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Page 29

by Max Ellendale

  "We're all happy to meet you," said Scarlett, her chin resting on Vee's shoulder.

  "I'm happy to meet all of you as well," she replied. "How many of you are law enforcement?" Mira glanced between them.

  "The question is how many of us are ex-law enforcement." Alice raised her hand first. "Ex-homicide detective, current social worker. Billie replaced me on the team."

  "Oh, that's right. You mentioned that." Mira perked, then turned to Vee. "You look like a cop, too."

  Vee chuckled, shaking her head. "Retired sex crimes detective, current police communications technician A.K.A. your friendly 9-1-1 operator. And occasional hairdresser."

  "Well that explains it. Shit, have I talked to you before?" I asked, my eyes widening with my question.

  "Probably." Vee grinned as she leaned into Scarlett's affectionate embrace. "Now that I know you, I'll pay more attention. What do you do, Mira?"

  "I'm a professor at U.W.," she said, notably leaving off the type of professor.

  "That's great. This crew over here isn't a beat away from applying." Vee nodded toward Finnley and Riley. "Especially since Eleanor goes there. Their friend Olivia is applying as well."

  "We'll have a whole U.W. crew. My brother is about to graduate with his Master's in social work," I told them.

  "What do you teach, Mira?" asked Scarlett.


  "Oh." Scarlett perked up. "What kind?"

  "Nuclear and quantum physics currently." Mira's nerves tightened her belly against my side and I rubbed her thigh for support. This crew would only be impressed and I knew I could trust them.

  "Wow." Scarlett beamed at the thought. "I'm a little obsessed with the idea of quantum consciousness."

  "I don't understand these words," Alice said to Stella, her eyes wide. "Help."

  Stella laughed and patted her cheek. "There there, love."

  "Quantum consciousness?" Ainsley appeared and bounced over to us, dropping down to sit on the coffee table. "Who's into that?"

  Mira's entire expression lifted and I couldn't help grinning at her. "Baby, you're surrounded by nerds, cops, and artists. I expect nothing less."

  "And I adore it." Mira wrapped her arms around me, and I leaned into her.

  "What's up, buttercups?" Jordan joined Ainsley on the coffee table. "What's this sexy crew up to?"

  "We're about to talk about quantum consciousness," offered Ainsley, wagging her brows at her girlfriend. "What do you think about that?"

  "I think your roots are showing, Alice! We better get you taken care of." Jordan grinned and Ainsley swatted her arm. We all laughed and Alice shook her head.

  "That only works when we're above the salon. You can't escape us here, Jordy." Ainsley grinned and the two of them exchanged a few physical pokes and pinches until Jordan grabbed Ainsley around the neck, kissing her cheek hard.

  I laughed at them and patted Mira’s knee. "Ainsley came into this crew similar to you," I told her. "Kind of new to it and all."

  Mira met Ainsley's gaze when she chirped, "Formerly heterosexual, gay for Jordan." Ainsley wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. Everyone laughed at her declaration, and Jordan just grinned with delight.

  "And she's amazing at it," added Jordan, perpetuating the laughter. "Best gay ever."

  I wagged my brows at Mira and she swatted my arm. "Is that my new introduction? Formerly heterosexual, gay for Billie?"

  "Yup," snickered Ainsley.

  "How did the two of you meet?" asked Mira, notably relaxing under the context of our conversation.

  "Well, years ago before I even knew I was gay, I met this homicide detective named Evie." Ainsley grinned and met Eve's gaze when she turned around after hearing her name. "We went out a few times and once, when we went to Wildrose, this pretty, flirty, playful woman came over to say hi." Ainsley nudged Jordan's elbow. "And she caught my eye."

  "While you were on a date with Eve?" Mira chuckled, and she glanced over to Eve who scowled now that she heard her name so much. She and Ciara broke away from the table crew to join us in the living room.

  "Yup." Ainsley nodded. "So, when Eve and I didn't work out, I called Jordan."

  "Literally the same night that the two of you parted ways," added Jordan. Everyone in the room wore amused smiles or laughed under their breath.

  "Yup. Same night." Ainsley grinned and hugged Jordan rather roughly. "So, I called her up, and asked her out to drinks at Wildrose."

  "I'm going to have to check out this Wildrose place," said Mira, glancing to me.

  "I'll take you. Best lesbian bar in town. Kari over there"—I pointed out the blonde woman in a kitschy leather vest who spoke to Cin, Grace, and Alex—"is the owner."

  "Wow." Mira looked back to Ainsley and Jordan. "You two got your start at Wildrose?"

  "I mean, we got our drink on at Wildrose. I got her panties off at my place above the Mermaid Salon." Jordan wagged her brows at Ainsley who ate up every second of it. "Also same night. I popped her lesbian cherry."

  Vee covered her face, shaking her head as she laughed. "Jordy, the kids aren't that far away."

  "They're knee-deep in whatever cell phone game they're playing." Jordan waved her off.

  "And that's how we met." Ainsley's endless grin and laughter made me smile. "That happened and we've been together since."

  "Was it hard for you to be suddenly in a relationship with a woman?" asked Mira, and I noted the air of seriousness around her. Ainsley met her there though, and with sensitivity.

  "Being with a woman, no. That was the easy part. Being in the world where I was suddenly part of yet another marginalized group, having to come out to my mom and at work. That was the harder part," she answered, tucking her legs up to sit cross-legged on the table. "Loving Jordan was very easy for me and it made the rest seem less painful."

  "Yeah," agreed Mira, leaning her chin on my shoulder while she gazed up at me. I stroked her cheek with my finger and nodded. "I get that."

  Everyone fell to a quiet lull as I imagined their shared experiences of coming out and being in the world fluttered through their minds.

  "And now we're here for other baby gays like yourselves." Jordan gestured to us then nodded to the kids. "And the upcoming generation of baby gays and queers."

  "It's good that you all have each other," said Mira, glancing around the room at the happy couples and soft smiles. "It's meaningful."

  "Oh, it took us a while to get here. I mean, everyone in this room has slept with each other." Jordan perked up. "We need to show them our chart!"




  Protests rang out tangled with laughter.

  "We definitely don't." I shook my head at them. "I'm aware of it and will fill Mira in on our own time."

  "Everyone slept with Jordan. The End." Eve clapped slowly and scowls followed.

  "Fake news," chirped Scarlett, her hand in the air. "I have never slept with anyone in this room except my wife."

  "Same here." Stella raised her hand as well. "On behalf of all the doctors in this room who have only slept with their wives or current girlfriends, I move to strike that assertion from the record."

  More laughter followed and I about cracked up.

  "Now she's a lawyer," groaned Alice, though with the utmost amusement.

  "It's the cops and hairdressers you gotta look out for," chimed in Ciara. "They're trouble."

  "Nope." Cin joined us from the table, leaving the others behind. "It's literally only Jordan and Eve that you gotta look out for. What pussies haven't you seen?"

  "Cin!" Alice stomped her foot and pointed to the kids again.

  Cin shrugged, her grin endless. "They're fine."

  Mira's lips pressed against my ear, and her breath tangled with laughter. "Who have you slept with in this room?"

  "No one but you." I smiled at her, turning to kiss her gently. "They're all older than me and were kind of settled by the time I rolled around."

  "We heard that, Olsen." Alice pointed at me. "We're going to have your adoption nulled and voided. And for the record, we're not that much older."

  "The emphasis should've been on the settled, Lange." I pointed at her. "You can call me Billie, you know."

  "Olsen is more fun, and I'm Corwin now. Duh." Alice flipped her hair and Stella gave her hip a swat.

  Jordan tossed her arm around my shoulders and her bronze cheeks lifted with laughter. "We adopted this lost baby gay and the two other baby gays that came with her."

  "Who were they?" asked Mira.

  "Dax for one, and Maya. She's a little younger than me though," I answered. "Dax and I never hooked up, but Maya and I did briefly. And Frankie, who ironically isn't here tonight."

  "She'll be here later," said Jordan. "Mira, my friend, you have loads to learn about this crew, and we are happy to have you in it. New baby gay adoption status complete." Jordan hopped up and smooched Mira on the cheek. "Now, who's for more wine?"

  "Me," said everyone except Vee and Alice.

  Mira's smile never ceased as we reveled in the playfulness of this crew. For some time, I avoided coming to these parties because everyone was paired off, and those of us who weren't had either failed at relationships or held on to some kind of angst. Up until this point, I hadn't realized how alone I was in the world until Eleanor's arrival coupled with Mira's entry into my life revived me from a stasis I didn't even know I was in.

  The living room crew broke up eventually to gather more alcohol or snacks while new faces began to join the fray. Frankie arrived with two other women that I didn't know, and Marc and his boyfriend Gavin appeared afterward. Marc made for Nova and Luna, who hug-attacked him immediately while he kissed their cute little faces. The noise level rose with the crowd, and I found myself comfortable and content beside Mira, who looked on in awe until she saw a brunette woman with Frankie whom she introduced to Jordan.

  "That's Sara. She's on my soccer team," Mira told me, her smile lifting.

  "All the gays." I grinned and kissed her cheek. "I wonder if any of the other girls go to Wildrose."

  "They probably do."

  "I have to pee, babe." I patted her knee and she leaned back so I could stand. I favored my leg, but when I made to step, the pain of the bruised muscles had me hopping. Mira stood up with me, catching me around the middle before I stumbled.

  "Whoa. I got you." She held me to her and I grabbed on to her arms while drawing in a deep breath to calm my emotions.

  In front of us, Alice and Stella shuffled positions and Stella appeared in front of me, her eyes laden with concern. "What's going on here, ladies?"

  "She got hurt at work," answered Mira, her grip on my waist firm until I put my foot down to stand on my own.

  "I'm okay," I told them. "Just stiff."

  "Where? Your leg?" Stella looked down between us and I nodded. "Did you go to the E.R.?"

  "Earlier today."

  "Let me have a look," she said, her gaze on Mira.

  "I really have to pee first." I laughed softly and made to break away from Mira. "Also, don't scare Eleanor." I glanced over to see her chatting happily with her friends while devouring another plate of food.

  "We'll be right back," said Mira, and she helped me the first few steps down the hall until I limped the rest of the way to the bathroom. She joined me inside, and I heard myself breathing heavily before she said, "You're in so much pain that you're sweating, Billie."

  "It'll go away." I shut the door with us in the bathroom and paused. "I've never peed with anyone in the room before."

  Mira laughed softly, shaking her head. "You'll get over it. C'mon." She helped me unfasten my pants and I sucked in my breath the minute my belt and gun brushed the tender part of my thigh. She took my gun, and we examined the bruise together. "I'll see if Jordan has an ice pack when we head back out."

  "I think getting shot might hurt less." I sighed as I did what I needed to do, then allowed her to help me stand afterward.

  "Well, I'm not sure about that, but I get the message." She kissed my neck while I tugged up my pants and hugged her after. "Maybe we should head home soon."

  "Yeah. I'm really tired," I said after breaking away to wash my hands. "I need to see if Eleanor needs a ride home."

  "Okay, honey." Mira and I headed back to the living room, only to find myself getting a second medical opinion on the way.

  Stella ushered us into one of the bedrooms to check out my leg. The caretaking of both my girlfriend and new friend overwhelmed me and I found myself crumbling. Mira rubbed my back, her lips against my forehead while Stella pulled out some sort of patch from her black bag.

  "This will numb it and soothe it for awhile. Keep icing on and off every few hours and stay off it for a few days. Are you off from work?" she asked, smoothing the big thick patch over my thigh. Who the heck carried this stuff around to dinner parties?

  "Desk duty this week. No complaints there," I said, then tugged my pants up when she was done. "Thank you for checking me."

  "Of course." Stella smiled and turned to Mira. "Look after her. I hear she's pretty stubborn."

  "I will." Mira laughed and I huffed at them.

  Eleanor decided to stay with her friends and after a lengthy goodbye to everyone, Mira and I headed back to her place.

  My mind spun with the events over the last few days, tangling with the pain in my leg. Mira's caretaking unnerved me and melted me at the same time. I found myself craving something different, something new.

  After a shower and curling up in bed together, Mira urged my head to her shoulder where she toyed with my hair. A pensive expression cooled her features and I drew circles around her navel.

  "Ainsley's story was kind of similar," she said suddenly and I nodded.

  "It is, yes. Think you'd like to talk to her more about it?"

  "I think so." She brushed her lips over my forehead. "You look completely beat. How's the ice?"

  "Good. It helps." I pat my leg as I left it draped over hers.

  "Go to sleep. I'll take it off you in ten minutes," she said, kissing my forehead as I let my hand fall to rest between her breasts.

  "I'm not used to someone taking care of me," I confessed, this time with more emotion than last.

  Mira ran her thumb over my cheek where a stray tear trickled down. "Talk to me, love. What's got you hurting?"

  I choked on a sob as I toyed with the fabric of her camisole. "I like how you make me feel. How you care about my pain. It makes me want to curl up under you and let you take care of everything, just for ten minutes. Just…ten minutes." I lost my shit and Mira wrapped her arms around me while I held on to her.

  "I will take care of everything for you, Billie. So you can rest and sleep, because you don't sleep much. Did you know? And you worry a lot."

  "I know." I sniffled, settling down while she placed soft kisses across my forehead. "Sometimes, I really like when you hold me."

  A soft smile curved her ruby lips and I ran my finger over the curve of them while she spoke. "Then let me hold you." She tightened her grip on me then rubbed my back in soothing circles. "And you sleep while I take care of everything else. I'll worry about Eleanor and Robert. I'll worry about the serial killer and work. Leave that with me and you sleep. At least for tonight. Okay?"

  I sniffled, nodding as she pulled the blankets to my shoulders. Even though it seemed ridiculous, allowing Mira to absorb my worries cooled the pain in my leg and heart. When I drifted to sleep that night, the aloneness I often found in my final moments of consciousness seemed less daunting and I wondered, as before, if our connection, and our ability to tangle so seamlessly wove its way deeper into my psyche.


  "Leg is better today," Mira said, breathlessly as she ended our kiss while straddling my thighs. I gripped her ass while we indulged in a heavy make out session on her sofa. Sans shirt, I licked each of her pert nipples once. "As long as I don't sit on you too much."

  "Baby, your we
t pussy on my leg is all the medicine I need." I grabbed her back into the kiss, my fingers tangled in her hair as a hard quiver raced up her spine. She rolled her hips against me, her clit grinding against my pelvis and she moaned into my mouth. My insides burned, core throbbed, and I ached to indulge in her sweetness while I probed her mouth. I palmed her rear again, holding her to me firmly as I stroked her saturated entrance from behind. Mira tossed her head back, ending our kiss again as she gasped for breath.

  "Billie," she whimpered when I didn't continue, only holding her in the ache that drove her to distraction. "Please."

  "You know…" I ran my hands over her thighs from hip to knee, then back up again. "If I wore a strap-on, I could bounce you so pretty right here." I dug my heels into the floor and bounced her a few times. My recovering leg ached, but it was well-worth it.

  "Billie!" Mira gasped, holding on to my shoulders for balance when I thrust against her a few more times. Her mouth fell open, her eyelashes fluttered and she grabbed my wrist, forcing my hand against her pussy as she cried out. I grinned, and used my thumb to stroke her firm little clit.

  "Like that?"

  "Y-yes." She claimed my mouth again, grabbing a fistful of my hair at the same time that she held my wrist so that I wouldn't move my hand away from her core. I devoured her mouth while I wiggled my fingers against her slippery folds. My fingers poked her entrance as I urged myself inside her, using the heel of my hand against her clit. Mira's hips bucked without reserve now, and the fire between us spread with abandon. A strangled cry left her, ending our kiss when I curved my fingers to tickle her sweetest spots.

  "You're delicious," I groaned against her neck before licking my way to her breasts. "So perfect."

  She shouted my name to the sky, her body erupting against me as she came. Her neck tightened, body arched, and every inch of her tensed and reddened at the strength of her release. She clenched my fingers, and I took out my hunger on her poor little clit, rubbing her side to side to prolong her enjoyment. A squeak left her followed by a deep, lusty groan when she came a second time, sending a hot gush to my palm. I lashed my tongue over her nipples, and retreated from her throbbing core to caress her folds, letting her down easy. She curled up against me, tucking her knees under my arms as I grinned, shivering at the dampness that now coated my thighs. I pulled her into a hug, nipping and kissing her anywhere I could.


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