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Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  “I truly am sorry he did this to you.”

  That was the second time Deandre had apologized for something he had no control over, and that went a long way in convincing Amir that maybe Deandre wasn’t as scary as he seemed.

  The touch also made Amir’s skin tingle before Deandre dropped his hand. “Does it hurt?”

  “No.” Amir shook his head. “Just a bit sore.”

  “Why don’t I go downstairs and investigate while you stay up here and keep the kids occupied?”

  The way Deandre had come in and instantly taken charge of the kitchen hadn’t gone unnoticed. He’d made Amir’s morning better just by being there. And now he wanted to check out the basement so he could keep Amir and his family safe.

  Who was this guy? Any time Amir had ever thought of demons, horns, evil incarnate, and destruction popped into his head. But Deandre was changing Amir’s perception of them.

  Not all of them, since the demon last night had been a downright scary being. “What if you find something you can’t handle?”

  Deandre chewed on the right side of his lower lip. “I have a friend who can help me, if you say it’s okay for him to be here.”

  “A friend like you?”

  “Demon warrior? Yes. Donnchadh is a demon warrior.”

  Don-cha. Amir liked how that sounded. But he liked Deandre’s name even better.

  “How many of you are there?” As frightening as all this seemed, Amir had to admit that he was also curious.

  “Twelve,” Deandre said. “We all live in the same apartment building. We draw our power from the building itself.”

  He could listen to Deandre’s deep, melodic voice for hours. Too bad life crashed in. Amir heard the front door open and knew Zanny had arrived. “Maybe later tonight.”

  “It’s a date.” Deandre swooped in and gave Amir a quick kiss, pulling back just as Zanny entered the kitchen. She really hadn’t had errands to run. Amir hadn’t been able to get ahold of her when he’d called her this morning.

  That was typical for Zanny. There had been times when Amir hadn’t been able to open his office because she hadn’t shown up. No call, no excuse as to why she’d blown him off.

  And lately, it had been getting worse. As much as Amir didn’t want to put his children in daycare, he might not have a choice. At the time, when he and Hasan had wanted children, Amir had thought her the perfect choice over a stranger, but her irresponsibility was starting to wear thin.

  She looked between them then smiled. “You must be Amir’s intruder.”

  Deandre stood and held out his hand. “I’m Deandre.”

  “The guy who thinks he’s a demon?” She smiled at Amir. “He’s gorgeous. You didn’t tell me that part.”

  “Zanny,” Amir said in warning. “Behave yourself.”

  She stuck her tongue out. “Where’re the kids?”

  “In their room playing.” Amir waited for her to tell him why she was late, but she simply nodded and walked away.

  “She could be Dahj’s twin,” Deandre whispered. “Striking resemblance.”

  Didn’t Amir know it. One day he’d tell his daughter the truth. She was smart enough to figure it out anyway. But now wasn’t the time. They were still healing from Hasan’s death.

  “I’ll see you tonight?” Amir asked. “I have to get to work, and I want the kids asleep before you go poking around in the basement.”

  And maybe, if Amir were lucky, Deandre would poke around for another kiss, too.

  Chapter Five

  Deandre had hours to kill before nightfall, so he scouted out the town to make sure no gutter trash was hanging around, plotting to descend on Amir’s house. All seemed quiet, the usual day-time activities for humans. Coffee shop. Diner. Running errands. Taking walks. The sun was out, but Deandre had let his corporal form fade, becoming invisible to everyone.

  He stopped in front of an antique shop and spotted a few toys in the window. Would Amir’s kids like something retro? Would it be okay if he got them a gift, or was it too soon because Deandre hadn’t known Amir that long?

  Maybe he should err on the side of caution.

  “Shopping for your future kids?”

  Deandre rolled his eyes when Donny joined him at his side. “You’re like a growth I can’t get rid of.”

  “Ah, come on. Why you wanna hurt my feelings like that?” Donny bumped arms with him. “You know you love my company. I brighten your day.”

  “You keep telling yourself that.” Deandre slipped into the nearest alley and allowed his corporal form to take hold. He was now visible as he walked toward the diner.

  “So what’s on the agenda?” Donny had allowed his form to take shape, as well.

  “Don’t you have a life?”

  “Right now I’m living vicariously through yours.” He shrugged. “All’s well in Serenity City, so I’m bored shitless. I figured we could be bored together until I find something to get into.”

  Deandre remembered a time when Donny’s days had been filled with training Kobe, helping the warrior to get stronger with his mind control.

  Now Donny spent his days…Deandre wasn’t sure what Donny did with his time, besides pester the crap out of him. A bored warrior was never a good thing.

  “Fine, you can tag along.” They stopped in the candy shop and grabbed a bag of sweets and then chilled by the gazebo, which was across from the diner. They stretched out in the grass, both leaning on one arm as they relaxed.

  Deandre always got funny looks from humans. He was big as fuck and most looked cautiously at him, as if he were some display at the zoo. Didn’t humans know that outright gawking was rude?

  Donny tossed a few M&Ms into his mouth. “I feel like I should do some tricks for them.” He flipped a guy off who stared too hard and long at them.

  Deandre slapped at his hand. “Stop. We’re already drawing unwanted attention.”

  He ignored his friend when he crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at a group of young men as Deandre grabbed for his phone when it rang.


  “Your boo calling you?” Donny grinned.

  “Keep it up and I’ll give the humans a reason to stare.” Deandre got up and walked to the gazebo for privacy. His heart skipped a beat as he answered. “What’s up?”

  “I’m between patients and thought I’d call. What do you think is there? I inspected the basement before I bought the house, and there wasn’t anything down there. Do you think we’ll have to tear up the basement floor or walls? If we have to do that, do you know how to repair the damages?”

  Deandre took a seat on one of the benches inside the gazebo and watched as Donny tossed some peanuts into the air and caught them in his mouth. It seemed he was doing tricks for the humans, after all.

  “You’ve had a lot of time to think about this.”

  “Well, it’s not every day you find out that your house was used as a supernatural drug lab. I’ll admit I’m curious.”

  Deandre loved listening to Amir talk. He had a deep, smooth voice that was perfect for his line of work. Deandre just bet he put a lot of people at ease. “I know a guy who can do the repairs if we have to rip out anything. Roman Lakeland. I’ll pay for the cost.”

  “It isn’t about the money,” Amir said. “I just want to make sure we clean up anything we wreck. I’ll need the house in perfect condition when I sell it.”

  That made Deandre sit up straight. “Why would you sell it?”

  Was he planning on moving away? Deandre liked the country home, with the large yard, the two-car garage, and the porch swing. He could just imagine him and Amir sitting on that swing while the kids played in the yard.

  Fuck. He needed to stop fantasizing about being a part of Amir’s family. Deandre didn’t even know if Amir was his mate, and false hope was a deadly thing, especially if Amir wasn’t his mate.

  Deandre would be heartbroken.

  “Are you kidding?” Amir asked. “I can’t raise my kids in a drug lab.”

  “Former, and it’s been over two decades since that happened.”

  “It still happened,” Amir pointed out. “I’ll just find something closer to town. A house that doesn’t have a tainted past.”

  At least Amir wouldn’t be moving away from Brac Village. But why did that matter? Deandre could travel through shadows, so no matter where Amir lived, he’d be able to see him.

  Even so, Deandre was fond of this town. It was the perfect place to lay down roots and raise children. As far as he knew, they even had amazing schools.

  Agh! There he went again, planning Dahj and Flynn’s future when he wasn’t even a part of their present. Not in the way he wanted to be. Not a permanent fixture in their lives…in Amir’s life.

  “It’s almost lunch. Do you want to meet at the diner and talk all of this over? I have an hour before my next patient.”

  “I’m already across from the diner. I can meet you there.” Now Donny was giving the stink eye to a couple pushing a stroller. If he didn’t get his friend off the street, a crowd would form. Deandre just knew it.

  “I’ll be there in five minutes.” Amir hung up.

  “Hey, nutsack, let’s go get some lunch before I have to drop you in a cage and charge admission.” Deandre stood and shoved his phone into his back pocket.

  “I’d make a killing.” Donny got up and wiped off his ass. “People would pay a lot of money to see the gorgeous warrior.”

  “I’m so glad your ego isn’t inflated.” They crossed the street and entered the diner. Some turned their heads to stare, while most ignored them.

  Tangee smiled and waved at a table in the middle of the room. “I’d give you guys a booth, but I don’t think you’d fit in one.”

  Keata waved at them from behind the counter, beaming at Deandre as they took a seat. Deandre waved back. There were a couple of guys who were paying them too much attention.

  There were four of them in a booth. They all wore flannel, two had on baseball caps, and one of them wore a full beard that reached his chest.

  Deandre picked up a menu as Donny glared at them. “Will you stop?” he said. “Pay them no mind.”

  “I’ll bring you guys some water.” Tangee walked away.

  Of course Donny didn’t listen to Deandre. He leaned sideways in his chair and asked, “What’s your problem?”

  Three of the men didn’t say a word. The fourth one curled his lip. He was the one with the full beard. He looked them over with disdain and then settled his attention on Deandre. “Can’t find a boyfriend in your own race?”

  Dear sweet baby Jesus. Why did the knucklehead have to provoke Donny? Deandre loved the guy like a brother, but Donny had a very nasty temper when riled.

  “I don’t know, let me ask your boyfriends,” Deandre said.

  All four flushed with anger. How on earth were these assholes in Brac Village when the town was predominantly gay? They had to be passing through or they wouldn’t be acting this way.

  Cody, the owner, and a wolf shifter, came from the back. He was Keata’s mate. Tangee was mated to a guy, as well. Deandre spotted Reese and Kiki at a booth behind him, and Reese, a polar bear shifter, glared at the men.

  Deandre flicked his finger, and Beard Guy’s glass fell over, spilling his soda across the table and getting a good portion in his lap as the liquid dripped over the side of the table.

  The guy jumped up and wiped at his jeans.

  Donny stood, nostrils flaring, his dreads creating a veil around his murderous face. Deandre grabbed his arm to make Donny sit back down, but he shrugged off Deandre’s hold.

  “Do you want to take this outside?” Donny asked.

  He towered over the bearded human.

  The guy wiped his seat, ignoring Donny’s offer. Smart man. Donny would crush him with one arm tied behind his back.

  “Your lunch is paid for,” Cody said as he approached the booth. “You fellas are being asked to leave.”

  “No, let them stay,” Donny said. “I haven’t had my workout today. I need an outlet for my aggression.”

  “Use your boyfriend,” Beard Guy grumbled.

  Donny jumped, but Cody shoved him back. Deandre got out of his seat and pulled his friend away from the booth as Reese got up and stood between Donny and the dumbass humans.

  Reese was African American, as well, and Deandre could tell by the look on Beard Guy’s face that he was thoroughly disgusted.

  “I’d leave now while you still have legs to walk on,” Reese warned.

  “Get the fuck out,” Cody snarled, a wolfish growl in his voice. “Don’t pass through this town again, or you won’t make it out alive.”

  “The food wasn’t that great, anyway,” Beard Guy snapped. He headed for the door, his friends following. One guy looked apologetically at Donny.

  Donny bared his teeth.

  Deandre spotted Amir and groaned. Just what he didn’t need the guy seeing. All the hostility in the room. Even so, damn was Amir gorgeous, lighting up Deandre’s heart. His hazel eyes were bouncing everywhere, taking everything in, and then they settled on Deandre, and fuck me, the guy smiled and Deandre was lost in the brilliance of it.

  “Your lunch is on me,” Cody said to Deandre and Donny. “Sorry you had to deal with that.”

  Donny dropped into his chair, a soured look on his face. “I’ll never understand humans and their need to divide their kind. You don’t have to worry about that shit in the demon realm.”

  “What on earth did I miss?” Amir approached their table, and they shared a look that said so much. Deandre pulled a chair out, and Amir sat, but damn if Deandre didn’t want to curl his arms around Amir and welcome him with a toe-curling kiss.

  He pulled his attention away from Amir and saw that Reese had gone back to his booth and Cody had walked away. Tangee came over and cleared the table where the four men had been seated as Amir took a seat.

  “Humans at their finest,” Donny grumbled. “That’s what you missed.”

  Thankfully there weren’t any humans, aside from Tangee and Amir, in the diner. He wanted to kick his best friend under the table so Donny would stop harping about humans since Amir was one.

  “This is Donnchadh, but we call him Donny, not Duncan.” Deandre waved a hand at his friend, who still appeared livid. “He’s normally a nice guy.”

  “When I don’t have jackasses harassing me.” Donny’s demeanor instantly changed as he gave Amir a pirate grin. “Aren’t you a sexy doctor. If it doesn’t work out with Deandre, you can always call me. And if you want to call me Duncan while we’re making sheet music, that’s fine by me.”

  Pure, hot aggression sliced through Deandre. He squelched the urge to flick his wrist and send Donny flying across the diner. The bastard. He knew how twisted up inside Deandre was over Amir.

  Just thinking about Donny touching Amir made Deandre want to commit homicide.

  “Go sit somewhere else,” Deandre snapped.

  Donny turned that smile on Deandre and winked. “I’ll behave.”

  “Is this the friend you wanted to bring tonight?” Amir looked hesitant as he gazed at Donny.

  “Cool, a threesome.” Donny’s grin widened, and he didn’t know how close he was to dying.

  “Five seconds,” Deandre said between gritted teeth.

  “Fine, I’ll go sit at the counter and entertain Keata.” Donny got up and walked away. Deandre just shook his head. If he didn’t love the crazy son of a bitch so much, he’d bury Donny’s body.

  “You have an interesting friend.” Amir picked up Donny’s menu and looked it over. “Entertaining.”

  “He’s harmless.” Deandre thought about his statement. “Mostly.”

  Amir twisted his lips to the side. “I seriously doubt he’s harmless.”

  The guy had never spoken truer words.

  “So,” Amir set his menu down and leaned close to Deandre. Fuck, he even smelled good. Some dark cologne that made Deandre think of clearing the table so he could lay Amir on it and fuck him
until they were both too tired to walk. “Let’s talk about tonight.”

  * * * *

  “I had Zanny keep the kids tonight. They were excited about a sleepover at her house.” Amir let Deandre and Donny inside. He wasn’t so sure about Deandre’s friend. He had been a bit off-putting earlier. Amir wasn’t sure if the guy had been joking around or serious, but if he started flirting again, Amir would put him in his place.

  Demon or no demon.

  Donny also had a sledgehammer cradled on his shoulder. “Then let’s tear up something.”

  “Only if we have to,” Deandre said. “You’re not here to work out your aggression.”

  “You take the fun out of everything,” Donny said. “Show us the way.”

  “Buy the house and you can do what you want to it.” Deandre moved out of the way so Amir could close the front door, but their arms still brushed, and white-hot energy bounced through Amir. All he’d thought about the entire day was the kissed they’d shared.

  It had sparked something inside him, and Amir wanted to shove Deandre against the wall and touch him everywhere, explore his mouth, and…

  Amir needed to stop thinking about that before he popped a boner. He was already half-hard as he cleared his throat and showed them where the basement door was.

  Amir reached past Deandre to flick on the light switch and covertly inhaled his masculine scent. It had been nearly two years since Amir had had sex. The last six months of Hasan’s life had been spent cherishing every moment, but no sex had been involved. And Amir had been fine with that. Whatever Hasan had needed, or had no desire for, had been okay.

  But now that he had Deandre in his home, in his life, Amir’s passion had been reignited. What harm could come from having sex with Deandre? Both of them would get something out of it, and Amir could finally feel alive again.

  He would have to make it clear up front that no strings would be attached. Amir had a family to raise and a business to run. Besides, Deandre was a demon who lived in another realm. It couldn’t possibly work between them.

  Living in another realm took the meaning of long-distance relationship to a whole new level that Amir wasn’t ready to commit to.


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