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Eeli (The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book 3)

Page 14

by Bobbie Rayne

  “Aren’t you afraid someone will see us?”

  “She’s invisible to humans right now. As soon as we’re on her back, her magic will work on us, too.”

  “Right. I forgot about that.”

  I climbed up on her back, then held my hand out, and once he grabbed it, I pulled him up, too. Wrapping his arms around me, he kissed the back of my neck, then rested his chin on my shoulder. I grinned and wiggled my butt a little, happy I could still feel how turned on he was since I was as well.

  He groaned and hissed, “Eeli. You’re killing me.”

  Chuckling, I said, “Good. Let’s go, Bo.”

  Bo jumped into the air, making Christian hold on a little tighter. When she leveled out and he calmed, I hesitated before running my hand up his thigh. He rested his forehead against the side of my neck, then gently ran the fingers of one hand along the hem of my shirt. He was still holding onto me tighter with one hand than he probably needed to, but I was a little happy about it.

  We didn’t talk as we flew, but I continued running my hand up and down Christian’s thigh while he rubbed my abs with his fingertips. Every now and then, he placed a kiss on my neck, each time leaving goosebumps and making me crave his mouth on me more and more.

  Once we arrived, Bo circled around the pond once, and I called back to him, “Is this okay?”


  With a grin, I asked Bo to land so we could get off her back, so she flew over to the beach and touched down.

  I helped Christian down from Bo’s back, and a tingle of nerves made me hesitate for a moment before I stepped close to him, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him down to me. He wrapped me in his arms and stepped into my space immediately. I was vaguely aware of Bo taking off down the beach where she’d be close yet far enough to give us privacy, but in that moment, nothing else mattered but the lips of my mate on me and the weight of his body pressed flush with mine.

  Running my hands down his chest, I devoured his mouth the way I’d wanted to since I’d realized he was my mate. From the groans and moans coming from him, he was enjoying it as much as I was. But it wasn’t enough; I needed more of him. So I slid my hands under the back of his shirt, feeling his skin there. I wanted even more, but I didn’t know what the heck I was doing, so I waited to see what he did.

  He cupped my cheek, then walked me backward until I bumped into a tree. Christian broke our kiss and began running his lips down my jaw and neck, so I stretched to the side so he could reach better as he pulled the bottom of my shirt up. When his warm hand brushed over my skin, I sucked in a sharp breath and a tiny moan fell from my mouth. Christian leaned back and looked at me with a smile, then kissed my lips for a few seconds before focusing on my neck again.

  He ran his hand farther up my shirt and over my nipple, causing another moan to fall from me. He used his other hand to pull the collar of my shirt down so he could kiss along my collarbone, and it was making my skin tingle everywhere he touched. Shit, I already felt like I was going to explode.

  He leaned back to look into my eyes as he held the bottom of my shirt and slowly started lifting it. He was searching my face, probably to make sure I was on board with whatever it was he was doing, but if I’d been capable of words, I’d tell him he could do anything he wanted with me. I trusted him, I wanted him, I needed him. I didn’t care how any of that happened as long as he kept touching me like this.

  He slipped my shirt over my head and dropped it to the ground, then he pulled his own over his head, and I thought I was going to die from how gorgeous he was. I’d already been obsessed with his arms, but now that I was seeing his chest with a splash of hair and skin a little lighter than mine, I had a new obsession.

  “You’re never allowed to wear a shirt around me again,” I blurted, then bit my lips as my eyes widened. Why oh why was my mouth so stupid around him?

  He laughed, then kissed my neck and moved closer to me. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Mmm,” was my only response as he sucked on my neck and our chests rubbed together, skin on skin.

  I gripped his shoulders as every small touch became more and more intense. And he hadn’t even touched below the waist yet. Oh my god.

  Desperate for him to be closer to me, I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. The movement made our lengths rub against each other, and we both moaned at the pleasure, so I did it again. Christian took over, moving his hips and grinding against me. It was like electricity was shooting through my body, and the sounds coming from him were making it even better.

  Christian kissed up my neck and breathed, “Eeli,” before his fingers worked their way to my jeans button. When he unhooked it and unzipped them, he leaned back to look me in the eyes. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  I panted out, “Don’t stop.”

  He grinned and kissed me as he pushed my pants down to my thighs before pushing my underwear down as well. I was a little embarrassed, but it didn’t last long because Christian pushed his down, too, so I got a glimpse of his dick before he was on me again, kissing my mouth, grabbing my ass, and grinding his hips into me.

  I moved my hips against his, and the feeling of his silky skin rubbing against mine was going to make me come embarrassingly soon.

  Christian groaned as he kneaded my ass. “Oh god, Eeli.”

  “Christian, I’m…” An unintelligible sound came out of my mouth, but he seemed to know what I meant because he nodded.

  “Me too.”

  He picked up the pace, and I dug my fingers into his asscheeks as I met him thrust for thrust. He sucked on my neck and shoulders, and kissed my lips, but I could hardly kiss back, so he kept kissing my skin, sending little sparks through me.

  “Eeli,” he moaned out as I felt his hot cum hit my stomach. Knowing he was enjoying this as much as I was put me over the edge, and I yelled out as my cum joined his and white-hot pleasure shot through my entire body, lighting me from the inside out.

  He didn’t let go of me as we came down from our highs, but he kept kissing my neck and shoulder, only now it was sweet and gentle kisses, not urgent and rough—although I was a fan of both. He cupped my head with one hand and placed a soft kiss on my lips, then rested his forehead against mine with closed eyes while I continued to grip him to me. I didn’t want to let go—I never wanted to let go of him.

  After catching his breath, he opened his eyes and smiled at me, almost a little shyly. I knew my cheeks were flushed, but I was pretty sure it was from exertion and not because I was worried about what he’d say or do now that he’d seen me naked and practically begging for him.

  He kissed my lips again and said, “Hey.”

  “Hey.” My voice was small and shy-sounding.

  Christian leaned back examining my face, his eyes flicking over me. “You alright?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, just… not sure what to do now.”

  He chuckled, then pulled me into a hug. It was a little awkward, but I melted into him, enjoying the gesture and all of his skin on mine. We stayed that way for a few minutes, until he kissed my shoulder and leaned back. “I’m covered in uh…” His cheeks turned red, which was ridiculous considering what we’d just done.

  I chuckled a little. “Me too.”

  “Wanna go for a swim to clean off?”


  He kissed me again and smiled against my lips, then stepped back from me. I turned away from him to tuck myself into my pants and fix my clothes, although I left my shirt off since we were going into the water anyway. Then I turned around, and as soon as I looked at Christian, he smiled and leaned over for a kiss.

  Grabbing my hand, he tugged me along. “Is this the right path?”

  I glanced around and squeezed his hand. “Yeah, this is it.”

  He squeezed back, and I followed him to the pond. Once there, he walked into the water without taking his pants off, so I did the same. He wiped his stomach off, then looked at me and asked, “Have you ever been skinny dipping?”

  “Uh, no.”

  He grinned and moved around under the water for a few seconds before standing with his pants and boxers in his hand. My eyes widened as I watched him throw them up onto the rock I liked to sit on. “Okay, your turn.”

  I blinked at him for a few seconds, then self-consciously looked around, but it was dark and no one was around—no one was ever around here. He chuckled, making me smile as I pulled my pants and boxers off, too, threw them onto the rock, then hunched down in the water, asking, “Have you? Ever been skinny dipping?”

  “Uh, yeah. Back home I went a few times with my friends.”


  He nodded and lifted a shoulder. “My parents were pretty carefree, so stuff like that never seemed like a big deal, you know?”

  I didn’t, but I nodded anyway. “You went with your friends?”


  “I can’t imagine doing that. You’re the only one I could do this with.”

  He smiled. “That works for me. I don’t really want anyone else seeing you anyway.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, well, you either.”

  He was quiet for a minute, then whispered, “Hey, Eeli?”


  He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me into him so our chests bumped. My dick perked up since I could feel his slick skin against mine, and when he kissed me, he pulled my legs around his waist, and I knew that he was enjoying himself, too.

  After he dipped us under water, I rubbed the smudge of eyeliner from under his eye— it was dark out, but the sky was bright tonight. Christian frowned and muttered, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have worn it.”

  I frowned at that. “Why? I think it’s hot.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You do?”


  He blinked a few times before grabbing my ass and attacking my mouth.

  It was a long time before we finally crawled out of the pond, got dressed, and walked down to the beach for Bodhi to fly us home.

  When we got there, everyone else was home and asleep in their rooms—thank god I didn’t have to endure my brothers’ teasing, or at least I didn’t until tomorrow.

  Closing the door to my bedroom, I saw Kyla asleep in my bed, and Bodhi jumped on the bed, curling up behind her. I looked at Christian, and I was suddenly sad that I’d have to sleep away from him. We’d had such an amazing night, I didn’t want it to end.

  Christian kissed my lips gently, and I thought he was about to walk away, but instead he pulled me over to my sleeping bag and sat down on it.

  I sat beside him and whispered, “What are you doing?”

  “I thought… is it okay if I sleep here with you?”

  “You don’t have to do that. I don’t want you sleeping on the floor.”

  He glanced at the bed, then back at me. “It’ll be worth it. Come on.” He slid his legs into the sleeping bag, then looked at me expectantly. “Get in.”

  I climbed in beside him, but it was so squished, I had to rest my head on his arm and my hand on his waist. “Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

  “I’m good.” He ran his fingers through my hair, staring into my eyes. “Are you good?”

  “I’m better than I ever thought I could be.”


  I nodded, then scooted even closer to him, pressing a kiss to his chin. “Thank you for giving me a chance, Christian. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  He kissed my forehead and wrapped both arms around me so my face was against his throat. “I know I won’t. I’m glad I’m here.”

  “Me too.” I pressed my lips to the base of his throat, then closed my eyes, feeling like my heart was so full it would burst.

  “What are you doing on the floor?”

  “None of your business, Kyla.”

  I blinked myself awake when I felt the rumble of Christian’s voice against my cheek.

  “Are you officially with Eeli now?” Kyla whispered—or tried to whisper; she wasn’t very good at it.

  “Shh, you’re gonna wake him up,” Christian whispered back, making his chest rumble under me again.

  “I’m awake,” I mumbled, barely coherent.

  “Shit. I’m sorry,” he whispered as he tightened his hold on me before moving his arms around. I was sure he was trying to talk to Kyla without words, but I buried my nose into his chest, a little worried they were talking about me. I didn’t really know what to say or do after last night. Especially with his little sister in the room right now.

  Kyla was moving around, but I didn’t bother to look up because I was breathing in Christian’s intoxicating scent. Lying on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat; it was soothing my nerves a little. It felt like my heart was beating to match his.

  Kyla said, “I’ll see ya guys at breakfast.” She left the room, letting the door click shut behind her and leaving us alone.

  “Good morning,” he whispered.

  “Morning.” I finally lifted my head to look at him, and he sent me the sweetest smile which set my nerves entirely at ease.

  He lifted his hand and hesitated for a few seconds before very gently brushing my hair off my forehead. I closed my eyes at the soft touch and a smile perked up my lips of its own accord. He leaned in, knocking my nose with his, then pressed his lips against mine in a barely-there kiss that set off butterflies in my stomach. He pulled back way sooner than I’d wanted, so I opened my eyes to find him staring at me.

  “Christian,” I whispered, and his eyes softened.

  He kissed me again, harder this time, and I tasted his stale breath, but I didn’t even care because it was Christian, my mate, kissing me and making everything inside of me feel alive.

  “Oomph,” we both gasped out suddenly when Bo jumped on us.

  “Bo!” I yelled, but then Christian laughed, and I laughed with him.

  Bo scooted up in between us so her butt was on my shoulder but her head was nuzzling both our necks. Christian chuckled and pet her head and neck, saying, “She must’ve been feeling left out.”

  I sighed. “She was. She gave us privacy last night, but now she wants all your attention.”

  No. We can share.

  Gee, thanks. I snorted.

  “What?” Christian asked.

  “Oh, she said we can share your attention.”

  He chuckled. “That’s nice of her since I plan on stealing all your attention today anyway.” He shot me a smile that I returned as he continued petting Bo while she rubbed her cheeks and snout all over his face and neck.

  “Sounds good to me. Do you have something in mind?”

  He shook his head. “Not really, but maybe we could go flying again or something.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  He leaned over for a smiling kiss.

  “We should probably get up and get seeing my brothers over with.”

  He groaned. “They’re going to be relentless, aren’t they?”



  I snorted, then peeled myself away from him even though I never wanted to move. We both took turns in my en suite bathroom—I made sure to brush my teeth so I didn’t stink him out—and we headed out of the safety of my bedroom and upstairs toward the loud chatter coming from the dining room with Bo wrapped around Christian’s shoulders and his hand in mine.

  As soon as we rounded the corner, Zale smiled that shit-eating grin and said, “Oh, there are the lovebirds! I didn’t think you’d make it out of the bedroom at all today.”

  “Ew,” Kyla said as my brothers all laughed.

  Zale looked around the table. “Who won the bet for making it to breakfast? I had them down for sneaking food in the afternoon.”

  Malachite lifted his hand. “I had that one; I win.”

  “Ha ha ha, you’re so hilarious, guys,” I said sarcastically with an eye roll all the while my cheeks flamed hot. One glance at Christian and I saw his face flaming, too. Fun.

te stood and moved over a seat, pointing at the two chairs beside each other. “Here you go; wouldn’t wanna have to rip you little darlings apart so soon.” He smiled at me, so I punched him in the shoulder with my free hand. “Ow. What the hell, pipsqueak?”

  “Stop embarrassing us on purpose.”

  “I was being nice!” he said with a laugh.

  Rolling my eyes again, I pulled Christian over to the two seats and reluctantly let go of his hand so I could grab plates and forks. Then I filled his plate up with pancakes, bacon, and eggs and set it in front of him.

  “Thank you, Eeli.”

  I sent him a smile before filling my own plate.

  Zale grabbed a pancake as he sat across from me, still wearing that smile I wanted to smack off his face. “So, little bro, where’d you guys go last night? Did you have fun?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  I picked up a slice of bacon and threw it at his face. He must not have been expecting it because it hit him right in the nose and everyone cracked up laughing.

  When Zale picked up the bacon and cocked his arm back to throw it at me, Doc said, “Don’t you dare start a food fight. I’m not cleaning it up!”

  Zale frowned and blew out a breath, setting the bacon down, but his smile turned a little evil as he leaned forward and mock-whispered, “You better watch yourself, Eeli. You’ll never see me coming.”

  Davis barked out a laugh that made Zale elbow him, so I shrugged and said, “Whatever. I can take you.”

  “Oh, it is on, little man. It. Is. On.”

  I laughed and was relieved to see Christian laughing along with me.

  I couldn’t help but lean over to kiss his lips. It was a small, chaste kiss, but we still got a bunch of whoops and whistles thrown at us that made us both laugh. I gave his smiling lips one more kiss before focusing on my food.

  After we finished eating and clearing the table, I walked over to him, put my arms around his waist, and tilted my head up at him. “I’m really, really glad I kidnapped you, Christian.”

  He snorted and shook his head. “I don’t know if it counts as kidnapping. You didn’t bring the rope.”

  I laughed, beyond relieved that he could joke about it with me now, and when he joined my laughter, I felt all the tension and worry I had about him not wanting me float away. And when he hugged me tight, I melted into him, never wanting to move away.


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