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The Social Experiment

Page 25

by Addison Moore

  Seth and Petra stand huddled up by the door to his office and startle as soon as they hear us coming.

  “What’s this?” Sophie belts out a bubbling laugh. “Don’t tell me the social experiment works on its clinicians, too.

  Petra gives a crooked smile while her arm hooks through his. “We might have shared a dinner date or two—but only to discuss the two of you.”

  “Dexter is pleased with the outcome.” Seth nods to Sophie as if this were a singular endeavor.

  “Well, if Oz is pleased.” Sophie winks up at me before turning to the two lovebirds in front of us. “What’s on the board?”

  “A briefing in the viewing room. Then you’ll attend a short session in the conference center with Oz himself.”

  “Oh goodie.” Sophie clicks her heels together three times fast. “I hope you have a hot air balloon he can float off in when he’s through. He’ll need it for protection.”

  “Good one.” I give her ribs a quick pinch as Seth and Petra navigate us back to the tiny dark room that started it all. Two seats face the wall and an image is projected over it.

  “Loving the old school drive-in vibe,” Sophie says as they mic us up. Hair and makeup come in one last time and give us a final dusting and the beginnings of a comb over for me. Sophie and I take our seats just as they kill the lights. A reel of all our greatest hits, a highlight from each and every date plays out before us. Those lip-locks, Windy Peak, prom—beautiful prom. It’s perfect, magical, an invaluable physical testament of our love.

  “We’re lucky”—Sophie sniffs into my neck—“we will always have this to look back on.”

  “And so will our family and friends,” I tease before burying my lips into the warmth of her hair.

  “Shut up and kiss me,” she bubbles through a laugh.

  I crash my mouth over hers and do exactly as I’m told. I’d do anything for this girl right here. And I did. The truth is, I had never planned on sticking around for any sexual experimentation the coach’s nephew was prepared to rig up for me. I didn’t need it. I thought I was doing fine on my own. But I was wrong. And as soon as I saw Sophie’s beautiful face, I knew I was all in. I wasn’t going anywhere.

  I’m never going anywhere without Sophie.

  The alarm sounds, and the light goes on. Sophie and I are herded to the conference room like cattle where Dexter Houston himself takes the stage. He’s dressed to impress in a black suit, his sandy hair slicked back as he gets half the girls swooning. He goes on about love, about meeting the right person, about time and chance happening to us all.

  “I’d like to tell you that you’ve been a part of the very first social experimentation on habitual dating practices—the largest scale in modern history.” The enormous room breaks out into howls and applause. “I want you to know that ninety-eight percent of you are still with the matchup we’ve selected.” The room breaks out into another round of howls, this time far more pronounced. “I want you to know that I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that each and every one of you finds true love. You deserve it. We all do.” He takes a mock bow and sends everyone in the audience to their feet, including Sophie and me. We clap the hardest, the longest. We should be the angriest, and yet we’ve forgiven him and his cohorts. Heck, we’ve come to like them and root for them as well. Whether or not I like it, Dexter Houston had a hand in bringing Sophie and me together. Sure, there might have been other scenarios if this didn’t pan out, but this is our reality—our reality show ironically. Nevertheless, we’re whole again.

  My arms find themselves around the woman I love as I draw her in, and Sophie beams up at me with that hot mouth I can’t get enough of. Sophie hikes up on the balls of her feet as she pulls me down by the neck and her lips find mine. The howls erupt around us louder than ever before, and it feels as if the entire crowd, the entire world is cheering for us.

  And they are.

  Saturday night, a time usually reserved for TSE antics, everyone involved with the social experiment from the people in group A to the entire production staff meets down at the Underground for drinks.

  Sophie invited Braden to come on down. I’m not sure if Becca will show, but either way it wouldn’t matter. I told Sophie about the baby last night, and she agreed that we couldn’t be sure. But she held me, and she cried for me. She said she would have loved that baby because it was a part of me. Just when I think Sophie couldn’t bring me farther to my knees, melt my soul down to a puddle of affection any more than she already has, just like that, she takes me down a notch.

  “This place is a jungle!” Sophie shouts above the noise of the band, the bourgeoning crowd. We spot Petra and Seth and go over and hug it out with them one last time. They’re openly holding hands now, which I find endearing, and Sophie finds completely salacious.

  “You think they have a special name for his head of state?” Her eyes grow wild at the thought, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “If they do, I don’t want to know about it.” I spot a familiar head of state in the back and nod over to him. “Your brother.” I frown without meaning to.

  “Play nice.” She gives a cheeky smile as she leads us back to the danger zone. “I swear this will only sting for a little while.”

  “Are you referring to the conversation we’re about to have or the fist he’s going to shove down my throat?”

  “Both.” She pops a quick kiss to my lips right as he looks up, and we both take a step apart.

  Braden stands up, his chest puffing out like some overprotective ape, and that image of Boomer practically banging Mindy against the wall comes back to me. I get it.

  “Hey, big bro”—Sophie throws her arms around his stiff body—“before you blow up and rip Rowen a new one, there’s something I need you to know.”

  “Shit.” Braden inches back, disgusted at the two of us. “Did you fucking knock her up?”

  “No.” I’m quick to shoot down that impregnated idea. I will one day, but that’s not a conversation we ever need to have.

  “Stop!” Sophie swats him. “Rowen told me what happened all those years ago.” Her features soften, as does her tone. “You know, that you stole Becca from him.”

  Braden locks a death stare over me. Sophie just pulled the pin to a very explosive grenade, and we’re standing way too close to ground zero for my comfort.

  “I did.” Braden doesn’t take his eyes off me when he says it. “And I’ve regretted it every day ever since.” He glances to the floor as he lets out a breath deflating him to half his size. “She came onto me, and I liked the attention. At first, I felt like an ass, but I was hungry for I don’t know what.”

  “Your mom just died a year before. You just got dismissed from the team. You were out of your head. I knew that.”

  He shakes his head. “That’s not an excuse.” He swallows hard, forcing his Adam’s apple to skip. “I’m sorry, man. Now that you and Soph are together—and don’t think I like it—I want things to be cool between us. It’s important to me.”

  “It’s important to me, too. And I think I get where you’re coming from regarding Soph and me.” I wince over at her. “I feel the same with Mindy and her new boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend, huh?” Braden lets out that shit-eating grin he’s famous for. “I’m happy for her.” His grin quickly dissipates. “And I’m happy for the two of you as well.”

  Sophie lunges over her brother with a tight embrace before coming up for air and wiping the tears from her eyes. “So, where’s Becca?”

  Braden shakes his head. His lips pull in a line as if he’s trying to rein in his emotions. “We’re done.”

  “Really?” Sophie jumps back into my arms, and I latch onto her.

  “Yes, really.” He glances out at the crowd with a painful look in his eyes. “I’m out on the free market once again. If you have any cute friends you want to send my way, feel free to do so.”

  Sophie groans at the idea. “My friends are off-limits to you. I’m sure you’ll do great o
n your own.”

  It takes a minute to sink in that Becca won’t be around in my life anymore, not looming in the shadows, not out in the open with Braden, and I’m relieved beyond measure. A splinter the size of the Empire State Building has finally been plucked out of my heart, and I can breathe again.

  “Hey, speaking of my friends!” Sophie waves like wild as a brunette and a blonde make their way over. They’re all smiles, bouncing to the music just as seemingly sweet as Soph. “Violet, Ember, this is the love of my life—my brother.” She presents Braden like a prize while gifting me a wink for the dig. “And this is Leland University’s all-star quarterback who keeps asking me for directions to the cheerleaders, but I keep distracting him by way of my kisses.”

  “Not true.” I hold up my hands. “It’s her kisses that I’m looking for.” I steal a quick one off her lips and catch Braden grimacing from the corner of my eye. He doesn’t slug me outright so that has to mean progress.

  “Vi is in group B,” Sophie informs me. “She’ll be stepping into our old shoes in just a few weeks.”

  “Sweet. I hope you find the one. It worked for me.” I pull Sophie in a little bit tighter.

  “Vi is coming off a horrible breakup.” Both Soph and her friend Ember shudder as if they lived through it themselves.

  I spot my new buddy Lane and wave him over to the party. He gets about three feet away, and his eyes lock over Violet’s as they both exchange a look of horror.

  “I’ll see you around,” he says it low and careful as he backs up and takes off through the crowd. I’m still not sure if he was saying it to her or me.

  “What was that about?” Sophie tries to pull Violet out of her trance, but it’s no use.

  “I think I’m going to head back to the room.” And just like that, Vi takes off.

  “Who was that?” Sophie swats me over the chest, and I catch her hand and kiss it. “Some dude. His name is Lane. I see him around the bar all the time.”

  Sophie and Ember exchange a quick glance.

  “As I was saying.” Ember pulls Braden off to the side, and the two of them continue with a conversation of their own.

  Sophie melts into my arms, her sweet perfume wraps around me like a veil. “That was Vi’s bad breakup.”


  She gives a sorrowful nod.

  I glance over to Braden. “How about we say good night and take off? I’d like to end the night by putting that smile back on your face.”

  “Sounds like I’m about to get a presidential pardon out of this place.” She wrinkles her nose. “I’m still working on my comebacks.”

  “I’m finding this political side of you very, very hot.”

  Sophie bucks her head back with a laugh. When Sophie is happy, she’s always expressed it with her whole body. It’s one of the first things I took note of once the compass of my heart started to spin in her direction—that and the fact she has a heart of gold.

  We say good night to Braden and Ember.

  “Let’s get together.” He pulls me in for a partial embrace. “We’ve got a lot to catch up on. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact you’re with my sister, but I’m doing my best. Give me some time.”

  “You got it. Next game is at home next weekend. I’d love to have you there.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He gives my arm a quick sock. “Sorry, man. Had to get one in.”

  I shake my head because I understand that need all too well. “Next time, make it hurt.”

  The three of us hug it out one more time before Sophie and I head out into the crisp night air. Oak leaves and maples crunch under our feet as the two of us make our way back to campus.

  “I love you, Sophie Meyer,” I say as I lean in and sweep her off her feet.

  “I love you, Mr. President!” she screams so loud, every student in a one-mile radius turns to look at us.

  “Anyone ever tell you, you’ve got a set of lungs on you?”

  “Yes, you, last night.”

  A dark laugh strums from me. “That’s because I provoked you in the nicest way possible.”

  “Nice? You call that knock ’em down, drag out, hair pulling wrestling match nice? You do realize nice is a four-letter word?”

  “Yes. It was nice.” I toss her up in my arms, and she lets out a squeal as I catch her and pull her in tight. “That was a nice night. Are you ready for a wild one?”

  Sophie looks down and blesses me with those bright hazel eyes. “A wild night with the commander-in-chief is what every little girl dreams of. I hope you have a few more of those perverted executive orders handy that you like to bark out.”

  “Soph.” I close my eyes as I draw her face close to mine. “I’m so glad you’re in my life. I’m so glad that you are my life. Thank you for being you.”

  Tears sparkle in her eyes as she gives a tiny nod. “I can say the same about you. Thank you for being in my life, Rowen. I’m so glad you came back to me.” Sophie wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my chest a moment. “My heart beats for you, Rowen. It always has, and it always will.”

  I try to swallow down the emotions swelling up in me, but it’s no use.

  “Do you remember that promise I made to you the day of—”

  “My mother’s funeral.” She gulps down tears.

  “I promised you would never be alone.” I nod through tears of my own. “I’m making good on that promise, Soph. You have me forever.”

  A small laugh bubbles from her. “I always knew I would. Now kiss me before we lose sight of what we came for.”

  “I always come for you.” A dark laugh brews in my chest, but I won’t give it.

  “Wow. You have a horny way with words. Have you thought about poetry?” she teases. Sophie kicks her feet with joy as she scratches at the stubble on my face. “We’d better get the President to his quarters. I hear there’s an inauguration ceremony he needs to attend, and the first lady will be honoring him on her knees.”

  “Now look who has a horny way with words.” I whisk us off to Holt Tower as if I were running with the Olympic torch in hand. But I’m running with something far more precious, a treasure that I will guard and protect for as long as I draw breath, my friend, my lover, the future mother of my children.

  Thanks to Dexter’s stroke of genius, Sophie and I can get our happily ever after. All it took was a shove in the right direction and a little experimentation to get it right.

  Sophie and I are right.

  Now and forever.

  Books by Addison Moore

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  3:AM Kisses (3:AM Kisses 1)

  Winter Kisses (3:AM Kisses 2)

  Sugar Kisses (3:AM Kisses 3)

  Whiskey Kisses (3:AM Kisses 4)

  Rock Candy Kisses (3:AM Kisses 5)

  Velvet Kisses (3:AM Kisses 6)

  Wild Kisses (3:AM Kisses 7)

  Country Kisses (3:AM Kisses 8)

  Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses 9)

  Dirty Kisses (3:AM Kisses 10)

  Stolen Kisses (3:AM Kisses 11)

  Lucky Kisses (3:AM Kisses 12)

  Tender Kisses (3:AM Kisses 13)

  Revenge Kisses (3:AM Kisses 14)

  Red Hot Kisses (3:AM Kisses 15)

  * * *

  Low Down & Dirty (Low Down & Dirty 1)

  Dirty Disaster (Low Down & Dirty 2)

  * * *

  Burning Through Gravity (Burning Through Gravity 1)

  A Thousand Starry Nights (Burning Through Gravity 2)

  Fire in an Amber Sky (Burning Through Gravity 3)

  * * *

  Beautiful Oblivion (Beautiful Oblivion 1)
br />   Beautiful Illusions (Beautiful Oblivion 2)

  Beautiful Elixir (Beautiful Oblivion 3)

  * * *

  The Solitude of Passion

  * * *

  Someone to Love (Someone to Love 1)

  Someone Like You (Someone to Love 2)

  Someone For Me (Someone to Love 3)

  Young Adult Romance

  Melt With You (A Totally ’80s Romance 1)

  Tainted Love (A Totally ’80s Romance 2)

  Hold Me Now (A Totally ’80s Romance 3)

  * * *

  Paranormal Romance

  (Celestra Book World in Order)

  Ethereal (Celestra Series Book 1)

  Tremble (Celestra Series Book 2)

  Burn (Celestra Series Book 3)

  Wicked (Celestra Series Book 4)

  Vex (Celestra Series Book 5)

  Expel (Celestra Series Book 6)

  Toxic Part One (Celestra Series Book 7)

  Toxic Part Two (Celestra Series Book 8)

  Elysian (Celestra Series Book 9)

  Perfect Love (A Celestra Novella)

  * * *

  Ethereal Knights (Celestra Knights)

  Season of the Witch (A Celestra Companion)

  * * *

  Ephemeral (The Countenance Trilogy 1)

  Evanescent (The Countenance Trilogy 2)

  Entropy (The Countenance Trilogy 3)

  * * *

  Celestra Forever After (Celestra Forever After 1)

  The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2)

  The Serpentine Butterfly (Celestra Forever After 3)

  Crown of Ashes (Celestra Forever After 4)

  Throne of Fire (Celestra Forever After 5) Soon!


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