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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 59

by Alex Grayson

  “That’s it, you’re doing such a good job,” Lips compliments as if I’m polishing my fucking shoes or something, and not holding a killer by the damn throat who wants to cut her with broken glass.

  Albie grunts and spits, “Your fucking pimp? Listen up, asshole, she wanted it, okay? It’s all play, I swear. I said I’d pay extra and this is what I get?”

  “Shut your piehole, you lying piece of shit. You kill women and mutilate their bodies,” Lips growls.

  Albie shoots forward and I can’t manage to hold my grip and it slightly slips, causing Albie to nick Lips’ chest with the broken bottle. Utter rage fills me and I twist and turn, taking this asshole with me as I knee him in the back. The broken bottle falls to the floor and so does the convict. He scrambles up and runs out of the room.

  I should go after him but instead I spin around and cup my woman’s face. “Are you okay?” I ask, now noticing she’s holding a little knife in her hand.

  I should have known. This woman rarely doesn’t have any options left and could have shoved the knife in Albie’s gut herself, but she left me to deal with the fucker. Glancing down I see the little cut where the glass nicked her. Not deep, though the little drop of crimson trickling out is enough to enrage me all over again.

  I spin around and head out of the room to chase after Albie while I hear my woman yell, “Go get ’em, babe!”

  Yeah, I’m gonna get him all right, but then I’m coming back for you. And your ass is going to be very sorry.



  Adrenaline is pumping through my body and my heart is beating on overtime. If I wasn’t completely filled with love for this man, my body would be instantly struck with the biggest crush in history. Damn, my man is hot. And it’s probably weird of me to be joyous of the fact he’s pissed off at me. Because I know he is and that always leads to hot sex.

  Shit. I cannot think about sex right now. Not while Deeds just rushed out of here to catch that scumbag. I rush after him and swing my head in the direction they could have gone. I’m guessing the easy way out of here, since the door to head out back is standing slightly ajar.

  I hear grunts and then I see both men on the ground. Albie is punching Deeds in the gut, but my man is so freaking skilled the convict doesn’t stand a chance. Deeds used to be an MMA fighter and even if he carries a gun, his fists are more lethal. It doesn’t matter if one hand functions less than the other. If only he would realize that little fact himself. Then we wouldn’t even be here.

  “Motherfucker,” Deeds grunts and wraps his arm around Albie’s neck.

  He tightens his hold with his other hand and I’m holding my breath because his grip is slightly slipping. I glance up and into the shadows where I see Broke watching the whole situation unfold. I know he can see me wondering why he isn’t helping his brother, but he gives a little shake of his head. When I glance back at my old man, he’s already getting to his feet.

  Deeds swings his leg back and kicks Albie in the gut. “End of the fucking line for you, asshole.”

  He takes out some zip ties and binds Albie’s hands and feet. Deeds grabs his phone, jabs his finger on it a few times and holds it against his ear. “I’m going to text you an address. And you’re fucking welcome.”

  The smile tugging his lips as he shoots off a message and then shoves his phone back into his jeans warms my heart. The sweet rush of adrenaline, the high after the catch and the satisfaction roaring through his whole being is undeniable, and he’s breathing it all in. It clearly shows it’s something he missed and needed.

  I step closer but freeze when his gaze hits me. He points a finger at me. “You. Get that ass on the back of my bike because I’m fairly sure you got a ride here or some shit. You planned all of this, right? Thought you needed to take action to shake me up, didn’t you? Well, you got my fucking attention, woman, and I swear you’re going to have it for a long time.”

  I probably shouldn’t tell him he totally made the place between my legs tingle with that threat. Or the fact Broke gave me a ride and is still standing in the shadows, listening in. I don’t care about this little detail because excitement is filling me.

  It’s been awhile since I was on the back of Deeds’ bike. He places his hand on my lower back and guides me to the front of the bar where he’s parked. He straddles the bike and fires it up.

  His eyes slowly travel up my body and a smirk spreads across his face. “That dress gonna be a problem for ya?”

  I roll my eyes and get on behind him. “My pussy is plastered against my man’s back, keeping it warm until he’s ready to take it.”

  A low growl is my only reply and I wrap my hands around his waist, holding him tight as he heads home. It takes over half an hour to drive back and when he parks out front and waits for me to get off, my nerves start to flare up. He didn’t say one word on the ride over. Not one squeeze on my leg, nothing.

  I swallow hard. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Maybe the high of the catch faded and he sees all the obstacles and limitations again that are holding him back. Dammit.

  “Get your ass inside,” he grunts, anger lacing his words.

  He doesn’t look back as he takes off and opens the front door, unlocking it and swinging it open as he crosses his arms in front of his chest, waiting for me to go inside. I take a deep breath and hold my heart as I step over the threshold.



  I did not expect the turn of events tonight, but I have to give my old lady some credit…best excitement I’ve had in a long time. Though the level of excitement is about to skyrocket. My dick is straining against my jeans but it has to wait.

  Once we’re inside I lock the door behind us and point at the couch. “Sit.”

  There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the fierce woman I love struggle with an inner decision to either stand up to me or follow my demand. And I do have to say, I fucking love it when that smart mouth of hers comes out to play, and I can’t wait to feel it wrapped around my dick. But first she needs to hear what I have to say.

  I raise my eyebrow and she mutters something underneath her breath that sounds like, “Don’t you dare get your dick in a knot over what I did.”

  “What was that?” I snap.

  Her ass is off the couch and in my face the next moment—yes, she did listen to me when I demanded for her ass to be on the couch.

  “I did it for you. I know it was wrong and I might have handled it poorly, but you need to understand that you’re limiting yourself so freaking much. I see you. I know you. You’re a brilliant, strong man who’s done so much and you just stepped away and it seems as if you’re waiting for the world to change back or something. Well, let me tell you, that’s not going to happen. And your hand is fine. Maybe not perfect, but it’s just fine. It’s working on its own capacity and from what I’ve seen you do, I think there’s nothing you can’t handle and you needed to see and feel it yourself. And I don’t regret doing it.”

  “Are. You. Done?” I hiss through my teeth, because I’m all pumped up and I know everything she said holds truth and I did actually realize in the heat of the moment I have been stepping away from everything I love. And I only have myself to blame. And it’s also on me to rectify that shit.

  Her hands ball into fists at her side and she huffs. “Maybe.”

  “Good.” The corner of my mouth twitches. “Because you were right.”

  I swear her eyes almost pop out of her head and hit the floor at my admittance. I reach out to cup her nape and give it a little squeeze. “You might have done it for all the good reasons, and I fucking love you for it because I for sure as fuck needed it…but putting yourself at risk isn’t a fucking option. Never. Understand what I’m saying?”

  There’s an adorable pout on those luscious lips and I can’t wait to kiss it the fuck off, but she needs to realize the risks she took today. Even though I saw she was holding a knife in her hand and would have used it, it doesn’t matter. She
put her own life on the line and the way I see it, she took an unnecessary risk.

  I also know she’s strong willed and bullheaded and wouldn’t admit to anything if she thinks she was in her full right to do something. It’s for this fact satisfaction roars through my body when her shoulders sag and the words, “You are right too. I should have been more prepared, but—”

  I don’t need to hear her reasons. I got my point across. I cut her off by slamming my mouth over hers. She groans and buries her fists into my shirt to drag me closer. My fingers tighten around the back of her neck and I tilt her head slightly by sliding my thumb underneath her jaw.

  Our tongues collide and the kind of heated passion flowing between us is also something I’ve missed. Though we always connect in every way and have a strong bond between us. I guess every shift in life makes you brace and change slightly.

  I might have shifted a bit off course but she knocked me back into the right direction. Having a strong woman—who loves you with her whole being—at your side makes all the damn difference. She’s there in silent support and also right there to drive her boot up my ass when I need it. Even if I didn’t realize I needed it in the first place.

  I rip my mouth away and pierce her with my gaze as I tell her, “You’re still going to pay for putting your ass at risk.”

  Her eyes dilate and I swear my dick gets even harder by the lust swirling in her gaze. I step back and turn to grab two scarfs off the coatrack and stalk back to her. She lets me wrap one around her wrist as I drag her to the coffee table. Her eyes go wide when I point at it and she knows flawlessly what my intentions are.

  Her knees hit the hard surface as she goes down on all fours. Perfect. Fucking. Height. I tie her hands to the table legs and step back to watch my handiwork. Yeah. It’s safe to say I’m going to enjoy this for the next couple of hours.



  My heart is thumping and is filled with both excitement and love. The years I’ve been with this man have shown me the many sides of life; one needs to appreciate the fact you’re alive and live to the max.

  He’s been with me every step of the way, shown me support, respect, love, and so much more. And now we’ve also seen our strength spark the lives of our children who are standing on their own two feet as grown adults.

  I don’t think there’s anything we can’t handle together and tonight has shown the reality we still have what it takes to continue our love for the rest of our lives. By keeping it real and being able to confront and call each other out on the things we need the other one for or know the other one needs.

  A yelp leaves my throat and I can’t help but moan right after. I can feel Deeds’ handprint burn my ass and I don’t have time to take my next breath when his hand comes down again.

  He slides my dress up and a groan rumbles through the air from behind me. “Why the fuck would you wear garters? And dammit, even the damn knife strapped to your leg is sexy.”

  He rubs the ass cheek he smacked and brings his palm down onto my skin again, allowing me to feel another bite of erotic pain. I hear his belt buckle and my breathing picks up because I know what’s coming as I hear the whisper of a zipper.

  He slides my thong to the side. “This is going to be hard and rough, but that’s on you,” he growls and I can feel how he’s gripping his dick because he’s tapping it on my ass before he slides it through my folds.

  I’m about to tell him, “And the reason I should complain about it would be…” But I can’t because he surges inside me with one hard stroke.

  His hands travel to my hips and his fingers dig into my skin as he starts to pound my pussy. Fire starts to burn low in my belly. The feel of his grip. His rough pants from behind me. The sound of skin slapping skin. It’s everything that drives my senses on overload as I push my hips back to demand he give me all he has to give.

  One of his hands leaves my side and I can hear the smack before instant fire burns hot on my ass cheek. “Deeds,” I squeak, and moan right after when his fingers slide over my skin toward my pussy as he covers my back with his body.

  His lips are right next to my ear as the tip of his finger starts to draw small circles around my bundle of nerves. “I got you, Hotlips. Come for me.”

  Hotlips. The sound of the nickname he gave me so many years ago whispered on a hot breath makes me gladly submit to his demand. His hips shift and his hard length is hitting a special spot deep inside me and it makes another wave of pleasure consume me.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” Deeds grunts as his thrusts falter and he buries himself inside me as deep as he can one last time. Pinning me in place as he completely empties himself.

  My heart is racing and the rough pants flowing through the air are the only sounds as we both come down from our mutual high. Deeds finally groans and pulls out. I glance over my shoulder and watch how he falls back and his ass hits the couch.

  His eyes are on my pussy as I feel his cum start to slide out. I glance down at my bound wrists and give a little tug. Leave it to my old man to tie me up with no way for me to get loose.

  “A little help here,” I tell him, a dash of laughter in my voice as I shoot him a look over my shoulder.

  He slowly shakes his head. “Nope,” he says and makes the P pop. “I’m enjoying the view.”

  I’m enjoying the…motherfucker. “Deeds, come on, get me down from here.”

  Did he just shush me?

  “If you don’t cut me lose right now, I’m going to scream.”

  Deeds snorts. “They know better than to come here. The President—our own damn son—knows what went down tonight. Broke was there and he’s preoccupied with handling Albie and the paperwork. Because for fucking sure I won’t do that shit, even if Archer wanted me to. You guys set me up, you guys deal with the damn paperwork. So, you see, sweetheart. I earned this.”

  Did I say I loved this man and him being my whole world and such? I’m starting to doubt my own freaking words right about now.

  “I’m going to sit here,” Deeds continues. “Stroke my dick while I watch that beautiful pussy until I’m hard enough to push back in and feel you wrapped tight around me, clenching the fuck out of me until we both come again, understood?”

  And we’re back to loving this man to hell and back. In good times, fucked-up times, and eventually when the time comes where our hair has turned to silver, and our skin is all wrinkly. Though our love will remain untouched and just as fierce, I just know it. Because there’s nothing that matters most but the strength of our love. For it empowers the strong connection to allow us to face and enjoy our lives to the fullest.

  About Esther

  Esther E. Schmidt, author of Areion Fury MC, Broken Deeds MC, Wicked Throttle MC, Lost Valkyries MC, Death by Reaper MC, The Dudnik Circle series, and The Swamp Heads series. She’s a graphic designer that also loves to write. She released her first series “Areion Fury MC” in October 2015. Esther lives in The Netherlands with her family, three daughters, and a crazy iguana. She loves to write about bad boy Alphas with a heart for only one woman. To make it a bit interesting, that woman needs to be a badass herself. She loves to work out and most of her story lines come from doing cardio.

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  Laying Low

  The Disciples #2.5

  Cassandra Robbins

  I warned her years ago I'm a bad guy. She thinks we're going to Hawaii. Instead we're laying low.



  “Eve?” I yell, looking around our house to make sure I’ve not forgotten anything. “We need to go, Angel.”

  My phone dings. I roll my neck, cracking it as I look down. It’s Axel texting that I should take Eve and get the fuck out of town if I don’t want to get caught up in our club’s latest headache.

  “I’m almost ready.” Eve peeks her head out, a huge smile on her face, and my heart aches. I almost reach to rub it, but we need to get moving, so I motion f
or her to wrap it up.

  She rolls her eyes and goes back into the bathroom. “I wish you would tell me what time our flight leaves. It would be so much easier.”

  Christ, she’s not going to be thrilled about my last-minute plan to ditch Hawaii and take her a hundred miles away into the woods. I reach up and grab the top of the doorframe so I can do one of my favorite things: watch my wife get ready.

  “Jason.” She smiles, her eyes sweeping my body, which causes her cheeks to flush. I can’t help but grin. We’ve been together four years and my badass Angel still blushes.

  She breaks my stare and unwraps the towel around her wet hair, tossing it into the hamper. She’s a fucking vision. Her long, tan legs glisten with water droplets, which make me want to drop to my knees and lick them on the way down to her honey core. Her exquisite face is the picture of health and happiness. It’s what drives me. Makes me get up in the morning. Every day is a good day if I wake to see her face right next to mine.

  Reaching down, I adjust my cock and breathe through my nose, inhaling her warm coconut smell, which always makes me lose my mind. I need to focus. My eyes travel up and down her naked form. It’s a good thing we don’t have a plane to catch. She’s far from ready.

  Eve smirks at me as she brushes her long, wet, golden hair. Her breasts are so full and juicy I’m at war with myself. Am I in that much of a hurry? I mean, we can fuck fast.

  Instead, I push off the doorframe. “We’re late.”


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