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The Marriage Plan

Page 5

by Ford, Brenda

  “So, there is something the ex-SEAL can’t beat me at.” She hams it up. “He might be stronger, he might be tougher, but he’s got the hand-eye co-ordination of a lemming.”

  I wrap my arms around her from behind and trail a finger down her navel seductively while whispering in her ear. “You know first-hand just how coordinated I can be.”

  She takes my hand. “Come on. Let’s keep walking. I don’t want to go home yet.”

  “We can stay out as long as you want.”

  Despite working in a casino, I don’t often walk along the Vegas strip. I find the tourists, noise, and lights draining. Tonight, it’s different. There’s something kind of thrilling about the activity; something kind of magical about the lights.

  As we keep walking down Las Vegas Boulevard, we come closer and closer to the High Roller—Vegas’ famous Ferris wheel.

  I turn to Rose, nodding towards the wheel. “Fancy a ride?”

  “I’ve never been on it before. I’m kind of scared of heights.”

  I squeeze her hand. “I’ll look after you.”

  We join the queue of tourists and twenty minutes later we’re in a pod along with several other people. We find a spot on our own standing by the glass and I wrap my arms around Rose from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder to look out over the city.

  The wheel shudders and we begin to rise. Rose gasps and clings onto my hands.

  “Forget about the height,” I tell her. “Just look at those views.”

  We climb higher and higher over Vegas until we’re above the city.

  Rose lets out a long sigh of awe and contentment, leaning back against me. She’s finally relaxed and there’s a small and constant smile playing on her face. “Look at all those lights.”

  “When you’re down amongst it, Vegas seems like the whole world stuffed into a few streets. From up here, it almost looks peaceful.”

  “I love Vegas.” She twists her head to look at me over her shoulder. “But I don’t know if my future is here.”

  “The city’s charm is wearing thin?”

  “Not so much the city. I’m Vegas born and raised…but as long as I’m here, my path is laid out for me. Who I can be with is already chosen.”

  I kiss her. “Forget about all that, Rose. I promise you everything will work out the way it should. I’ll fight for you, even if it means losing my job.”

  “You’d really do that?”

  I smile. “Do you know how hard it is working there knowing I can’t touch you or kiss you? It’s torture. Plus, I’m not sure everything is as clean-cut at the casino as Giacomo would like us to believe.”

  “Raffaele said something when we were out today.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said my father was in the mafia.”

  Chills run down my spine but I’m not surprised. I hold Rose tighter. “You’re not like your family, Rose.”

  “I’m scared what might happen if I live my own life.”

  “No matter what he’s done or who he is, Giacomo adores you. He might have it in him to hurt other people, but I don’t believe he could ever hurt you.”



  I enter my father’s office at Casa di Russo. It’s an office that would make any Bond villain proud with its marble floors, huge oak desk and the throne of an executive chair that sits behind it. There’s a fireplace in the office, above which hangs an oil painting portrait of my father. The whole room smells of leather and furniture polish.

  My father is sitting behind his desk when I enter. He’s wearing a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair has been slicked back into his favorite style. The cologne he’s wearing reaches the doorway of the room.

  “Hello, Papà. I’m here.”

  “Rose, Cara. Thank you for coming.” He steps up from behind his desk—hobbling a little in his old age—and greets me by kissing my hands. “Sit with me, Gioia.”

  He doesn’t return behind his desk but sits in one of the two grand brown leather chairs on the other side, inviting me to sit beside him.

  I’ve only been in my father’s office twice that I remember. Once was when he wanted to tell me he’d bought me an apartment of my own. The other time was to tell me my mother had died. Being in my father’s office meant the news was either great or terrible.

  “Tell me, Principessa, how was your meeting with Raffaele?”

  I bite down on my tongue. I don’t want to lose my temper with my father but I’m still furious at him for putting me on the spot that way, especially with a man we hardly know. He had no idea what kind of danger may have awaited me, away from his protection.

  “He’s arrogant and sleazy,” I reply bluntly. “He wants me for no reason other than he thinks I am beautiful. And not only does he want me, but he thinks it’s his right to have me. I can’t tolerate such a despicable creature.”

  My father frowns and sits back, clasping his hands beneath his chin. “It makes me sad to hear this, Rose.”

  “I know you had high hopes, Dad, but it was a disaster. I’m never had a greater dislike towards any man. I think he’s insidious and dangerous.”

  He drums his fingers together. “Raffaele felt very differently.”

  “I’m sure he did.”

  “He’s still very interested.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to do about that.” I shrug. “I don’t like him. It’s as simple as that.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not quite so simple, Rose.”

  I narrow my eyes. “I’m sorry?”

  My father gestures around the mansion. “Look at this life I have given you. You’ve had everything you’ve ever wanted – riding lessons, prom dresses, apartments, cars…And now I’m asking for something in return, you can’t give it to me?”

  “Dad, you’re not asking for something material. You’re asking me to give my body and my emotions to a man who repulses me. It’s not the same.”

  He snarls. “You think my body and emotions haven’t gone into raising you? You think I haven’t earned scars keeping you in this lifestyle? You think I haven’t dealt with anger, bitterness, and rage?”

  His face has contorted into a wicked scowl. His eyes are wide and wild; his teeth are bared. I feel my jaw start to tremble. I don’t know if I want to cry or scream. All I know is that he’s frightening me.

  “You know I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Papà.”

  “Don’t Papà me. You think you’ve got your daddy wrapped around your little finger, don’t you?”

  “Dad, I—"

  He cuts me off. “Enough, Rose. It’s time you contributed to this family. All your life you have coasted along without ever having to prove your loyalty to this family or your dedication to me. Now that time has come.”

  “You want me to prove myself by dating Raffaele? It’s ridiculous. What does it prove except I’m a girl who will be walked all over by her father? You can’t buy my obedience. If those are the rules, then you can take it all back —the apartment, the car, the job; I don’t want any of those if it means you get to decide my life for me. If it means you get to sell me like a whore.”

  “You owe me.” He glowers at me, pointing a threatening finger in my direction. “I never expected this kind of ingratitude and pride from you. Silvio is out there every day getting his hands dirty for this business. What do you do?”

  “I’m out there too, Dad.”

  “Showing off your ass in a mini-skirt and carrying around drinks? I’ve always let you take the easy road. I’ve tried to protect you.”

  “You want to pass me off to a man far older than me who only wants me for my body and for your business.”

  “You think you can have someone better than Raffaele?” My father scoffs. “You’re a waitress, Rose. You may have a pretty face but you’ve lived life with your head in the clouds. You’ve faced no hardships so you’ve developed no character. Being a trophy wife is the best you could hope for.”

  It’s my
turn to scoff. “Wife? You’re getting more insane.”

  “I’m not mad, my girl. Raffaele wants to marry you and I’ve already given my blessing.”

  My insides are twisting into a painful knot that’s making it hard to breathe. Papà is serious.

  “Your blessing means nothing without my consent.”

  “You will marry that man, Rose.”

  “I won’t.” I stand up and back away from my father. I’ve never seen him like this; he looks crazed and brutal.

  My father stands and charges towards me. I back against the wall and he slams his hand onto the red paint beside my head. I shake with worry. He’s never been violent towards me before.

  “You’re scaring me, Papà.”

  “Good. You should be scared.”

  He leans in so his face is close to mine. I can see the whites of his widened eyes and feel the heat of his anger rising from his skin. Tears start to seep from my eyes. “Stop it, Dad.”

  “You’ve had it easy. You’ve been sheltered but it’s time you learned the meaning of sacrifice. It’s time you had a little ambition. Do you think all of this fell into my lap?”

  “I know you worked hard.” I turn my face away from his evil glare.

  “I’ve bled for this.” He whispers in my ear. “I’ve killed for this.”

  “Papà, you don’t know what you’re saying…”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know what the Russo name means. You’re not that stupid or that innocent, Rose. You’ve enjoyed the benefit of blood money and know it’s your time to pay your pound of flesh for the cause. You will marry Raffaele.”

  “Why? What good will it do?”

  “Why?” He steps back, throwing his hands in the air. “To build upon the empire I’ve created! As long as we have competition, we are under threat. I want this city beneath my feet.”

  “Why do you need me? It’s business. A merger should be dealt with in the board room, not the chapel.”

  “Because Raffaele wants you.” My father paces in front of me. I shoot sideways glances towards the door, wondering if I’m safe to run. “In our world, certain gestures have to be made. People betray one another for money all the time, but certain promises are made when it comes to blood. If I give my daughter, I am promising my loyalty to Raffaele, as he is promising his loyalty to me. It is the only way to do business in a dishonest world.”

  “Is his loyalty worth your daughter?”

  “What is it you think I’m stealing from you, Rose?” He fixes me with an evil, judging stare. “Your future as it stands is being groped by gamblers while you walk around dressed like a slut. I’m giving you the chance to be a kept woman. Don’t expect me to believe you’re not already opening your legs to every man who gives you a second glance.”

  “Papà!” I sob loudly. “Why are you talking to me like this? What did I do?”

  “It’s what you won’t do. You’re taking without giving anything in return and that is not the way I raised you. You’re disrespecting me and showing a disgusting amount of ingratitude for the splendor you’ve been raised in.”

  “This is my life, Papà! How can you bear to even think of his hands on me?”

  “You are the daughter of a great name. You must marry into a great name or you will be eaten alive by those who seek to destroy me. Marrying Raffaele is a small price to pay for the wealth and protection he can provide you.”

  “I don’t care about wealth.” I blink and fat tears roll quickly down my cheeks. “And it seems you’re the only reason I’m in danger. I’ve not played the games you’ve played. None of this concerns me.”

  “All of it concerns you. You are part of this family and tied to my business whether you like it or not, my girl.”

  “You know I’d do anything for you, Papà, but this is something I cannot do. That man scares me.”

  “He’s not the one you should fear. You’ve never seen my wrath, Rose. I don’t think you’d like it.”

  My jaw trembles. “Are you threatening me?”

  “Consider it some fatherly advice.”

  “And what if I refuse?”

  “I don’t think you want to find out.”

  I stare at my father but don’t recognize the man in front of me. “You’re a monster.”

  “You have no idea.”

  * * *


  I feel a flood of relief when I see him waiting for me in the dive bar where I’d asked to meet. I go to him and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tight.

  “Rose, you’re shaking.” Darren holds me at arm’s length to get a good look at me. “Tell me everything that happened.”

  He’s already ordered our drinks and leads me to a quiet booth at the back of the dim, scarcely populated bar. I chose this place because neither Raffaele nor my father would be seen alive here. The wallpaper is peeling, the leather is splitting, and the whole place smells suspect.

  I take the gin and tonic and drink it down quickly.

  Darren raises his eyebrows. “I’ve never seen you drink like that.”

  “I just don’t know what to do, Darren.”

  “Slow down and tell me what happened.”

  “I went to see my father today.” I swallow and look down at the tabletop. My head is still spinning from the shock of having my own father turn on me the way he did. “He told me—no, he ordered me—to marry Raffaele.”

  He laughs and squeezes my hands. “That’s ridiculous, Rose. No one’s got that power.”

  “He does.” I shake my head. “He’s got this city in his hand.”

  “You’re his daughter. He’d never bring you to harm.”

  “He threatened me.”

  Darren’s face darkens and he leans forward. His expression is a picture of fury and protective rage. “What did he say?”

  “Nothing specific. It was vague—you’ll regret it, you don’t want to disappoint me…that kind of thing.”

  “He’s bluffing.” Darren sits back casually and takes a swig of his own beer. “He can’t force you to do anything, Rose.”

  “I’m scared of him. I’ve never seen him like that before. I thought he was going to hit me. He’s never raised a hand to me before.”

  Darren grit his teeth and leaned forward on the table with his elbows. “You really felt that threatened?”

  “He said it was my turn to repay all he’d done for me and to do my part for the family business. I know he’s not talking about the casino, either. He is a mobster. I know it.”

  “I don’t understand why you marrying Raffaele affects the casino or whatever else might be going on behind closed doors.”

  “He was talking like it was some kind of criminal code. Blood ties and things like that. He’s gone insane.”

  “I think he was always mad, Rose. You’re just seeing it for the first time.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and tears seep out. “I’ve always been such a daddy’s girl. He’s always doted on me, been so kind, been so protective… It’s like he’s become a stranger overnight. I didn’t know the man I was speaking to today.”

  “Maybe Raffaele has got something on him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Darren raises his hands helplessly. “I don’t know. If they’re rival gangsters of some kind, maybe your dad owes him a favor.”

  I bury my face in my hands. “This is ridiculous. I can’t believe my father is some kind of Godfather.”

  Throwing me a sympathetic smile, Darren’s eyes soften. “You’ve always known something was wrong with this. Deep down.”

  “Maybe deep down.” I let out a long, shuddering breath. “I just never thought I’d be exposed to any of it, you know? He does his thing behind closed doors and I just go on with my life.”

  “It’s time to pick your side, Rose. You can’t bury your head in the sand anymore.”

  I wipe my eyes with a bar napkin. “My mom died young. I’ve only ever had my father and Silvio. If I walk away, I’m on my own.”

  Darren meets my eye. “You’ll never be alone.”

  “What can I do? If I don’t do as he says, there’s no knowing what he’ll do.”

  For a moment, Darren pauses. He leans back in his chair and stares into the middle distance, thinking hard. Then he snaps out of his thought and meets my eye.

  “You can only get married if you’re single.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Tell him you’re already married.”

  I laugh. “To who?”

  “To me.”

  My heart aches with gratitude and desire but I can’t do that to him. “I would never put you in danger like that.”

  “Your father hired me because of my ability to take care of myself and ‘take care’ of others.” His gaze is steady and determined, those dark eyes holding my gaze. “I’m not some hapless nobody he can take down like that.” He snaps his fingers. “I’m military through and through. I was trained to stand my ground and to win.”

  “You’ve got no idea how far his reach stretches.”

  “There are six guns in my house, Rose. I’m trained in hand-to-hand combat. I’ll get top-level security. I know a guy who can kit me out. Private security. An old war buddy of mine. If you want to get out of this, I’m your safest bet.”

  “What about Silvio? He cares for you.”

  “Let’s hope so. Maybe he’ll care enough to let us walk away.”

  “Or maybe he’ll feel betrayed enough to come after you with a machine gun and a silencer.”

  “Silvio is all bark and no bite.”

  “Is he?” I gaze at Darren helplessly. “I’m starting to realize I don’t know either of them. My father was talking about blood money, sacrifice, and people he’s killed. Silvio acts like some hardass movie villain. Is he just playing the part, or is he truly a villain?”

  “If you don’t get away from all this, you’ll be doomed to be a part of it.” Darren takes my hands and holds onto them tightly, desperately. “Let me help you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re offering.”

  “I know exactly what I’m offering.” He smiles at me reassuringly. He’s so handsome and kind. “A little white lie in exchange for your future.”


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