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The Secret Toll

Page 3

by Paul Thorne and Mabel Thorne


  Although the yearly hegira from town to suburb was well on, theForresters had delayed their departure and were still residing in thetown house on Bellevue Place. To a man of Forrester's active dispositionBellevue Place meant a comparatively easy walk from the downtownsection. Moreover, in the present troubled condition of his mind, theexercise would be conducive to clearer thinking, so he started out withthe intention of walking home. As he was crossing the Michigan Avenuebridge over the Chicago River, a motor car slowed up by the curb andForrester heard someone call to him. Glancing around, he saw that it wasPrentice.

  "On your way home?" inquired Prentice.

  Forrester answered in the affirmative.

  "Then jump in with me," said Prentice.

  "Thanks," returned Forrester, "but I had decided to walk home."

  "Better change your mind," urged Prentice. "It's a fairly long walk, andI should like your company. Remember that after you leave me I have along and lonesome drive."

  "You are out on the North Shore now, are you?" queried Forrester, as heclimbed into the car.

  "Yes," answered Prentice. "We closed the town house on the first. I'msurprised that your folks are still in the city."

  "We hope to leave soon. The decorators are still busy at our place. Wegave 'Woodmere' a good overhauling this spring. I should think you wouldrather take the train than have such a long drive when you are alone."

  "I very seldom use the train," explained Prentice. "You know that timeis of no great value to me, and I enjoy the motor ride. The cool lakeair and the scent of the woods are really very refreshing after being inthe hot city--and certainly preferable to the gas, smoke and cindersthat are inseparable from the train.

  "By the way," continued Prentice, after a pause, "have you done anythingfurther about that message we were discussing today?"

  "Yes," replied Forrester. "I have taken very definite action since Ileft you."

  "Drawn the money from the bank, I suppose."

  "I certainly did not!" declared Forrester. "I went first to the police,and then engaged a private detective agency to look into the matter."

  "What did the police say?" inquired Prentice.

  "Oh, I guess it was the same old stuff," admitted Forrester. "Althoughthey did say that they believed they had a clue at last."

  "Well, I hope it is a better clue than some of the others they havepretended to discover. It is certainly time they did something. And whatis your private detective going to do?"

  "Not very much, I'm afraid," said Forrester. "He proposes to keep hiseye on this mysterious oak, which I believe is just what all thedetectives have done so far without results."

  "Exactly," agreed Prentice. "But it is the first time, I think, thatanyone has employed a private detective. Perhaps he will be moresuccessful than the police. Well, here you are," he added, as he swungthe car to the curb and stopped.

  "Thank you for the lift," said Forrester, as he stepped out. "I'll letyou know how my private detective gets on."

  "Yes, do," urged Prentice. "I should certainly like to get some revengefor the money those people took from me. I suppose I shall see you atthe club as usual tomorrow."

  "No," returned Forrester, "between now and Saturday I am going to bevery busy on this 'Friends of the Poor' matter. I don't intend to letany grass grow under my feet in running them to earth." Then he added,laughing, "However, after Saturday I may have to hang around the clubfor protection."

  "If I can be of any help, don't fail to call upon me," offered Prentice."Good-bye."

  "Good-bye!" called Forrester, as the car shot off up the drive.

  Forrester was glad that his mother and sister were not at home. His mindwas concentrated on the peculiar situation in which he now foundhimself, and he felt little inclination to talk. His mother certainlywould have noticed his preoccupation and guessed that something waswrong. It would have been difficult to keep up the pretense of havingnothing on his mind. At this time he did not intend to tell his familyanything about the warning he had received, for it would worry themunnecessarily, especially after the fate which had overtaken Mr. Nevins.

  After dinner Forrester went to the library, hunted up his pipe and satdown to think. He had just settled back in his chair when he heard thedoor-bell, and a minute later a maid announced that a reporter from the_Times_ wished to see him. Forrester hesitated as he ran the matter overin his mind. He disliked publicity and this call certainly meantpublicity. On the other hand, he was seeking all the information andhelp which he could get, and it was a well-known fact that newspaperreporters frequently solved mysteries which baffled the police.Forrester decided, therefore, that he really had little to lose andperhaps much to gain by allowing the reporter to interview him, so heinstructed the maid to send the man in.

  The young man entered the library briskly, giving a quick andcomprehensive glance around the room before addressing Forrester.

  "Mr. Forrester?" he inquired.

  "Yes," replied Forrester, affably. "Take this chair and make yourself athome."

  As the young man sat down, Forrester turned back the lid of a humidorand pushed it along the library table.

  "Gee!" said the young man, selecting a cigar. "You seem glad to see me.I don't always get a greeting like this."

  "Well," explained Forrester, smiling, "I'm in deep trouble and you, as anewspaper man, may prove to be a friend in need."

  The young man visibly expanded as he remarked, "That's right! Wenewspaper men can be a lot of help sometimes. If there is anything I cando, say the word. My name's Humphrey."

  "I'm very glad to know you," said Forrester. "Now, may I inquire how youhappened to call on me?"

  "Sure thing," returned Humphrey. "You see, our police reporter informedus that you had been to the detective bureau today--that you hadreceived one of those notices from the 'Friends of the Poor.' Owing tothe death of a prominent man like Mr. Nevins, which is attributed tothese people, our paper is going to run a special feature articletomorrow morning, reviewing the whole history of this affair. Naturally,we want to know all the details of each case, and what every oneconnected with it has to say. As you seem to be the latest victim, weare interested in the particulars of your case, and your personal viewsregarding it."

  "I am afraid," declared Forrester, "that the details of one casecorrespond very closely to those of any other case. I have merelyreceived a warning to put ten thousand dollars in a certain tree bymidnight Saturday or take the consequences."

  "You're quite right," agreed Humphrey. "The method in each case is thesame. But the outcome is not always the same. What do _you_ proposedoing in the matter?"

  "Well, for one thing," asserted Forrester, "_I do not intend to pay_!"

  "That's the stuff!" approved Humphrey. "If everyone would fight, we'dsoon put those fellows out of business. But," he added, leaningconfidentially toward Forrester, "_how_ do you propose to fight them?"

  "That," said Forrester, "is a question I have not entirely settled asyet. As you know, I went to the detective bureau this afternoon."

  "Poof!" grunted Humphrey, leaning back and flicking the ashes from hiscigar.

  "And I have also engaged a private detective," added Forrester.

  "Who?" queried Humphrey.

  "A man named Green--Benjamin F. Green."

  "There are detectives--and there are detectives," commented Humphrey."Green falls in the first class."

  "I think I get your meaning," smiled Forrester, "and I am inclined toagree with you. That, in fact, is the great problem which confronts menow--how to get a _good_ detective at work on the case. Any suggestions,Mr. Humphrey?"

  "I'm a better knocker than I am a suggester," explained Humphrey. "I cantell you the faults of detectives as easily as I could run over myA-B-Cs. I'll admit, though, that there _are_ some good ones. Sooner orlater one of them will get on this case and solve it. I wouldn't care totake the responsibility of recommending anyone."

  "I know
you came here for an interview, Mr. Humphrey," said Forrester,"and I realize how dangerous it is to tell all your plans to a man whois seeking news. But on the other hand, I have a very high opinion ofthe ability and cleverness of newspaper men. That is why I am going totake you into my confidence."

  "I'm enjoying it," assured Humphrey, selecting and lighting anothercigar.

  "The fact is," announced Forrester, "I am thinking of becoming adetective in this matter myself. The question is, can I do it--have Ithe ability to be a detective?"

  "Why not?" queried Humphrey.

  "Well, what, in your opinion, makes a good detective?"

  "Brains!" shot back Humphrey. "Look here, Mr. Forrester. As a reporter Ican scent the biggest story ever scooped up by a Chicago newspaper. Arich man, in the face of dangerous threats, turning detective andrunning down a criminal band which has defied the best efforts of thepolice department. All I ask is that you give me the dope first!"

  "Then I may count on you to keep my plans quiet and give me a certainamount of assistance?" questioned Forrester.

  "You bet!" exclaimed Humphrey. "To tell you the truth, you've actuallygot me going. I can see real possibilities to the idea. Now, look here,Mr Forrester; my paper assigned the 'Friends of the Poor' story to methe first time the matter came up. They have kept me at it since becauseI was familiar with the details. I don't pretend to have any detectiveinstincts, but just my share of common sense, and I have thought thewhole matter over pretty carefully. The police, of course, would laughat any theories from me, but you, perhaps, might like to hear my ideason the subject."

  "Go ahead," urged Forrester.

  "In my opinion," Humphrey explained, "the police have fallen down so faron this case because they are sticking too close to the rules. Theaverage city detective becomes familiar with the ways of the averagethug-type of criminal. Give him an ordinary murder, burglary, orblackmailing case and he knows just about where to go to get his handson the people he wants. But when a different class of criminal begins tooperate, the average detective cannot see the new conditions. He goesfloundering along the same old lines and lets real clues slip throughhis fingers."

  Humphrey paused to relight his cigar.

  "Go on," again urged Forrester. "I am learning something."

  "Now," continued Humphrey, "the crooks that compose the 'Friends of thePoor' have been operating for about one year. In that time they havereceived various sums running from ten thousand to twenty-five thousanddollars. I venture to say that in one year's time they have taken inpretty close to two hundred thousand dollars! Now, I ask you, Mr.Forrester; if you were taking in that amount of money, where would youhave your hangout? In some West Side saloon or tenement, or in a highclass neighborhood--perhaps even in some fine hotel? Do you get mythought, Mr. Forrester?"

  "I think I do," said Forrester.

  "All right, then," went on Humphrey. "I happen to know what the policeare doing in this matter. They are dividing their time between watchingan old oak up on the North Shore, and rummaging around West Side dives.Somewhere, _in between_, our men sit laughing at them!"

  "I am strongly inclined to believe you are right, Mr. Humphrey,"assented Forrester. "But the important question is: How are we going tolocate that place which lies in between?"

  "That's where you come in," maintained Humphrey. "That's where yourmoney, social position, training and brains are going to enable you togive the ordinary detectives the go-by. When you mentioned becoming adetective, an idea hit me with an awful wallop. Now, Mr. Forrester,you're an engineer."

  "How did you know that?" queried Forrester.

  "We usually look up a man before we interview him. We know all aboutyou."

  "I see," smiled Forrester. "Well, then, as an engineer how am I going tosolve this problem in crime?"

  "By triangulation!" exclaimed Humphrey.

  Forrester laughed. "Now you _have_ got me guessing, Mr. Humphrey. As acivil engineer I have used triangulation in my surveying work on manyoccasions, but how I can apply it to a criminal problem is beyond me."

  "Well," explained Humphrey, "the first thing to do in a criminal case isto take a good survey of the problem and the ground it covers--just asyou do when you build a bridge, a dam, or open up a mine. The highertype of criminal investigator usually falls back upon his study andknowledge of criminology, which is a broader and more scientificdevelopment of the ordinary _facts_ with which the city detective startsto work. What I am going to suggest to you is a new branch ofcriminology. For want of a better name at this time we'll call itEngineering-Criminology. I am not an engineer myself, and what I knowabout surveying and triangulation could be put into a thimble, but Ithink I know enough to give you an idea of what I mean.

  "As I said before, the detectives are wallowing around in the mire ofthe lower West Side--they are in the valley, so to speak. Now, if you,as an engineer, were about to survey a certain unknown and inaccessibleterritory, you'd go up on the nearest high hill and pick out two otherprominent points in the landscape, so as to form a triangle. Then you'dtake sights, or whatever you would call it, from one point to another. Alittle figuring would give you the exact distance from one point toanother, and a lot of information about the lay of the land in between.Am I not right?"

  "You've put it very roughly, but I think I can see what you are drivingat," returned Forrester.

  "Continue the idea a little further, Mr. Forrester," went on Humphrey."If you were making a mine survey you would first lay out yourboundaries, tunnels and so on, on the surface, wouldn't you?"

  Forrester nodded.

  "Then you would carry those lines below the surface. In other words, thelines you had laid out _on_ the surface would be a guide to you when yougot _below_ it."

  Again Forrester nodded.

  "All right," said Humphrey. "I think you've got my idea about this case,and what I mean by solving it by triangulation. You will take thepeople, and the events which have occurred, and use them as yourprominent landmarks; that is, points for your triangles. You will thenstudy what lies between those landmarks, and also what lies under thesurface. By that means I think you will eventually discover some cluesthat will be worth while.

  "For example; take Mr. Nevins, who was the last victim of the 'Friendsof the Poor,' as the first point of your triangle. Take his bank as thesecond, and his home as the third point. Instead of measuring thedistance between these points by feet or rods, measure it by people andevents. Set down, just as you would the figures of a survey, the namesof his friends and acquaintances, the men with whom he has donebusiness, and any little out-of-the-way events which have taken place inhis life, so far as you can ascertain them. Do this with the otherpeople who have been concerned in the blackmailing activities of thisband. By arranging your triangles so they will overlap if possible, youwill get at a starting point. _Somewhere the lines will cross_, and atthe point of intersection a definite clue may form."

  "Mr. Humphrey," laughed Forrester, "you are giving me a man's-size job."

  "I know it!" admitted Humphrey. "But the man who solves this case hasgot to put more than ordinary brains and ability into it. You have gotto forget the old rules and theories and formulas. That is why theexperienced detectives are falling down. They can't forget the rules!When you suggested a while ago that you thought of turning detective, Iimmediately saw its possibilities. Your engineering training has taughtyou how to study cause and effect, and work out plans for meetingunusual conditions. You start with a mind trained to solve difficultproblems, but at the same time your mind is free of all the traditionsof the detective craft. Things they wouldn't notice, or considerimportant if they did, will impress themselves upon you and start atrain of thought.

  "Now then," exclaimed Humphrey, jumping to his feet, "I have over-stayedmy welcome and I must get back to the office and write up my story fortomorrow's paper. You can rest assured, however, that the importantdetails of this conversation will not get into print until you say theword. But remember, when the big scoop come
s--_it belongs to me!_"

  "I promise you that," returned Forrester, rising and extending his hand."We'll shake hands on it."

  "And you may count on me to help all I can in the meantime," declaredHumphrey, as he grasped Forrester's hand.

  "Let me offer you a suggestion for that article which is to appeartomorrow," said Forrester.

  "Shoot!" replied Humphrey.

  "Announce that I have given up all idea of fighting the 'Friends of thePoor,' and say that Saturday, before midnight, I shall place a packagecontaining the money in that tree."

  "I get you," smiled Humphrey. "I'll be there!"


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