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Twinkle Page 15

by Skyler Steele

  “It seems that this woman had done something bad, so she made him angry, he expelled her and decided not to continue her kind. Where does one go, either human or angel when they are expelled from His Kingdom? Here on earth, to our world, according to the Genesis’ scripts, but also according to your own words. This discovery pulled us out of the deadlock concerning the increase in the human race. The unidentified met Cain, according to the passage 4.17 of Genesis: “Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch”.

  Camen did not speak. He was looking at me with sheer admiration.

  “Well, what do you say?”

  “Good thinking. Correctly presented and based on a text”.

  “This is how our story began!” I considered.

  “Almost. There were some points, somehow different in reality. But it is a matter of time and studying to differentiate them from your initial conclusions”, he clarified.

  “Which?” I asked confused.

  “I just told you that if you go a little deeper and search some other parts in Genesis, you will discover them”, he said and bent towards me, spreading his scent everywhere, making me lose my concentration, close my eyes, and inhale a large amount of air which was full of this determining scent.

  He looked at me, knowing very well what was happening but he said nothing. He was waiting patiently for me to come around.

  “I only wanted to show you the woman-snake, who is wrapped around the tree”, he said apologetically, as if it was his fault that he smelled so superbly.

  It was hard to take my eyes off him and turn to the picture of the expulsion from Paradise.

  “There is a reference related to this in the texts”, he clarified.

  “What reference? I do not remember reading something relevant”, I wondered, clearly confused about something so important which we had missed.

  “Everything in the Bible is written in a special way and their interpretation is a matter of correct combinations, analysis, and creative understanding. There are parts that do not match the previous or following parts, and yet, they are inextricably linked to each other”.

  “I suppose you are not going to tell me what it is that you are talking about”, I concluded losing any hope that he will reveal everything to me.

  “It is out of my jurisdiction, Adrian. If some have decided to hide some facts and if god let them do it, my interference is prohibited anyway. I am here for you and not to reveal the Bible’s secrets. If god decides something like that, he will send someone to execute his order”.

  “Yes, but you said we almost found the real story, maybe with some external help but we did. And nobody forbids it. We could easily reveal it to the rest of the world. Spread it around”, I protested.

  “You! Alone! Without the assistance and the verification of an angel. It is very different, Adrian. But even if it is done this way, do you know how many will dispute it? First of all, the church itself will object and will dig up texts from ages ago which present a different side of your story or it will indicate to all religious and pious people not to read such ungodly stories. As for the scientific community, they will contradict you based on the theory of evolution and on the first monkey that transmuted into a human being, or on the first unicellular organism which created life as we know it today with repeated divisions. Homework of five freshmen students, as good as it might be, as much truth as it can contain, it is condemned to flourish and die within the narrow walls of the university”.

  “This is disappointing”, I concluded as I was thinking that he was right.

  “Isn’t truth good enough for you, Adrian? Isn’t good enough that you came so close to it and even further?”

  The expression of his eyes clearly showed what he meant by saying “further”.

  “Oh, no, it is not that. Simply, when you know something so important you feel the need to share it with the rest of the people. But you get disappointed with such a theory”, I justified because he misunderstood my words.

  He put his fingers through his messy hair and bent backwards, stretching his legs to rest them; a simple and ordinary move which, coming from him, seemed attractive. I admired his slim body and stared at the opening of his shirt from where I could see his white skin, soft and smooth, with blond down making him look like a child. I remembered the shine which was coming out of his body the previous night, making me dizzy and leaving me speechless. Which woman would not want to caress this creature, which one would not want to hug, kiss and make love to him…I blushed, for sure, because of my thoughts but it was not obvious because my face was pale. However, Camen caught my look. My attitude revealed with certainty that I had diverged from the Testaments’ scripts and our discussion, to be lost in his endless light.

  He suddenly bent over towards me and with a very gentle move of his hand he pushed some strands of my hair away from my eyes. Suddenly, his violet shine appeared, vague, dim, and awesome.

  “How do you do it?” I asked looking for explanation of the most unusual things.

  “I do not know. It just happens every time I touch you and it is very hard for me to control it”, he confessed.

  “But, I thought you want to do it”, I puzzled over his revelation.

  “I thought the same until I met you. Do you remember the first day we met at the entrance of the classroom, for the lesson of Philosophy of Religion?”

  “Yes, I do”.

  “I felt my shine emerging, ready to flow out from every part of my body, agitating me from the excessive effort I made to stop it. This was the biggest surprise I had experienced during my whole existence without being able to explain it. I have absolute control of myself. That is how I was made and yet, the minute I saw you I lost all my powers”.

  “Is that why you were looking at me terrified, as if you had seen a ghost?”

  He moved his head to show confirmation.

  “However, at the dining hall when we shook hands, nothing happened”, I wondered.

  “Nothing happened because I made excessive effort and collected all my powers to introduce myself, trying in this way, my dubious ability to control myself”.

  “And you managed it!”

  “With a lot of effort. And then, I had to search what was it on you that discomposed me, making me lose every control of myself”.

  “And I thought, I was the confused one”, I said thinking about the moment I first saw him.

  “Why?” he asked surprising me, that he had not understood that love came and found me suddenly and unexpectedly, right at that moment as I was walking towards him, looking at him… When love comes and finds you, it is totally merciless with you…

  “I do not remember, in all my life, having faced a creature as handsome as you Camen. And it was breathtaking how one look from you made me lose everything around me. All seemed to stop existing, creating a reality in which only you lived. And the longer I was looking at you, the deeper I was lost in thoughts and emotions, unique and unspoken. My parents fell in love at first sight and even though they are still together I have never believed in something so superficial. I was sure that love comes slowly, as time goes by. When the people involved, get to know each other better or at least when they appreciate each other’s virtues and accept each other’s defects. I was against this feeling, on principle. And here you come, confounding all my theories in one morning”.

  We remained looking at each other without having anything more to say. The tension of the moment was talking instead of us, describing how an angel and a human were found trapped in the storm of a prohibited love, predetermined, with not much of a choice; his life for my love or my life for his salvation.

  The connotation in my mind led me to a remarkable idea. What if the unidentified woman, the first female creation, was expelled because she had committed something bad, like violating a certain law? What if she had also been in a difficult situation like mine? What if there was no love with Adam but it happened with somebody else? Was it someone tha
t did not belong to the human race, since there were only two humans? The First humans had direct contact with their creator and probably with his angels too. What if love happened with an angel? It happened in Eric’s situation, why not happen then!

  All these seemed a little crazy, yet they had some logic. The only thing needed was searching and proof.

  A broad smile appeared on my face, unmatched with the previous moments.

  “I have an idea”, I said and pulled the frescos in front of me to observe the woman-snake wrapped around the tree of knowledge. The one Camen had showed me before, perhaps trying to direct me.

  “Did you say there is a reference related to her?”


  “…which proves the reason for her expulsion, right?” I asked smiling.

  “You are a smart girl, Adrian”, he also smiled.

  “I know, that is why I am here”, I said with smugness.

  “Well, I am listening to your theory”.

  “The unidentified woman did not fall in love with Adam because, simply, it did not happen. She fell in love with somebody else, someone of your kind that she probably met in Paradise, a place where the two kinds co-existed, if I conclude from god’s direct contact with the First humans. The law perhaps existed from before therefore it was violated, something that infuriated the creator, forcing him to expel her on earth. But, there is a possibility that the law was created because of that love which was so unsuitable and was spoiling the harmony of the whole work and His plans. I must study the scripts a little. I want to clarify a few things related to it”.

  “How will you prove it?” he asked.

  “With the frescoes and the reference to the texts, as long as I find it. I must see beyond what I see”, I answered to his question and my last word had difficulty coming out when I realized what it meant.

  The angel in my dream was talking about this, about the unidentified woman, her love, about the Law which was covered so well in the scripts and was appearing on the Renaissance’s works of art. But why? How am I related to all this? What could connect me to this love, the original, the one adverse to the order of things; this love that was leading the divine creation out off course.

  I looked at him straight in his eyes waiting to find something new, because of my reaction.

  “I am related to the events”, I said with certainty.

  His attitude did not change but his seriousness proved to me I was right.

  “That is why you are here! You did not come only for me but because of my relation to this love”, I insisted.

  Camen did not talk. I was sure now. The unidentified woman and I were deeply connected through this prohibited love.

  I felt sorry for her. I imagined her alone and desperate, being expelled to earth where there was no other human being. Would she have a chance to meet her angel or god did not permit it, condemning them to absolute loneliness, paying the price of their action?

  Camen continued being silent. He knew about this relationship, he knew its ending.

  “What will happen?” I asked him.

  “This, I do not know”.

  He got me confused.

  “But, I thought you are here because of this relationship. So you know!”

  “I do not know the future, if that is what you mean. Only the things He revealed to me, as much as I needed in order to come and to…”

  He stopped. No more revelations, apparently.

  “What happened to her?” I asked.

  “Firstly, she was expelled from Paradise. Although, the events that followed forced Him to take her with Him”.


  “To the Kingdom of Heaven”.

  “And the angel?” I asked with anxiety for the fate of this love.

  His eyes darkened.

  “He remained on Earth forever”.

  “This means that he never saw her again, he never met her again!” I said terrified.

  This was then, the end of the prohibited love affair. He was persecuted on Earth for ever, alone and unable to do anything, condemned to an eternal life without her, without end to his misery. And she, by the side of her creator for ever, in a world where everything is ideal, where there is absolute security and happiness for a human. I doubt though if this was satisfying her…

  It was a torturous relationship, unholy and condemned, between two worlds which, however, did not stop either of them to live it whatever the penalties, whatever the punishment, whatever its end. It is the absolute love that dazzles two people because of the passion, the desire, the need for one another; with no return, no scruples, no room for a second chance. The female figure of the Second Coming came to my mind, the one that did not fit with the rest in the scenery. It seemed ready to leave. What if she was the one?

  “We must study the scripts”, I said more to myself that to him. “Tomorrow afternoon, we will meet at the library”, I informed him.

  I draw my attention to the woman-snake again. She had something attractive on her face, to her movement, with one hand around the tree trunk in an attempt to hold on to it -although she could achieve it only with the snake’s tail, it was not necessary to be hooked on the tree trunk-. And the other hand extended towards Eve, holding two figs and not an apple. Yet, nowhere in the Bible was the kind of fruit revealed. Michael Angelo preferred the fig, the fruit of passion, maybe to show a passionate relationship. Her half-open mouth, her closed eyes, her hair pulled to the side leaving her shoulders naked were showing that it was an appealing figure which was emitting a deep eroticism.

  However, something did not fit with the whole story, something indefinable that I felt. I sensed that this would solve the riddle of the woman-snake complex.

  I turned to Camen.

  “There is something that does not fit in here. I do not know exactly what. It is like those games where you must find which piece looks the same but it is different”.

  He bent over the picture, almost touching me. I held my breath, trying to remain calm and concentrated on the project.

  “Yes, indeed, there is something; so obvious, and yet, so well hidden”.

  I bent forward a little more, focusing on the details as much as I could, being silent and searching to find the secret of the fresco.

  “I cannot understand. I am sure that something does not match but it is impossible to locate it”, I said exhausted from the effort.

  “Many times, people look at something and try to find what there is behind it, overlooking the obvious”, he said.

  I stretched my body to rest it. My fatigue was starting to show. I was feeling my body parts slack and weak.

  Camen noticed it.

  “I think you need to eat and relax. What would you say I take you out to lunch?”

  The truth was I was hungry. But, not at all sleepy! I did not want to sleep after yesterday’s horrible night.

  “What about the project?” I asked weakly.

  “We have made enough progress. Whatever there was to find on the frescoes, we found. Besides, you said you must study the scripts, something you cannot do today. The library is closed”.

  I had the impression that the library never closes. As I remembered, it was open around the clock. But, if he said so…

  “Maybe you are right. I accept your proposal as long as you stay with me tomorrow, after our meeting at the library, and help me because I am not exactly sure what I will be looking for”, I suggested smiling at him broadly in an attempt to convince him.

  He smiled back and his eyes shined. He bent back in his seat, having a playful look on his face.

  “We are a couple, at least for this project. There is no way I will leave you alone”, he emphasized.

  “Very nice! Where are we going?” I asked as I was getting up to go to my closet.

  He got there ahead of me.

  “Well, there is no need to dress up. You are wearing the most appropriate clothes for what we are doing”.

  I looked at him wondering, with mistrust
of his plans.

  “Do not look at me with this look. Just trust me. Besides, we will be alone”.

  We will eat somewhere alone! I could bear it, surely, after we spend the whole morning alone in my room.

  “Alright. Give me just two minutes to do my hair”, I said to him as I was going to the bathroom.

  “Take your time. I will go somewhere for a while and I am coming to pick you up”, he said and before I had the time to ask anything more, he got out of the room in no time.


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