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Her Juicy Cherry

Page 7

by S. E. Law

  With that, my friend and I begin a syncopated rhythm within Courtney’s bottom. I pull out as he pushes in, keeping our girl’s sweet brown pucker continuously stuffed full. The rhythm builds and builds as my balls tighten. Soon, I’m going to shoot and I can tell Huck’s also on the brink. His chest muscles are tense, and he’s staring at where our bodies connect with fire in those blue eyes, his jaw tight.

  But then Courtney stops us.

  “I love it like this,” she says in a sly, mewling voice. “But Huck, why don’t you rotate between mine and Hank’s holes? Take me first, and then switch to him.”

  My eyes practically bug out of my head, but this is what I love most about Courtney. Her mind’s always in the gutter, and always coming up with creative ideas. Of course, her suggestion makes perfect sense.

  Slowly, we both pull out of her, and then I raise my feet so that they’re braced on the edge of the chair seat. The position rotates my hips forward and up so that my back hole comes into view, steaming and small. Courtney’s still in my lap facing Huck, and I imagine the sight he sees. Both of us, offering our dark stars for his pleasure like a stacked sandwich.

  “Oh fuck,” he groans, unable to believe his luck. “Oh fu—”

  His words are cut off as he slowly slides into Courtney’s peeping brownie.

  “Unh!” she cries, startled once again at the depth.

  But then Huck slides out and points his shaft at my waiting pucker. Gently, he presses it against my pleats, and eases himself into me, doing a few gliding strokes in my back end.

  “Ummph,” I grunt. “Fuck!”

  It feels amazing, and soon Huck’s built up a rhythm. He does a few strokes in me before doing a few strokes in Courtney, alternating between our bottoms. It’s filthy and disgusting, and yet all three of us are insanely titillated, and begin to crest.

  “Ahhh!” screams Courtney, her tight circle clamping on Huck as she releases. Hot jets of fluid spurt from her wet folds, drenching my friend’s chest.

  “Fuck!” roars Huck, pulling out and pummeling me next. He makes it in just as his shaft explodes, male seed painting my back chamber in great bursts. Fortunately, I catch it just in time and let out my own roar of approval, my sphincter jerking him tight as he releases.

  “SHIT!” is my shout. “Oh god YES!”

  My back ring goes berserk, clamping and clenching on the hardness within as Courtney and Hank enjoy themselves. Our moans are like a symphony, rising into the air in a heavenly chorus. But just as we begin to calm down, the door bursts open, and a scream rings out.

  “You filthy liars!” shrieks Rhea, the middle-aged woman’s hair wild with outrage. “You said you were doing work, but you’re not. You’re doing … THIS!” she screams. “God will have your souls! Get ready to go to hell, you she-devil and her minions!”

  What? She-devil? Our Courtney? I don’t care if Rhea refers to me and Huck in the worst derogatory terms, but I won’t let her treat our woman like that. Rage fills my vision, and suddenly, Rhea’s time is up.



  The scream makes me jerk my head up. I can’t focus because my body’s still wracked with shudders, both sweet spots pulsing and clamping with glee.

  But slowly my eyes focus and I sit up straight. Oh god! It’s Rhea, the worker who hates me for no reason. We’ve never gotten along, ever since the first day, and now, she’s caught me, Hank and Huck in a dirty clinch.

  “She-devil!” she screeches again, her eyes berserk. One finger is pointed at me, and Rhea’s literally frothing at the mouth now. “Go back to hell! All three of you, go back to whence you came! Begone, you wicked creatures!”

  I’m confused. Does she think we’re living in the Middle Ages, when ogres and fairies roamed the Earth? Or is Rhea Wiccan, believing in her power as a witch? Maybe she’s been watching too many episodes of Charmed.

  But Hank and Huck won’t have it. Unceremoniously, Hank plucks me off his lap and plunks me on a neighboring chair. Ignoring the fact that he’s naked, he rushes over to Rhea and grabs her arm, dragging her into the kitchen. Huck slams the door behind her, ensuring that no one’s going to see this scene play out.

  “Fornicators!” she screams again. “What you were doing is unnatural and the ultimate sin! Begone!”

  Hank and Huck aren’t even listening. They bind her mouth with duct tape, and then wrap zip ties around her wrists and ankles. Rhea struggles, but it’s no good. She’s bound up tight, and only muffled sounds escape from her mouth, although her eyes are still wide and crazy-looking above the silver tape.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as Huck and Hank grimly get dressed. “What are you going to do with her?”

  They don’t answer, merely pulling on their clothes.

  “What’s going to happen?” I ask again, clutching the flimsy apron to my curves. It feels cold, and I’m beginning to shiver.

  Huck shoots me one piercing look.

  “It’s better if you don’t know, Courtney.”

  With that, he and Hank grab Rhea and hustle her out of the kitchen. I hear the front door bang, and then Huck’s truck starts with a growl outside. Fortunately, it’s already dark so I can’t see them frog-marching Rhea to the vehicle, but I’m confident they tossed her in the back.

  The truck zooms off, the taillights disappearing in the night, and I’m left in the kitchen, stunned. What just happened? Did Rhea really just burst in, interrupting our lovemaking? Did she really call us fornicators, and imply that we’re “unnatural” and “abnormal” because of our bisexual threesome?”

  It seems hard to believe in this day and age, but then again, there are people of all stripes and colors out there. To each their own. Right now, I just want to know that Hank and Huck are safe. Shivering, I get dressed before sitting down to wait at the table.

  In an hour or so, the truck comes rattling back up the drive to the private cabin. Doors slam, and then Hank and Huck reappear in the foyer.

  “What happened?” I ask, running to them with tears in my eyes. “What did you do? You didn’t kill her, did you? I don’t think I could live with that.”

  Both men look grim, but they shake their heads.

  “We didn’t kill her,” grunts Hank. “Although I would have liked to.”

  “We drove her to the outskirts and ditched her,” answers Huck. “It’s cold, and she’s going to have a hard time finding her way back to civilization.”

  “Oh my god,” I gasp. “But Rhea’s old! She’s going to die! You have to go back!”

  Hank is unhelpful.

  “Serves her right if she dies,” he grunts with satisfaction.

  Huck is more judicious. He puts an arm around me, holding my curves close to his broad form.

  “Rhea’s going to be fine,” he says. “We dropped her about a mile from the nearest highway. There are plenty of barns in that area, so she’ll find her way to safety for the night. We just wanted to shock her a bit after her bigoted treatment of you.”

  I nod slowly.

  “But are you sure she’s going to be okay?”

  Huck nods again.

  “Yeah. Even if she doesn’t find a barn to sleep in, it’s not that cold. It’s summer, baby. And tomorrow, when she wakes up, she’ll see the cell phone towers protruding all over the landscape.”

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Oh good. I couldn’t live with myself if she died.”

  Hank merely snorts again.

  “It would serve her right if she did. She’s such a fucking prejudiced old woman. What’s wrong with what we were doing?” he rages. “I can’t enjoy my girl and my man? What’s so wrong about that?”

  Huck calms him a bit.

  “Now you know that not everyone accepts our lifestyle, my friend. And she caught us during the dirtiest part of our act. That would be a shock for anyone.”

  But Hank isn’t appeased.

  “Yeah, because she burst in on us without knocking! What the fuck! What the fucking fuck?
She deserves to go to hell,” he adds angrily.

  I take a deep breath.

  “I think she was bigoted,” I say in as calm a voice as I can muster. “Rhea was implying that we’re abominations of nature for loving more than one person, and because the two of you love each other too. But her value system is twisted and warped. There’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. The fact that we enjoy being with each other is only multiplying and strengthening our love. There’s nothing wrong or immoral about it.”

  “Exactly,” says Huck. “But you can’t change some people. Their views are so prejudiced that it becomes a part of them. It’s a cancer that spreads, poisoning their souls until there’s nothing left but the shell of a human being.”

  I draw in a long, shaky breath.

  “I’m glad she’s gone,” I admit in a whisper. “But what about us? Now that Rhea knows, are we done with? The summer’s going to be over soon, and I’m not sure where you wanted to go with this.”

  Immediately, Hank and Huck’s eyes swing to me, blazing.

  “We want you to stay, of course. Did you think otherwise, sweetheart? You mean so much to us, and have shown us so much about food, love, and everything that goes with it. Did you really think we were going to let you go after what we’ve discovered together?”

  I bite my lip while tears fill my eyes.

  “I didn’t know,” is my confession. “Maybe I’m just the flavor of the summer. Maybe next year, you’ll want a new temp whose cherry you can pop all over again. Mine is permanently taken now, I’m afraid.”

  Both men come to embrace me, Huck in the front and Hank in the back. Their strong arms encircle my curvy form, and I’m sandwiched between two broad chests. I’ve never felt so safe before.

  “Sweetheart, you belong with us. You belong to us,” Hank rasps with emotion. “Unless you want to go?”

  “We understand if you do,” Huck murmurs in my ear. “There’s a whole wide world out there, and we’re just a bunch of country bumpkins. But we love having you at Cherrywood, and we love having you in our lives.”

  I choke back my laugh, half giggling and half crying.

  “You’re not country bumpkins. You’re city slickers who have come to Lodi to find a better life, and I’m so happy you’ve invited me to stay because … because … I think I’m pregnant!” I end in a whimper.

  The two men stare at one another, and their silence goes on for so long that I start getting nervous. After all, we never talked about a baby. It was always a possibility because I’m a very fertile girl while they’re a duo of virile men. But still, this is an unplanned pregnancy, and I’m not sure how they’re going to take it.

  But then my fears are extinguished because Hank and Huck lean to press fervent kisses to my lips.

  “We love you,” vows Hank. “This is the best gift you could ever give us.”

  “A baby,” agrees Huck, his voice filled with wonder. “Who could have guessed? She’s going to have two daddies who adore her.”

  And with that, I know that everything’s going to be okay.

  “I love you Hank. I love you Huck,” I whisper with all my heart, my eyes filled with adoration. “You mean the world to me.”

  My two cherry farmers lean forward to shower me with kisses once more.

  “We love you, Courtney,” they say in unison. “And together, we’re going to raise a ripe baby cherry together.”

  Laughter fills the air as my heart expands with happiness. After all, I started in this job as nothing but a manual laborer. But manual labor took on new meaning when Hank and Huck recruited me to their lab, and I’m so glad they did. New frontiers appeared before my eyes, and new barriers were breached and crossed with much enjoyment. Now, with the two men supporting and adoring me, my life will be happy forever.



  A year later.

  Baby Bing lies in his crib, gurgling with glee. He waves his fists and blinks up at his two daddies.

  “Goo,” he burbles. “Ga-ga.”

  Hank and Huck smile right back, admiring Bing’s big blue eyes and chubby features.

  “He’s adorable,” says Hank with a smile. “Looks just like you, Courtney.”

  “In fact, I’d say you’re twins,” adds Huck, gently smoothing down his son’s downy hair.

  I laugh because nothing could be further from the truth. Bing is a replica of his fathers, not of me. Like his daddies, he has blue eyes and black locks. Meanwhile, I have brown eyes and brown hair, although I must admit, Bing appears to have my cheeks and nose. But maybe it’s because he has soft baby features. I know I wouldn’t mind if he ends up with his daddies’ patrician profiles and cleft jaws.

  But right now, our son is only a few months old, and Huck, Hank, and I are over the moon with happiness. When I first started showing, they’d rub my bump lovingly, looking at it with wonder.

  “A baby,” whispered Hank. “Imagine that.”

  “It’s going to be amazing,” added Huck. “Scary but amazing.”

  I laughed because it has been scary since Bing was born, but also wonderful too. We didn’t know what to do with a newborn at first, but Huck and Hank got the hang of it within in week. Soon they were changing diapers and burping Bing like old pros, cooing over his antics.

  Plus, we live in great luxury. Hank and Huck had a huge cabin built on their property, just a mile away from the farm. It isn’t even accurate to refer to it as a cabin because it’s more of a luxurious lodge, with high, arched ceilings, six bedrooms, and a chef’s kitchen.

  “Why do we need all these bedrooms?” I asked with a little suspicion. “Isn’t it a little excessive?”

  The men merely chuckled and pulled me close, enjoying my lush curves.

  “Sweetheart, we want to keep you filled with our babies. You want that too, don’t you? What do you say? Five? Six? You know, we can always add an addition to the house if we need more room.”

  I gaped at them because the thought of having a huge family never crossed my mind. But now, with Hank and Huck as my partners, anything is possible. Even a dozen rugrats are a possibility, so long as we have the energy to raise so many children.

  But right now, things are wonderful. We hired my friend Abigail as a nanny, and although she was shocked to find out about our relationship, Abigail isn’t one to judge.

  “Love is love,” she said softly. “And I’ll be lucky someday to find love like you have, Courtney.”

  I patted her back like a reassuring big sister.

  “You will, Abs. You will,” I said.

  Meanwhile, Rhea found her way back to civilization safely. It took her longer than anticipated. We hear she showed up at the Barney Farm, ranting and raving about “homosexuals” and “deviants.” The Barneys were shocked, but took pity on her. Her disheveled appearance and the wild look in her eyes gave the impression of mental illness, and our neighbors referred her to social services as a result. Hopefully, Rhea’s gotten treatment for her disease, although I don’t know if her bigotry will ever be resolved.

  But that’s the world we live in today. Despite the fact that we’re engaged in love, some people will always hate us for our non-traditional set-up. As a result, I’m grateful to live in the country, away from the prying eyes of the world. The few who do know about our lifestyle don’t seem bothered by it, and never mention it to me. Maybe they’re whispering behind my back, but it’s fine. You can never totally escape.

  Meanwhile, Hank and Huck still have Cherrywood Labs as well as Cherrywood Farm. Both businesses are doing well, and I look forward to testing the latest toy that they’ve developed.

  Slowly, the two men lead me to our bedroom, pushing me down on the king-size mattress that we share.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” Huck growls, his eyes hungry.

  “I am,” I mewl, already trembling with anticipation. “What’s it going to be?”

  “Well, have you ever heard of cyberdildonics?” asks Hank with a gleam in his blue eyes
. “Do you want to know what it is?”

  I pretend to think.

  “We did teledildonics in the past, right? In fact, that’s what Cherrywood Labs specializes in.”

  “That’s right. But cyberdildonics is the future, sweetheart,” says Huck in a silky tone before turning to the dresser to pull a new toy out. “You’re going to love it, trust me.”

  My heart races as I see what he has in his hands, and both men chuckle.

  “You want it, don’t you?” growls Hank. “You’re such a dirty little girl.”

  I nod.

  “But I’m your dirty little girl, Daddies. Now please. Give it to me.”

  Obeying my command, the two men descend on my curvy form with their hard shafts, enormous cherry-pickers, and the new toy in hand. Together, we make sweet music over and over again as I sigh and toss, ecstasy rolling through my veins. How did I get so lucky? I want it all, and my men have more than answered, fulfilling my dreams over and over again.

  The End

  Curious about cyberdildonics? Then order Her Honey Pot and Second Helpings for more steamy fun!

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  Next up: A Sneak Peek of Made for Them. I just found my boyfriend Rev making out with another woman. The best revenge? To make love to his twin, Reed.

  Sneak Peek: Made for Them


  My twin is more than a rat bastard. He’s a dinosaur sized asswipe without a shred of decency in him. I want to beat him to a pulp for what he did, but that can come later. There are more important things to tend to right now.


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