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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 62

by Alex Grayson

  Another vampire suddenly enters the room. This one has light blond hair and the same grey eyes and cocky smirk as his brother, Ford. “You know it’s bad out there when they send me in to get all of you.” His eyes bounce from paranormal to paranormal. “Wait. Are we fighting?” He stares at his brother. I have no doubt he’s reading his mind. A slow, wicked smile forms on his lips. “We are! I love a good fight! Although, I’m not sure which side to be on. Wake is my bestie, too. But Ford is my brother. Decisions, decisions.” He taps his chin in thought.

  “That’s it!” I yell. “Everyone out! Even you, Ford. I’ll meet you in the hallway. I need a moment. This is my wedding day after all.”

  “Oh, please,” Solomon says. “It’s not like you’re not already spending the rest of your thousand year life with Rion. You’re mated. This is just a human formality.”

  “Get. Out.” I growl the words this time and let my wolf rise to the surface. If Sol won’t leave with the rest of them, she’ll make him.

  “Pfftt,” he scoffs, reading my mind. “Bring it on, female.”

  I’m one second from shifting when Ford moves behind me and grips my waist. “Not now, princess,” he murmurs in my ear. “Wait until the ceremony is over. Then I’ll help you tear into my brother.”

  “Your butt is mine, Sol!” I yell and try to lunge forward. Ford holds me back.

  “Kinky.” Sol grins. “I like it.”


  Everyone finally files out of the room, leaving me with nothing but my thoughts. I have to force the thoughts of those in the hall out of my head. Sometimes being able to read everyone’s mind isn’t fun. Others project what they’re thinking without realizing it.

  Another knock sounds on the door.

  “I’m going to murder you where you stand if you don’t go away!” I scream. I’ve had about enough of these paranormals.

  “It’s me, Ari.” Oh. My mom.

  “Come in!” A blush rises to my cheeks as she enters the room then closes the door behind her. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t meant for you. It was for the idiots in the hall.”

  She smiles. “I knew it wasn’t directed at me, especially when I saw Wake staring down Ford and Sol grinning.”

  “The fun never ends.”

  “Not when you’re part of a wolf shifter pack and have a vampire as a best friend.” Mom finally gets a smile out of me. “You look gorgeous,” she says warmly as she takes me in. “I still can’t believe you went with black for your wedding dress, but that’s your decision, not mine. I only wish your father were here to see it. He would have loved walking you down the aisle.” She wipes a tear away. I can’t imagine how much she misses him. It feels like there’s a hole in my heart at times when I remember all he did for me. All he risked.

  Stepping over, I engulf my mom in a hug. She embraces me back. We both need this comfort. Even though it’s a happy day, full of celebration, we can take a moment and remember my dad and how much we both wish he were here today.

  A familiar stirring in my chest reminds me I can feel my mate’s emotions. I have no doubt he felt my anger before and my sorrow now. But I made him vow not to see me on my wedding day until I walked down the aisle.

  Okay. That’s a bit of a lie. I did wake up beside him this morning because I refuse to sleep apart from him unless it’s necessary. However, I did flee as soon as I woke up while he tried calling me back to bed.

  Mom pulls back. “Are you ready to get married?”

  “Absolutely.” I beam. This is my day—mine and Orion’s. And I’m going to have the time of my life from here on out, even if that means kicking some vampire butt along the way.

  “I’m still game if you are,” Sol says in my mind.

  “Get out of my head!” I throw up a solid block in my mind to keep him from hearing more. Man, these vampires. Not a moment’s peace between them and the other paranormals.

  Mom helps me fix a few stray hairs that have broken free from my updo then lifts my dress for me while I pee one final time before walking down the aisle. Gotta handle things now so there are no interruptions while I’m standing beside my mate, vowing my life to him.

  Mom opens the bedroom door and I step out into the hall where Ford leans against the wall like he has all the time in the world to wait for me.

  “Anything for you,” he tells me, hearing my thoughts. I hadn’t realized I let the block slip. Oh well, I’m above caring now. It’s time to get married!

  My mom kisses me on the cheek before stepping away toward Solomon. He teleports her to the clearing.

  Looping my arm through Ford’s, I glance up at him. His eyes so full of joy and love. He’s been a solid force in my life ever since the day he first appeared in my dreams. My best friend, the vampire dream walker.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks, obviously joking.

  “I don’t know. I could really go either way at this point. Do you think Rion would miss me if I teleported away to your family’s villa in Amalfi?” The house Ford’s parents own in Italy is jaw-droppingly stunning. Like, want to spend all your time there staring at the water beautiful.

  “It’s empty since my parents are here. You’d have the place to yourself.”

  “That sounds lovely. But I think I’ll get married. What the hell, right? I mean, I’m already mated to the wolf. This is just a technicality.”

  “Call it what you will,” Ford says. “But we both know this is way more than that to you.”

  I smile. “You’re right. I guess we better get moving. Wouldn’t want to stand him up at the altar.”

  “He would find you. Though I’m sure we could get Kylest to use his magic to block out your location.” Kylest is one of our incredibly powerful fae friends.

  “Nah, but that would be a fun way to play hide and seek. “

  Ford laughs. “Rion would murder Ky where he stood if he did that.”

  “My mate may be a shifter with vampire powers, but he wouldn’t stand a chance against the fae prince of North America.”

  “I still can’t get used to calling Ky that. I mean, I know that’s who he is, but to me he’s still just Kylest.”

  “I know. Too bad he doesn’t wear a crown around us. He doesn’t even wear fae clothes most of the time. I’m surprised he showed up in formal fae wear today and not in shorts and a T-shirt.” That fae does whatever he pleases, and one of those things is dressing up like the humans in the land he oversees. Ky is much more at home in everyday human wear than in his fae clothes. Luckily, he has the kind of magic where he can change his attire with a flick of his wrist.

  “If he wore a crown, I’d tease him relentlessly.”

  I laugh. “Yes, you would.”

  Arm in arm, Ford snaps his fingers and teleports us to the dense woods surrounding the clearing where I’m getting married. Soft music begins to play as we step out into the aisle made with long, white cloth, which leads to the shifter I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

  Everyone stands as Ford and I approach. Tears are in some of the females’ eyes. The males smile or nod as we pass by. There are so many here today. So many loved ones who are celebrating this occasion with us.

  As we walk down the aisle, I meet their eyes, smile back, then put my focus on the male waiting for me. The one who I can feel as his love radiates in my chest. That part of me, that’s solely for him, where I know every one of his emotions.

  Today, we’ll vow our love and commitment to one another. Today, we’ll officially become husband and wife.



  Ever since the first moment I met Ariane, I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I would move anything standing in our way if it meant she were safe. I would, and have, murdered any paranormal who became a threat. But my mate isn’t helpless, and she’ll be the first one to tell you that. So, while I will always have her back, I’ve learned that she needs to lead. And wherever she leads, I’ll always follow.

  Ari is much more t
han my mate. She’s my best friend. She’s my reason for living. Ever since I met her, I’ve had a purpose. When she’s around, the air is crisper. The birds sing louder. The world is a better place. I know how that sounds. Corny and sappy and whatever. I love her and that’s all that matters.

  Looking back, I can see how everything that happened in my life did so for a reason. My parents were killed and torn from my life. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss them. But their deaths brought me to the Avynwood Pack where I was raised. Without that, I would have never been put on the path to meeting Ariane. And she wouldn’t have been the catalyst to the pack war. The one who finally brought it to an end.

  The stunning beauty walking down the aisle toward me is the paranormal I’ll spend the rest of my life with. We’ve already committed ourselves to one another when we mated, but this solidifies our bond in the human world as well.

  No, there is no individual present at our wedding who doesn’t know about this paranormal world we live in. We wanted to be free to celebrate this occasion and we couldn’t do that if we, and the rest of our guests, had to hide our true nature.

  As I glanced around while waiting for Ari, I loved seeing those who have become so important to us. Family. Friends who have become family. They’re here because they love us and we love them in return.

  By my side are Wake and Aries. Two of the most important paranormals to me. Aries was there to keep me safe—he and his mate. He brought me into his home and raised me as he did his son. Wake and I grew up more than cousins. We were and still are best friends. To have these two shifters standing next to me, supporting me, is more special than they’ll ever know.

  Ford and Ari approach where I stand. He kisses her on the cheek and passes her hand to mine. No words are spoken between Ford and me. He’s very protective over Ari. There was even a time when he wanted her to be his. However, fate had a plan for him as well. Now he’s like Ari’s older, insanely protective, brother.

  We’ve had our fights, Ford and me. We still have our differences. But at the end of the day, we care about each other. Our friendship has grown over time and will continue to do so. Ford is one of the strongest vampires in the world, and I know he would fight to the death for my mate.

  Titus, our pack brother, stands between Ari and me as the officiant of the ceremony. He got certified online just to do this for us. Of course, Solomon offered, but we worried what would come out of his mouth if he were the one to stand here. I have no doubt it would have been full of lewd comments and he’d drift off to another topic instead of just marrying us.

  “I can hear you, you know?” he says in my mind. Turning toward him, I wink.

  Titus beams proudly in his tux as he unfolds a piece of paper to read from.

  “Good afternoon, Avynwood Pack and friends. I’m grateful you could be with us on this beautiful day to join Orion and Ariane and witness as they become man and wife. Or male and female. Shifter and shifter. Paranormal and paranormal. However you want to look at it, they’re getting hitched.”

  Titus continues to talk through his prepared speech. Ari and I say our vows, opting not to write our own. We’ve said everything we need to. We can feel each others’ emotions. Read each others’ minds. We’re two souls merged into one. There’s nothing we need to say in front of our family and friends that we haven’t already said to one another. Some things are just for us. And the words we share—full of love and devotion—those are only between my mate and me.

  When everything is said and done, I take my mate into my arms, dip her back, and kiss her with everything I have. I don’t care that there is an entire clearing full of paranormals watching us. This female is mine and I will cherish her forever.

  When we finally break apart, it’s to applause and cheers of congratulations. Everyone is standing and smiling at us. Then, with a few flicks of his wrist, Kylest transforms what once were chairs and an aisle into golden tables draped with white cloths and matching chairs. Tall white flowers are in the center of each table, lush greens cascading down the vases they stand in. There’s no main table for Ari and me. Each one is the same, no seating chart here.

  Raven, Kylest’s mate, uses her fae magic to string white lights along the trees surrounding us. It’s not dark yet but will be soon. Raven and Ky walk along the perimeter, adding touches here and there. Little lanterns are placed on the ground at the bases of the trees. Dinnerware is added to the tables. A large buffet appears and with it, more food than I think we can eat. On the opposite side is a bar and there are bottles of fae wine lined up on the top of it.

  Ari squeezes my hand and together we make our way through the crowd. We talk to every individual who came. We hug them. We don’t rush it. No, not this. We’ve been through a lot to get to this point—we all have. There’s no reason to make this go any faster. For the only ones here are the ones we love.

  “Are you sure I can’t be the bartender?” Solomon asks Kylest.

  “We’ve been over this. You are not allowed behind the bar. Every drink will be poured using magic. It’s taken care of.”

  “But what if I want the entire bottle? I can have a whole bottle of fae wine for myself, right?”

  “Is the goal to get so drunk you make a fool of yourself?” Regular alcohol doesn’t affect us. Fae wine is a whole other story.

  Sol slings his arm over Ky’s shoulders. “It’s like you’re only meeting me for the first time.”

  Kylest rolls his silver eyes. Today his hair is the same color as his eyes. He loves to change the color regularly. He smiles at us then leads Sol away.

  Raven embraces Ari then me. “Congratulations on your wedding. I’ve never been to one before. It’s a lot of fun.”

  “You and Ky have outdone yourselves with the decorations,” Ari says. “I could never have imagined anything so beautiful.”

  “I love it. We get to decorate and then, when the night is over, we’ll get rid of it quickly.”

  “Are you sure I can’t get some of that magic?”

  “Ariane,” I warn her. My mate would take every ounce of magic someone would offer her. She’s already one of the most powerful paranormals on the planet. In all the realms even.

  She turns to me. “You’re no fun.”

  I lean in and brush my lips against hers. In her mind I say, “Wait until later. You’ll see just how much fun I can be.” I allow my wolf to rise to the surface and my eyes to flash green for a brief moment to drive home my point. Ari shivers.

  “Can’t wait.”

  Once we make the rounds and find a table to sit at so we can eat, I have my fork in hand, but before I can even bring it to my mouth, Ford stands and clinks his knife gently on his glass.

  “I’d like to say a few words.”

  “That’s not fair!” Sol interjects and jumps to his feet. “If he gets to say something, so do I.”

  “Honestly, brother, it’s like you haven’t been alive the past fifteen hundred years. You know as well as I do that not everyone gets to make a toast at a human wedding.”

  “But this isn’t a human wedding! It’s a paranormal one!”

  “Would you stop making a scene?” Ford hisses.

  “If you want me to make a scene, then I will.” Sol parts his lips to let his fangs descend and gets right in Ford’s personal space. “Care to rumble, brother?”

  “Oh, for fate’s sake!” Wake yells and gets up. Within a few steps he’s standing between them, shouldering them apart. “Sol, take a seat. And Ford, give your toast. You two can’t even behave properly at a wedding.”

  Ford gasps. “I didn’t do anything wrong. It was all Sol! How dare you lump me into this with him. I was standing here, ready to give a toast, and now it’s ruined. And you’re scolding me like a child!”

  “If you didn’t act like a child, I wouldn’t have to reprimand you,” Wake growls.

  Ari leans her head on my shoulder. “This is nice. Ford is arguing with Sol. Wake got involved. How long do you think it will be before Dante i
nserts himself?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, little mouse. Maybe another min—”

  “Would you idiots shut up?” Dante yells from his table. The pack’s beta isn’t one to mess with. Well, unless you’re one of the pack or a friend of the pack. He wouldn’t murder any of us. It’s very easy to get him riled up and so many of the wolves love to do just that.

  “You got a problem over there?” Ford asks, jutting his chin toward Dante.

  Dante stands, all of his big self rising to his full height. His dark hair is neatly pulled back at the nape of his neck. “You want to tangle, vampire?”

  Ford puts his glass down along with his knife, speech abandoned, and strides over to Dante with Sol hot on his heels. Solomon bounces as he walks, like this is the most exciting thing he’s done all week.

  “You really think you can take me, wolf?” Ford inquires.

  Dante’s eyes glow green. “Why don’t I shift and we’ll find out.”

  “All right, that’s enough.” Dante’s mate, Mira, tosses her napkin onto the table and stands up beside him. She pushes him back so she can stand in front of him. While not nearly as intimidating as Dante, Mira can certainly hold her own, even though she’s human. With no powers of her own, she has learned to exude confidence and be one of the most assertive females in the pack. “Everyone sit the hell down. I’m so over this stuff. Every event. Every holiday. There’s always some commotion. If it’s not one challenging the other to a fight, it’s Carter and Cash shifting into their wolves and running amok.”

  “Hey!” Carter shouts from two tables away. “That’s not very nice!”

  “Oh, bite me. You and everyone else here knows it’s true. Now, can we all get back to our dinner, or do I need to find a pair of magical handcuffs and render some of you useless?”

  “That’s not very nice at all,” Sol mutters.

  “Way to kill our fun, Mira,” Ford adds in a dejected tone.

  “This is better than going out,” Ari says. “We get dinner and a show, right on the pack property. I will never get tired of this.”


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