Say Yes: A Valentine’s Day Secret Baby Romance

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Say Yes: A Valentine’s Day Secret Baby Romance Page 17

by Kaylee, Katy

  “Your water just broke. Congratulations- you’re going into labor, Gwen.” Blinking slowly, it took me a long moment to really process what she’d said, and I let out a shriek of horror.

  “Labor! R- right now! Oh, my God-“ I started hyperventilating embarrassingly fast, and Sandra stroked my cheeks with her thumbs as black spots assaulted my vision. “Oh- god, oh God, oh God-d-“

  “She’s gunna be a great mom, Ryan.” Sandra’s compliment was garbled somewhere on its journey to my brain, and I sucked in a huge breath. “Are you okay?”

  “… I might pass out- maybe- I think… Ah- what do we do? We planned to give birth at Saint Sebastian’s-”

  “Oh, you have plenty of time- trust me. You can make the drive back, no problem. It’ll be fine. The first one takes the longest. Your contracts were probably so minor you barely noticed them. That’s not gunna change for a couple of hours, at least. I can drive you, if you need, Ryan.” Surprise choked me- contractions! That’s what that feeling was!

  “Oh my fucking God- I knew I wasn’t gassy, Ryan, you asshole.” Whipping around, I punched Ryan in the arm, and he grimaced as I scowled deeply. “I knew I shouldn’t have listened to you.”

  “Okay- okay, break it up. Let’s go, kids…” Humor laced Sandra’s tone, and the world snapped into focus as she ushered me back the way I’d come. “It’s my job as the adult to make sure you don’t hurt yourselves. My chauffer can drive you.”

  “Are you sure we can go back? Shouldn’t I go to the nearest hospital or something?” My worry made my voice trembled, and I wrung my hands as I waddled awkwardly from trying not to get wet all over the floor.

  “No, no- you’ll be fine. You can make it to your hospital, no problem. Okay -this is how it goes, right. You’ll be in labor for 16 hours, at least, and the contractions won’t even be noticeable for a good three. Then, they’ll just be uncomfortable. Then, a little later, it’ll get painful. Then, you’ll start to want to push, and viola! Baby! If or when you have a second, that 16 hours goes down to 6. Anything after the third, and you’re lucky to make it to the hospital. I had my fifth in the laundry room at my house, you know- and my husband didn’t even make it. At that point, though, you kind of already know what’s happening. It’s not exciting, and you just want it to be over.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll be okay, baby. At least you made it out there, right?” Ryan chuckled nervously at his own failure of a joke, and I scowled as we emerged into the lobby of the hotel. “Ah- so, thanks, Sandra. You’re awesome.”

  “No problem. I went through that- I freaked out, too, and went to a hospital that was over an hour and a half away from my home because it was where I happened to be. I mean- it was a really nice hospital, and I was the only one there for, like, three days- but, anyway, good luck. I’ll text Mark for you.”


  “How are you feeling, baby?” Gwen shot me a nasty look as she leaned heavily on trembling arms, and I clenched my fists by my sides. Her entire body shook, sweat drenched her hospital gown, and her hair stuck to her face as pain brightened her eyes. All in all, my question was obviously stupid, and I pursed my lips thinly before parting them. “I’m gunna go call my parents. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” She ground the word out through clenched teeth, and I quietly left the room before rubbing my hands up my face and into my hair. True to her word, Sandra’s prediction about making it back home had been correct, and that was great and all…

  But I couldn’t stand how long this was taking. I wanted to hold Conner now. Fishing my cell phone out of my back pocket, I navigated my way to my mom’s contact before holding the speaker to my ear. She answered on the first ring, and I covered my frown with my hand as Gwen’s pained groan filtered out into the hallway.

  “She’s in labor, isn’t she! I’m already on my way to the hospital!”

  “Mom- why are you even in town? When did you get here? Why didn’t you tell me?” Surprise loudened my tone, and I cursed slightly when Gwen’s gasp tickled my ear drums. “Mom- seriously. Why didn’t you tell me when you got here?”

  “Because I just got here just now- well, like, an hour ago. Your father didn’t want to interrupt his game of golf for his first grandchild- but he’ll be coming up later tonight.” Mom’s have some weird sixth sense, for sure. “Anyway, how’s Gwendolyn doing? Excuse me- Mr. Omar, I’m gunna need you to step on it. My first grandbaby is on the way, you know.”

  “Ma’am, I’m going the speed limit, and we’re five minutes away. You’ve told me six times, now.”

  “Mom- How did you even know? We’ve been here for, like, seven hours, and I kept forgetting to call you.” Pinching the bridge of my nose as the Uber guy and I talked at the same time, I beat down the urge to apologize to him.

  “What? I’m your mother, Ryan- I know things, okay. So, how’s she doing? Is Gwen doing okay?”

  “How am I supposed to know if she’s okay?” I was so out of my depth here, and the phone line crackled before the Uber driver spoke up. His voice was clearer, less annoyed, and I started to pace short, fast steps.

  “Did she hit you, yet?” Only grunted a ‘no’, I poked my head into the room to find Gwen in the same position she had been when I left. “Okay- so, when she gets to the smackin’ part, just step back and don’t say anything. Don’t touch her- don’t even look at her if she starts giving you the evil eye. My baby momma is a saint, but good Lord- labor did some things to her.”

  “That’s super helpful, random Uber driver dude- thanks.” Even I wasn’t sure if I was being sarcastic or not, and the line crackled before my mom’s sharp, excited breaths echoed in my ears. “Mom-“

  “Ryan! Get your fucking ass in here!” Prickles raced down my spine, and even the nurse at the station looked up with a wry smile. Hanging up the phone, I slipped it back into my pocket before heading back into the room, and Gwen glared hotly at me. “Can you get me more water, please? I’m dying.”

  “Yeah- yeah, of course, Gwen.” Giving Gwen a wide berth- hah!- I grabbed the pitcher on the tray table and cast her a weary side glance. Only now was it really starting to hit me that this wasn’t going to be easy; all those television shows I’d watched had lied to me. “You’re doing a great job, baby.”

  “Thanks.” Heading for the little kitchen off the hallway, I filled up the container slowly as I reached into my jacket pocket. I didn’t know Gwen would go into labor so soon; her due date wasn’t for another few days, after all. Clenching and releasing my jaw, I flicked off the tap with my free hand before heading back. Everything felt so fast for me, but I knew this was agonizingly slow for her.

  “So, I got you something…”

  “If it’s another spoon, I really don’t think this is the time-“ Pausing to take huge gulps of ice-cold water, Gwen closed her eyes as her nostrils flared. Smiling small, I sat on the edge of the bed next to her to produce the little box from my pocket. Now, my brain scrambled to remember what I’d even got her, but I knew it wasn’t a ring.

  No- definitely not a ring.

  “It’s not a spoon, baby.” I popped the top, peeking inside before she had a chance, and relief slumped my shoulders. “I wanted to do this before you went into labor, but there’s no really a chance anymore.”

  “Ryan, I’m not in the moo-“ Gwen’s eyes flickered downward, and I held my breath as her brows shot up. Inside the box was a diamond- just loose and settled perfectly into the cushion. There was no setting, no band, no nothing, and she sucked in a sharp breath before I finally found the brain power to say something.

  “I don’t want to give you a ring and get on my knees to ask you to marry me, and all that shit. So, I thought that I could get you the diamond, and you could decide what to do with it. I don’t care what you do with it. I just want you to marry me, Gwen.” This was a fucking disaster, but I was beyond giving a good God damn. It was now or never… Well, a couple weeks seems like forever for new parents, or so I’ve been told. “I love you, and we’re goi
ng to be so happy- I guarantee it.”

  “Ryan-“ Gulping harshly, Gwen’s lips trembled, and her eyes filled with tears when they met mine. My heart ached for her, and I reached with my free hand to cup her pale, sweat-slickened cheek. “You’re such a man. I didn’t have a ring when I was married. Craig gave me a 25$ watch.”

  “O- oh… uh- okay. I should’ve seen that coming… he’s a dick, after all…” Leaning back, I closed the box with a snap as Gwen gave a throaty, choking chuckle. “Wow… this is awkward. I guess I will get you a ring and propose properly, then.”

  “Yeah- please… just- just not right now, okay?” Smiling as a huge weight lifted off my chest, I nodded before Gwen winced, her body jerking when another contraction tore through her. “You never think things through, do you?”

  “Ah- no… not really, no.” Why was it that everything I tried to do never worked out the way I planned? Maybe because I can’t plan for shit. I have someone specifically to tell me what to do and where to be, after all. “Okay, then, I guess… Oh- my mom is here… has your phone gone off or anything, yet?”

  “Yeah. They’ll be here when it gets exciting… that’s my mom for you.” Humming softly, I slipped the box back in my pocket as Gwen shook her head. “It’s fine- it’s not a big deal, and I don’t think I want my mom in here for this. She still hasn’t apologized about the restaurant thing- she just acts like it never happened.”

  “Yeah…” Trailing off, I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and I stood up to wrap my arm around Gwen’s waist. She gripped my forearm hard enough to hook her nails in my skin over my shirt, but the pain was strangely absent. Slowly turning her away from the bed, tension zinged up and down my legs, and she panted loudly.

  This was insane. I didn’t know what I was supposed to feel or think or anything. All I could do was watch everything happening around me. I mean- Gwen was giving birth… to a fucking baby. A real baby.

  Like, wow… That was an incredible realization. The entire time she was pregnant, this moment seemed so far away. It seemed to damn stupid, but that’s how it was.

  “You seem to be doing fantastic, Gwen.” Glancing over my shoulder at the calm voice, I only nodded as Gwen’s OB- who I couldn’t remember the name of in that moment- strode towards the bed. “Lay down, and we’ll check this out. With any luck, you’ll be over 5 centimeters.”

  Epilogue: Gwen

  Stroking Conner’s beautiful, perfect, hairless head, I inhaled his fresh baby smell and closed my eyes. He was my boy, painstakingly crafted and handled, and delivered in all his glory to my arms. His pale red face bunched up as he yawned a little, newborn yawn, and I smiled before my own yawn ripped through me.

  We were both exhausted, had worked so hard, and I hummed softly in pleased satisfaction.

  “Did Ryan come to, yet?” The room was dead silent, and the nurse fixing Conner’s warming station glanced up at my mumble.

  “Not yet. I mean- I told him not to look, so it’s his own fault, really.” I didn’t care because I got to spend more quality time with my boy, and I glanced over at the cot by my bed. Ryan had watched Conner slip out of me and promptly passed out cold. It’d been four hours already, and he hadn’t woken up, either. “You should get some sleep, Gwen. I can put the station on the other side of your bed, if you want.”

  “Yeah- please.” The wait was finally over, and I didn’t want to go to sleep and miss these precious moments with my son. So much had happened today- or, was it night time?

  I didn’t know.

  Every moment started to blend together after Ryan tried to propose to me. The contractions started coming harder, faster, and he started freaking out harder. His mother showed up, and then my parents appeared a few hours later. Then, I couldn’t even think about anything but the pain.

  But that was all over, and peace had returned once again.

  “I’ll take him.” Nodding listlessly, my heart lurched when Conner lifted from my breast, and I gasped harshly. “It’s okay- it’s okay. Roll over, and you can touch him- here.”

  “You’re a good nurse.” Slurring from exhaustion, I struggled onto my side, and she grabbed my hand to put it on Conner’s tiny, frail body. Covering me with the coarse, hospital blankets, she walked out without further ado, and I exhaled deeply. Sinking into the bed, I only counted three breaths before losing consciousness myself, but my hand remained stubbornly awake.

  Something jerked me awake, and I cracked open my eyes as unfiltered panic struck my chest. Gasping sharply, I searched around for Conner only to feel air, and I sat up before a soft creak echoed through the otherwise quiet room. My eyes snapped up, and my heart leaped into my throat before catching sight of Ryan rocking gently.

  “… He’s a beautiful boy.” Low, barely a collection of sounds, Ryan glanced up at me, but he couldn’t keep his gaze from Conner for more than a fraction of a second. “It’s my turn, now. You sleep, Gwen.”

  “Ryan…” He only grunted, softly stroking Conner’s head and legs and arms- anywhere he could reach, and a small smile tilted my lips. “You’re gunna propose to me before I go into labor again, right?”

  “Of course…” Again, Ryan responded without looking at me, but his smile revealed his dimples. Sinking back down onto the bed, I pushed the heater away to stare at the beautiful sight before me.

  “And I promise I’ll say yes!”

  “Yeah baby, I’m so dying to propose to you properly and hear you say yes. But first we need to get you some rest, okay?’

  Moving back here was a good idea. My relationship with Thomas was on the mend, and I had a man that loved me. I had a baby. I had my business. I had everything I’d ever wanted, and there was still more to come.

  Sure, there’d be some hardships, but Ryan had never given me any reason to doubt him or his intentions.

  The Valentine’s Day and Saint Dwynwen Day celebrations were just proof that we did things at our own pace. Anyone can judge us for that; anyone can judge me, but no one else mattered.

  The only people that judge me are people more miserable than me.

  ***The End***

  Playing Pretend (Description)

  “You pretend to be my fiancée for this wedding, and I’ll protect you from your step-brother.”

  I mean, what could possibly go wrong! Until…

  Well, let’s just say I wanted to say goodbye to virginity, and then I wanted to feel his hard, chiseled body, and then I wanted to be a part of his life – forever!

  He’s from military – a sexy, single dad who needs a baby sitter for his six year old.

  I’ve never done this before, but there’s always a first time.

  The problem…his charm steals my heart every time I look at him, his smile takes my breath away and his touch makes me beg for more.

  And now, I’m starting to see a future with his daughter and him.

  Please tell me we’re just playing pretend and my situation won’t change anything.

  Not even my chance to have a baby with him…



  Holding myself very still, I gulped harshly as Eric unbuttoned my jeans deftly. The silence was stifling, and my heart thundered in anticipation that boiled my blood. Disbelief that this was actually happening fogged my mind, and he pulled the zipper down before glancing up at me. Gingerly hooking his fingers under the waistline of my jeans, he waited for me to nod sharply before tugging them down.

  “I didn’t want to say anything before, but… you smell amazing.” Fire licked my cheeks at his mumble, and Eric’s lips twitched in a smirk before he licked them heavily. “You can back out if you’re unsure.”

  “That’s exactly why I won’t.” The words flew from my trembling mouth, and he stared at me, searching for any hint of hesitation. When he didn’t find it, he released my gaze, and I dug my bare toes into the comforter to lift my hips. His fingers grazed my thighs, and goosebumps washed my skin as he pulled both my panties and my pants down. A shiver lodged betw
een my shoulder blades, and I held my breath as the fabric scraped my ankles.

  Dropping my clothes carelessly over the end of the bed, Eric crawled up to kiss my lips, and I cupped his face between trembling, clammy palms. Gasping when he nudged his knee between mine, I closed my eyes to drown in the unfamiliar need that coiled in my abdomen. His fingers crept under my shirt, and I moaned softly to invite his tongue to wrap around mine.

  Grinding harmlessly against my thigh, Eric groaned a guttural sound, and tremors raced down my spine when he cupped my breast. Arching slightly, I panted harshly when he left my mouth to kiss a trail of fire down my neck. My skin tightened when he pulled my shirt all the way up, and I dragged my hands along the defined, strong muscles of his shoulders to lift my head.

  Eric licked my pert nipple, and I gasped as pleasure rippled down my chest. Kneading my breasts with firm hands, he squished them together, and a moan burst from my chest. Licking and kissing, he lavished each dusky bud with attention, and my core burned against the friction of his bulge. Spreading my legs in wanton need, I bit down on my bottom lip hard as he nestled between my quivering thighs.

  “If no one’s ever told you- you have a gorgeous body.” His gravelly words were music, and I bit back a moan as Eric suckled my nipples gently. Searching, greedy fingers left my right breast to travel south, and I buried my fists tightly in his shirt. Rough fingertips grazed my nub, and his eyes bored into my chin for a long, hot second before they circled slowly. Pleasure ravaged down my legs, and I tilted my hips into his palm with a needy, keening sound.

  Kissing down my belly, Eric kissed my mound teasingly, but I nearly choked on air when he didn’t hesitate to dive between my thighs. My hands flew for his hair to pull taut, and moans and whimpers dropped from my lips as he licked the length of my slit. Flames climbed up my body, and I shuddered while his groan of hunger rang in my ears. Straight, white teeth rolled my nub, and twitches and spasms rampaged through my muscles without care.


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