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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 53

by Alex Grayson

  I want to give it to him like I know he likes it, thinking maybe it’ll persuade him into changing his mind and he won’t go tomorrow morning. Maybe I can stop it before he goes through with it, if he hasn’t already.

  He lunges at me, and I let him take me to my back, but then I put a foot in the mattress and use all my might to flip us over so I straddle him, making my intentions clear. “Livvie,” he growls my name and hardens instantly beneath me.

  I bend my neck and slant my head, lowering my mouth to his. His rough hands feel amazing as they trail up and down my back, dipping into the top of my panty line and then teasing the skin below my breasts. The words I heard earlier today play over and over in my head, and I pull away from him to look into his eyes and make sure he’s here with me.

  “What?” he whispers.

  “Nothing. I just love you.” I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. I can’t live without you.

  He frames my face and pulls me down so our tongues tangle once more, but he doesn’t say he loves me back. Oh, God. I was worried deep down that this would happen. After everything we went through, once we finally had our happily ever after, after he risked everything and saved me, he’d feel that his obligation was fulfilled and get bored with me. Jay’s a man who thrives off a challenge, and there isn’t one with me anymore.

  Our life is boring. Work, home, kid, repeat.

  I know I haven’t lost all the baby weight yet even though I’ve had the time and have no excuse, so maybe that’s part of it. Losing him would kill me. It already broke me once, but if I lost him for good, I honestly don’t know how I’d survive.

  I rip my mouth from his and slide down his body. “Livvie.” My fingers tug so hard on his pants and boxer briefs that I hear the material to one of them tear, and before they’re all the way to his ankles, I flatten my tongue and lick up from his heavy sac all the way up to the tip and then take him all in, sucking on the way down. “Fuck.” He pulses his hips but lets me continue. I pull him out with a pop and then fist him around the base and pump a couple of times, salivating when a bead of pearly white leaks out of the slit on the top of his cock.

  I flick it with my tongue and slide it down until I reach the notch just below the head and flick that, too. “Jesus, baby.” He grabs my hair and tilts my head to the side just a little to get a better view. “Suck me, Livvie. Quit fuckin’ around.”

  My lips form a triumphant smile before they part, and I take him as deep as I can. I love it when I drive him crazy, and especially right now when the cloud of doubt is constantly floating above my head. I know exactly how he likes it, so I continue to suck him hard and squeeze him tight while I bob up and down on his dick.

  His thigh jerks involuntarily, and an uncontrolled rumble rolls out of his mouth as he fists my hair. “Okay, baby, come here.”

  I shake my head as best as I can, my throat vibrating my attempt at telling him no verbally, and suck harder as I squeeze even tighter and increase my speed even more. “Goddammit, Livvie, fuck… fuck.”

  My jaw hurts, but I keep at it, and the sting in my scalp from him tightening his fist causes a jolt of heat down my spine that settles low in my belly. He twitches in my mouth mere seconds before I taste him on my tongue.

  He releases my hair, and before I can blink, I’m on my back, and his long fingers are inside me. My spine arches, and I moan at the beautiful intrusion. “I don’t come without you, Olive.” He drops his forehead to mine and circles my throbbing clit before he slides back inside. The ball of his hand provides the perfect friction as he finger fucks me with abandon. “Piss me off, Livvie,” he growls as he increases the speed and pressure. “All the years we’ve been together, I never come without you.”

  My eyes snap to his, and though they’re sated, they’re also heated and not in a good way. Perfect, I made him mad. I’m supposed to be doing everything I can to make him happy and to stay, and here I am doing the opposite. “Jay.” I plead with him, for things I’m unsure of. “Jay!” I scream and cry and beg as he continues pleasuring me like only he can.

  “Come for me, Livvie.”

  Tears well in my eyes from all the emotions taking flight and crashing into each other, and at his words, I do exactly what he commands, absorbing and memorizing this moment so I can remember it forever.

  After last night, after he cleaned me up, he held me until I fell asleep, but I woke up alone. I prayed he would change his mind. Really, truly prayed and hoped and wished he wouldn’t go through with it. And now, as I sit in my car in the parking lot and watch him walk into the hotel, and then hug a woman, I drive away knowing I’ve lost him forever.



  All day when I’m at work, a knot settles deep in my gut until I can get my eyes on Livvie, and only when she smiles at me does it unravel. This morning’s been worse than most days because of how strange she’s been acting lately, so after I return from meeting Sylvia, the back of my neck tingles when I don’t see Livvie’s car in the garage. After what we went through, if I don’t know where she is, it fucks with my head. She didn’t call me to tell me she was leaving, so what the hell?

  Rushing inside, I call out her name but come to a halt when I see a piece of paper on the kitchen island.

  I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you fall out of love with me. I’ll be at my sister’s for a while, if you want to see Jaydon just text Ryan what time and he’ll bring him to you. I’m not ready to talk to you about this, so please just give me some space, and when I make a decision, I’ll contact you.

  “What. The. Fuck?” I crumple the paper and drop it on the ground. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”

  I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking, but no matter what, no matter how bad, her even attempting to fuckin’ leave me with a fuckin’ note is the biggest bunch of bull shit I’ve ever seen.

  She has to know this shit wouldn’t fly with me, so I don’t even think before I’m in my car going to get her. When I speed to her sister and Ryan’s place, and Ryan opens the door before I even make my way to the porch, my hackles go up even further. “Move,” I bark and march up the steps, but instead of letting me in, he wedges his body through the frame and shakes his head at me. “She doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  My chin dips to my chest, and I straighten my spine, so we’re eye level. “Don’t think I won’t take you out to get through that door to get to my fucking wife, Breaker. Move.”

  “Nah, man. She’s a mess. How the fuck you could do that to her is beyond me, but until she’s ready to talk to you, she does not see you.”

  My heart has taken on a thunderous rhythm, and I actually have to force air into my lungs. “I didn’t do shit to her.”

  He crosses his arms and raises a brow. “You didn’t meet a woman behind the coffee shop and make plans to meet up at a hotel, then meet up at said hotel this morning and hug her?”

  “How the fuck did she find out about that?”

  His arms fall, and he takes a menacing step toward me, ready to throw down for his woman’s sister.

  I put a hand on his chest and push him back. “It was a fucking party planner I met with. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pull off a surprise anniversary party for your wife who’s a professional wedding planner? Jesus Christ.” I drop my head and have dual feelings of relief that she’s here and safe, and rage that she’s here in the first place. “She seriously thought I was cheating on her?”

  Ryan scrubs a hand down his face. “Yup.”

  “Move.” I shoulder him out of the way and open the door, only to find the living room empty. “Olive! Get your ass in here right now.”

  Ryan comes inside and stands next to me. “Jaydon and Olivia are in the back room.”

  The murmur of female voices filters down the hallway, and I begin to lose patience. “You good to keep him for the day? Actually,” I continue before he can answer. “I’m gonna need you to keep him overnight.” I’ll need at least that much time to teach
my wife a lesson.

  “Yup.” He grins.


  Opal turns the corner and squares her shoulders and glares at me. “Jay, sh—”

  “Dollface, no.” Ryan shakes his head. “It’s between them. Go get her so he can take her home, and they can talk this out.”

  “She’s not going with him.” She crosses her arms and cocks her head, challenging me. “She’s destroyed, Jay. How could you?”

  Fuck this. Ryan grabs Opal and tugs her out of my way as I stride down the hallway, and when I reach the bedroom, I throw open the door to find my wife sitting in the center of her sister’s bed, knees bent and arms wrapped tightly around them with tears rolling down her beautiful, heartbroken face.

  She stares at me, and I have to clench my jaw together so I don’t explode on her. Instead, I take the couple of steps to get to her and lift her into my arms without a word. “Jay.”

  “Do not speak, woman.”

  Her head snaps back, and the soft, sad eyes that I love so much swirl into sharp daggers. “Let me go.”

  “I’ll never fuckin’ let you go, Olive, and you goddamn well know it.”

  She relaxes into my arms, and when a fresh swell of tears fall down her face, I hold her tighter. “Jay.”

  When we get to the living room, Ryan and Opal are sitting next to each other on the couch, and wisely, neither say a word. I stride to my vehicle and pull the door open, then drop her in the passenger seat.

  By the time I make it around and get in, she’s got her seat belt on but crowds herself against the door. It takes her a few minutes of silence before she breaks it. “Jay.”


  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”

  I turn the ignition and glance at her while I pull onto the street. “Don’t do stupid shit like write me a note and go hide at your sister’s house when you’ve got an issue with your husband that you didn’t even talk about with him.”

  “I’m sorry, did you need to hear me say that I saw you with another woman? That I heard you tell her your wife couldn’t find out? Listened to you making plans to meet up with her at a hotel, and then followed you to said hotel and watched you put your hands on her?”

  “You have no clue what you’re talking about. No fuckin’ clue. God, Livvie.” I pull into our driveway and slam the shifter into park. “Get inside.”

  By the time I get around to the front of my car, she’s already heading through the mudroom. I follow her and slam the door behind me, furious that she could think I’d ever do that to her. Pissed beyond all belief that she doesn’t know how deeply in love with her I am that I’d rather cut off my arm than touch another woman in the way she’s thinking.

  She twirls around and points at me, but I lift my arm and point over her head. “Bedroom.”

  “Oh, hell no, we are not having sex.”

  One large step and I’m so close her tits brush my chest. Her pulse in her neck thumps rhythmically, her cheeks flush, and her eyes flash. I tip my chin, and her head tilts back. “You’re right. We’re not. First, you’re gonna get on your knees and tell me how sorry you are… and then we’re gonna fuck, Livvie.”

  “Jay…” Her voice wavers.

  “Bedroom. Now.”

  She narrows her eyes at me and huffs, then spins on her toes. Her hair flies and hits me in the face, and if I wasn’t so fucking pissed right now, I’d laugh at how damn cute she is when she gets pissed.

  We get to the room, and she stands at the foot of the bed, and I go to the closet and grab the suitcase we have on a shelf. When I get back to the room, her lips part, and she brings her hand up to cover her mouth.

  I unzip it and dump the contents onto the bed, then toss the case across the room. The wheels crash into the wall and dent it, but I don’t give a shit. When I lift two different plastic plates, one solid white, the other with a bronze outline, her head tilts in confusion.

  Those fall to the floor with a clatter when I drop them, and then I hold up two different types of fake flowers. One purple and the other white. “Jay, what—”

  “Which one?”


  “Purple or white?”

  She shakes her head a little. “Purple, but what—”

  “Good. Now, centerpieces.” I lift a sliced and sanded piece of wood and a Mason jar. “Which one?”

  “Jay, I don’t—”

  “Which fuckin’ one, Livvie?”

  She fists her hands at her thighs. “Why are you asking me this shit?”

  “Because I’ve been trying to decide for weeks because I wanted our anniversary party to be perfect, and as much as I know you and I think I know what you want, I can’t make a decision to save my life because I don’t know how to make it perfect, and I can’t ask you since I wanted to make it a surprise. So instead of driving myself insane, I hired an event planner who I met at a hotel to look at the room options. I put her in charge of making it perfect because that’s what you deserve.” I’m practically panting, and her eyes close as her face falls. “I know you know how much I love you, and the fact that the thought could cross your mind that I’d step out on you makes me livid.”

  She licks her lips, and her wet eyes find mine. “You turned me down the other day.”

  My shoulders sag, and I drop my head.

  “You’ve never said no to me, and you left the room to take a call, and you were late picking up Jaydon. Then I overheard you behind the coffee shop, and I—”

  “Livvie, we had Mexican for dinner that night.”

  Her mouth snaps closed.

  “I wasn’t about to fuck you when my stomach felt like ass. And I had to go over details of a case that I did not want my woman hearing because they were brutal. I wasn’t late getting Jaydon, either. I was in the garage with your dad talking to him for an hour before I went inside.” Her throat moves when she swallows, and she bites her lip. I count to five before I point at the floor in front of my feet. “Come here.”

  She scurries around the bed and doesn’t hesitate, burying her face in my chest. I wrap my arm around her back, slide my fingers through her hair, and cradle her head, bending my neck to rest my lips by her ear. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  “You know me better than that.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why would you even let that thought cross your mind?”

  Her body shakes with a sob, and I push all the party shit onto the floor, then lay us across on the bed. Brushing some of her hair away from her face, I cup her jaw and rub my thumb along her cheek. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

  “I still have the baby weight and—”

  “Do not fucking go there.”

  Her bottom lip trembles. “It’s the truth.”

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Any weight you’ve gained is because you grew our perfect son inside your body, and it does nothing but make you that much more amazing. You’re gorgeous. Every inch of you.”


  “No. No buts, and if you don’t feel that way, then I need to step up my game because there is no way in hell my girl needs to think she’s anything short of perfect.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s not you. You tell me all the time. I just… I don’t know. And now I feel bad, all the work you’ve been doing, and I ruined it all.”

  “Baby, you didn’t ruin anything. In fact, it works out better this way because now you can pick all the shit and—”

  “Oh, no. This is your thing. I think it’ll be fun to see what you end up picking.”

  I grin. “I’m not picking anything. Remember, I hired someone to do that for me.”


  “Sylvia Rivera.”

  She smiles. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize her, but she’s awesome. I refer clients to her when I’m full.”

  “I know, and that’s why I picked her. Well, no. I picked her because I ran into her at the store a while ago and recognized her from seein
g her in your office. I got her number after I asked for some tips for throwing you a party. She said she’s pulled off lots of surprise parties before, but never one for another planner, so she was excited to try it. That was what you heard us talking about again yesterday.”

  The shadow across her face glides right off as I speak as the words she must have heard Sylvia say were making sense now. “I’m so sorry. I should never have doubted you.”

  “It’s okay. But I told you that you were gonna get on your knees to tell me how sorry you were for doubting my love for you.” I stand and reach for my belt, whip it through the loops, then drop it to the floor. I grab my T-shirt from between my shoulder blades and tear it off my chest, then drop my jeans and boxers. My wife’s face is flushed from crying but also because she’s hot for me, just the way I like her. Truth be told, I like her any way I can get her, but this is my favorite. I grab her ankles and pull her to the end of the bed, undo her button fly, then slowly peel her jeans off her long ass legs. Leaning over her, I rest my forehead against hers. “I think I’m the one who should say sorry. My girl thought she wasn’t everything I’ve ever wanted and all I’ll ever need.”

  I drop down to one knee, then the other. Her legs fall open, and she pushes up on her elbows. “Jay, I—”

  “You’re gonna do nothing but lay back, Livvie, and let your man eat your pretty pussy to show you how much he loves you.”

  She whimpers and bites her lip, then falls to her back. I run my hands up and down her trembling thighs and spread her open with my thumbs. “So pretty, baby.” My tongue trails up from her ass to clit, and her back bows off the bed. “So perfect. So mine.”

  “Yes.” Her nails scrape the top of my head and she fists my hair in her fingers. “Need you.”

  I raise my eyes enough to catch her watery ones on me. “You have me, Olive. Always have. Always will.”

  “Please. Come up here.”

  Kissing her stomach, I make my way up to her and frame her beautiful face in my hands. Sliding inside one painfully beautiful inch at a time, I watch her. Her wet eyes, full of desire, and her bottom lip quivers. “Don’t cry, Olive.”


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