Lucifer Reborn 3

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Lucifer Reborn 3 Page 10

by Dante King

  “I see,” Lilith said.

  I couldn’t tell if she was pleased by this news or not. It was a great blow against the Celestial Academy, but still.

  “Yes, a real Rainbow Coalition of bitches. Very nice.” Lilith gestured at the abandoned building, irritation flickering across her face. “May I speak with you privately, Luke? There are details of the mission we need to discuss.”

  My harem did not want me to go off alone with Lilith. Especially when she looked like that.

  I could almost feel the booty call spooling up—that vision of me and Lilith together was looking more likely all the time. I tried to remember what Lucifer’s ex-wife had been wearing in my erotic vision, but she’d been more or less completely naked by the point I’d seen.

  “Anything you can tell Luke, you can tell all of us.” It was Mareth, of course, who stood firm in the face of her auntie’s desires.

  “That’s not entirely accurate,” Lilith said smoothly. “If I wanted to tell these things to all of you, I would do that. Clearly, because I want to speak to Luke in privacy, I don’t want to speak to the rest of his... group.”

  This was starting to boil over into a fight. I decided to play peacemaker.

  “It’s fine,” I announced, turning around and lifting my hands. “All of you wait out here. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  The looks ranged from sanguine to anxious.

  Raquelle and Eiko appeared fine with my decision, Christina and Maddie a little worried but hopeful. It was Mareth who seemed the closest to speaking openly against me, but then something flickered behind her eyes, and she remembered who her ‘Master’ was.

  Mareth sighed.

  “Fine,” she said—then jumped into my arms and kissed me so hard my cock was throbbing against her.

  “Be good,” Mareth begged, giving my bulge a squeeze. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  I turned to follow Lilith into the building. The Headmistress of the Infernal Academy looked pissed at her niece’s intervention, but her expression grew kinder once we were alone.

  “Thank you for trusting me,” Lilith purred, wiggling her ass back and forth as she walked. “There are several things I need to tell you—things you’ll need to decide when to reveal to your harem, or to not reveal—”

  Mid-sentence, I grabbed Lilith and shoved her against a wall. I couldn’t take it any longer. My lips met hers, my hands sliding under that too-short skirt as I lifted her against the bare stone. Just as I guessed, she wore no panties underneath—her juicy ass felt incredibly under my fingers as I pinned her to the wall.

  The kiss only lasted for a moment.

  Lilith pulled away, her eyes shining with sexual delight.

  “You bad boy,” she said, running her tongue over her lips. “My husband might kill you for that!”

  “Ex-husband,” I grunted, not taking my hands off Lilith’s hot little backside. “Let’s drop the bullshit, Lilith. You and Lucifer are divorced—the Prince of Darkness no longer has any claim on you. You can fuck whoever you want, and I know you want to fuck me.”

  Lilith’s eyes narrowed, a sly smile spreading across her face. “What makes you think that, my dear boy?”

  For a moment, I hesitated. But no—Lilith was just as turned on as I was.

  She was loving this, in fact. All the attention.

  “Because I’m going to be the next Lord of Hell,” I told her, meaning it with all my heart. “And even if I wasn’t, you do just about anything to show Mareth up.”

  Lilith chuckled low in her throat.

  More flashes from that vision filled my head, making my cock throb. Lilith with a tentacle bulging in her throat. Lilith spreading her most forbidden opening for me, the feeling of my tentacles through the wall separating her ass and pussy.

  Fuck it. I might as well lay all my cards on the table.

  “That building of yours,” I grunted, nodding past her into the cavernous space. “I had a vision of you and me in there.”

  Recognition flashed in Lilith’s eyes.

  “I remember you telling me about some sort of vision,” she said, suddenly all business in addition to her pleasure. “I tried very hard to get you to tell me the details, but you refused. Are you willing to tell me now?”

  I nodded. “It was you and me together, Lilith. I think I was binding you to me—or I already had, and we were celebrating.”

  I expected Lilith to be shocked—but instead, the Headmistress ran a nailed thumb over her chin.

  “Hmm,” she purred. “Prove it.”

  “Prove it?”

  “Tell me the details,” she said, tossing her hair over one shoulder. “Tell me something only someone who’d had sex with Lucifer’s ex-wife would know. Then I’ll believe this claptrap about me joining your little group of whores, Luke.”

  She wanted details? Fine. I’d give her details.

  I pulled Lilith close. With her body against mine, she smelled like sin and perfume.

  “I used my tentacles on you,” I growled, looking deep into her eyes. “Here… and here.”

  As I spoke, I put two fingers against her throat—then moved that hand between her legs. Lilith gasped, then relaxed into my touch. Her mound was as hairless as Mareth’s, and soaked with juice.

  “And where was your cock in all this?” Lilith asked with an arched brow.

  I squeezed her ass with my free hand. “In your backdoor,” I told her.

  The corner of Lilith’s mouth curled in a smirk so toothy it almost looked girlish.

  “Very well,” she said with a sudden shrug.

  “Very well!? That’s all you’ve got to say?”

  “Whoever gave you that vision certainly knows how I like to be fucked,” Lilith said, fanning herself with a hand as she grinned. “Though not even Lucifer himself ever thought to take me in three holes at the same time. That would be a most exhilarating experience, Luke Bell…”

  I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I want you,” I growled, pulling her against me. She could feel my cock pressing between her legs, demanding entrance to whatever hole was tightest. “I want your ass, Lilith.”

  For a moment—just a moment—the all-powerful Headmistress looked thrown off her game. She nibbled her bottom lip, giving me a nervous glance, then the mask of coolness settled back on her face.

  “And I am attracted to you as well,” Lilith admitted with a coy smile. “And yet…”

  I glared at her. “And yet what?”

  That smile widened as Lilith slid down the wall, pulling away from my embrace. “Yet I’m not fully convinced that you will be the next Lord of Hell, Luke Bell. And after so much time and planning to make sure I make it out of the Day of Judgement on top, I would so absolutely hate to spend the eleventh hour backing the wrong horse.”

  I couldn’t fucking believe what I was hearing.

  “Coward,” I snarled, giving vent to my anger. “You are a fucking coward, Lilith.”

  She reacted as if I’d slapped her. For several moments, honest shock showed on the Headmistress’s face—then it deepened into anger.

  “Careful what you say, boy,” Lucifer’s ex-wife snarled, showing her fangs. “I could take you out of the game right now—you and your little stable of whores—”

  “He’ll never take you back,” I said, getting up in Lilith’s face. “No matter what you do, no matter how hard you mastermind events behind the scenes, you’re never going to work your way back into Lucifer’s favor. You could spend thousands of years trying, and the Prince of Darkness is never going to lay a finger on you again.”

  It was a guess. A shot in the dark. That everything Lilith had done, all of her secret meetings in the Fae and planned revolutions, was really about winning her way back to the Throne of Hell. Of healing the breach between her and Lucifer, putting her back in the Queen’s seat.

  It explained so much: her distaste and jealousy toward Mareth, her willingness to stay in a crap job at the Infernal Academy. Her power plays.
br />   As I watched Lilith’s heart break right in front of me, I realized I’d been right on the money. I’d seen the Headmistress waste armies with a snap of the finger, seen her give birth to rage that burned like Hellfire.

  I’d never seen her cry. Not before today.

  Lilith turned away, stifling a sob.

  “You asshole,” she panted, unable to meet my eye. “Fuck you. You just lost any chance you ever had with me. You’d better be satisfied with that tart Mareth, because the grown-up version won’t have a fucking thing to do with you—”

  Maybe it was Eiko’s lessons—or maybe it was a little magic from Maddie rubbing off on me. Either way, I felt like a Divination student myself for a moment—and I made a prediction.

  “You’re wrong,” I said, feeling in my bones that I spoke the truth. “The next time you and I meet, Lilith, you’re going to be begging me for forgiveness. You’ll get on your knees and ask me to let you into my harem. And that vision I had of you and me will come true—but not because you’re so powerful that I had to have you. It’s because I gave you pity sex, Lilith. Because no one else will touch you, however beautiful you are—and at the end of the day, you have powers I need.”

  Lilith stared at me like she’d never seen me before in her life. I couldn’t blame her. Where’d this alpha male come from, who wasn’t afraid to treat the most powerful demoness in the Infernal Realm like dirt? To tell her to her fucking face she was only worth a pity fuck?

  “I… I suppose I need to tell you about the mission,” Lilith said, sounding like she couldn’t decide whether to be chastened or not. “Follow me.”

  Before I could say anything else, Lilith raced down the hallway into the center of the building.

  I followed with a heavy sigh, feeling a little bad for going off on her like that. But damn it, she didn’t control me. I wasn’t about to let her think she had the upper hand.

  The inner chamber of the building looked exactly the way I remembered it from my vision—except for the maps. As I stepped inside, Lilith lifted her hands into the air and summoned them: glittering maps made of light spread across the domed walls.

  “This is the most complete map of the Fae Realm we have,” Lilith said, looking like she’d rather forget the last ten minutes ever happened. “It’s pitifully incomplete, of course, but it’s the best our agents have been able to put together. It should be able to aid you at least a little on your way.”

  I recognized a couple of landmarks, like the bridge we’d tried to cross while defending the Infernal Academy from the Fae. But most of the landmarks had names I’d only heard of in legends. Tir Na Nog stood out as a wide range of hills along the map’s eastern side, while The Summer Country was a river that ran through a flatland dotted with peaceful looking villages. One spot in particular caught my eye—an island not too far from where the liminal zone met the Fae Realm proper.

  Lilith pointed to it, tapping the wall with a nail.

  “This is your first objective,” the Headmistress said. “The Island of Avalon.”

  “Avalon!?” I asked, recognizing the name instantly. “As in, ‘King Arthur’ Avalon!?”

  “Yes, of course,” Lilith said, regaining a bit of her good humor. “What, didn’t you read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in school?”

  “Not really,” I admitted. “I saw Lord of the Rings a couple times in theaters, though…”

  “Really, what are they teaching students these days,” Lilith said in a huff. “Well then, I’m going to assume you don’t know the rules for dealing safely with the Seelie then, do you?”

  I shrugged. “Not a bit.”

  Lilith nodded as if she’d expected this. “Alright—the basics. Seelie are nowhere near as vicious as their Unseelie cousins, but they do have a bite. The standard rules for dealing with fairies apply: Don’t accept any gifts. Don’t eat or drink any fairy food—or alcohol! Don’t ever tell a member of the Fae your full name.”

  “Got it,” I said, checking the rules off on my fingers.

  I vaguely remembered them from fantasy novels and TV shows. No gifts made sense, as there’d always be a cost later. Not eating the food was just prudent to avoid being poisoned. And given what Eiko had told me about my harem losing our names to the Fae and being turned into puppets back in our home Realms, not handing out our names seemed like very good advice.

  It was the last one that tripped me up.

  “And above all,” Lilith finished, “Never tell one of the Fae ‘thank you.’”

  I did a double take. “What? I’m not even allowed to be polite?”

  Lilith’s eyes narrowed.

  “There’s polite,” she explained, “and then there’s polite. Giving thanks to a Fae implies they’ve done something to be repaid for later. Do it too many times, and you create an expectation that the person you’re saying it to is owed something in return. In many ways, it can be even worse than accepting a gift.”

  “Fine, fine,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “I’ll just have to be a dick, then. Got it.”

  “You’ve had lots of practice,” Lilith said with a faint smile. “The leader of the Seelie will be waiting on the Isle of Avalon—the resistance is camped out there. Normally, I’d have you decked out in salt and iron, as the Fae can’t stand either, but I made the bitch a promise not to bring any with your search party. Ergo, you’re out of luck on the classic fairy deterrent front. You’ll have to work on sheer grit and moxie, Luke, but I’m sure you’ll muddle through.”

  “I always do,” I said, shaking my head. “Anything else I should know?”

  Lilith pursed her lips, thinking.

  “The resistance leader is a Fae known as Siobhan,” she said, putting a hand on her hip. She smoothed down the part of her skirt I’d ridden up while she spoke, hiding her pussy and ass once again. “That’s not her true name, of course, but you know how the Fae are. Well, you don’t, but whatever. Once you make contact with her—and assuming you pass muster with the local Fae resistance—she’ll give you more information about Oni’s location. Together, you can all go and free him.”

  “And get you out of hot water,” I thought, thinking of the visions Eiko’s Sand Divination had shown me. “Avert the Day of Judgement.”

  “The Day of Judgement!?” Lilith’s eyebrows shot right to her hairline. “Badness me, nobody wants that!” The Headmistress suddenly looked awkward, as if realizing her speech had come to an end. “I’m sure we’ll make it through, young man.”

  “Yep,” I said, letting out a well-rehearsed yawn. “Well, I should be going. My harem’s waiting for me. Unless you want to reenact that vision I had before I get out of here?”

  It was meant as a joke—mostly. I’d lost a little bit of respect for Lilith that day, but I did still want to fuck her. And from the way her eyes lingered on me before she shook her head, Lilith clearly wanted it, too.

  “No,” she whispered. “But…”

  I waited.

  “Once you get back,” she said, a strange look spreading across her face. “And you really prove yourself… well. Return from the Fae Realm in one piece, young man, and we’ll talk about turning your fantasy into reality.”

  With that, Lilith turned away, retreating before I could ask her any more questions. Which was probably for the best, really, as she’d just as good as offered me her asshole.

  What a weird demon, I thought, shaking my head.

  One minute she was full of lust, the next cold and calculating. She’d tell me she hated me, then offer anal sex by the end of the conversation.

  Lucifer was right. I couldn’t trust Lilith one bit—but maybe I could still fuck her.

  The harem waited nervously by Godfrey as I left the building. None of them had climbed back inside—they’d preferred to wait for me, no doubt listening for any signs of a conflict between myself and Lilith. Or for any signs that the Headmistress was riding my dick.

  “Everything okay?” Maddie asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” I said, looking at my harem. A smile spread across my face. “Okay, she kiiinda made a pass at me…”

  A flurry of conversation resulted.

  “I knew it!” Christina purred triumphantly.

  “What does kinda mean?” Mareth asked. “Gawd, that bitch! I knew she’d try to muscle in on my turf…”

  “Calm down, all of you,” I commanded, and was a little surprised when my harem relaxed instantly. They were so submissive like that—sometimes it was hard to remember that binding them to me actually bound them, giving me a smidgeon of control over their immortal souls. It was kind of hot, when I thought about it. “Lilith gave me our destination. It’s an island not far from the border, where the Fae resistance is located. Hopefully Godfrey can get us there in a couple of hours.”

  “Capital, sir!” the car chirped cheerily. “As she departed, Headmistress Lilith uploaded a series of coordinates into my mainframe! Shall I take us there!”

  “As long as it’s not in the core of a neutron star,” I said, listening to my girls chuckle.

  It would be like Lilith to try and get revenge on me in some petty way, but I didn’t think she’d jeopardize the mission like that. She still needed me to save the world, after all.

  As I got behind the wheel, I resolved to do just that.

  And once I did, I was going to punish the hell out of Lilith for being such a disrespectful bitch.

  She was going to enter my harem, alright—but only once she’d been disciplined good and hard.

  Chapter 10

  The Fae Realm was quiet. Too quiet.

  It had been almost a half-hour since we crossed the border, entering into the fantastic realm of the Fae, and we hadn’t seen hide or hair of anyone since the liminal zone.

  Godfrey drove us over the bridge we’d spent so much time defending as if it was just another landmark, the boards rumbling beneath our feet as we crossed the river. There wasn’t even a damn troll.


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