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Broken Lands

Page 14

by Boaz Klachkin

  “We were all very naive,” remarked the Chief, “and had put our trust in the colonialists; but they cheated us at every turn. When news got around about the 1830 Indian Removal Act, our leadership knew that it was the beginning of the end for our people and our culture. Practically all the treaties and promises were broken, and now I say ‘Never Again’. You must realize that the integrity of your nation is on the line, because as we speak, copies of the previously endorsed treaties that had been revoked and disregarded are going viral online as we speak! There will be no legal way for anyone in the present administration to get around this issue. You must yield, or face the consequences, especially the shame that will surely be on your souls if you decide to make a move against any members of the IAM and BAM.”

  As the meeting went on, all the major media agencies were printing out copies of thousands of land rights agreements that had been put aside for hundreds of years benefiting the colonialist, regardless of the location on the maps and at the same time, relinquishing the rights of the endemic populations of those regions. Law professors, lawyers and politicians all over the planet were all busy reading through the documents and treaties.

  Everyone in the BAM complex was active, busily gathering press information and moving all types of hardware onto trucks and vans. Tom stood at the north side of the supplies complex, a location to which none of the hostages had been allowed to access. He saw two corporate jets sitting on a newly paved runway that surely didn’t get any FAA approval stamps or certifications. In addition, there were two hangers along the northern side of the airfield. Tom also noticed three Apache helicopters in one of the hangers, but was left to speculate about what was inside the adjacent one, since it was locked tight and well-guarded by fully armed combat rovers; two at each end. It was obvious to him that there had been a conspired, coordinated effort with some US Army personnel of Native American heritage. There was just too much military hardware around for there to be any other explanation.

  The helicopters were being towed to the Helipads that had been designated for them.

  There was activity everywhere one looked. It was a hectic scene with hostages and BAM members talking on cell phones. Little Wing approached Tom, noticing that he was observing the activities with great focus.

  “Tom, all the guests have been given special phones so that they may reach whomever they wish. They are allowed to say whatever they like, to report about their personal condition, and express freely any opinion about our cause and our intentions. You can get yours at the distribution desk over there, just to your right. Just please return the phone when you’re done.”

  “Thanks, Little Wing! I will do my best to relay positive things about what is going on for you guys. I’m starting to feel like a tribal member.” Little Wing gave him a thumb’s-up as he headed toward the airfield.

  “Let me know when you and your superiors will be ready for a photo shoot,” Tom called out to him. He headed to the distribution desk to get a phone and took a few paces back from all the parading of people moving at every turn and keyed some numbers on the cellular phone he received.

  “Mitch? Hi, it’s Tom. How is everyone?”

  “Tom! Where in hell are you?” Mitch replied in an alarmed voice. “We received a message that you were one of abductees at the hands of BAM. Are you okay? What’s going on?”

  “Everything is fine. Just tell the General Manger that unless things go the right way there won’t be a reason for me to demand a raise next year.”

  “I guess you are OK if you can joke around like you always do,” said Mitch in a calm tone. Tom smiled, thinking about all the attention that he must have been getting from his colleagues back at the office.

  “You guys should work on a special report that raises the issues that BAM is emphasizing. It is of the utmost importance for you to call attention to the significance of this legitimate movement, the historical foundations of its constitutional rights, and all the issues of legality which they have raised. These are the essential elements at the core of their claims which have been suspended in political hot air for centuries; and if I might add, left to wilt in the darkness of the national archives.” Tom’s voice was supported by a firm tone of determination. Just as quickly as the words had moved through his lips, his manner softened. He turned his head, smiling broadly, looking admiringly at Little Wing conversing with some of the BAM members who were loading supplies on the helicopter.

  He continued, “I have been asked to photograph some of the members that are here, including some panoramic shots of the setting. I’ll transmit all the details and photos as soon as I get approval to do so. Send my love to the crew at the office and take care of yourself.” As he spoke, he was looking around at all the angles, preparing a storyboard for his photo-shoot.

  “Tom, we have been so concerned about you, but now, by the tone of your voice, I sense that you’re really okay. It definitely doesn’t sound as if anyone is putting a gun to your head to be saying these things. I just hope that all this will come down to a positive end.”

  “I certainly hope so as well. I’ll speak to you tomorrow, if there will be one. So, for everybody’s sake, make some calls to your friends on the Hill and get that report ready for the next broadcast as soon as possible. You already have the copies of the annulled treaties and agreements that were in circulation on the web. They are basically the foundation for all legal aspects behind all that BAM is exposing. Bye for now.” Tom walked back to the communications desk that had been set up especially for the visitors, and returned the cell phone to one of the attendants, just as he had been directed to do.

  All the while in the Middle East, Inkasar operatives were busy as usual on assault missions all over the Palestinian territories. Since the events in the USA had taken the forefront of the news, there was less scrutiny by the media about the goings-on anywhere else in the world. BAM was the main subject on all the communication channels on the planet. For Jezabilah and the Organization, it meant smoother sailing without interference by the world community. Our organization took advantage of the atmosphere and managed some major assaults on underground tunnels and munitions depots used by the extremists in Gaza and the West Bank. In addition, the actions we took gave Inkasar a window of opportunity for implementing rescue missions for releasing the prisoners being held by Hamas.

  Inkasar operatives were laying the groundwork for the next stage of operations and planning carefully, always focusing on limiting the number of casualties, especially on the civilian side. The communication streams were better than ever due to the improved security mechanisms and the increase in reception. For a change, it wasn’t the Palestinian people who were living in fear and apprehension, but rather the corrupt clan of criminals and murderers who had had control over them for decades.

  Jezabilah was becoming increasingly popular as the main spokesperson for Inkasar. There was wider support for the new movement in almost all the territories of Palestine. There were town meetings all over Palestine and an increasing call to oust the leaders and bring down their poor example of a government.

  Chapter Eleven

  Everyone was anxious, waiting for some word from the US Supreme Court. Still there was no final response by the Executive Branch to the claims that had been presented. Even after a long night of negotiations and extensive reading of drafts and treaties, which had been authenticated by the best historians, there was still no final response by the Executive Branch to the claims that had been presented. It was a matter of hours for the deadline to run its course. The demands were not being met, and Moses was getting rather nervous. The decisive moment after all the planning had finally come, but as always, Moses masked his emotions with his usual firm, well-maintained facial expression and erect posture - both essential for strong leadership. Moses never felt that it would come so close to the declared launch hour. The special stealth adjustments that were incorporated into the missile designs as
sured him of successful launches; however, the success he was looking for was supposed to preclude any violence. It was a calculated bluff, in the same vein as the phony peace accords that had been laid in front of his ancestors in the last 500 years. He had no guilt in applying a hard grip on a government whose constituents committed countless atrocities against his Native American ancestors; keeping them in a tight hold, limiting their development, and cheating them out of their lands and resources.

  Just as Moses was looking restlessly at his watch, Little Wing came running in smiling and beaming with delight and announced in an exalted cry, “We did it! We did it! The US government, after careful deliberations and a re-examination of the declarations and amendments presented by BAM, has agreed to all our demands and will commence to unfold a plan to give over specified lands to be governed autonomously by the Native American Union.”

  Moses sighed in relief, gritting his teeth, clenched a right-handed fist, and punched it into his opposing hand, howling out a loud traditional Indian cry of victory. He quickly picked up the public announcement microphone, took a deep breath, and informed everyone about the latest news. “Attention please. This is a special moment for all of us. The government has given us assurances that it intends on meeting all our demands as soon as an agreement is drawn up. Yes! We have succeeded in accomplishing our goals to regain our lands, and to be an autonomous people.” Moses’ eyes were wet with tears of joy, as were the eyes of many of the BAM members in the complex.

  The jubilation was apparent everywhere in the base as people were dancing wildly, arms stretched to the sky, screaming Indian chants and singing joyful folk songs. Some of the members and guests quickly gathered in the main hall and watched the media coverage on the large screen. The President’s speech was unlike any that had ever been given before; it had a tone of remorse supported by an honest apology for the moral elements that had been presented. The demanded recognition that was so forcibly presented was an unprecedented event in the records of American History. Now a new chapter had been written; adding new light and hope for the land of the free. The successful campaign had reached its apex in the congressional sessions. The shame that was felt by the representatives of a nation that was a precursor for freedom and justice was repaired after some very intense deliberations and the immediate action to draw up justifiable amendments. Everyone in Washington, D.C. was appalled by the elements of the persecution and lies that had been at the core of the prolonged oversight in dealing with American Indian Affairs. The Supreme Court and the Executive Branch had to act accordingly; the facts were apparently indisputable and in the end, they did the right thing.

  Looking elated, Moses and his entourage exited the complex and everyone followed. He was surrounded by dozens of smiling guards and staff workers as they continued towards the airstrip. The crowd produced an ear-shattering stream of cheering, as Moses stood in the middle of the field, waving with a grand smile. The abductees’ personal cell phones were returned to them. Those who were calm enough, having overcome all the apprehension and tension, began calling their loved ones, friends, business partners or colleagues. Tom was busy calling everybody he could. The attention he was getting from his own news people back at the station was well received and he really appreciated it. He was immensely excited; firstly, by the idea of the halted doom, and secondly by the historic event that had unfolded before his eyes. This was deep, thought-provoking credible material. A feeling of sparkling energy flowed through his body.

  The story was getting the highest ratings ever in the world media, and Tom was proud to be at the center of all the action, knowing that this event would change him into a new person in many ways.

  Tom approached Little Wing whose face was glowing with joy, cast his hand forward and shook Little Wing’s hand with fervor. “I am truly grateful to be here and to share these special moments with you and your people. But, please, can you arrange a meeting with Moses? I want to do a follow-up report on BAM covering its historical progression, and some background on the people who have been involved in securing the pride and honor of the Native Americans once more, and to especially focus on Tree.”

  Erez and I were watching the broadcast of all this latest news. Later that day I was informed that a former high-level official in our Organization was behind some of the assistance that BAM received in employing their mission. At first were amazed to find out that one of our people had provided some information to BAM. What was the connection? Why did special operatives work secretly as insiders? The information I got pointed to an official who had been part of the delegation sent to Camp David during the peace negotiations between Israel and Egypt. He was particularly motivated to avenge the demeaning treatment and insulting remarks that he had been subjected to when President Carter’s staff had refused him the opportunity to speak during the proceeding of the peace accords. He had only wanted to point out his uneasiness about the United States pressing issues about borders and annexations. President Carter’s staff was quite shaken by the final comments he’d made referring to the injustices absorbed by Native Americans, and he was immediately banned from any future deliberations.

  I cannot divulge his name because of national security. When this high-ranking ex-Organization operative received the latest update from the operations room at BAM, he simply smiled and sat back on his couch in his spacious apartment that overlooked the Jerusalem hills. He lit one his special Cuban cigars and puffed on it, enjoying its aroma. He then poured himself a glass of cognac and sipped it slowly, savoring the flavor of its special vintage. This was his private celebration for another successful project that he had initiated. The successful culmination of the BAM project that he supported was his payback. It was his self-ordained medal of honor for righteous achievement and a trophy for the victory gained with excellence in the line of duty.

  Tom’s cell phone rang. It was Little Wing calling.

  “Tom, I just spoke with Moses about setting up your special interview with him. Let’s do it next week. As I am sure you understand; we are presently overwhelmed with getting organized.”

  “Great news, Little Wing. Thank you very much. I can’t tell you how incredibly excited I am for you and your people. I am glad that things ended up smoothly, without any violent ramifications. By the way, did you speak to anyone else about Tree’s journeys to the Middle East?” asked Tom with an undercurrent of curiosity.

  “No, I haven’t as yet. I’ll save that segment for you. In general, most of the questions raised by the reporters have dealt with our future policies and political and regulatory structures of our government. There have also been inquiries about the process of being accepted by the United Nations and how we will fit in with the overall economic picture in the world,” he explained calmly.

  “I know you’ll be very busy now with the present situation and all the unfolding events that are to follow, but even so, before everyone else realizes the implications behind his ties to the Middle East, I would like an exclusive story about your founder.” said Tom with an eager tone of desire. He was feeling very proud to be respected by Little Wing and Moses.

  “You got it,” said Little Wing. Tom was joyful with a wide smile.

  “Just call this number and use the designated clearance code. I will provide you with a special swipe ID card with contact codes,” said Little Wing.

  “One fact has been made quite clear; we will be a legitimate free nation and will receive the same respect and rights as any other deserving nation in the world. Sarah will call you later on with the exact date for the interview. You will be driven back to your home by Little John. Thanks for being so cooperative. I feel like I made a new friend. See you soon, Tom, I have to make a special video call.” Little Wing was overjoyed and quite busy connecting with many news agencies from all over the world.

  “Thank you so much, and farewell.” Tom ended the conversation smiling from ear to ear. His heart was fluttering with joy. He knew
that he was part of a big story. Tom stood excitedly watching the exodus of cars and trucks leaving the complex.

  Moments later, just after he had transferred hundreds of amazing shots that he had captured of all the major figures who were at the BAM complex, he was bombarded with calls from different departments at the station. He knew that now he had reached the apex of his achievements in doing what he always striven for in a career as a photojournalist. Thanks to Little Wing, there would be more exciting work down the road. He was quite proud, and rightfully so, feeling very lucky to have been chosen to take part in such a momentous event.

  All those who had been abducted were provided with transportation to their homes. Those from the area were driven by special limousines, and those from distant locations were provided with private jet service. It was an extraordinary experience that none of them would ever forget.

  When he returned to the TV station, Tom was received with great excitement. The staff threw a special Welcome Home party for him. At some point, the General Manager asked for everyone’s attention. “I wish to praise and thank Tom for the fantastic work that he has done. In addition, I want to take this opportunity to announce his promotion to Senior Editor of the photojournalism department. The GM then invited Tom to join him. “Tom, please come up and say a few words.”

  “Thank you, sir, for your kind words, and of course, for the promotion. I am lucky to be working with such a great staff and even luckier to have had such an incredible, unforgettable experience.” His eyes were beaming with delight as he put his right palm over his heart and with his left hand threw kisses in the direction of all who were present. “Thank you all for your friendship and care, now let’s all get back to work and gather all the material necessary for our follow-up report.” He turned and shook hands with the GM. Some of the staff came up to him to personally congratulate him; some with hugs and some handshakes. When all had dispersed, Tom went to his desk his lips formed a broad smile showing his sense of satisfaction and contentment.


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