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Portville Summer Series: The Complete Collection Books 1-4: (MM Nonshifter Omegaverse)

Page 13

by Xander Collins

  The omega screamed and cried out as I gave him everything he had been begging for, slamming into him, then pulling back and tugging on his tight opening over and over until I could feel myself about to explode. I gripped the omega’s perfect ass as I felt my orgasm start. It was a warm, tingling sensation that spread from the base of my cock and up through my stomach.

  I knew the insane pressure inside me was about to be released and I closed my eyes, letting the sensation wash over me as I felt my seed shoot deep inside his channel. I lost all track of time or any sense of where I was as I continued to dig my fingers into the omega’s ass and slam into him from behind.

  When my eyes eventually opened I had absolutely no idea where I was. I lazily looked around a small bedroom that was almost completely filled up by the queen-size bed I was laying on. There was not a single piece of artwork on the fake wood paneled walls, and, from what I could tell, there was only one very small window.

  I turned my head and saw a body in the bed next to me. Dark brown hair was peeking out of the top of a pile of vintage quilts that were moving up and down slowly with each breath. I knew that meant I had fucked someone the night before, but I was having a hell of a time remembering exactly who it was and where it had happened.

  Then, as the guy in bed next to me rolled onto his back, I remembered everything—the drive-in, the trailer, the redneck …me knotting inside him.

  I knotted inside this omega and I didn’t even know his name? I thought to myself. I turned my head back so that I was staring at the ceiling and tried to stave off a full-blown panic attack.

  There was no way in hell this was going to happen. My responsibility was to my family and the landscaping business. My brother and his kids and my parents. I couldn’t drop everything for some white-trash dude who didn’t give two shits about people he drove completely crazy with the loudest truck on the planet. Someone who cared so little about his own safety that he wandered around the drive-in parking lot while he was in heat. I mean, who the hell does that? Talk about irresponsible.

  When I turned my head back I saw that the omega was awake, and he was staring right at me. I almost laughed out loud at the way he was looking at me—like he was even more terrified than I felt. But in those huge, brown eyes I saw what had made me lose control last night. I saw the beautiful omega I had mated with.

  And when I saw all the emotion in his eyes—the fear and panic, but also the confusion and hope--I realized what I had been trying to do. I’d been laying there thinking about how irresponsible he was, when I was just as much to blame. I could’ve stopped it at any time, but I didn’t. No matter how much I hated to admit it, I was now responsible for the baby that was most likely growing inside him.

  “Hey,” I said. “I’m Alex.”

  Chapter 5


  I had no idea what I was expecting to see when I opened my eyes, but it sure as hell wasn’t the dark-skinned alpha that was lying in my bed. I didn’t understand what had happened to me last night. It was seriously like I was blacked-out drunk except I hadn’t had a thing to drink, and I was starting to remember every single thing that happened with crystal clarity.

  I was horrified as the events unfolded in my head. Me playing with my cock in my truck while I let this total stranger drive me home. Then getting down on my knees outside and sucking him off. I cringed as I remembered begging him to come into my trailer and fuck me, then stripping for him and holding my ass cheeks open like a fucking invitation to plow my asshole.

  But the most disturbing thing I remembered? The thing that made me cringe harder than all the rest? It was this guy calling me an omega. What the actual fuck? How the hell could he have mistaken me for an omega? I mean, I guess I was kinda acting like one with the way I was pleading with him to take me and fuck my asshole.

  But he had to have been able to tell just by looking at me that I was no omega. I mean, I wasn’t as huge as he was, but I was a pretty big guy. And I was no slouch in the cock department, if you know what I mean. But seriously, betas didn’t smell anything like omegas, so how the hell did he confuse me with one.

  “Hey. I’m Alex,” he said, with one eyebrow raised and the other one lowered. I had no idea what that meant. Was he laughing? Or was he was as freaked out by last night as I was? Maybe he was laying there planning a way to get the hell out of my trailer.

  “Hey,” I said, cringing again at how weak my voice sounded. But I was practically having an aneurysm over this guy’s eyes and the way they burned into me.

  “And you are?” he asked, both of his eyebrows jumping up.

  “Oh, sorry. Jeremy. I guess I’m still kind of … um …”

  “Freaked out?” he asked, a slight smile curling up on one side of his mouth.

  “Yeah, you could say that.” After a moment he started laughing and I did too, even though I had no idea what I was even laughing about, other than the fact that some of the tension between us was gone. “Look, I don’t even know what happened last night. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.”

  “Yeah, me either. That was some intense heat you had going on there.”

  There it was again. That omega shit. What the hell was he talking about? “Huh? Are you talking about me?”

  Alex dipped an eyebrow again, then they both scrunched up together and met in the middle of his forehead. “Well, that’s what it was. I mean, every alpha in the parking lot could smell your scent. It was pretty crazy. I guess that’s why I had such a hard time controlling myself. I want to apologize for my behavior. I should’ve been a lot more responsible, and I want you to know that, if you’re pregnant, I’ll help you out in any way I can.”

  I sat up in bed and stared down at the alpha, who was still lying in my bed and whose giant arms were folded behind his head. Even though I was about to explode from the absurdity of what he was saying, I still couldn’t help but notice how insanely sexy he was. His chest was just unbelievable. He had to have some kind of manual labor job—like construction or fishing. Maybe he was a fireman. I could easily see him sliding down a long pole, then jumping into a pair of pants. Or it could be that he just worked out a lot. But that was so not the point right now. I needed to focus.

  Who the hell did this guy think he was, telling me I was an omega in heat? It was insane.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, dude. I’m not an omega, I didn’t go into heat last night, and I’m not pregnant. I have no idea how you got that into your head. I’ve been a beta ever since I got my test results back when I was sixteen. So you must have smelled someone else in that parking lot, because there’s no way it was me.”

  The alpha didn’t say a word. He just stared at me with his dark, sexy eyes.

  “Don’t get me wrong,” I continued after a long moment. “The sex was amazing. Like, seriously amazing. That was my first time and I was really into it. But you don’t have anything to worry about because it’s not even physically possible for me to get pregnant.”

  Alex silently stared at me for an infuriatingly long time, then looked at the ceiling like he was trying to figure out what to say. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but … you are an omega. I have never smelled anything as incredible as your scent in my life. And there is not a single beta on this planet I’ve ever reacted like that to. I take it this must have been your first heat then?”

  “I don’t know how else to say this so you’ll understand me. I’m not an omega. I wasn’t in heat. Jesus, can’t you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth?” I stared at him for another moment while he continued to lay there like he was the king of my goddamned bed. “Fuck!” I said, scratching my head with both hands. “I need a cup of coffee. Do you want coffee?”


  I got out of bed and threw on a pair of sweatpants, then headed out to the kitchen. When I turned to pick up the percolator I glanced back at the hallway and watched Alex walk into the living room. He was completely naked and he looked unbelievable
. I watched him as he bent over and picked up his boxer briefs and slid them on, the thin, black fabric hugging every single curve of his fabulous ass. Then he bent over and picked up his jeans, and when he stood up his eyes met mine.

  “I think it’s full,” he said, smiling and nodding at the overflowing coffee pot I was filling at the sink.

  I looked down and turned off the water. “Oh, shit, yeah.” As I listened to the sounds of Alex pulling up his jeans and zipping them, I measured the coffee into the metal basket, then put the percolator on the stove and lit the burner with a match. I was having a really hard time keeping my attention on anything but what he was doing.

  “Man, that’s old school. I haven’t seen one of those old percolators since I went camping with my dads when I was a kid. This whole trailer is pretty cool,” Alex said as he looked around. He still didn’t have his T-shirt on and I was having a hard time not staring. From every angle he looked unbelievable. His back had muscles in places I didn’t even know were possible.

  “Thanks. It was here on the property when my dad’s moved in. When I was in high school I started cleaning it up and rebuilding parts that were rotted out. I fixed it up with some original paneling and trim that I found at some local junkyards. After I got it in better shape I started spending the night out here every once in a while, so when I graduated from high school I just moved in. I think my dads like that I’m still living on the property with them.”

  I couldn’t believe the stuff that was falling out of my mouth. I didn’t know this guy at all and I was pretty sure he wasn’t interested in hearing about my high school fix-it projects.

  “That’s really cool. You did an awesome job,” he said, running his hand over some of the paneling. “I’m pretty sure my dads both wish I still lived with them too. They’re pretty old-fashioned. They like having all of the family together. So how much land is out here?”

  “It’s about a hundred acres. Half of it belongs to my alpha dad’s brother and half of it belongs to him. My dads moved us onto the property when my grandpa passed away. They were both really into the idea of living off the land.”

  “What do you mean were? They’re not into it anymore?” Alex asked. It was weird how comfortable it was to talk to him. I didn’t really think he’d care about my crappy life, but he seemed genuinely interested.

  “Well, I think it just hasn’t worked out as well as they had hoped. They still do pretty much everything for themselves. They have a massive garden and chickens and geese and goats. They can vegetables for the winter and preserve meat. They milk the goats and make cheese. They’re both really into all that stuff. But they haven’t really been successful with any kind of business. They do a lot of trading in the community here, but when it’s time to pay the bills it can get rough.”

  “Yeah, my family’s got the same problem. Seasonal work that needs to stretch out to pay the bills for the entire year.”

  “Does your family pick fruit or something?” I asked as I pulled two cups down from the cupboard. When I turned around I saw that Alex was giving me that dipped eyebrow look again, but this time it didn’t look as friendly. “I mean, I know a lot of Mexican families around here do that.”

  As soon as the words came out of my mouth I got the feeling that I’d said the exact wrong thing because the dipped eyebrow turned into a full on scowl, and his black eyes looked like they could have been throwing daggers at me. “My family isn’t Mexican. Were Puerto Rican. And we don’t pick fruit. My dad has owned his own landscaping business for thirty years.”

  Alex’s words were friendly enough, but his tone sent a wave of fear pulsating through my stomach. Alphas had a way of getting their point across without even raising their voice, and this guy was no exception. He was suddenly about as scary as alphas could be.

  “Sorry,” I said, bringing the percolator and the coffee cups to the kitchen table. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I guess I’ve always just thought of the dark skinned people around here is Mexican.”

  “You’re not the only one,” he said as he took a sip of his coffee. “Pretty much everyone does that.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry,” I said, putting my hand on his arm, then quickly pulling it back. I had no idea why I felt the need to comfort this guy or even apologize … twice. But I did. I actually cared about this total stranger for some reason.

  “This is really good,” he said after staring at me for an uncomfortably long moment. Then he took another sip of the coffee and set the cup on the table, but held onto it with both hands. “It really takes me back. My alpha dad drank his coffee black and he let me sip his whenever we would go camping. I hated the way it tasted but I felt so grown up drinking it. And now I drink it the exact same way,” Alex said with the wistful smile. “I guess it’s more my problem, really,” he said, changing the subject. ”I know I can’t stop everyone in the world from making assumptions about where I come from. I guess it’s just one of those things that gets under my skin.”

  I wasn’t really sure how to respond. I was a little bit afraid I was going to say something that would piss him off again, so I drank my coffee and looked out the window. I figured it must’ve still been early because there was a layer of fog covering the grass and it was slowly moving through the trees.

  The thing was, I knew exactly what he was talking about. I knew people made assumptions about me and I’d always hated it. As I stared out the window I realized how many assumptions I’d already made about him based on his skin color and his status, and even his build and the look on his face.

  “This place is really beautiful,” he said, startling me out of my thoughts. I glanced over at him and realized he wasn’t looking out the window. He was looking right at me.

  “Yeah, it is. I love it out here. I just hope we can keep it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Here I was again, talking about stuff no one would be interested in. “Oh, you know, taxes and all that,” I said, trying to make light of it.

  “Yeah, taxes must be a lot for this much acreage. I’d love to see it.” I watched as Alex’s eyes moved down my naked chest, then back up to my face, and when they met mine again I couldn’t hide the smile that was starting to form on my lips. “The acreage, I mean.” Then his eyes dipped back down my chest again. “Or whatever,” he said with a smile.

  Suddenly watching him look me up and down became just about the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced in my life. But then I remembered that whole conversation when we were in the bedroom. “So, wait. Let’s get back to what we were talking about. What is it that makes you think I’m an omega? I don’t understand. Do I smell like an omega to you right now?”

  Alex took another sip of his coffee, set the cup down and put his hands on the table like he was bracing himself, then looked up at me. “You don’t just smell like an omega, you smell a lot like my brother did when he was pregnant. I’m not sure how you don’t know this, but I guess not everyone is as in tune with their own—”

  “Dude, it’s not a matter of whether or not I’m in tune with anything. I just know what’s within the realm of reality, and me being pregnant is not anywhere near that realm. At all.” Now it was my turn to dish out the stern tone. I wasn’t sure if he picked up on how close I was to being pissed, but I was real fucking close.

  The thing that pissed me off more than anything, though, was how sure he seemed to be. How positive he was that I was an omega. He didn’t even know me.

  “Listen,” he said, leaning against the back of the chair. “Just to be on the safe side, why don’t we go to the store and pick up a pregnancy test? That’ll ease both of our minds and … who knows. Maybe … somehow … I got this whole thing wrong.” He leaned forward and took another sip of his coffee, then his dark eyes slowly moved up my chest and held on mine for an uncomfortably long moment. “But I’ll tell you right now, I don’t think I am.”

  Chapter 6


  After what felt like a lot of convincing, we both
got dressed and went out to Jeremy’s truck. I’d owned pickup trucks for years but never understood why anyone would trick their truck out like this. The truck itself was huge. It was a cool old vintage Ford, the kind you see used on farms, but it was lifted so the entire truck was up really high. Plus, it had huge tires that brought the entire thing even higher up off the ground.

  I felt a little ridiculous as I climbed in … and I literally had to climb. There was a stainless steel footrest that attached to the bottom of the doorframe and a handle on the inside of the door that I use to pull myself up with.

  When I got in and shut the door I looked around and noticed some things I hadn’t the night before. A gun rack behind the seats and some custom stainless steel modifications that had been done to various parts of the console. Not to mention a steering wheel that was made out of a link of chains. I know I was pretty preoccupied, but I can’t believe I didn’t notice that last night, especially since I was driving.

  I honestly couldn’t believe I’d driven this monstrosity at all. It was the epitome of a small penis truck—the kind people made fun of because the guy driving it had to be overcompensating for something. But the funny thing was, Jeremy sure as hell didn’t need to overcompensate for anything. He had one of the most impressive cocks I’d ever seen. So there went that stereotype out the window. But I seriously couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to drive a truck that looked like this.

  He started the engine and I cringed. It was the same sound I heard so many mornings from my bedroom in the house in Portville. It usually woke me up out of a sound sleep and pissed me the hell off. “Can’t you get that fixed?” I asked as the engine revved and popped so loud a flock of birds took off from a nearby tree. I was sure they thought someone was shooting at them.


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