Book Read Free

The Social Experiment

Page 19

by Addison Moore

  “I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. I’ve really enjoyed my time here.”

  I head inside, and Sophie spikes to her feet just as the door closes behind me.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I land a smiling kiss to her lips. Sophie is stunning in her skin-tight sweater, her sprayed-on jeans. The table they had set up last time has been removed, and it’s just the two of us just like it was in the beginning. “Back to square one?”

  “Sort of.” She jumps up on the balls of her feet, landing her mouth in my ear, and like a reflex my arms find their way around her. “Our real date awaits.” She backs up and waves a hand around. “We can assume the introductory position, but I had to change it up a bit.” She points to the cameras on the ceiling while wrinkling her nose, and that little action warms me. It’s times like this that magnifies exactly how much I’ve missed having Soph in my life. “So—rules are, we each tell the other three truths. The catch is, the other person has to ask a question.” She shrugs. “You go first.”

  “Questions, huh?” A thousand thoughts run through my mind, all of them perverted, all of them concerning this girl right here. “The other night when I gave you that special kiss.” My brows rise a notch. “Did you really enjoy it?” I’m not sure why I went there, but I like the idea of hiding something so intimate from the TSE. It’s none of their damn business that Sophie and I slept together, but I’m sure if given half the chance, they’d mic us up for the occasion. One more week and we’re out of here.

  “That special kiss?” She glances down to her jeans, and my mouth waters all over again. “Oh, right. Why, yes, I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it very, very much.” She pulls the words out nice and slow before she gets that wicked gleam in her eyes that I love so much. “And”—here it comes—“if I didn’t enjoy it, I would have totally faked it.” She flicks those lashes my way, and I groan.

  “That’s a ball buster.”

  “The truth always is. Next question?” She offers an expectant smile.

  “How often do you think of me?”

  Her lips purse, tempting me to take a quick bite. “I think of you every Wednesday and Saturday per the TSE instructions, seeing that our present infatuation is of a purely experimental nature.” She lifts her mouth to my ear. “And I’m a damn liar. Next.” She blinks up at me with an innocence you can’t deny.

  There is an entire ocean of questions I would love to ask Sophie, but I know we’re not there yet. My finger caresses her velvet soft cheek.

  “Can you handle going public with me?”

  Her mouth opens, and a slight choking sound comes out. “I don’t know.” Her face fills with pain. There it is again. I always seem to put it there. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I needed to know. I want to help you.” I clear my throat. “Questions?”

  Sophie burns through her three questions by asking if I still love my dog, if I thought my parents’ marriage would last forever—of course, and if the sky was blue.

  No sooner do we finish with the task than Sophie hops on my hips and we kiss for old times’ sake even though old times were simply a few weeks ago. It feels like I’ve spent a lifetime with this girl, and in a strange way I have. Each moment more treasured than the last. We feast on our tongues until the buzzer sounds and the lights flicker. And just like that, we’re off to our real date.

  And I can’t wait to find out what Sophie has planned for the two of us.


  Sophie took off for her dorm and gave me her room number, told me to meet her there in five minutes. She’s still unsure about us being seen on campus together. I sure as shit don’t care who sees us, but I know that she wants to break it to Braden in a far more delicate fashion.

  I head up, taking the stairs two by two. A couple of coeds pass me in the hall and expel an audible sigh. I won’t lie. It strokes my ego, but right about now, the only one I want, I need stroking anything is Sophie.

  Her door is slightly ajar, just the way she said it would be, and I let myself in as I was told. It’s dark inside, save for a stream of light coming from the bathroom, and a cool pair of hands lands themselves over my eyes.

  “Boo!” she whispers sweetly into my ear. “Are you here for a trick or a treat?”

  Halloween is in a week. I’d love to take Sophie out to have a good time. The Greeks host a campus-wide event every year at the Underground.

  “I’m just here delivering some man candy.” I spin into her and find her lips with mine.

  “Just what I was craving.”

  “I’m having a little craving of my own.” I dip my mouth to her neck and take a gentle bite. Right about now, I’m thanking God I stocked my wallet with as many condoms as I could squeeze inside. “Some sweet, sugary—”

  She sucks in a breath in anticipation of the word.

  “Lips.” I sneak a quick kiss. “We’re still talking in code, right?”

  She smacks me and laughs just as my eyes adjust to the dim light and I see her beautiful face. She looks younger in the dark, and yet she exudes a wicked brand of beauty.

  “What you said back there.” I nod toward the door. “About not being sure if you can handle things once word gets out—I just want you to know that I’m here for you. I want this to last, Sophie. I know we can. But at some point, we have to tell Braden. We don’t want him to find out the hard way. It’ll kill him.”

  Her lips invert, and her eyes gloss with tears. Sophie gives a quick nod before taking in a cleansing breath. “The hard way, huh?” She gets that devious look about her that has always had the power to center me. “Like if he suddenly bursts through that door and I was doing this?” Sophie sinks to her knees, and I’m instantly hard. She quickly frees me from my jeans, and her hot little mouth gets right to work.

  A groan works from me. I’m pretty sure Sophie made some sort of arrangement with her roommate, although I wouldn’t stop the show just to ask the question. At this point, they could pull up a seat and watch. It feels too damn good to stop. My fingers work through her hair, holding her there, hoping she’s comfortable because I never want her to leave. Sophie reaches down to the boys and pumps my balls like she’s checking fruit at the supermarket.

  “Shit,” I hiss without meaning to. I pull my out, and she nearly bites off the tip trying to hold on. “Ah, fuck.” I flop onto the mattress, blind with pain, and writhe around on the sheets that hold her scent.

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” She tries to hold me, but I’m too busy reeling in pain to stand still. “I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you! Should we go to the ER? Do we need ice? Did I bite it off? God, you’re going to be on the news!”

  “No.” I moan out a laugh. “I won’t be on the news, I promise.”

  “Now that would be a totally nuclear way for Braden to find out.” She falls next to me, and I wrap an arm around her, pulling her in.

  “That would have been the worst way. Although, if my dick falls off, he would have ultimately approved.”

  “Touché.” She bites down on her lip. “Can I kiss it and make it feel better?” Her brows twitch into her forehead, and she looks cute as hell.

  “Yes. A thousand times yes. But let me demonstrate how to treat the boys. They are essentially as delicate as blown glass. Even the most tender touch can have them wishing they had the power to retract.”

  “Wow, I made your balls wish they could retract? It sounds like you picked a winner with me.”

  “I did pick a winner. Where’s your roommate?”

  “Why?” Her voice dips to icy decibels. “You want to bang her, too?”

  “No, I just want her to demonstrate how to lick my balls.” I roll on top of her as she giggles up a storm.

  “I’ve banished her for the night. And, yes, if my door is shut, it locks. We’re safe and alone, all night if you’re up for the challenge.”

  “Hell yes, I’m up for the challenge. We had a little sleepover in the past. Do you remember?”

  “How can I forget? Mindy invi
ted me camping, and your parents saw nothing wrong with you sleeping in the girls’ tent.”

  “It was the kids’ tent—and at the time I still qualified.”

  “Yeah, well, you probably still got off on the fact I was there. I bet you had your first wet dream about me.”

  “Are you kidding? I had no time to dream. I couldn’t catch a wink with all those donkey kicks you doled out all night long. It was like watching an aerobic workout taking place horizontal.”

  “Ha-ha. I’m ready for another by the way—horizontal workout that is.” She kicks me over the ass with her bare foot.

  “And I’m ready to deliver. I hope you got some solid rest last night because it’ll have to last you two days.” My hands glide up her sweater, inspiring both a shudder and a moan. “I won’t be gentle this time.” I hold back the wicked grin ready to take over.

  “Good.” She swallows down that lump in her throat. “Neither will I.”

  “Buckle up, Buttercup. I’m going to make love to you like I was running up a hill. Get ready to break a sweat.”

  “Way to make it sound like boot camp.” Her hands slip down the back side of my boxers, and she gives my ass a hearty squeeze. “You might be Sergeant Garret, but I’ll be the one barking out orders.”

  “Yes, ma’am—but I’ll be barking out a few orders myself. First command, lose the clothes, every last stitch.” I pull her sweater right off and start in on her jeans, but they’re practically glued to her body.

  “Did you grow these on your skin?” I give another firm yank, but they’re not budging.

  “Yes. I grew them specifically to annoy you.” She lifts her bottom off the mattress. “I’ll make it easy for you.”

  I give a few more tugs and yanks before they peel off as slow as skin.

  “I think I see the problem.” I sink down and bite them off the rest of the way. The feel of her bare thighs against my face is enough to send me through the roof.

  Sophie offers a slow clap in recognition. “Now that you’re down there, maybe you should give some French lessons to your favorite kitten.”

  “Soph.” I pretend to groan at the euphemism, but damn that made me harder than steel to hear her ask for it.

  Sophie and I roll like tigers over the sheets. We expend all of the missile shields I happened to stuff into my wallet all night and into the next morning. I savor every touch, every taste, lick and kiss.

  And as if loving Sophie all night wasn’t enough, I get to watch her sleep in my arms. I get to sleep right alongside of her the way I’ve wanted for so long. Everything is going perfectly between us. Maybe we don’t have to tell anyone—tell Braden of all people.

  Yes, everything is going so perfectly, but Braden is the loose thread that just might have the power to unravel us.

  But he won’t. He can’t. He’s already unraveled enough of our lives. I won’t let him steal another moment from Sophie and me.

  I may have rolled over the last time, but if he thinks I’m walking away from Sophie, he’s got a fight on his hands.

  Sophie snuggles closer into me, and my arms wrap around her a little bit tighter.

  I’ve got a fight on my hands for sure.

  It’s a good fight.

  One I plan on winning.

  Obscene Observation


  I never thought I’d fall in love. I’m not sure I quite believed in love outside of romance novels, and those were my addiction. For the most part, when I read those angsty, bordering on erotica love stories, I envisioned myself in the role of the heroine and Rowen as my main squeeze. Okay, confession—it was never reading that was my addiction. It was Rowen Garret, the boy who stole my heart all of those years ago. And now here we are, at Leland, together, in love. Every step I take, I can’t seem to hit the ground. Every breath I draw into my body is sweeter than the last.

  It’s late Monday, and I breezed through my classes, breezed through my study group for lit before heading down to the Underground to have dinner with my favorite brother whom I happen to be terrified of at the moment. I have no clue how Rowen and I are ever going to be a real couple. Everywhere I look I see couples holding hands, making out behind the dorms, in the dorms. Couples walking about freely having conversations about who the hell cares what. It’s the freedom I’m afraid we’ll never be privy to. Not as long as we need to shelter the rest of the world from our relationship.

  My phone buzzes in my hand. It’s a text from Rowen.

  On my way to practice. You got a second to meet me in front of the bookstore?

  In front of the bookstore? The boy has lost his mind, but I’m glad about that little mental malfunction if that’s what’s causing him to keep gifting me those magical kisses and so much more. My mouth waters at the so much more part. In the last week alone, I’ve become an aficionado of riding the Colossus, and I can testify firsthand that the ride alone is worth the hole this news is going to blow through my brother’s head.

  BEHIND the bookstore. I’m already there. ;)

  “So am I.”

  I spin around to find the most gorgeous man on campus, in Colorado, the universe blessing me with those cellophane eyes.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Rowen leans in and steals a quick kiss. “I can’t get enough of your lips.” His arms wrap themselves around my waist. “Have I told you how hot you are today?”

  “Only this morning when I rolled out of your bed.” I bite down over my lip because it was our first venture in trying to evict the ghost of a thousand one-night stands past from his not-so humble abode. He swore he boiled the sheets.

  “My bed misses you.”

  “Your bed misses the nightly massages you give it by jumping up and down.”

  He growls out a laugh. “You were pretty acrobatic last night.” His features pinch a moment. “You’re not in pain, are you?” He glances down to that special part of me he’s taken to impaling as if we were making up for lost time.

  “Are you kidding?” I pull him in by the cheeks and scratch over his stubble. “I live for you to hurt me.”

  He bears hard into me with those day-glow eyes. “I would never hurt you, Sophie Meyer. I would protect you to the death.” He lands a sweet kiss to my cheek. “I would take a bullet for you.”

  “Would you take a baseball bat? I’m guessing that will be Braden’s weapon of choice.”

  He grimaces at the thought. “I’m betting you’re right. But I can deflect with the best of them.” He frowns a moment as he draws me closer. “I might throw a few punches in there just to protect the boys. Promise you won’t be too upset if he’s the one who ends up with a black eye.”

  “Are you kidding? I think it would complete his look as the bullish big brother.”

  “You don’t have to say that. I know how much you care about him.”

  “You used to care about him.” The words come out slowly.

  Rowen cocks his head to the side, a dull smile twitching on his lips. “Still do.”

  “You do?” My heart thumps. “I like the idea of the four of us falling back into place. Yes, I’m including Mindy in that equation.” I lower my lids as if embarrassed by the admission.

  “Come here.” Rowen pulls me in by the cheeks and lands a soft kiss to the top of my head. “I would like that. I’m just—”

  “Still pissed at my brother?”

  “No. Just—there are words left unspoken, and I’m afraid if we ever went there, it would just end up in a total blowout.”

  “Then be the bigger person. Don’t let it escalate.” I’m practically pleading for something that I would never want to witness. “I know it must be hard to see him with Becca.” The second her name leaves my lips I’m filled with regret.

  “Not true.” He pulls back and steadies his eyes over mine as if driving home the point. “I swear to you, I have no feelings left for that girl. In fact, there’s more to the story, and I think maybe it’s time—”

  My phone buzzes. At the bar.

Braden.” I wave the text at him. “I’m meeting him for dinner.”

  “Yeah.” A darkness settles over his features. “I’d better get to practice.” He lands a lingering kiss to my lips, and we moan as we struggle to pull away from one another. I never knew it could be this way. I never really believed that it could exist at all with Rowen. “We’ll continue the conversation. Come by tonight.” His thumb rubs over my side with the invite.

  “I will. And hey, it’s week five! Seth says there’s no date until Saturday. The entire team is going to interview us.”

  His dimples dig in. “I guess they want to learn from the best.”

  “And next week, we officially graduate from the lunacy. We should totally celebrate our freedom from our time of terror.”

  “I’m not sure I’d call it a time of terror.” Rowen outlines my lips with his finger, and I reach down and take a healthy bite out of it. “Ouch.” He dots my nose with his wet digit. “I think we should celebrate that brilliant stroke of genius that Dexter Houston had because it led me straight to you.” He leans and runs soft kisses from my cheek to my ear. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Soph. You always have been.”

  I watch as Rowen is swallowed by the lavender night, the parched oak leaves swirling at his feet as if venerating his every step.

  He turns around and offers that wild grin I’ve worshiped for as long as I can remember.

  “I love you, Sophie Meyer!” he shouts into the night, and my mouth falls open. Sure, there’s not another soul around, but the fact he so brazenly proclaimed our love to the rooftops makes me want to throw a rock at him—and then, of course, kiss him.

  “I love you, Rowen Garret!” I shout right back with enthusiasm that rivals his own.

  We share a quick laugh before he turns and jogs into the direction of the field.


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