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The House at Greenacres

Page 17

by The House at Greenacres (retail) (epub)

  She touched his cheek, then turned and let herself out of the back door. As she crossed the yard to the gate, she filled her lungs with fresh air, trying to shake away the longing for Rich that had made her head spin.

  ‘What’s up with you?’ Fran asked when Holly got into the back of the taxi. ‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’

  ‘In some ways, I guess I have,’ Holly replied as she fastened her seat belt.

  She’d seen the ghost of who she once was, the ghost of the love she’d felt for Rich and the ghost of who he used to be. But she’d also seen the ghost of a chance that they could be reunited, if Rich knew how to show her his feelings. She wished she knew what it would take for him to do that, and for her to love him with her whole heart again.

  * * *

  The wine bar in the centre of Newquay was busy, which surprised Holly, because she’d expected it to be relatively empty on a Monday evening. It was one reason why she’d agreed to go out on the town, expecting it to be quieter than it would be at the weekend. However, it seemed that Monday was a popular evening for colleagues to head for after-work drinks and for women to catch up with their friends.

  They found a table in the rear corner of the bar, where the dim lighting and dark leather seats created a cosy atmosphere. They were tucked out of the way and Holly was grateful for that. She could see out into the wine bar but hoped that no one would really notice her and Fran.

  They ordered two Manhattans, and when they arrived, Holly sipped hers, savouring the sweet, rich taste and the warmth as the alcohol spread through her system. It relaxed her almost instantly, helping to ease the tension she’d felt as they’d entered the bar; in fact, the tension she’d felt since she’d started getting ready to go out.

  ‘Well?’ Fran peered at her over her glasses.

  ‘Well what?’

  ‘How are things?’

  Holly took another sip of her drink. ‘What things?’ Holly said playfully.

  ‘I’m desperate to know if I’m going to have my friend home for good. If you’ve made your final decision about staying here. No pressure though!’ Fran widened her eyes then leant closer to Holly, making her giggle.

  ‘No, I can see that. No pressure at all.’ Holly rolled her eyes playfully. ‘I’m wondering how I ever managed alone, to be honest. It’s lovely being back with Granny and Dad. Luke is a very well-behaved baby, but even so, it was lonely in Exeter, and having people around is very… comforting. Besides which, everything is going so well with the plans and I feel like I’m making a big difference. The shop looks much better with your new stock, and the business already feels… renewed. It will take time to build the reputation we want, but I truly believe that this is the beginning of something great for Greenacres.’

  Fran nodded. ‘I’m so happy for you all. And how are things going with Rich?’

  ‘Well… it is nice having him there. Luke absolutely adores him and he’s a natural as a father. It’s funny… I never thought he would be, but you should see him with Luke now. They’ve bonded and it’s lovely.’

  ‘Taking Luke away from him would be difficult then.’

  ‘It would.’ Holly watched as a young couple entered the wine bar, laughing together. They looked happy and carefree, as if nothing was going to spoil their night. Sometimes Holly wished her life was simpler, then she took a look at Luke and realized she wouldn’t change him for the world.

  ‘Do you think you could do it? Leave, I mean.’

  ‘I don’t think so… at least not until everything is up and running. And even then… It would mean leaving everyone in the lurch, and to be frank, I want to stay. I’m already making plans for childcare for Luke, and I know Penhallow Sands has a great village school. There are more reasons to stay than to go.’

  ‘But if you stay… what does that mean for you and Rich?’

  Holly met Fran’s questioning blue eyes. ‘I have no idea. I’m trying to take it day by day with him at the moment, because thinking beyond tomorrow is difficult. I know I need to make some firm decisions, but it’s also nice to live for now.’

  ‘I agree with you there!’ Fran raised her glass. ‘To living for today.’

  They clinked glasses, then drank.

  ‘Another?’ Fran asked.

  ‘Why not?’

  Fran went to the bar, and Holly opened her bag and checked her mobile. No texts and no missed calls. That was good. It meant everything was fine at home. Rich was probably putting Luke down for the night, then when he came back downstairs, Granny would try to feed him a scone or three, and no doubt they’d be drinking endless cups of tea.

  Fran returned with their drinks.

  ‘Think that barman is cute?’ She pointed at a tall bartender who reminded Holly of a young Johnny Depp. His dark hair was artfully messy and his muscular arms were heavily inked. One of the tattoos led up his neck and finished behind his left ear.

  ‘He’s hot in that brooding bad-boy way, yes.’

  ‘That’s what I thought.’

  ‘Why don’t you ask for his number?’

  Fran wrinkled her nose.


  ‘Ah… can’t be bothered.’

  ‘But you said he’s hot.’

  ‘Yeah, but men… they’re so demanding.’ Fran shook her head. ‘I have animals to care for and work to do, especially with your orders for landscapes and pottery.’ She winked. ‘I can’t be sexting all the time, can I?’

  Holly laughed. ‘Sexting?’

  ‘Well, yeah. That’s what some guys expect, and I haven’t got time for that nonsense.’

  ‘What about enjoying someone’s company and spending time together? You don’t have to be sexting!’

  ‘One guy I dated recently wanted me to sext him every day. He even sent me some… interesting photos of himself.’

  ‘What? Like… selfies?’

  ‘Kind of.’ Fran pulled a face.

  ‘You mean naked ones?’

  She sighed. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Were they sexy?’

  ‘No. He was good-looking and had a fit body, but who wants to see what he called “the mighty staff” when they’re eating their porridge?’

  Holly’s shoulders were shaking now. ‘The mighty staff?’

  ‘Yeah. He had some sort of warrior fetish.’

  ‘Oh Fran.’ Holly got a tissue from her bag and dabbed at her eyes. ‘You are so funny.’

  Fran cocked an eyebrow. ‘It wasn’t me! He just had a tendency to think rather highly of himself.’

  ‘In what way?’

  ‘The word mighty was deceiving.’

  They sniggered then, and Holly waved a hand to indicate that Fran had to stop making her laugh.


  ‘Excuse me, ladies.’

  They looked up to find two men looking down at them. The one who’d spoken was tall and golden, from his hair to his beard to his dazzling smile. His companion was much shorter, with a completely shaved head and strikingly blue eyes above a shy smile.

  ‘We couldn’t help noticing that you two are alone, and wondered if you’d like some company.’

  ‘We’re not alone.’

  He frowned. ‘Pardon?’

  ‘We’re together. The very fact that there are two of us means that we’re not alone. Get it?’ Fran’s tone was deadpan, her expression neutral as she stared up at the golden one.

  ‘Oh… uh… we only wanted to offer you a drink.’ His eyes flickered around, then he swigged from his bottle of beer. Behind him, his shorter friend stepped back as if he was uncomfortable. ‘No need to be so spiky.’

  ‘Spiky?’ Fran tilted her head to one side. ‘I was merely pointing out a fact.’

  ‘Look,’ Holly interrupted them, ‘we’re grateful for the offer, but we don’t want company, or any more drinks. Thank you.’

  The tall man eyed her, and Holly held her breath.

  ‘Okay… so you don’t want company, but how about if you give me your number and we could meet up
another time?’ He smiled then, but a vein throbbed in his temple, suggesting that he was far from happy at their rejection of his advances.

  ‘I don’t think so.’ Holly shook her head.

  ‘Nope. Now bugger off.’ Fran stood up, pulling herself to her full height and crossing her arms over her chest.

  The bald man put a hand on his friend’s arm and attempted to pull him away from the table.

  ‘Get off me, Leyton! It’s fine, I’m coming.’ The tall man drained his beer bottle, then set it on the table in front of Fran. ‘Your loss!’ He grinned at them before swaggering away.

  Fran sank back onto her seat but didn’t take her eyes off the two men.

  ‘Shall we go?’ Holly asked, nervous about a repeat performance.

  ‘Why?’ Fran finally turned to her.

  ‘Well, we don’t want any trouble.’

  ‘We won’t have any.’

  ‘We just did.’

  ‘He’s a knobhead, but his friend won’t let him come back.’

  ‘I hope not.’

  Fran nodded. ‘And that’s another reason why I can’t be bothered. Macho men like that leave me cold.’

  ‘Me too. Who does he think he is, throwing his weight around like that?’ Holly shivered. The man’s attitude had made her feel quite vulnerable, but also incensed, and she was glad she was with Fran and that they’d be leaving together. She’d dealt with idiots like that in the past, but now that she had Luke, she felt more exposed than ever before, because if anything happened to her, it would affect him too.

  ‘There will always be arrogant dicks like that, Holly, but they can’t stop us living life the way we want to.’

  ‘I know. It was a bit scary, though, wasn’t it?’

  ‘It’s all bravado with men like that. I just hope the next woman he tries to woo with his charm has the strength to stand up to him.’

  They fell silent as they finished their drinks.

  ‘Do you want to go home now?’ Fran asked.

  Holly had watched the men leave, the one called Leyton clearly irritated by his friend’s aggressive attempts at chatting them up. The wine bar was warm and cosy, the music a mixture of eighties and nineties hits and the barman looked as though he could deal with the men should they return. It was nice to be out with Fran, and Holly felt more like her old self again.

  ‘No, let’s stay for a bit longer.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes.’ She checked her mobile. ‘It’s still early and the taxi’s not due for another hour and a half. Let’s have another drink, shall we?’

  ‘Good plan.’

  Holly picked up their glasses.

  ‘Same again?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  As Holly walked to the bar, she told herself to relax. Rich was looking after Luke, her dad and granny were around if he needed help, and she was out with her best friend for the first time in a long time. She could let her hair down and enjoy herself.

  So that was what she would do.

  The evening had also confirmed something else for her, and she wasn’t certain if she was entirely happy about it. She wasn’t interested in getting to know another man, whoever he was. In fact, the idea of being with anyone else turned her cold. Her heart belonged to one man only, and if she couldn’t have him, she’d prefer to stay single.

  For Holly, it had always been Rich.

  * * *

  Holly closed the back door, then carefully slipped off her shoes. She listened for voices or the sound of the TV, but the house was quiet. It was only just gone ten o’clock, but Granny liked to go to bed quite early, and she suspected that after a full day, her dad would either be snoring in his chair or in bed. That left Rich and Luke.

  She headed for the lounge and peered through the semi-darkness, the only light the glow from the muted TV. Rich was lying on the sofa with the baby monitor on his chest. He was fast asleep.

  She crept into the room and took the monitor from his hands then took the crocheted blanket off the back of the sofa and draped it over him. His lashes fluttered on his cheeks and he smiled briefly, reminding her of Luke when he was dreaming. They were more alike than she’d realized.

  She loved Luke with every fibre of her being. His happiness, his welfare and his future were her main concern, and she believed they always would be. Before she’d given birth, she’d had no idea exactly how much she’d love her child. As he grew inside her, she felt protective of him and wondered what he’d be like and who he’d grow up to be, but she hadn’t understood exactly how powerful the maternal instinct was. It had left her breathless when it had hit her full force after Luke’s birth. The days and weeks she’d sat next to his crib in the hospital had been agony, even though he hadn’t been half as poorly as some of the other premature babies. She’d have given her life for him right then and there if she’d had to.

  She knew that Rich loved their son too. It was a bond they shared and always would. But apart from that, was there something more between her and Rich? Luke would grow up and one day leave home. That thought hurt, but of course it would happen eventually. And then what? If she and Rich did try to make a go of things, would they find that it had been only for their son? Was that enough?

  She knew it wasn’t.

  Rich would love Luke now no matter what. That was how it should be, and she’d do her utmost to ensure that they had a good relationship. But as for her and Rich; she didn’t yet know. As tempting as it was, it was risky to give her heart to him again, and she wasn’t sure she could do it.

  She leant forward and pressed her lips to his forehead. It seemed that her feelings for him were still there, just below the surface, and it was possible that they could be revived. Or she could keep them hidden away, suppress them and get on with her life.

  It would take something very special indeed for her to believe that Rich loved her as much as she had loved him. And the only way they could ever be together again was if he could prove that he did.

  Chapter 15

  Rich was exhausted with trying to keep all the balls he was juggling in the air, but he hoped it would be worth it. He was finding his position at the accountancy firm quite enjoyable, and Sam’s suggestion that he could end up becoming a junior partner was quite exciting. He had discovered a hunger to get on since he’d returned to Penhallow Sands, and it was a good feeling. When he’d finished at the office, he got changed, then rushed back to work on his secret project – although it was more in the role of an overseer, as he’d hired someone to help with that one. It was going well and he hoped it was the right thing to do. It was part of his plan to do something nice for Holly, because he knew he needed to make a grand gesture.

  Later, he’d head up to the vineyard to help Holly with Luke. It was his favourite time of day, when he got to see his son and to help with his bath and bedtime routine. The smile on Luke’s face when he arrived and the recognition that was more and more obvious now lifted his heart. Who knew that a surprise baby could make such a difference in a life that had seemed otherwise confusing, and even pointless? He’d once felt worthless, as if those around him would be better off without him, but since Holly’s return to Penhallow Sands with Luke, he’d felt that he had a purpose. Now he had a responsibility to provide love and stability for his son, as well as for Holly, even if it was just as a friend and the father of her child.

  Things at the vineyard were progressing well; it would soon be ready for the next stage of development. It was another reason why he hoped that his secret project would be a good thing for Holly and for Luke. They might need that space from the hustle and bustle that opening the vineyard to the public could create.

  Holly had really blossomed since her return to Greenacres. She had more colour in her cheeks and her face had lost that pinched look. Her eyes were no longer as wary, and although he still sensed that she was guarded at times, as if she was holding back from him in some way, he did feel that she was starting to trust him again.

  If only
he could go back in time and give himself a good kick up the backside for being such an idiot. But unfortunately for him, he hadn’t yet added time traveller to his CV.

  * * *

  Holly shifted Luke onto her right hip, then opened the door and headed out into the yard. She’d heard a car approaching and wondered if it might be a delivery for the workmen.

  ‘It’s Auntie Fran!’ She smiled at her son and he giggled; he was becoming so reactive to speech, especially to familiar words and to changes in Holly’s intonation.

  Fran climbed out of her blue Escort, and Holly’s stomach dropped to her flip-flops at the expression on her friend’s face.

  ‘God, Fran, what is it?’

  Fran pressed her lips together as she approached the gate that opened onto the yard.

  ‘I had a phone call this morning…’ She swallowed hard, clearly trying to maintain a hold on her emotions. ‘From my mum. Turns out Dad’s not well. He…’ She blinked, then removed her glasses and rubbed at her eyes impatiently.

  ‘Come on in and have a coffee.’

  ‘I… I can’t.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I have the pup in the car.’

  ‘Well bring him in too.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Of course I am.’

  Fran opened the passenger door and the grey puppy leapt down, then trotted towards Holly. When she opened the gate, he jumped up at her legs, so she rubbed his soft head, being careful to keep Luke out of his reach. Her son squealed with delight as the dog stretched up and sniffed his socks.

  ‘Come on, doggy, let’s make a coffee for Fran.’

  In the kitchen, Fran sat at the table and made the pup sit in front of her. His tail wagged hard on the floor but he stayed where she’d put him.

  ‘His training’s coming along well.’ Holly nodded at the dog.

  ‘Yes, he’s a good boy and a quick learner.’

  ‘Right then… tell me what’s happened.’

  Holly carried the mugs to the table one by one with Luke balanced on her hip, then sat opposite Fran. She could see that her friend had been crying, and no wonder. Even though Fran’s parents had moved to Italy, she was still close to them, and she idolized her dad.


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