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Entanglement Page 32

by Max Ellendale


  I made it home around eight, only to be greeted by the sounds of life in the apartment. Eleanor and Riley sat together on the sofa with their legs tangled while they stared down at laptops perched on their knees. Robert and Daniel moved around the kitchen, chatting idly about computer specs and smart televisions. Books, shoes, and socks littered the floor along with empty glasses and a few plates. Music boomed at tolerable levels and the only thing missing was a keg or some beer pong. I stood there in the hallway, watching all of them, half torn between exhaustion and amusement.

  "Beej!" Eleanor announced, her bright eyes twinkling when she met my gaze. "Hi."

  "Hi, sweet girl." I headed over to the sofa and leaned on the back of it, glancing between her and Riley. "Hi, sweet boy."

  Riley's cheeks heated to a flush the minute I said it, and he shrunk in the pillows with a shy smile on his face. "Hi, Billie."

  "What are you two up to?" I asked, nodding to the computers.

  "Homework. His mom said if we were gonna keep hanging out during the week, he had to have all of his homework done or she would give him an earlier curfew," explained Eleanor.

  "So I'm making up all the homework I missed." Riley nodded, gulping after. "You can check it if you want."

  "Nah, kiddo. I trust you." I dropped my hand on his head and messed up his already messy hair. "Love the undercut, by the way. Jordan's work?"

  "Yeah." He beamed at me with his face so red I thought he might burst. "I wanted a throwback to Riley circa non-binary days."

  "I haven't a clue what that means, but I like it. And I like the matching blue streaks you two are sporting. Is that a going steady status symbol these days?" I wagged my brows at Eleanor and now it was her turn to blush.


  I laughed softly, and caressed both of their cheeks before standing upright again. They shared coy smiles, and the two of them nearly melted into the sofa when I broke away from them. I dropped down to sit at the kitchen table, propping my feet up on the chair across from me. The gross stains on my jeans and scuffs on my boots made me scowl.

  "Long day?" asked Robert as he leaned down to hug me. I rubbed his back in an affectionate circle.

  "Long week." I nodded, and offered Daniel a smile when he waved from over Robert's shoulder. "I'm starving. Are you two cooking?"

  "Nah. We're cleaning. We ran out of dishes." Robert laughed. "And food."

  "Ugh. Again. That's it. You two are in charge of food shopping from now on. Also, Ellie, order like ten pizzas on that people-drive-food-to-your-house app, please. I'm gonna die."

  "Woo!" Eleanor clapped and whipped out her phone.

  "So dramatic today, Beej." Robert laughed at me, then nodded to the kitchen. "Gonna finish."

  "'Kay." I dropped my head back against the wall, and pulled out my phone. I had about ten missed text from Angelina, Moreno, and Sorensen in our group chat about the case and one from Donovan with the mugshot of the alleged Steven Blake. I pulled up Mira's number, and typed out a text to her.

  Sorry, baby. Long day. How are you doing? I sent it off and watched as Eleanor and Riley crowded her phone while they decided on the kind of pizza they wanted.

  "Get wings too. And soda," I called out. "And like mozzarella sticks or something."

  The two of them laughed at me and I smiled at their amusement. Robert and Daniel loaded the dishwasher, and their cleaning efforts made the house smell first like bleach, then like gentle fragrance.

  A knock sounded on the door and I opened my eyes, not realizing that I'd closed them to begin with.

  "That was fast," I said, watching Eleanor hop from the sofa.

  "That's not pizza. It's been five minutes." She giggled at me on the way to answer the door.

  "Ha." I dropped my head back against the wall and closed my eyes again, sighing softly as my thoughts began to spiral.

  A warm, firm hand stroked up my shin to my knee before giving it a squeeze. My brow furrowed and I opened my eyes to see a smiling Mira two inches from my face.

  "You didn't invite me to your house party," she said before capturing me in a pouty kiss. I laughed through it, dropping my legs so she could sit.

  "Hi, baby. You surprised me." My heart fluttered in my chest, and my stomach flip-flopped with giddiness. "I'm happy you're here."

  "I figured I would check on you in person." She sat in the chair across from me, then scooted it forward until she was close enough to fall between my knees. "And bring you this." Mira pulled out a small box of fancy chocolates from her purse and I swooned.

  "Babe." I snatched them from her and hugged them to my chest. "You just made my day."

  She laughed, and her cheeks tinged pink while she stroked my thighs. "It seemed like you had a rough day and I remember you saying chocolate fixes all the things."

  "All of them." I smiled, biting my bottom lip before leaning in to kiss her. "Thank you, baby."

  'You're welcome, honey," she said, pinching my chin between her thumb and knuckle. The young adults completely ignored us until I opened the chocolates and helped myself to one of the dark chocolates. I wagged my brows at her and offered her a bite. She took it and drew her tongue over her bottom lip after.

  Like I raised an emergency food alert, Robert joined us at the table and helped himself to one of the caramels without batting a lash. He tore into it, then propped his feet on the chair like I had and stared at his phone. Daniel wandered off down the hall, stretching and pulling off his shirt.

  Mira watched them, amusement laden in her expression until she turned back to me. "You live in a dorm."

  "Tell me about it." I laughed, shaking my head. "We just ordered pizza and wings. You in?"

  "You know it. Any beer to go along with that?"

  "Nope. Dry dorm." I nodded in Robert's direction. "Right, bubba?"

  "Yeup." He tapped away at his phone before reaching for another chocolate. I let him have it because I would give him the world if I could.

  Mira rested her elbow on the table, her chin on her hand as she gazed at me. I scrunched my nose at her and she chuckled.

  "Why you staring at me, sexy lips?" I snatched the last caramel before Robert could finish them off.

  "Because you're cute in your work gear. And you're totally filthy. It's endearing."

  "I had a nice wrestle with a potential serial killer in a gross alley today." I sighed dramatically. "I probably have sludge in my boots."

  Mira laughed, and she stroked my legs when I draped them across her lap. "For real or are you kidding?"

  "For real."

  "It's in the news already." Robert joined the conversation and turned his phone around to show me the article with the headline, Seattle P.D. Detectives Arrest Suspect in Serial Case.

  "Shit. It's been like two hours." I sighed dramatically. "Social media and CCTV everywhere has changed law enforcement."

  "Oh yeah. Your name is in here. Look at you all famous." Robert grinned as he read aloud, "'Detective Billie Jean Olsen spotted the suspect lurking around the marina. In a stroke of good luck coupled with some killer instincts, Olsen pursued the suspect and captured him about a mile from the scene after he fled. Identity of the suspect has not been released, and no official charges noted at this time.' Famous Billie Jean Olsen!" Robert hooted which drew the attention from the peanut gallery on the sofa.

  "Ugh. Couldn't they just not with the Billie Jean." I waved him off and scowled.

  "Billie! That's amazing." Eleanor bounced over to us with Riley at her side.

  "It is. Wow." Riley beamed at me, excitement brightening his formerly shy expression. "That's so cool."

  I looked to Mira and she grinned at me while biting her bottom lip. I swatted her hand and luckily, a knock sounded at the front door. "I'll get it," I said.

  "Nope. Me." Ellie scurried off to fetch the door.

  "I'll get dishes." Riley headed off to the kitchen.

  "You're trending a little," Robert said, still scrolling through his phone. />
  "Enough of that already. I'm starving."

  Mira chuckled and wrapped her arm around my middle when we sat up properly. Eleanor returned with four huge pizza boxes, and giant bags filled with wings and soda. We all gathered around the table and Daniel returned from the bathroom, his hair wet but he was still shirtless.

  "I see nipples. Why do I see nipples?" I said, cocking a brow at him. Eleanor and Riley laughed, while Mira's attention shot to Daniel.

  "What?" He pulled a slice from the box and took a huge bite without sitting or using a plate. Robert did the same thing, though he dropped into a chair after his second bite.

  "Your nipples weren't invited to this supper, dude." I waved at Daniel and it made everyone laugh. "Put 'em away."

  "Why do I have to put them away? Nipples deserve freedom, too." Daniel huffed and puffed, then grinned around his bite of food.

  "I second that motion." Robert pulled his shirt off his head and tossed it on the floor.

  "A'right." Daniel high-fived Robert then leaned down to kiss him. "Nipple time."

  Mira was a ball of hysterics beside me while she covered her mouth. I shook my head, unable to control my amusement.

  "I give up. Nipple all you want." I waved them off and helped myself to a slice.

  Eleanor and Riley both laughed at them, their faces a tangle of disbelief and amusement. When Riley sat down at the table, Eleanor slid herself into his lap. Mira and I both watched them, while Ellie stroked his cheek before handing him a dish with pizza and a few wings. Eventually Daniel sat down and the six of us shared a messy overzealous meal together.

  "Riley, what time is your curfew?" I asked him, noting how we rolled so quickly toward nine.

  "Ten. My mom's okay with me being here late though when you're home," he said, crunching on a piece of crust.

  "Why's that?"

  "Because you're a cop, she says, and if I'm going to be anywhere late, might as well have a cop watching me if she can't." He smiled at me, his endearing eyes twinkling with mischief.

  I laughed, nodding my agreement. "True. And in an apartment where you're assured to get absolutely zero privacy."

  "Hear hear." Robert lifted his half-eaten wing in the air.

  "Daniel, don't you have your own place?" I asked, cocking a brow at the two of them.

  "Nope. My roommate bailed so I had to as well. Moved back home with my parents for now. Got one more semester to go and then I'll take the bar exam. I'll be good then," he said, glancing to Robert who smirked.

  "Oh. Right. So, you live here now, too." I pointed between the two of them and Mira nearly spit out her drink.

  Robert and Daniel both turned bright red while Eleanor and Riley hid their snickers behind their plates.



  "Right. Didn't think I'd notice that, huh?" I knocked on the table and the two of them shrunk further in their chairs. "Detective Billie Jean Olsen here. I detect things. Like falsehoods and guilty faces."

  "He's not really living here. He's just here all the time…" defended Robert, though without any heat behind it.

  "And don't you go giggling too much over there, girl." I pointed at Ellie and she squeaked. "You're just as guilty for hiding him."

  Riley cracked up now, his face bright red with hysterics. It set off Mira who had managed to keep a cap on her amusement until that point. I laughed at their reactions, and leaned back in my chair.

  "Also, you guys know that I don't care, right?" I lifted a brow at Robert first. "This is your space, too. If you want someone else living in your bedroom, that's your choice."

  "I told you. You should've told her." Eleanor scowled at Robert. "She would've said yes."

  "I would and we also really need to consider a bigger place."

  "Can I live here, too?" Riley perked up. "My dad will be happy."

  I chuckled and wagged my brows at him. "Ask me when you're eighteen."

  "Right." Riley pretended to write that down in the air. "Ask Billie to move in on January fifteenth."

  "I won't be living here then. Don't move in here!" Eleanor laughed hard, and pretended to strangle them. "I'm going to the dorms next semester."

  "Oh right! Then me in the Fall." Riley perked right up and the two of them shared happy smiles. "Summer time we'll reconsider."

  "So…should I pay rent?" Daniel gulped, glancing between me and Robert.

  "Actually." I grinned at the idea that struck me and leaned my elbows on the table. "No rent, but in exchange you have one chore."

  "Sure. What's that?" A smile made it to Daniel's face and Robert gazed at me with skepticism.

  "Groceries. You restock them, shop for them, and all that. I pay for them." I stuck my hand out to him. "Deal?"

  He grinned, his eyes twinkling with delight as he shook on it. "Deal."

  Dinner carried on with us killing off three of the four pizzas, and all of the wings. Daniel and Robert wandered off to bed around ten with grumbles about work and class the next day. Eleanor and Riley remained with Mira and me, the two of them hesitating on their separation.

  "I have a doctor appointment tomorrow," Riley told Eleanor while gathering up his books. "So I'm not sure if I can come over."

  I leaned back in my chair, draping my legs over Mira's lap again as the heaviness of fatigue and fullness weighed me down. She rubbed my legs affectionately and I smiled at her pretty face.

  "Are you nervous about it?" asked Eleanor, handing him his laptop while he placed his backpack on the chair at the table.

  "A little. I have to have my implant changed." He pointed to the inner portion of his bicep. "And talk about hormones."

  "Will it hurt?" Eleanor rubbed his arm and he shook his head.

  "It doesn't. I get it every year."

  "That's what blocks puberty hormones, right?" Eleanor's sensitivity and knowledge of his situation surprised me. I thought about Jordan, and reminded myself to thank her for the open-mindedness she helped Eleanor develop. Her shop brought more of us together than she knew and our chosen family grew because of it.

  "Yeah. I need to talk about getting T." Riley zippered his bag, though he kept his eyes averted. "I'm not sure I want to…"

  "How come? Do you want to transition?" Eleanor tilted her head, and I glanced to Mira, suddenly feeling like I shouldn't be overhearing this. She listened to them, her expression soft and concerned.

  "I mean, I do, but I like how my body is right now." Riley looked down at himself and, although he presented as an average teenage boy to me, an air of androgyny tangled with his lack of clearly defined features. He was slighter than most, but that didn't mean anything at all. Some guys had smaller builds. Maybe he liked that. "For the first time, I kind of like it."

  "Then just be how you are, Riley. You have to be happy." Eleanor reached out and gave his arm a gentle stroke. "For the record, I like how you look now, too. Obviously. But if you decide to transition, I'm gonna support you."

  "Thanks." Riley met her gaze and the two of them shared a firm hug. "That means a lot." Riley's gaze flickered in my direction.

  "You do what makes you happy, kiddo. Got that? No matter what it is." I nodded in his direction. "You deserve happiness."

  "Thanks, Billie." Riley's shy smile returned and he glanced to Eleanor when she took his hand. "Thanks for having me for dinner, too."

  "I'm sure we'll have lots more dinners to come. Text us when you get home, okay?"

  He nodded and Eleanor walked him to the door. "Night."

  "Night," Mira and I said together.

  "That must be so hard," Mira said, her voice soft. "I didn't even know he was transgender. I thought he was just younger."

  "Same, when I first met him anyway. I wish it could be easier for him. For all of them." I slouched in my chair, leaning my head against the wall again. "When I lived at the LGBTQ Center for a while when I was Ellie's age, most of the other people there were trans. Their families kicked them out. Some of them had been victims of hate crimes. I
t was terrible. But I loved them all. Most of them went on to live successful lives. Only one of them turned to drugs and tricking. It broke my heart when I had to arrest her once. I was a beat cop then and she was turning tricks on the street. My partner, who was my superior at the time since I was so new, busted a few people for it."

  "That's so sad. What did you do after?"

  "Bailed her out. Drove her back to the center. I think she stayed there for a while then went to rehab."

  "Did you ever see her again?" Mira stroked my thigh and I shook my head.

  "No. I like to imagine her living a better life."

  "Me too."

  Eleanor returned a few minutes later and sat down at the table with us. "I feel bad for him," she said.

  "Me too. We were just saying that."

  "He's worried I won't like him if he doesn't transition." She rested her chin on her hands and watched the two of us. "I think I'd like him no matter what."

  "Did you tell him that?" A soft smile made it to my lips as I listened to my gentle, kind sister share her feelings with us.

  "All the time. I hope he believes it."

  "You're an amazing young person, Ellie. Did you know?" said Mira, tilting her head as she addressed my sister.

  "Thanks." She smiled at Mira, her expression lifting. "I just wish he believed that I didn't care about him transitioning or not."

  "Keep telling him, sweetie. Sometimes it takes people time to fully believe something so personal and scary," said Mira, her eyes intent on Ellie. I watched her, considering her words and the old, painful echo of Eve's words rattled around my brain. Gay girls don't get the straight girls, it told me. Even with her here in my house, in my arms, a fraction of that doubt still lingered. I was solid until Sedona's episode. I believed Mira was in this for the long haul until then. What if she listened to her sister? What if she doubted herself again? I gave Mira's hand a squeeze and she brushed her thumb over my knuckles.

  "I will. We haven't slept together or anything. So I think he worries about that, too," Eleanor told her, and I nearly lost my cool sister vibe when the mom mode accidentally activated.

  "Sleeping together isn't the most important thing," said Mira, as if talking with teenagers was the easiest thing in the world.


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