UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 29

by Hayley Faiman

  “Fuck,” Mamba growls softly. I’ve completely forgotten about the other man in the room, and right now, I wouldn’t care if he woke up and watched us.

  His lips move down to my breasts and he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth, sinking his teeth into my skin, hard. Arching my back, I accept it all, loving the way that it feels.

  His mark.

  I don’t know anything about him, and this is the most brazen, dangerous, and reckless thing I have ever done in my life, but it’s also the most exciting and exhilarating thing I’ve ever done. I want his mark. I want Gator’s too.

  “More,” I breathe.

  He chuckles, lifting his head, his eyes finding mine. “You ready for that pussy to be filled?” he asks, and it sounds like it’s on a dare.

  “I don’t know how this works,” I admit, feeling silly. My face heats and I know without a doubt that it’s turned bright pink.

  He smiles, but he doesn’t laugh at me, in fact, the expression he wears is almost soft, sweet even.

  “You let us take care of you, doe,” he rasps.

  “I don’t know why, but I really want that.”

  I do too.

  I want them.

  Both of them.

  Almost as if I’ve never wanted anything more.

  My body feels alive, I finally feel alive, and I didn’t think that it was possible for any of this. I’ve never run off with strange men before and I’ve certainly never allowed them to touch me, but I feel deep inside of me that this is what I’ve been waiting for.


  If spectacular were a person, it would be Shelby. She is just that. Spectacular. She is obviously shy and I doubt she’s ever had two men anywhere near her, but maybe that’s what makes this even more alluring.

  She doesn’t want this for any other reason other than her body craves it. She is completely lost to the moment, to us.

  “We’re going to do just that, Shelby,” I murmur as my lips travel over to her other breast. I mark that one as well, sucking her tit in deep and sinking my teeth into the soft flesh.

  She jerks her hips against Gator’s chest and arches her back as she lifts one of her hands to grip my hair at the back of my head. Releasing her, I look into her eyes, her head is dipped and she’s looking at me through her lashes.

  Grinning, I touch my mouth to hers. “I’m going to fuck you now. He’s had his taste and I want mine,” I rasp against her lips. “You’re going to ride me. Gator’s going to make you feel good, too, promise that,” I purr.

  She gasps, looking back over her shoulder at Gator, who is now sitting up on his elbows wearing a grin. Neither of us has come yet. I plan on coming inside of Shelby. I’m not sure Gator’s intentions, though he can do as he wishes. I don’t own anything about him.

  Gathering her in my arms, I reach over to Gator, who tosses me a condom. Ripping the foil package with my teeth, I take the rubber from it and toss the pack somewhere on the floor. Shelby watches me, her eyes focused intently on my movements.

  Once I’ve rolled the condom on, I lift my hand and hold two fingers to her lips. Without a word, her mouth opens and I fuck her with my fingers, making sure they get nice and wet in her mouth, then I slip them between her legs and slide them through her folds.

  “Mamba,” she breathes.

  I chuckle, knowing that she’s got to be a ball of sensitive nerve endings just waiting to erupt again. When I shift her around, I align her center with my cock and with my hands spanning her hips, I lower her down on my length.

  “Oh god,” she groans.

  “Fuck,” I grind out at the sensation of her wrapped around me. Next time, no goddamn condom, not with her.

  When she’s fully seated on top of me, taking all that I have to offer, Gator climbs closer to her, his lips touching the back of her neck. I watch as his hair disappears as he kisses down her spine. Then she shifts forward.

  Chuckling, I know exactly what Gator wants to taste. I feel his tongue circle my balls, then disappear and when Shelby gasps, it’s confirmed, he’s going to tongue fuck her ass.

  If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t say anything. In fact, her hips jerk and I watch as she completely loses herself to the sensations of having two men devour her. It’s goddamn beautiful in every way possible.

  Chapter Four


  I’m a bad girl, but I like it.

  After what felt like hours of sex, I finally pass out between the sexiest men on earth. I don’t know how long I sleep, but it’s long enough that when I wake up, I’m only pressed next to one of them and the room is bright with sunlight.

  “‘Mornin’, doe,” Gator announces.

  “Oh god, you probably want me to leave,” I groan, feeling completely embarrassed.

  His brows snap together and he frowns. “Mamba would be pissed if you just up and left, is that what you want?” he asks.

  Gosh, he’s nice, and his tongue is magic, straight-up magic. I’ve never done the things that I did with them, not with anyone, although I haven’t had much experience before they walked through the diner door.

  “I’ve never done this before,” I rasp.

  “So you keep saying. Want to elaborate?” he asks with a chuckle.

  Licking my dry lips, I look to the side, then push up on his chest slightly and look down into his eyes.

  “Any of it, aside from regular sex. I’ve never had a man’s mouth or anything… down there,” I say on a whisper, my face feeling hot immediately.

  He smiles. Lifting his hand he slides his fingers through my hair at the side of my head, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Never been with two men, I’ve never had a one-night stand, none of it.”

  “Is that what you want it to be? A one-night stand?” My heart slams against my chest at the thought of this being my one and only chance with both of them. It’s not enough, it’s never enough.

  “Not that we know you really well, but we liked what we had. Could you see yourself doing it more? Maybe on an as-needed basis?”

  Nodding my head, I think about telling him that I want out of this town, but decide that he would think it’s the only reason I want more of them. It’s a sliver of the reason, but them being just them is more of it.

  “You know anything about MC life?” he asks.

  Shaking my head, I wait for him to tell me right away. He doesn’t. Instead, he makes me wait for a few moments. His lips curve up into a grin before he tells me what he’s talking about.

  “It’s all in, doe. There’s no leaving unless you have permission. You come with us, you’re ours. You don’t ask us questions about our work, about anything, and we’ll tell you no lies. We aren’t looking for a true relationship, just for fun.”

  “You and Mamba, you’re together, too?”

  He nods his head. “We’re very together.”

  And it’s now that I realize the reason he’s stayed behind and the others are all gone is that he’s going to educate me. I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I’m glad for it, I want to know everything that I can about them.


  After explaining as much as I can about the club life to Shelby, and the fact that we don’t want to be a throuple again, but not the reasoning behind it, I send her off to take a shower. Reaching for my phone, I scroll down to Mamba’s number. They should have been back by now, but they’re not and I’m a bit worried.

  He doesn’t answer, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I clear my throat and watch Shelby wash her body. She’s hot as fuck. The door opens just when I’m thinking about joining her. I didn’t get to dip my dick in her pussy last night and I’m jonesin’ for a feel of her soft cunt.

  “You get her straight?” Mamba asks as he starts to throw his shit into his small bag. I climb out of bed, having showered earlier, and pull on some clean clothes.

  “Told her she comes with us, there’s no leaving. Told her she was ours until that somehow changed, but didn’t think that it would. Made it
clear she was for fun, that we weren’t doing a relationship between the three of us. When and if we were ever done, she couldn’t just bounce. That there are rules. She’s ready to blow this town, ready to come with us. Ready to be ours.”

  “Ours. Fuck, I don’t know why we’re doin’ this shit again, but I like having the boundaries in place this time,” Mamba grumbles.

  Normally, I don’t freely touch Mamba, not because he doesn’t let me, but because alone we aren’t that touchy-feely. We save that for sex only. But this is different, this moment feels different.

  Walking over to him, I reach out and wrap my hand around the back of his head, tugging it backward, forcing his neck to arch. Looking into his eyes, I watch as they darken with desire. Grinning down at him, I wish that we had more time to go a few more rounds.

  “We’re doing it because we like it, we need it. Both of us, not just you and not just me. We need this. We’re going to keep doing it until we find the perfect fit to our puzzle. I think that we need one another, but we need another person too sometimes.”

  “You think she’s it?” he asks.

  Nodding, I look over to the bathroom and watch as she makes her way toward us, wearing only a towel. Then, the towel is gone and she’s completely naked, using my hand in his hair, I turn his head so that Mamba can watch her walk toward us.

  “Yeah, I do,” I state. “She’s doe-eyed, but she knows the score. She’s down for being with us on our terms.”

  It’s premature, I know that it is, but there is something about her. Saw it the second Mamba had her against the wall outside of the diner. Knew it solid when she came to this room and took everything we had to give her with nothing short of amazement in her eyes.

  She bends down slightly, her lips touching Mamba’s and she whispers. “Take me, Mamba. Own me the way you need me.”

  Chapter Five


  The clubhouse is in full swing when we arrive back from Oregon. Shelby has been taking turns riding on the back of each of our bikes. We haven’t fucked since we were in Oregon, mainly because we’ve been on a fast track to get home.

  Now that we’re here, I plan on taking full advantage of her in every way. I know that Gator is dying to get another taste of her, just as badly as I am.

  The Old Ladies have a full spread out for us, and although I’m appreciative, I want to take her back to my room and take full advantage of the sweet little body that’s been pressed against my back on and off the past few days.

  “So what happens now?” Shelby asks as we make our way toward the people.

  “Now, we eat. Tonight, we’ll party, then later, we’ll play,” I offer with a grin.

  She turns to me, her eyes smiling before her lips do the same. “I like the sound of that,” she rasps, her cheeks turning red.

  “Why’d you want to leave that little place?” I ask.

  She shrugs a shoulder, then looks over toward Gator who is making his way toward us. She shifts her gaze back to me, her eyes meeting mine, and I see the pain in them. It swirls around for a moment before she hides it away again.

  “It wasn’t where I was meant to stay.”

  Lifting my hand to her cheek, I use my thumb to slide along the apple, my eyes never leaving her own. “And nobody will be looking for you?”

  She shakes her head. “Even if they did, they wouldn’t look for long.”

  I hum, dipping my chin before I touch my mouth to hers in a brief kiss. “Then we’re going to keep you, doe.”

  “Please,” she rasps.

  “I hope you always feel that way.”

  Before either of us can say anything else, Gator appears. Together, the three of us make our way in to the party. The women are all curious, but far too excited to meet Shelby. I watch as a few of them guide her away and start asking her a million questions. She looks back at me pleadingly and I can do nothing but shake my head a few times.

  “She’s it, isn’t she?” Gator asks.

  “It’s only been a few days.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, but we’ve been around her twenty-four seven for days. Think we’d find a warning sign sometime during that?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I can’t help but think of Maria. Did we see any warning signs in the beginning? I can’t trust my judgment. Not with something this important.

  “I saw them,” Gator rasps. “Maybe not at first, but I saw them.”

  “Then keep an eye out, because I sure as fuck didn’t.”

  “I don’t see any with the little doe. I think we made the right call. She doesn’t want as much as Maria did. She wants freedom, not to be the center of our world.”


  “My name is Della,” a woman offers with a smile.

  “I’m Shelby,” I say, returning her smile.

  She talks to me for a few moments, but I can’t take my eyes off of the men across from me who look like they’re ready to devour the food, then me. Della laughs and I turn to look back at her.

  “I guess I don’t have to ask why you’re here.” She chuckles. “You’re theirs.”

  “I am,” I say as a sense of pride fills me at the words.

  I am theirs.


  For whatever they need me for. Even if it’s only the way they took me in the hotel, I’m down with that forever. It was fantastic. I don’t need flowery stuff, I don’t need them to suffocate me with romance and attention. I just need excitement and safety.

  We talk small talk, but all I can do is count the minutes until I’m alone with them again. I want to tell them that I’m theirs, that it’s all I want to be. Nothing more, nothing less, just theirs. I lick my lips and lift my eyes when I hear Della calling my name several times.

  “Are you planning on staying? For good?” she asks.

  I nod my head a couple of times as I watch her, wondering exactly what she’s asking me. “They’ve been through a lot,” she whispers.

  Clearing my throat, I give her a smile. “I’m sure they have.” And I am.

  They are part of what I would consider a gang of sorts, they are obviously both bisexual, but I can see it’s more than just that. They are in love with one another. The way they look at each other, it’s clear. I don’t want to get between their love, I just want to enhance it and I think that I can.

  This is totally a he-man club, so I’m sure they’ve been through a hell of a lot in their lives. I don’t say any of that to her though, it’s really none of her business. I don’t even know her. I just want to find a slice of happiness, however that looks.

  “God, you’re gone for them, aren’t you?” she asks with a small laugh.

  “Completely,” I agree right before I feel four sets of hands on me.

  Two around my waist and two pressing against the center of my back. Their mouths touch each side of my neck and I sigh as I close my eyes. Yeah, I’m completely one-hundred-percent gone for them.

  Lost and hoping to never be returned.




  A tongue traces the scarred flesh of one of the insides of my thighs. Another tongue slides up the side of my throat.

  Five years.

  That’s how long my body, heart, and soul have belonged to these two men, and it’s been the best five years of my entire life. With a sigh, I spread my legs wider and arch my neck to allow more access to both of them.

  They only come to me when they want me. They sleep together in their own room and I have mine. If anyone knew, they would think that I’m just a roommate and they are the couple.

  But they do need me, often.

  They need one another more and I am content with what I get from them, they never make me feel like a third wheel or a burden. I have my space and I’m perfectly fine with that.

  This morning, they found their way into my room and my heart races with excitement.

  “He’s going to eat your sweet cunt and I’m going to fuck your ass, are you ready?” Mamb
a asks.

  Shivering, I let out another sigh. “I am so ready,” I breathe.

  Mamba stands at the side of the bed, Gator lays down on his back, his head faces him and I crawl on top of Gator so that I’m straddling his face. Looking down, I lick my lips at the sight of Gator’s hard length.

  He starts to gently stroke himself and I lower down, moving backward and replace his hand with my own and open my mouth to take him inside of me.


  This is one of the things that I need from them. They touch me, they fill me, they want me—every part of me. I’ve never felt this much before in my life. This much of anything, but more specifically, this much love.

  I feel the warm lube as Mamba strokes my back entrance, two of his fingers fill me as Gator works his fantastic magic against my pussy. I don’t know how he does it without stopping, because I have to pause from sucking him, just to try and catch my breath.

  Slowly, Mamba sinks inside of me with a moan. My entire torso is pressed against Gator’s, and I relax my throat so that I can take almost all of him, remembering to breathe through my nose.

  Mamba fucks my ass, Gator eats my pussy, and I can’t do anything but hold Gator’s dick down my throat. I feel like I should be doing more, but I can’t, it’s all so much. I feel my climax building inside of me, it’s going to be completely earth-shattering when I do come.

  I thought that the sex, the need and desire, would eventually die down between us, like maybe we wouldn’t want each other as much as we did when we met, but I think we want one another more now.

  “Fuck,” Mamba grinds out, his hands spreading my ass far as he continues to fuck me, his hips slamming against me harder with each thrust.

  I come. Just as expected, it’s hard. Lifting my head, I release Gator’s cock as I cry out with my release. Mamba is next. He buries his dick deep inside of me and I feel him twitch as he finds his own release. Lowering my head, I concentrate on Gator’s cock, sucking and licking him over and over until he comes down my throat.


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