don’t let go. I’m going to taste.”

  The time between the words and his mouth touching my flesh feels like an absolute eternity. One second, I’m strung tight, hardly daring to breathe with the anticipation. The next, I�
�m releasing a nearly embarrassing loud moan as his lips, teeth, and tongue get in on the action. He licks and nibbles and sucks, alternating all three with ease and experience, switching breasts without preamble or stumble.

  I’m panting; a hormonal mess ready to beg him to do anything, everything, when he abruptly stops. A sudden press of his teeth into the curve at the top of my breast causes me to gasp audibly. His responding chuckle is dark and the provocation fills me with arousal.

  “Don’t move, Ally. Not an inch.”

  I almost whine when I feel his body rise.

  His mouth touches the shell of my ear. “Not even to press your thighs together to relieve your aching pussy.”

  I curl my fingers around the iron footboard even tighter to keep upright after those filthy words. All I can think about now is doing exactly what he told me not to do.

  I know when he moves away because his body heat disappears, but the plush rug silences his footfalls. I strain my ears for any telltale clues and come up empty. The door clicks. Open? Or maybe a lock I didn’t see before. Time continues to pass quietly. Thirty seconds? A minute? He wouldn’t just leave, would he?

  I reach up to remove the blindfold and check at the same time I call out, “Evan?”

  “Don’t. Move.”

  I freeze.

  Not because of the punctuated command.

  I stop because the voice that spoke wasn’t Evan.

  It’s my husband.




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