UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 28

by Hayley Faiman

  “I fell for you instantly, before Gator even joined us. Do you know that? I fucking branded you.”

  Her big eyes lift to mine and they’re full of tears, but they don’t fall. “It’s too hard. You don’t love me as much as you love Devon. You never will.”

  “Who says? It’s a different love, but I love both of you very much,” I growl. “We wanted you to carry our baby.”

  Maria shakes her head. “No,” she states firmly. “You want me to carry your baby, but you don’t truly love me. You can’t, you’re too in love with Gator. I can’t handle it. I need your love, Justin, I need all of you.”

  “You think he has more of me than you do? Are you fucking serious right now. Are you telling me you want me to leave him for you?”

  “I am.”

  Turning from her, I walk away.

  Fuck this.

  Fuck her.


  Mamba brushes past me at lightning speed and I watch as he walks out of the front door and straddles his bike. It roars to life before he takes off, obviously pissed the fuck off. Walking into the bedroom, I look up and see Maria sitting on the edge of the bed, her face in her hands as she cries.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand.

  She lifts her head, looking over to me, and I can see the pain slash across her face. “It’s over,” she whispers. “I’m done.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She licks her lips, her tears flowing down her cheeks as she stares at me in silence for a long moment.

  “You love each other so much, there isn’t room for me.”

  “Are you that selfish?” I ask.

  “Devon,” she gasps.

  “You’d leave us, leave him, knowing how much he cares about you? Knowing his past, knowing you’re the only woman he’s ever loved. You’d do that?”

  Maria stands, shaking her head. Her eyes find mine and she approaches me. I hold my breath when she lifts her hand and cups my cheek.

  “Maybe I’m being selfish, but I can’t live with partial love from two people to make a whole. I need whole love. I thought that eventually, we would find this love together that would be more than one person could give, but it’s not. I have pieces of each of you and I can’t live this way anymore. I’ve tried.”

  “Have you?” I ask, frowning.

  She nods her head, licking her lips. “I have. I’ve been feeling this way for a while and it’s just not going to be something that I can live the rest of my life with.”

  “We branded you,” I snap.

  She nods her head. “You did and I’ll cover them up with tattoos, but I can’t do this, not anymore.”

  “You think you can just walk away? We can keep you here,” I point out. “We can keep you tethered to us. We’re the ones who choose, not you.”

  Anger fills me, but not because I’m pissed off at her, more so because I’m angry for Mamba. He loves her, he’s had enough shit shoveled his way in his life. He deserves to live free and easy, to love the way he wants and to be accepted.

  Maria said she accepted all of him, and now she doesn’t, when he has given her everything that he can.

  She lied.

  The betrayal burns.

  I can’t stand the sight of her for a moment longer. Turning away from her, I leave, though not as angrily as Mamba did. I’m not angry, not the way she probably thinks. I’m angry for Mamba, not for me.


  Day in.

  Day out.

  The same thing, every single day.

  I come to work, I take orders, and I deliver the food that people order to their table. I hate it. I hate every second of my life in this small town. I want out, and at this point I don’t care how that happens.

  I’m going to do whatever I can, the first chance I get.

  It doesn’t matter what the opportunity is, I’m going to hold on with both hands.

  I have this huge hole inside of me, something that I don’t think could ever be filled. At the exact same time, I feel like I’m being choked harder and harder each day that I stay here.

  Chapter One


  Going on this run is what I need. What Gator and I need. Maria, Gator, and I tried to reconnect in so many different ways over the last few months, but none of it mattered, because she was already gone before we even tried.

  Going to California to pack up Avah’s shit didn’t do anything but put a Band-Aid on what the truth of it was—we were over.

  Sitting in the little diner in Oregon, can’t help but notice the little waitress who keeps watching me, her eyes scanning our group, no doubt fascinated by these men in jeans and leather. She’s a hot little number, but a woman is the last thing that we need right now.

  What we need to do is finish off the Donkey Punchers, go home, and figure out the future, if there is anything to truly figure out. Maybe Maria is right. Maybe Gator and I just need to be with one another, perhaps a third person is too much for us.

  Fuck if I know.

  Just when I thought I finally had my life figured out, like shit was finally going our way, this happens. Shaking my head, I join back into the conversation happening around me.

  “Have we had enough feel-good shit? I’m ready to kill some motherfuckers,” I growl at the same time I hear a gasp.

  That sweet waitress is standing right behind Dragon, and I can’t help but smirk in her direction. To anyone else, the expression she’s wearing on her face would appear to be horror, but I see a lot of myself inside of her with just one glance.

  She’s not horrified, she’s intrigued.

  Chuckling, I shift from my seat. “I got this,” I purr, not taking my eyes off of her.

  Making my way toward her, I know that Gator will soon follow. This little girl is looking for some fun. I watch as he walks over to her. She shakes her head, her face draining of all color as I approach.

  When Gator finally arrives at my side, we usher the girl out of the building. We have to help her forget that she heard anything at all. She backs away from us, rounding the corner and then slams against the dirty stucco wall of the building with a thud.

  She lifts her head, her big green eyes finding mine and her lips parting, I can see that she is anything but scared. The way her nostrils flare, the way she trembles, it’s not with fear, it’s with desire.

  “Mamba,” Gator warns.

  I hum, tilting my head to the side, my gaze never leaving hers. “She isn’t scared, are you, doe?”

  “Doe?” she asks on a whisper.

  Looking down at her chest, I watch as her tits strain in her low-cut tank top, the way they push out with every heavy breath she breathes. They’re begging to be released, to be in my fucking mouth. Licking my lips, I lift my eyes to meet hers again.

  “You look like a sweet little doe, caught in our headlights, but you’re not scared. You’re curious, just like the doe, aren’t you?”

  She nods her head once, slowly, her green gaze focused on mine. I hear the bike engines start up in the near distance, but I ignore them, because this little doe has every fucking ounce of my attention.

  “Do you want to satisfy that curiosity?” I ask. “I know I do.”

  I am curious too. Curious if she would take both of us the way we are, or if she would be too nervous, too scared for two men at the same time. Something tells me that this little doe would fit nicely between us.


  My breath hitches.

  These men are dangerous.

  No, they are beyond dangerous.

  I don’t even think that they make a word for what they are. Not only in general, but to me as well.

  The vocal one, he has me pinned to the wall, the heat from his body pouring off of him, coming through my own clothes. I can’t look away from him, I can’t look anywhere but his eyes. He’s spectacular.

  The other one slowly prowls toward me, like he’s approaching a skittish animal. He stops to the side of his friend and without
a word, reaches out to cup my cheek.

  “Mamba,” he murmurs.

  “Yeah,” the main guy grunts, his name must be Mamba, or at least that’s what he’s called.

  “What is happening?” I breathe.

  I flick my gaze back and forth between them and watch as their lips curve up into grins. “Want to play, little doe?” the softer spoken one asks.

  “Play?” I exhale.

  They both chuckle, I have a feeling I know what they’re asking, but I want to make sure it’s what I think it is.

  The main guy, Mamba, leans forward, his lips almost touching mine. “You, me, and him.”

  As he speaks, his lips touch my own and I can’t stop the shiver from sliding down my spine. I want that. It’s so bad, so, so bad, but I feel like I will regret it if I don’t say yes. Them, both of them, they feel really right.

  Instantly that choking feeling, that suffocation, it completely leaves me. It’s like just by being here in front of me, so close that they’re both practically kissing me, they’ve unchoked me.

  “Okay,” I say as I swallow the knot in my throat.

  He lifts his head, his eyes connecting to mine. I watch as something flashes in them, desire, need, and maybe even a little want too. I’ve never felt sexy, not ever, except right this moment. I feel like the sexiest woman on earth. I don’t know how they do it just by looking at me, but they do.

  “You’re on the back of my bike,” he says, reaching down and taking my hand in his.

  “Wait,” I cry. “I have work.”

  The other one smirks. “You really want to go back in there? Really?”

  “No,” I whisper.

  “Then come with us.”

  “What happens tomorrow when I’m fired?” I ask.

  He shrugs his shoulder. “What happens when you stop asking about tomorrow and start living today?”

  Chapter Two


  This whole thing is probably a mistake. That’s what I tell myself over and over as I follow behind Mamba and the little doe-eyed waitress.

  It probably is a mistake, but it’s not stopping my cock from hardening at the thought of being inside of her, of playing with her, of having Mamba inside of me at the same time.

  I want it all.

  When Maria left, it left a hole inside of us both. I don’t think it has anything to do with her personally, but that third person completes us. Maria may not have been able to do it, and everyone at the Beasts thinks that Mamba and I should just be with one another, but that’s not how we work.

  At least I don’t think we would work that way, could we?

  We need someone who can be okay with shared love, with shared everything. Because not one of us will get all of the other. And as much as Mamba and I need one another, we need someone else too.


  I didn’t think that I could ever share much in life, but with Mamba it’s easy. He gives more than he has to, he gives more than any other lover I’ve ever had. I don’t know why it wasn’t enough for Maria. Maybe she just didn’t love us enough to accept what we could give her.

  Maybe it’s me? Maybe I love Mamba so much, too much, that I’m willing to do whatever he wants. I love women, but I have to admit, I prefer just him most of the time.

  Pulling into the motel parking lot, I kill the engine of my bike as I watch Mamba and the girl walk toward the room. It’s dark outside and all of the bikes are parked. The guys are probably resting and I have no doubt that Jaguar is asleep in the room.

  I don’t move right away, content to watch Mamba smile down at her. It’s a real smile too, not a made-up cocky smirk, it’s real.

  Not something you see very often from him. He wears it well, the sexy bastard. Throwing my leg over the seat, I follow behind them, and before they go into the room, I look over at her.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, knowing that Mamba has one thing and one thing only on his mind, and it’s not her name.

  “Shelby,” she whispers.

  “I’m Gator, that’s Mamba,” I introduce. “Someone is going to be asleep in the other bed, he won’t touch you, just us.”

  She nods her head, licking her lips as her eyes flick between us. “Okay… I’ve never—” she begins.

  Mamba chuckles. “Got that, doe. We’ll take care of you.”

  We all three walk into the hotel room and as I suspect, Jaguar is passed out in his bed. Quietly we make our way over to the extra bed and I watch as Mamba makes the first move. He tilts his head and kisses her.

  I watch them, my cock going hard at the sight of them just kissing. She’s fucking stunning and sweet, shy even. It’s sexy as fuck. Peeling off my cut, I toss it on the small chair in the room before I take my T-shirt off and kick my boots off.

  Making my way toward them, I lean down and touch my lips to Mamba’s neck. He breaks the kiss with Shelby before he turns to look at me. I see the desire in his gaze. He leans forward and touches his mouth to mine before he takes a step back.


  Taking a step back, I start to take my clothes off. First my cut, then I kick off my boots before I peel off my T-shirt. I watch as Gator kisses Shelby. Fuck me, it’s sexy as shit. She lifts her arms and wraps them around his neck, arching her back as she silently begs for more.

  Walking around behind them, I wrap my fingers around her waist from behind and touch my lips to the side of her neck. Her entire body trembles from the multiple stimulations, she hasn’t even felt the beginning of it yet, she will and she’s going to be ruined for anyone else.

  It’s my goddamn mission.

  Sliding my hands around her waist, I reach the front of her jeans and tug open the button before I slip one of my hands beneath her panties, cupping her.

  Shelby lifts her head, and I hear her let out a soft moan from my touch. Gator chuckles then his hands brush mine as he starts to tug the hem of her tank and pull it up her body. I lift my lips from her neck just long enough for him to take the shirt over her head and toss it somewhere in the room.

  Slipping a finger inside of her, it’s my turn to moan as quietly as possible at how soaked she is. I finger fuck her, my lips kissing her neck, my tongue tasting her skin. Gator unhooks her bra, and I instantly regret not being in front so that I can see her tits as they are freed.

  “Fuck,” Gator rasps.

  His mouth moves down to her tits, and Shelby’s hips jerk against my palm. She grinds her clit against me as I shift my fingers, slipping two inside of her wet cunt.

  With her pants half down, Gator’s mouth is on her tits, feasting on one before he moves to the other, and then back to the first. My fingers moving inside of her, her hips jerking as she grinds down against my palm. She comes.

  It’s long and hard. Lifting my hand, I cover her mouth, her cry vibrating against my palm as her pussy clamps down around my fingers between her legs, right before wetness coats my palm.

  Fuck me.

  Hot as fucking shit.

  Neither one of us stops right away. I let her ride out her orgasm, then when her entire body is boneless, I stop. Gator does the same, taking a step back from her. I guide her over to the bed and strip her completely naked before I set her down.

  Shelby looks up at us, her eyes wide as she licks her lips and watches for a moment as we undress ourselves, then her gaze drops down to our dicks and she gasps.

  “I’m not sure how this goes... but you’re both… large…”

  “That sounds like a pretty amazing compliment,” Gator chuckles.

  Grinning, I look over to him and I shrug. “I think so.”

  “What happens next?” she asks.

  Our attention turns to her and without saying a word, we close the short distance to her, dragging her up to the head of the bed, each of us on a side of her. Gator takes her back while I enjoy her front, her tits being more spectacular than I had imagined. They taste better than I’d imagined as well.

  Chapter Three


p; If I said it was all too much, I would be lying. It’s all just enough. I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to take them together, if that’s what they would want. As their mouths kiss, lick, and suck my entire body, I can’t help but wonder why every woman doesn’t do this. It’s sexy as hell and I feel unstoppable.

  Gator lies on his back and picks me up. He turns me around, though I don’t know how he does it. I’m no shrinking violet and he seems strong, but it’s an odd angle. Then, I forget about my weight, about the position, because his mouth is suddenly between my legs.

  “I want you to fuck his mouth,” Mamba demands.

  Lifting my eyes, I look down Gator’s body and watch as Mamba grins. He’s on his knees between Gator’s legs, his eyes focused on mine. Pressing my palms against Gator’s chest, I do as I’m told, mainly because it feels absolutely amazing.

  His tongue is magic between my legs, but I’m not sure it even compares to watching Mamba open his mouth and take Gator inside. Gator groans, but he doesn’t stop moving between my legs. If anything his movements speed up and so do mine.

  My hips jerk and buck, searching for my release as I watch Mamba suck Gator’s dick. Honestly, I don’t know how Gator does it, but he doesn’t stop no matter how fast Mamba’s head bobs up and down.

  It doesn’t take me long to find my second release. My pussy is achy and my clit is so sensitive I think a strong wind could push me over the edge at this point.

  When I come, it’s with my eyes focused on Mamba’s. He lifts his head from between Gator’s legs and reaches out, wrapping his fingers around the back of my neck before he thrusts his tongue deep into my mouth.

  My entire body trembles and Gator lifts me from his face, but only slides me a few inches down to his chest. I try not to think about my wet pussy leaking against his skin. I’m so boneless that it’s easy to push the thoughts from my mind, especially as Mamba kisses me.


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