UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 27

by Hayley Faiman

  Moaning, I feel lips all over my chest, then my stomach and down. When they wrap around my dick, I reach out and slide my fingers through the soft hair that’s attached to the head of the woman sucking me off.

  Lifting my hips, I groan, knowing it’s Pammy before I even open my eyes. I let out a sigh as she sucks, licks, tastes all of me. I continue to thrust my hips, careful not to do it too hard, I don’t want to completely gag her, at least not totally.

  With that thought, a smirk forms on my lips, and I open my eyes, looking down at her. She’s watching me through her lashes, fucking gorgeous in every way. Gripping her hair, I hold her a bit tighter, keeping her still while I gently fuck her face.

  “So pretty, Sunny,” I rasp.

  I can feel my balls draw up and I know I’m close, but I don’t want to come down her throat, I want to be buried inside of her cunt when I finally lose control. Lifting my hips a few more times, I relish the feel of her mouth on me before I tug her head away.

  “Ride me, Sunny,” I gruffly demand, my throat still husky from sleep.

  Pamela climbs up my thighs and straddles my hips. Without a word, her eyes never leaving mine, she positions me and slides down. My fingers grip her hips, holding her still once she’s taken me completely inside of her body.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, looking up at her.

  She smiles, licking her lips before she starts to move. I feel lazy as fuck because all I can do is watch her. I can’t fucking move, she’s just that breathtaking.

  So goddamn breathtaking.

  Gnashing my teeth together, I inhale a deep breath through my nose and let it out the same way, unwilling to lose control, at least not yet. Sliding my hands up her sides, I cup her tits and feel their weight in my palms.

  Pinching her nipples, I tug gently as I watch her. She moves harder and faster, her fingernails digging into my chest as she searches for, then eventually finds her climax. Before she can even come down from her release, I flip her onto her back and slam inside of her.

  I fuck her hard, my eyes never leaving hers, searching for my own end, finding my own edge before falling over. When I come, it’s hard. My entire body trembles as my release fills her. Burying my face in Pamela’s neck, I moan.

  Without moving, my mouth finds its way from her neck to her lips. “I love you, Sunny.”

  Her breath hitches, then she says it back to me and I realize that everything in my life that happened, the good, the bad, and the ugly was meant to lead me to this moment.

  “I love you too, Dylan.”



  Honestly, I wasn’t sure Dylan loved me. I didn’t know that I would ever hear those words or feel like I could say them back. I’m not sure what love is supposed to look like, I’ve never seen or felt it before, but I know that with him, I feel something huge inside of me. It’s built up, it’s massive, and I know that it has to be love.

  Once we dress, we make our way out into the living room to see Gisele and Coyote in the kitchen.

  “Oh good, you can help me with breakfast,” Gisele announces.

  Dylan squeezes the hand that he’s holding and I tilt my head to look up at him. “Gisele has been teaching me how to cook. I have no idea what I’m doing,” I say with a shrug.

  His lips tip into a smile and he nods as he releases his hold on my hand. Wordlessly, I walk away from him, feeling his eyes on my ass the entire way. Coyote smiles at me as he pours a cup of coffee, then lifts the mug along with another and slips out of the kitchen.

  Gisele teaches me how to make homemade biscuits, scrambled eggs, fry bacon, and cook sausage patties. These are probably things that everyone knows how to do by my age, but I had zero clue, none.

  Now I know that I can cook a few things once our place is delivered and all set up. Gisele may have to hold my hand through ninety-nine percent of my cooking attempts, but I feel as though I can at least move around the kitchen a little thanks to her help.

  We eat together, laughing, and I fully enjoy the easy company. I hope that Dylan will be okay with me hanging out with her regularly, because I think she needs me just as much as I need her and I know that I need her a hell of a lot.

  “You gonna spill the shit, babe?”

  Gisele’s face turns pink and I watch her for a moment, waiting to see what she has to say, apparently there is shit to spill. She looks down at her food, then lifts her eyes to meet mine and in a soft voice, she whispers.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  My reaction isn’t one that she’s expecting, mainly because I let out a squeal that could and does pierce everyone’s ears.

  “We’re going to be pregnant together,” I cry.

  The men chuckle, but Gisele’s eyes tear up and I watch as those tears fall down her cheeks. “We are,” she agrees.

  Looking over to Coyote, I smile widely, then shift my gaze back to meet hers. “Our babies will be neighbors and BFFs.”

  Gisele laughs as she wipes away her tears. “I’m really nervous about going to the doctor.”

  “You ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Coyote grunts.

  Looking over at him, my eyes widen. “What?” I whisper.

  “Doc is going to send over a midwife and all that shit, take care of you here and birth the baby right fuckin’ here. You don’t have to step one fucking foot out of this house.”

  I’ve suspected Gisele has a phobia of some kind about leaving. I’ve seen the other women come and go as they please, but she’s typically right here inside her home and only once or twice have I even seen her at the clubhouse. This just confirms everything for me.

  “You wanna send her over our way when she’s done?” Dylan asks. I look over to him, my eyes wide. “Pammy doesn’t have any paperwork yet and she needs to be checked out. Can’t just take her in to a doctor,” he explains and he’s absolutely right.

  I hadn’t thought of that, yet. I can’t go anywhere and I don’t even know how to drive even if I could.

  “Can do, brother.”

  We leave their house after the men have cleaned up breakfast, something that I didn’t think was even possible. Watching Dylan clean up, do dishes, and wipe down the table was hot as hell. I can’t wait to see him doing the same thing in our own space.

  He takes my hand and we tell them goodbye as we walk out of their home and look off to the space where our home will be delivered in a few hours. Dylan tugs me close to him, cupping my cheeks in his palms.

  “Next time I clean a table, it’ll be ours, then I’m going to fuck you on it.”

  “Dylan,” I gasp.

  He grins, looking down at me, his eyes sparkling. “Sunny, I saw the way you were watching me. You thought it was sexy, me cleanin’ up. Best believe I’ll be fucking you on every square inch of that new place. Can’t wait either. Got a beautiful life waiting for us to take it by the horns.”

  “We do,” I agree on a sigh.

  He dips his chin, his lips touching mine. “A perfect for us fuckin’ life, Pammy.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Good thing you don’t have to.”

  Without another word, his lips crash against mine and he takes me, he owns me, he consumes me just as he was always meant to do. He’s mine as I’m his. This life is ours, it’s nothing close to perfect to anyone looking in, except for us, it’s nothing short of perfection.




  I watch as she runs. It’s hard and fast, her hair wild in the breeze and a trail of other kids behind her. Self-proclaimed cousins and her own siblings. Smiling, I can’t help but watch them. Their carelessness, their complete happiness, they are what I have never been—completely free. They are this way, because I’ve never been that way, because their mother had never been that way either.

  “Good god, I can’t do this again,” a voice groans.

  I don’t even have to look behind me to know it’s my beautiful wife. “C’mon, sit on my lap, Sunny.”

She grumbles and walks over to me, plopping down on my thigh. I let out a grunt, and she looks over at me, her brows snapping together.

  “Am I too heavy?” she asks.

  My lips curve up into a smile as I wrap my arms around her. “Never, Pammy. You’re perfect.”

  “You lie,” she hums.

  Chuckling, I pull her a little closer to me, tilting my head back slightly before I touch my lips to her shoulder. “Fucking perfect, Sunny.”

  “You keep getting me pregnant. I think I’ve been pregnant for ten straight years. I can’t remember the last time I put on real pants at this point.”

  My shoulders shake and I wonder if she realizes that the reason she’s been pregnant for ten years is because she’s so sexy, I can’t keep my hands off of her or my dick from being inside of her.

  I want this beautifully chaotic life with her, nobody but her. I also think she looks sexy as fuck with my baby growing inside of her.

  “I like you pregnant.” I shrug.

  “Is it a fetish?” she asks, arching a brow.

  She’s just kidding, something we joke about often. Keeping my face completely expressionless, I watch her.

  “Probably,” I state.

  It’s her turn to smile and when she does, all of her annoyance leaves. She leans forward and touches her lips to mine.

  “This is the last one,” she whispers against my mouth.

  “Babe, I’m almost fifty, probably a good idea.”

  Pammy lifts her head, her eyes searching for mine. “It has nothing to do with your age, but six kids in ten years is insane. My body is tired, my brain is tired, my tits are tired.”

  I can’t stop myself from bursting out in laughter. My entire body shakes and eventually she joins me as well. Six kids in ten years is pure chaos. We’ve averaged a baby every two years, but it’s been absolutely fucking perfect is what it’s been.

  “Alright, Sunny. No more.”

  She smiles, leaning forward and touches her mouth to mine again. “Thank you, Dylan.”

  I hum, pulling her closer and sliding my tongue across the seam of her lips. She opens for me, as she always does, as she’ll always do and I take just as I’ve always done. I groan, wishing I could be inside of her again right this second.

  Ten years and almost six children has not curbed the desire that I have for my wife. Not for a goddamn second. In fact, I think that I want her more today than I did when we met. We’ve both grown, and we’ve done that together, it’s been fucking heaven every goddamn day.

  Though each has not been perfect, with her by my side, I know that it is exactly what I need it to be. Every struggle is something we’ve needed, something that has been given to us to make us stronger.

  This life of ours has been nothing short of amazing in every way possible. I can’t wait until this new little one joins us and adds that extra level of crazy to our already insane household.




  I don’t know how we got here, but my husband is turning fifty this year. It took me all year, but I’m finally down to the size I’ve been trying to get to for the past ten years, mainly because every time I’ve been anywhere near this size, I got pregnant again.

  Not this time.

  The party for Dylan is huge. All of the Savage Beasts, plus their spouses and their massive brood, and my mom, are here to celebrate Dylan’s fiftieth birthday. I still can’t believe that we’ve been together over ten years. I’m almost thirty, he’s fifty, and we’ve built this amazing life together.

  Gisele reaches across the counter for one side of the cake while I finish lighting the candles. Fifty in total. I couldn’t just do the five and zero ones, I needed to have all fifty burning bright for him today.

  “Are you ready?” she asks.

  The sheet cake is huge and thick, and heavy. I swear it must weigh at least fifteen pounds. Nodding my head, I brace myself and pick up the opposite side of the cake with a grunt. Together we begin walking out of the house and toward the picnic table.

  I start the singing, then eventually everyone joins in. Today has been an awesome day. The kids have been running around like crazy, the women chatting, the men drinking and eating. These are some of my favorite moments with the club.

  The family we have created, all of us, together.

  Especially my mom, who smiles as she tips her drink back. She is not a traditional grandma, the kids don’t even know that she’s theirs. She made the choice to just be their Pinkie, and I’m okay with that. It doesn’t mean that she hasn’t given my babies special attention, because she has.

  Dylan smiles as soon as we approach him. I made him stand in front of the table because I already knew how freaking heavy this cake was. When we’re finished singing, Gisele and I set the cake down in front of him.

  He doesn’t make a motion to move.

  “Blow out the candles,” I urge.

  He shakes his head once. “Got everything, Sunny.”

  It’s cheesy, I know that it is, but he doesn’t say it to be cheesy, it’s not a line, it’s exactly what he thinks. I know, because he tells me often. Tears fill my eyes, and I wipe them away before they can screw my makeup up too badly.

  “Just blow them out,” I whisper.

  He grins, dipping his head, his eyes never leaving mine and he blows out the candles. “What did you wish for?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Can’t tell you.”

  Dylan holds out his hand and I know that he wants me to come to his side, so I do. He wraps his arm around me, tugging me close to him. His mouth presses against mine and his tongue touches my bottom lip, tasting me briefly.

  “Feed me some cake, woman,” he grunts.

  There’s a noise in the parking lot and we all turn to look. It’s Buster roaring in, driving way too fast. I let out a sigh of relief that he’s alone.

  Last time there was a family party, he brought a stripper with him. Which wouldn’t have been a big deal at all, except she was dressed for the stage and it was noon, all the little kids saw her and that was an education we all weren’t ready to give.

  “Shit,” Silver hisses. “Got to have a word with that boy,” he growls.

  “You sure as fuck do,” Dragon snaps.

  My eyes widen, but I don’t ask what that’s about. It’s about their children, Buster and Kora. They’ve been dancing around one another since they were little kids. I have a feeling shit has finally hit the fan. I’m not sure I want to even be a fly on the wall when the fathers get involved.



  Gathering my wife in my arms, I pull her naked body against my own and look into her eyes. There is just a little light pouring through from the full moon, but it’s enough that I can see her gorgeous face. She’s flushed from the orgasm she’s just had, her breathing still panting as she attempts to catch her breath.

  “Want to know what I wished for?” I ask.

  She doesn’t say anything right away, then she pushes up on my chest, her eyes looking into mine. I watch as she licks her bottom lip and tilts her head to the side.

  “I thought you couldn’t tell me?” she asks.

  “Couldn’t tell you in front of everyone. Would seriously make me look like a pussy.”

  Pammy’s eyes widen and she lets out a small laugh. “Oh, then I can’t wait to hear it,” she purrs.

  I hum. Lifting my hand, I slide it through the side of her hair before I cup the back of her head. Tugging her head a little closer to mine, I touch my mouth to hers, but I don’t deepen the kiss.

  “I wished that I had fifty more years of this with you,” I admit.

  “Dylan,” she breathes.

  “Best twelve years of my life, Sunny.”

  UnChoke Me





  “You’re still fucked up about killing Karma,” Maria s

  She’s wrong and she’s right all at the same time. I stare at her, wondering how in just months we’ve gone from this perfect throuple, this loving relationship to this straight-up fucking bitterness.

  All she does is accuse me of shit these days. Accuse me of loving Karma, Gator, and anyone else too fucking much. I don’t know how else to show her that I love her, too. I put my mark on her skin, bought her a house, fuck her alone more often than with Gator, but it’s never enough.

  “I don’t think you ever get over something like that,” I agree. “But this isn’t that. You’re angry, I can’t figure it out.”

  She shakes her head and takes a step back. I can see the anger, the absolute fucking rage that simmers inside of her. She is trying to hide it, trying to fuck it out of her by using mine and Gator’s bodies, by holding us so close that we both feel like we’re suffocating, but she isn’t telling us what the fuck is wrong.

  “You love each other too much,” she screams, almost maniacal.


  Finally, we’re getting somewhere.

  “We love each other too much?” I ask. “As if we don’t love you, too?”

  “I thought that I could do this, that I could be okay with this, Justin. I talked with Avah and I felt confident that we could work on this together, but I can’t. This just can’t work. There is a reason throuple relationships just don’t work.”

  “They don’t?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  She has tears in her eyes and as much as I want to comfort her, I can’t right now. I can’t do it, not when she’s talking about leaving me, leaving us.


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