The Science of Mind

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The Science of Mind Page 27

by Ernest Holmes

  Let us not waste time, then, in theological discussions which lead nowhere; but, following the example set before us, let us also do the works which He did. "The works that I do, shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."


  The most important thing that any student of the Truth can understand is the real meaning of self-existence. Whatever the nature of First Cause is, It must be Self-Existent, or else It could not be at all. It is, perhaps, hard to comprehend that there must be, and is, a Power which exists simply because It is what It Is; and yet this is the mainspring of all right metaphysical work and endeavor.

  We must come to believe in, and trust, that Power of Life and Intelligence which is God, or First Cause. We must understand that we deal with First Cause whenever we think, at any, and at all, times. If we had to gather energy with which to energize the Creative Principle of Life, where should we go to get the energy with which to energize It?

  We are constantly thrown back upon the fundamental proposition that Life already Is; and that we use a Power which already Is. Let us then, without doubt or fear, throw our word into that Great Receptivity and trust It to do the work.


  Strange as it may seem, the human thought can affirm only; it can never deny; for, even at the moment of denial, it really affirms the presence of that which it denies.

  We speak of denials and affirmations as though they were opposed to each other, but such is not the case. Fear and faith are but different ways of expressing positive beliefs about something. Fear is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do not wish to have happen, while faith is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do wish to have happen.

  The nature of Being is such that real denial is impossible; for there is but One Mind in the Universe, and It is always "yea and amen."

  We are constantly affirming our way through life; and since affirmation is the only mental action possible, it behooves us to find the greatest affirmation and use it.

  The Supreme Affirmation is, "I AM"; and, as such, It was given to Moses. This affirmation is constantly with us, and every time we speak we use it in some form. We must be careful to use it only as an upbuilding force.


  The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of one who understands the Law and who uses It for constructive purposes only.

  The spirit of Antichrist is the spirit of one who, understanding the Law, uses It for destructive purposes.

  The Law, of Itself, is neither good nor bad, but is a Neutral Force, obeying all, and may be used for any purpose. But those truly instructed in the Law will never attempt to use It destructively; for they will understand that, by so doing, they would subject themselves to the very power which they have set in motion.

  There is a power surrounding us which can be used either way, that is, constructively or destructively; but one instructed in the Truth will use this power only for the good of all. A most solemn warning is given to any one who would be so rash as to misuse his power.

  If the thought is kept close to Good, to Love and to the Spirit, and if there is never any desire to do other than that which is constructive, there is no danger.

  The Law is there to use and It is a Law of Liberty to all who constructively contact It. Anything which makes for a greater expression of life, either for the individual or for the race, and which has no element of destruction in it, is good.

  We should not hesitate to use the Law for the benefit of our personal affairs or those of our friends or for any who ask our help; but we should be very careful to use It constructively.


  All emerge from that One Whose Being is ever present and Whose Life, robed in numberless forms, is manifest throughout all Creation.

  Creation is the logical result of the outpush of Life into self-expression. It is the coming forth of Spirit into manifestation, the externalization of an internal idea, through the objectification of a subjective image.

  The One encompasses and flows through the All, spilling Itself into numberless forms and shapes. These forms and shapes, propelled by a Divine Urge which brings them into being, seek still further expression because of the dynamic power with which they are equipped.

  This is the real meaning of evolution; for evolution is the result of intelligence and not its cause.

  Each evolving thing has, within itself, an impulse implanted by the Divine; and since the Divine is Limitless and Perfect, It must and will, ultimately, bring all Creation to a state of perfect manifestation.

  That which, to the human eye, appears as imperfect, is imperfect only because the human eye sees imperfectly or in part; i.e., the human does not see the real idea back of the external image.

  There is a philosophy which states that there is a "Becoming God," and which attempts to prove this assertion through evolution; but this philosophy is inconsistent with the ultimate nature of Reality; for, if ultimate Reality were in a state of "becoming,' from what source would It gather Its impulse to become, and from whence would It draw Its power to express Itself?

  A "becoming" or evolving God, or First Cause, is not consistent with true philosophy; while, on the other hand, an unfolding God, or First Cause, is consistent with Reality.

  It is one thing to say that God is unfolding through His Idea of Himself but quite another thing to say that He is gradually becoming conscious of Himself. One is true while the other is false.

  A "becoming" God implies a state of imperfection, or a state of being which does not recognize its perfection, at the very root of all being. An unfolding God implies a forever-out-pouring Spirit and a forever-manifesting Deity, or First Cause.

  The unfoldment of this First Cause is what we call evolution. Since this unfoldment is not yet complete, i.e., since the idea is still in an unfolding state, it appears as though we lived in an imperfect universe.

  To a few, who have been able to see behind the veil of matter, the perfect idea has been apparent; and these few have given to the world its greatest code of law, morals and ethics. These few have been the great mystics of the race, and to them the world owes a debt which can be paid only to the degree that the world comes to understand their teachings.

  Evolution is the time and the process through which an idea unfolds to a higher state of manifestation; and since ideas are Divine Realities, evolution will forever go on.

  Part IV: Daily Meditations for Self-help and Healing

  In these short meditations I have tried to set forth some ideas which my experiences in mental healing have given me. I have found that a few brief statements, mentally affirmed, followed by a silent meditation, have been most effective in the healing work.

  Most of the meditations have been written in the first person in order that those using them may be able to do so just as they are written.

  It is not claimed that there is any occult power in these words, but that words similar to these are effective in inducing a greater realization of life. They contain thoughts which I have found to be most helpful.

  Try them, my good reader, and see if they will not bring to life a deeper meaning and a greater joy. Whatever brings to the mentality a greater realization of life has, within itself, a healing power. I believe that these meditations will help all who take the time to use them.

  First, decide which meditation you wish to use; then become quiet and composed. The body should be relaxed but the mentality should be active. Then, carefully read the meditation several times, phrase by phrase, endeavoring to realize the meaning of the words and trying to enter into the atmosphere of the thought. After having done this, meditate upon the words, following that meditation until you feel a sense of realization.



  Come to me and I will heal you.

  The inner power of Life within me is God, and it can heal anything.
  I will to heal and help all who come to me.

  I know that the realization of Life and Love within me heals all who come into Its presence.

  I love the thought that I silently bless all who enter my atmosphere.

  It is not I, but The Father Who dwelleth in me; He doeth the works.

  I heal all who come near me.


  God within me is mighty to heal.

  He healeth me of all my diseases and cures me of all.

  God within is now healing me of all my infirmities, sickness and pain and is bringing comfort to my soul.

  God is my life; I cannot be sick.

  I hear the voice of Truth telling me to arise and walk, for I am healed.

  I am healed.


  There is no inherited tendency to disease, nor ill health.

  I am born of Pure Spirit and am free from the belief in material existence.

  False ideas cannot be transmitted from one to another, and I am free from all race-suggestion.

  My Life is from Above, and I remember that I was always Perfect and Complete.

  An Inner Light shines forth and frees me from the bonds of all false belief.

  I came from the Spirit.


  There is no congestion nor stoppage of action.

  Life, flowing through me, is Perfect and Clear;

  It cannot be stopped, retarded nor hindered.

  I feel the One Life flowing through me now.

  It eliminates all impure secretions and washes me clean from all suggestion of false deposits in the flesh.

  I am Clean, Pure and Perfect, and my Word eliminates all else.

  There is no congestion.


  "Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

  There is no false growth and nothing for one to feed on. I am free from all thought of, or belief in, anything false or fearsome.

  I cast out all fear and with it all manifestation of Fear.

  A false idea is neither person, place nor thing, and has no one to believe in it nor experience it.

  I am now One with The Perfect Life of Complete Wholeness.

  My Word casts out all fear.


  There is no weariness.

  Mind and Spirit do not become tired nor weary, and I am Mind and Spirit.

  The flesh cannot become weary, since it has no mind of its own.

  I am free from all illusions of weariness.

  My whole being responds to the thought of Life.

  I am alive with the Great Vitality of the Spirit.

  I am alive with spirit.


  My hearing is perfect.

  It is God in me hearing His own voice.

  I hear That Voice, and no belief in inaction can hinder that hearing.

  There are no impaired organs.

  Every idea of the body is now complete and perfect and functions according to the Divine Law.

  I open my ears to hear.

  I am receptive to Truth and can understand it.

  Open my ears that I may hear.


  There is One Vision and One ability to see, One perfect seeing.

  My eyes are open and I see and behold one Perfect Life.

  No suggestion of imperfect vision can enter my thought.

  I perceive that all people can see, and that the One, looking through all, sees and cannot be limited in vision.

  I am one with that complete ability to see, to know and understand the Truth.

  I do open my eyes and do see.

  Nothing in me can hinder this Word from operating through me and manifesting through my eyes.

  Open my eyes that I may see.


  The Eye of the Spirit cannot be dimmed, neither can it be impaired in Its ability to see.

  My eyes are the Vision of my Indwelling Lord; they are the Windows of my Inner Spirit and are always open to the Vision of Truth.

  I see with the Vision of the Spirit, and that ability cannot be weakened nor lost; it is forever effective.

  My word which I now speak is the Law of Perfect Sight and my eyes are open and I see.

  Spirit sees through me.


  My flesh is the Manifestation of the Spirit in my body.

  It is kept perfect through the Law of God.

  "In my flesh shall I see God."

  The mantle of flesh is perfect and complete here and now.

  It is one with the Body of God, and cannot be sick, nor suffer.

  My flesh is perfect.


  There is no pain nor inflammation.

  All fear is swept away in the realization of Truth.

  I am free from every belief in pain.

  The Spirit cannot pain, and I am Pure Spirit and cannot be hurt nor harmed.

  I am free from all pain.



  I am happy and complete to-day and forever.

  Within me is that which is Perfect and Complete.

  It is The Spirit of all Life, Truth, and Action.

  I am happy in the sure knowledge of the Inner Light.

  I cannot be sad nor sorry, but must radiate Joy and Life,

  For Life is within me now.

  I am happy and complete.


  Perfection is already accomplished.

  I do not have to wait for the Perfect Life.

  I am that Perfect Life here and now.

  To-day I express the Limitless Life of the All Good.

  To-day I manifest my Completion in every part of me.

  To-day I am saved.

  Here and now I am healed.


  The Inner Mind is still.

  The Soul reflects the Most High.

  The Spirit of man is God.

  In the great calm of the All Good,

  I rest in peace and security.

  My life is now reflecting the Perfect Whole.

  I am Peace; I am Calm.

  I am security and complete satisfaction.

  I am One with God.

  I am filled with peace.


  There is no loss.

  Nothing can be lost, misplaced nor forgotten.

  There was never any loss nor confusion.

  Creation is Perfect and Complete, and within the One are all things, and are all known to the One.

  I am now in complete harmony with the Whole and I cannot lose nor misplace anything.

  I am constantly finding more and more Good.

  I know that there is no loss.


  Oh, for a tongue to express the Wonders which the Thought reveals!

  Oh, for some Word to comprehend the boundless idea!

  Would that some Voice were sweet enough to sound the harmony of Life.

  But Within, in that vast realm of thought where the Soul meets God, the Spirit knows.

  I will listen for that Voice and It will tell me of Life, of Love and Unity.

  Speak to me, Spirit.


  O Soul of mine, look out and see; look up and know Thy freedom.

  Be not cast down nor dismayed; be uplifted within me and exult, for Thy Salvation has come.

  Behold the wonders of the Great Whole and the marvels of the Universe.

  Look out and see Thy good. It is not afar off, but is at hand.

  Prepare Thyself to accept and believe; to know and live.

  Let Life enter and live through Thee, Soul of mine, and rejoice that Thou hast vision so fair and so complete.

  Rejoice that the Perfect Whole is so completely reflected through Thee.

  My light has come.


  My eyes behold the complete and perfect in all Creation,

  "In all, over all and through all."

  I see the perfect; there is nothing else to see, and no suggestion of otherness can enter my thought.

  I know only the perfect and the complete.

  I am perfect and whole, now.

  I see the Good.


  The Circle of Love is complete.

  It comprehends all, includes all, and binds all together with cords of Everlasting Unity.

  I cannot depart from Its Presence nor wander from Its care.

  My Love is complete within me.

  The Love of God binds me to Itself, and will not let me go.

  I shall make a home for you, O my wonderful Love, and we shall journey through life hand in hand.

  I shall sit in your Presence and learn the wondrous things You will tell me;

  For You are God.

  Love sits within me.


  The things that are, were and evermore shall be.

  Time, Chance and change begone from my thought!

  The Changeless is here to stay, and the Timeless cannot cease from Being.

  The things that are shall remain, though heaven and earth should pass away.

  I rest secure and safe within the Life of Endless Perfection and Completion.

  My whole Being responds to the Realization of the Complete Whole.

  I am that which Is.



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