The Science of Mind

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The Science of Mind Page 28

by Ernest Holmes


  My Life is in Thee, O Inner Presence.

  I look upon Thee and hope springs forth into realization.

  O Hope within me, undying evidence of Good,

  Thou dost completely hold me in Thy loving embrace,

  And from this fond caress assurance shall be born, and confidence and love.

  My hope is in Thee.


  "Be still and know that I am God."

  I am still in Thy Presence.

  I am quiet and peaceful, for I put my trust in Thee.

  A great stillness steals over me and a great calm quiets my whole being, as I realize Thy Presence.

  The heart knows of Thee, O Most High within.

  It is still in Thy Presence, and it puts its whole confidence in Thee alone.

  In Thy Presence I am still.


  Cast aside all doubt, O Soul of mine, and be unafraid, for Thy power is from On High.

  He Who sitteth in the heavens shall be Thy champion;

  Thou need not fear; Come forth, O Spirit, from within and express Thyself through me and let not my doubts hinder Thy approach.

  My faith shall go forth to meet Thee, and my confidence shall embrace Thee.

  My waiting thought shall bid Thee welcome to my house of Love,

  And Joy shall accompany us through the ages yet to come.

  I lay aside all fear and doubt.


  I have an Inner Friend who walks and talks with me daily.

  He is not afar off, but is within me, a constant companion.

  I shall never become lonely, for my Friend is always near.

  I have but to speak and He answers.

  Before ever my lips spoke He told me of His love.

  O my kind Friend, how dear to me is Thy presence.

  The Spirit within me is my Friend.


  "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me."

  This is a blessed thought, for it means that we cannot wander from His Presence, nor depart from His care.

  Always He will watch over us and comfort us.

  Forever we shall sit in His house and ceaselessly He will care for us.

  The All-Seeing Eye cannot overlook any one, and all, all shall be kept in His care.

  All are kept in His care.


  Hope cannot die. Eternal Hope is forever warm and fresh within me; the deathless Hope built upon the rock of sure knowledge.

  O Hope Sublime, O Life Supreme, behold I come to Thee as a tired child, and Thou dost rekindle within me the fires of Faith.

  Strong, swift and sure, Faith springs forth into action and my entire Being rises to meet the Dawn.

  Hope, Faith and Love are in me.


  I am not alone, for a Presence goes with me and daily accompanies me on my travels.

  Always I shall find this Divine Companion with me.

  He will not desert nor allow me to go alone.

  He will always be with me and near me, and will always provide for every want.

  My life is hid with Christ in God.


  I have discovered a Secret Place within, where the thought goes into a mountain high above the din of the world.

  I have found in this mountain a Place of Peace and rest,

  A Place of joy and comfort to the heart.

  I have found that the Secret Place of God is within my own Soul.

  I will listen for Thy Voice.


  My Soul within me rejoices at the realization of Life.

  I am made glad as I behold my inner Light;

  I cannot be sad nor depressed, for the All Good has claimed me as Its own.

  O Soul within me, rejoice and become glad, for Thy Light has come and Thy Day of Salvation is at hand.

  Be still within me and behold Him Who sitteth On High.

  Reflect to me Thy revelation and flood me with Thy marvelous Light.

  I rejoice in my Life within me.



  Yes, I know that the Truth has freed me from the bonds of fear.

  I am not afraid. I adore thee, Most High within me; I trust in Thee and abide in that hope that knows no fear; I am Free Spirit and cannot be bound.

  The One Life flowing through me is Perfect and Complete. I am not apart from It. I am One with It in Marvelous Unity and Freedom; One with the Complete Whole.

  I was born free and must always remain free. The realization of freedom permeates my whole being and sinks into the innermost parts of me.

  I love it, adore it, I accept it.

  I am free.


  I am free from belief in sin; there is neither sin nor sinner.

  There is no judgment against any one.

  God does not condemn, and man cannot.

  All fear of sin is removed from me; all theological belief in punishment is gone from me.

  I do not allow myself to receive such suggestions, for I perceive that they are lies.

  I am free from all lies and from all liars.

  I live by the One Power, and no thought can enter to disturb me.

  There is neither sin nor sinner.


  My feelings cannot be hurt.

  No one wishes to harm me, and there is nothing in me that can believe in any separation from the All Good.

  I perceive that I am free from all people, and I cannot be harmed nor mistreated.

  I have such a sense of unity with all that the circle is complete and perfect.

  I love my friends and they love me, and that love is in, and of, God, and cannot be marred nor hindered.

  I am filled with joy and love, forever.


  I shall keep the promise that I have made to myself.

  I shall never again tell myself that I am poor, sick, weak, nor unhappy.

  I shall not lie to myself any more, but shall daily speak the truth to my inner Soul, telling It that It is wonderful and marvelous; that It is One with the Great Cause of all Life, Truth, Power and Action.

  I shall whisper these things into my Soul until it breaks forth into songs of joy with the realization of Its Limitless possibilities.

  I shall assure my Soul.


  Through the mist of human fear love gleams and points the way to freedom.

  I now decree and declare that I am free from all sense of bondage.

  I am made perfect and whole through knowledge of the Real Life within me.

  No illusions can enter my thought.

  I know that there is One Power, and I know that this Power now protects me from all harm.

  As Perfect Love casts out all fear, so my fear flees before the knowledge of Truth.

  I am not afraid.


  There is no bondage nor limitation.

  Every part of me moves in perfect harmony and freedom.

  I cannot be tied, bound nor made inactive, for

  I am Free Spirit, and the Power of my Life is from on High.

  There is no inaction nor false action,

  And I am now completely Free.

  I am free.


  There is no condemnation in me nor operating through me.

  I am free from the belief or thought of men.

  I walk my own way, immune to all suggestion of condemnation.

  Only those thoughts can enter my mentality which I allow to enter.

  I do not, and cannot, receive adverse thoughts.

  Only those thoughts which are helpful and life-giving can find entrance to my house.

  There is no condemnation.


  There are no vicious nor false habits.

  Ever des
ire of my thought and heart is satisfied in the Truth.

  I do not long for anything nor feel the lack of anything.

  I am complete within myself; I am perfect within myself; I am happy and satisfied within myself.

  I am One with All Life within me.

  I am free.


  There is no hypnotism nor false suggestion.

  I represent the One Mind which cannot act against Itself nor can It act against me.

  I am immune to all suggestion and cannot receive false thoughts, nor harbor them.

  I am surrounded with a circle of Love and Protection.

  Asleep or awake, I am free from false thoughts.

  I see the nothingness of all belief in, or fear of, otherness; and I know that The One and Only Mind, alone, can act.

  Only the Good can enter.


  There are no mistakes; none have ever been made and none ever will be made.

  Nothing ever happened in the past to hinder or hurt.

  There is no past, and I know, and can see, that there is no belief in any past to rise against me.

  I live in the Now, free from any yesterdays or to-morrows.

  Now, I am Happy, Free and Complete.

  My Word erases any and all beliefs in mistakes and sets me free.

  I Am Free!

  I am free from any beliefs in the past.


  The Spirit has no responsibilities.

  Its work is already accomplished and Its purposes are already fulfilled.

  The Spirit knows no want nor fear.

  It is complete within Itself and lives by virtue of Its own Being.

  I am Spirit and cannot take on the fears of the world.

  My work is accomplished and my ways are made straight before me.

  The pathway of Life is an endless road of Eternal Satisfaction and Perfect Joy.

  My Life within me is Complete and Perfect, and has no cares nor burdens.

  It is Free Spirit and cannot be bound.

  I rejoice in that Freedom.

  I rejoice in freedom.


  The time has come, the hour has struck.

  The power from within has come forth and is expressing through my word.

  I do not have to wait; to-day is the time.

  To-day I enter into all Truth; to-day I am completely saved and healed and made happy.

  To-day I enter into my inheritance.

  To-day the Truth has made me free.


  Within Thy Law is freedom to all who will believe.

  I believe in Thy Law and I love Thy precepts.

  I know that Thy Law is perfect and It is a delight to my Soul, for It is illumined with Thy Words of Power.

  Thy Law is complete freedom to me, and to all for whom it shall be spoken.

  I speak the Word of freedom to all, and all shall receive it.

  I am free in Thy Law.



  I behold the Beautiful and the Pleasant.

  My eyes see only that which is beautiful to look upon.

  I will not see anything else nor believe in anything else.

  I know that beauty has entered into my life, and will always remain there.

  I see only the beautiful.


  The Friendship of the Spirit and of man is mine now and forever.

  Even now I see the countless numbers of friends coming and going around me.

  I enter into this friendship and this companionship with gladness and rejoicing.

  I receive my friends.


  It was God Himself who willed that I should be.

  I have no cares nor burdens to bear.

  I am reminded of the great command:

  "Come unto Me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."

  I do come into the Light and I do know that all cares

  And responsibilities fall from me as I let the

  Light of Wisdom direct my ways.

  He wills me to be; therefore, I am.


  I serve the world.

  I wait upon the Lord within all men;

  I call forth glory from On High through the minds of all people.

  I obey the will of Him Who inhabits Eternity.

  I do the works of Him Who dwelleth among the heavens.

  My Lord within commands and I obey.

  I do good to all people.


  I shall not doubt nor fear, for my salvation is from On High, and the day of its appearing is now at hand.

  I shall not doubt nor fear, for my whole being responds to the realization of Life within and around me.

  I shall not fear, for the Hosts of Heaven are waiting upon me and the Law of the Universe is my Salvation.

  I shall not fear.


  I was told to live and to love, to laugh and to be glad.

  I was told to be still and know of the One Almighty Power, in and through all.

  I was told to let that Power work through and in me.

  I believed that voice and I received my Good.

  I am healed—The joy of Life.


  I meditate upon the Law of God.

  It is a Perfect Law and is now working for me and in and through me.

  "The Law of the Lord is perfect."

  I speak into that Law and it is done unto me.

  Thy Law is in my heart.


  The Love of the All Good is within me and through me.

  That Love goes out to meet all who come into my atmosphere.

  It radiates to all and flowing through all.

  My Love within me is Perfect.

  Thy Love within me is Perfect.


  Greater than fear is Love.

  Love dissolves all fear, casts out all doubt and sets the captive free.

  Love, like the River of Life, flows through me and refreshes me with its eternal blessings.

  Love cannot be afraid; it is fearless and strong, and is mighty in its works.

  It can accomplish all things through the Inner Light of that faith in the All Good,

  Which fills my very Being with a Powerful Presence.

  Love casts out all fear.


  My affairs are in the hands of Him

  Who guides the planets in their course,

  And Who causes the Sun to shine.

  Divine Understanding attends me on the Way,

  And I shall not be hindered in my work.

  My affairs are controlled by Perfect Intelligence,

  And cannot be hindered from expression.

  I know that all that I do is done from the One Motive:

  To express Life; and Life will be expressed

  In and through me. I cannot hinder it.

  I am controlled by Intelligence.


  My business is directed by Divine Intelligence.

  The All-Knowing Mind knows what to do and how to do it.

  I do not hinder, but let It operate in my affairs.

  It prospers and directs me and controls my life.

  My affairs are managed by Love, and directed by

  Wisdom, and they cannot fail to prosper and expand.

  My affairs are in His hands.


  My profession is the Activity of the Great Mind working through me.

  As such It is a Divine Activity and is constantly in touch with Reality.

  I am inspired in my work from On High with lofty ideals,

  And my thought is illumined by the All-Knowing One.

  I am inspired.


  There are no delays in the Divine Plan for me.<
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  Nothing can hinder the operation of this Law unto my Life and Action.

  Obstructions are removed from my path, and

  I now enter into the realization and manifestation of complete fulfillment of right desires.

  I do not have to wait, for the Law waits upon me at every turn in Life's road.

  Now it is done unto me.


  No one can lie to me; none can mislead me.

  I am free from the belief in all lies and untruths;

  I know and speak only the Truth, and the Truth alone can be spoken to me.

  I know the false and can understand the Real.

  I cannot be fooled nor misled; I am guided by Truth alone.

  There is no lie nor liar.


  There are no obstructions to Life's Path; no hinderance to man's endeavors.

  Let my Word be the Law of elimination to all thought of hinderance or delay.

  And let the thing that I speak come forth into manifestation at once.

  I behold it and see that it is even now done, complete and perfect.

  I receive now.


  There is no over-action nor inaction in Divine Law, for everything moves according to perfect harmony.

  Every idea of my body functions in accordance with this Law of Perfect Life.

  I now perceive that the action within me is perfect, complete and harmonious.

  Peace be unto every part of me, and perfect Life to every member of my body.

  I act in accordance with Divine Law.

  I am Perfect Life throughout my whole Being.


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