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The Changeling

Page 17

by Whiskey Flowers

  “I am talking to you idiot,” Sara snapped. “No one talks to my boy like that. And before you ask if I want a fight my answer is yes. I will paste your ass all across Vashing for the crows to feast on after I am done.”

  “Just who do you think you are talking to!” the man said shaking as Sara stepped up into his face.

  “I am talking to you, idiot!” Sara snapped as Jonathan reached out to grab his mother to pull her away from the man. “We can go outside and handle this right now. The Royal Family is around, they can sanction our match and I will end it quickly.”

  “Not her Mage Lawrence,” said a finely dressed young man as he pulled the brown haired man back.

  “She is a commoner!” Lawrence said angrily. “These people need put into their place, you have heard the rumor of how strong her son is.”

  “What is the issue here?” Xalen said as he came walking up with Russell, Farrah and Monica.

  “This woman has challenged Mage Lawrence to a duel with arena style rules,” the finely dressed man said.

  “Gerry” Xalen said looking at the finely dressed man. “Why are you out of your robes?”

  “I wanted to observe this commoner of yours using my special spell,” Gerry replied.

  “This will solve everything once and for all,” Russell said. “Earl Gillespie knows the mage vision spell commoner. Mage sight only identifies if someone is a mage or not. Mage vision identifies how much aura they have.”

  “And what did you find out?” Xalen asked.

  “This woman has the fourth or fifth largest amount of aura I have ever seen. It is hard to tell at the top level but she is at least as strong Monica Manchin. She is a fight Mage Lawrence is better off avoiding especially since she picked the fight.”

  “I did no such thing,” Sara snapped.

  “Silence woman I am an Earl,” Gerry snapped back.

  “And I will not be called a liar,” Sara said. “This idiot insulted my son and ran like a coward behind his friends. He can either fight or shut his mouth.”

  “You watch your tone in my presence,” Xalen said staring at Sara.

  “What is going on?” Joshua said as he moved Sara behind him and stood in front of Mage Lawrence.

  “Nothing father, maybe a miscommunication” Jonathan said.

  “Your entire family is an abomination,” Mage Lawrence said. “You think you are something special because you are two commoners with power that made an even bigger abomination. You are nothing but dirty commoners and that is all you ever will be. I am just happy you only produced one piece of filth like yourselves instead of multiplying more.”

  Jonathan was not fast enough to stop his father. The punch landed clean and sent Mage Lawrence sprawling all over the floor. Fire and ice erupted from Gerry hands. Jonathan’s shield was able to block his father as Lawrence was snoozed on the floor. The initial spells stopped as Jonathan tried to push his father away. Joshua pushed his son down and stood over Lawrence as angry as Jonathan had ever seen him.

  “I dare this piece of shit to say anything else against my family,” Joshua said breathing heavily. “I am not one of these commoners scared of his own shadow. I was in the front of the initial excursion into the barbarian lands. I helped build the furthest outpost inside of our new border. I am a Thunder and we don’t back down. Whenever this idiot wakes up you let him know I want my satisfaction.”

  “Gerry,” Xalen screamed, as Gerry started another spell.

  Jonathan popped a shield back in place as a soft glowing light briefly washed over Joshua. Gerry seemed surprised and cast the spell again. Gerry started laughing to himself, which made everyone around him tense. Xalen stared at the man in annoyance when Gerry finally started speaking.

  “You speak a good game commoner,” Gerry said. “The way your wife was so bold to challenge a man she knew nothing of made me pause. I knew she had a lot of aura and could most likely back her words up. You though, are not your wife. You are only marginally stronger than most commoner mages. You must have really made an impression to land someone with her talent.”

  “So you are saying he is nothing special?” Xalen asked.

  “You could beat him in a duel,” Gerry said. “There is little power there.”

  “And what about the son?” Xalen asked.

  “Mage vision takes a lot out of me,” Gerry said. “I can cast it but it will be the last time I could do so today.”

  “Save it then,” Xalen said as he looked at Joshua. “Your wife’s challenge to Mage Lawrence will not be upheld. Mage Lawrence merely spoke some words and like all commoners her answer was ignorance and violence. You however struck Mage Lawrence in the presence of an Earl, a future Duke and myself. If he wants to fight it is his right as a mage. I will sanction this fight and I am sure your King and Queen will side with me. This is the time for you to admit you have overstepped your boundaries and decline this battle and go away with the rest of the commoners doing whatever it is commoners do.”

  “I will do no such thing Your Highness,” Joshua said. “Perhaps after he is dead anyone who thinks about harming my wife and son will think better of it. This dog has teeth and is better off being left alone.”

  “Then it seems you will finally be put in your place, Thunder,” Xalen said looking at Jonathan. “You were bold for threatening me because while in training I am just any other student. You were bold for tossing insults at my cousin Russell and threatening to deflower his sister. All around the Tower there has been talk about how to put the commoner with the big mouth in his place. Mage Lawrence is a true noble mage. His power is greater than mine. And while he may not be on the level of the Big Four, he is more than a match for your father. Perhaps seeing him dead will be enough to bring some humility into you.”

  “Even if the worst happens,” Jonathan said. “I will not cower for anyone.”

  “None of us will,” Sara said.

  “Enjoy what time you have left with your family Thunder,” Xalen said and turned around.

  “I hate dealing with these people,” Joshua said. “It is the reason your mother and I want you to become one of their number.”

  “Father that man said you are overmatched,” Jonathan said worried.

  “I am overmatched in every fight I have ever been in,” Joshua said. “But I have my lightning just like you do, it is both fast and deadly. My strongest bolts may not look all thick and bright like yours does son, but it is still lightning. It is perfect for breaking through mage shields and casts so quick another one can be on the way before my opponent knows what has happened. They are enough to outright kill in some instances, trust me when I say I am not worried.”

  “But I am father. I am worried.”

  “Listen to your father Jonathan” Sara said placing a hand on his shoulder. “Now let's go someplace else. This place is starting to fill up with mages and once they get that man on his feet the hatred that will be seen here will be something else.”

  “Joshua Thunder,” said a voice just as Joshua started walking out of the inn. Jonathan turned around and could see a man heading towards them with a robe accented in gold stripes. Kevin Wilson looked enough like his younger brother that Jonathan thought he could had identified the Archmage even if he was in regular clothing. He walked towards them like he hadn't a care in the world. Jonathan thought he looked like a wolf who walked into a pen filled with sheep.

  “Archmage,” Joshua said as he turned around to face the man. Jonathan noticed the Archmage’s eyes rove over him then his mother before finally settling back down on Joshua.

  “So this is your commoner family,” the Archmage said. “I have never met your wife before and after the tale I just heard I can guess why you always took jobs on her behalf. I knew you completed things as a team so I knew she along with your son existed. What I didn't know was how capable your wife and son were. Why did you hide this?”

  “Because I don't need to hear horrible things that would be said about my family” Joshua said.
  “The power should have been someone else’s!” the Archmage said raising his voice.

  “I know me and my wife have done more than any of your noble mages” Joshua said. “When you need things done I know I am the first one you think of because the job will be completed and done to standard. Random bandits, well digging and anything else you have need of, you call me because I can get it done. If your nobles with all of their power are just so capable, then why don't you ask one of them instead?”

  “Careful how you talk to me Joshua Thunder,” the Archmage said. “I don't have to give you any jobs. I have others that would do anything for extra coin.”

  “And I am already wealthy,” Joshua said. “Even without the money I and my Sara get for helping you, I can survive and do so nicely. You should be careful of how you talk to me, good help is hard to find.”

  “Are you giving me an ultimatum?” The Archmage asked. “I can have you on the front lines facing the Realin or the Downey. Both borders are heating up and I would make sure you are front and center.”

  “You don't scare us,” Sara said. “And you have most likely made up your mind about whatever it was that you were going to do already anyway. You will not get any groveling from me or my family.”

  “You remember this day, Joshua Thunder,” the Archmage said. “When you are dying on a field of battle somewhere I want you to remember this day. I often wondered how you and your wife accomplished tasks that mages I knew were stronger than you were would find difficult. You all have a good day.”

  “Why did you antagonize that man father,” Jonathan said worried. “He just wanted to push you around a bit to make himself feel better... then he would have left.”

  “Fuck him,” Joshua said. “Don't bow down to these people John or they will keep pushing you around to make themselves feel better. He does let us earn a lot of money but we already have a good amount saved up. And we are only part of the reserves for less than two years before our twenty is up. We should only have to do ten like it is for the nobles, but it is what it is. If that idiot decides we are not worth it anymore then there are going to be tons of complaints from people who need mage help. We are not the only ones who work for him but your mother and I always take the most difficult jobs he has.”


  “Are you ready commoner?” Xalen said as he looked over at Jonathan. “Before we start any of our tests your father is going to meet his maker.”

  “My father is no coward,” Jonathan said. “It doesn't matter how much magic he has to play with.”

  “Harrington wasn't a coward either,” Gerald laughed. “We all saw where that got him.”

  “At least they have all started acting correctly around their betters,” Xalen said looking over at the commoner mages. “They have stayed silent and have not tried to make a nuisance of themselves. Maybe they will be able to find someone while they are here just like Millicent Andrews did.”

  “Millie saw her chance at a noble and decided dirty commoners were not worth the bother” Gerald laughed. “Oh the show is about to start.”

  “Are you well Thunder?” Thurman asked. “Every mage in the city got up to watch this. Some super mage here is going around telling people that your father has very little magic to work with. They say he has less magic than I do. I don't think that is going to be enough to win this fight.”

  “I have had my friend Earl Gerry Gillespie take a look at him multiple times,” Xalen said bragging. “There are many noble mages in the tower stronger than he is. Mage Lawrence is stronger than I am and he is a regular sparring partner of my father’s Champion. The stupid commoner should have begged forgiveness to get out of this.”

  “My father does not beg,” Jonathan said sounding full of pride and courage.

  Jonathan knew the courage was false though, he was worried for his father and almost everyone around him was excited at the likelihood of seeing his father die. His father had done much for the kingdom and it bothered him that this is what people wanted. They wanted to see him humbled and dead. Jonathan knew why his father refused to back down from them. Maybe he was right when he said that they would continue to belittle him. Jonathan was standing with the students and looked over at the families. His mother had a nervous look on her face. Jonathan could tell she was probably hearing some of the same things he was, just worse. His father walked into the area. He was bare chested despite the cold and only wore light fitting trousers and boots. His father had cut off all of his hair. From the angle Jonathan was viewing his father could have been any soldier in the Kirby army with his current look.

  “Your father thinks a makeover will help him?” Monica said laughing. “Honestly he looks like a fool with no shirt on. Does he think he is being intimidating?”

  “He took off anything that could catch fire and burn,” Russell said. “His pants are tight but from here I can see that they are also wet. He cut off his hair so it would not catch fire and distract him.”

  “What is the knife for he is trying to hide in his belt?” Xalen asked. “I can see the dagger hilt from here.”

  “That is for finishing” Russell said. “If he is out of magic he is going to use that to win. If he cannot win then he can use the blade to take his own life instead of suffering.”

  “Then he should just kill himself now and save Mage Lawrence the trouble,” Monica laughed.

  “You all have your fun,” Jonathan said. “No matter what happens I know the majority of you are not as strong as others believe you to be. Only one of you have had the guts to challenge me and it ended with him on the ground with his face bashed in.”

  “If it makes you feel better, then hold on to that memory Thunder,” Gerald laughed. “Just like I am going to hold on to this memory. Mage Lawrence is going to make your mother a widow. I understand if you want to leave afterwards to console her. I will even buy you both a drink to pour your tears into.”

  “Stop it Gerald, he is going to cry,” Monica said laughing.

  Jonathan ignored them as Mage Lawrence came out and stood across from Joshua. The man didn't have a mark on him despite the punch he took and Jonathan was sure it was because of all the mages around. One or a group of them probably healed him, now Mage Lawrence looked fresh and ready for battle. Lawrence looked over at Sara and gave her a wink, Jonathan saw his mother had no reaction to the gesture.

  “Do you have anything you want to say commoner?” King Jeffrey said as he stood up. “You asked for this battle and these are possibly the last words you will ever speak.”

  “No,” Joshua said as he looked over at Lawrence.

  “What about you Lawrence?” King Jeffrey said with a little humor in his voice. “It is not every day a commoner challenges a noble to fight to the death for an insult.”

  “Only that Sara Thunder is not yet forty,” Lawrence replied. “My wife died last year but my children do not have the power I do. After I kill her husband I want to give her an offer of being with a real man. We can still have at least one or two more children and she will get the chance to right the wrong of her abomination that is standing over with the rest of the students.”

  “Well I think it is a marvelous idea and will heal some of the hurt that is sure to follow,” King Jeffrey said laughing.

  “I think you are trying to be unnecessarily cruel” Queen Mildred said. “Now do what you came here to do instead of trying to cause an outrage among my commoners.”

  “Oh calm down Mildred,” King Jeffrey said. “You have always had a soft spot in your heart for these people.”

  “These people, as you put it” Queen Mildred began, “are the reason we have a kingdom. And they do most of the work in the kingdom. These people ensure you live the life you do and your duty is to them, not the other way around. Now let's hurry this thing up. I don't have all day.”

  Jonathan was surprised to hear the Queen snap at her husband. Jonathan knew technically there was no King. The monarchy was through Queen Mildred. King Jeffrey wa
s technically the King Consort. It gave him the title of King but was largely a ceremonial title. To hear the Queen snap and become angry, that was something not many were ready for as the once boisterous gathering became silent.

  “Why did she have to bring him here?” Xalen said. Jonathan followed his eyes and could see next to the Queen was a little boy who looked like a miniature version of his father.

  “You know your mother would never leave him at home,” Russell replied.

  “Doesn't he have training or something to get to?” Xalen said annoyed. “I bet he thought it was real funny his little friend David broke through my shield. No matter how hard he trains he will still be worthless. He is the only one of us with no magic and mother humors him too much. Do you know what he told my father last night?”

  “What?” Russell asked.

  “He wanted to bring the title of Knight over here like they do in other kingdoms,” Xalen replied.

  “What is a knight?” Monica asked.

  “Mundanes who are great fighters or have done great things are given the title” Xalen said. “It is a way to give them recognition. He is just jealous of mages and always has been.”

  Jonathan heard a horn sound and saw fire forming in Lawrence’s hands. Jonathan could tell the mage was trying for a big spell and was just ready to cast it when a sharp crack was heard. A flash of lightning quickly covered the distance between Joshua and Lawrence. Lawrence fell to the ground and was stunned. Jonathan could tell the man was still alive from the way he was barely moving on the ground as Joshua started covering the distance between them. People started yelling for Lawrence to get up but the man could not get his wits about him before Joshua plunged the dagger into his chest.

  “Yes!” Jonathan screamed out as his father walked away from the now still mage. “That’s how you do it!”


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