Book Read Free

When Art Falls

Page 9

by Lorrain Allen

  “I’m sending a car for you at six. Have your ass ready to go.”

  “What should I wear?”

  “I transferred some money into your account.”

  “Of course you have my account number,” I say dryly.

  “The hair stylist will be at your place at four and the makeup artist at five.”

  “What about my mom? She’s still recovering from surgery so can’t be left alone with Sebastian for too long.”

  “The aide will be there before you leave.” He ends the call.

  Damn, he has everything covered. I click open the bank app to check my account balance. Holy fuck, he deposited five thousand dollars.

  I dial the number of the one person I know who is an expert in style.

  “Hello?” Anneli answers.

  “I need your help.”

  “What happened? Did Art do something? I’ll kick his fucking ass.”

  I laugh. “So, you’re ready to slay the dragon for little ole me.”

  “You’re damn straight. I’m going for the eyes first.”

  “O-M-G. You’re a complete mess.”

  “I know I am, but you still love me.”

  “I do.”

  “So, what’s up?”

  “I need to go shopping.”

  “Where is Cin and what have you done with her? I knew there was some truth to the Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie!”

  “I’m being serious! I have to buy a dress.”

  “Give me a second.”

  I hear movement on the other end of the phone.

  “What’s that noise?”

  “I’m opening the window.”

  “What for?”

  “To see if pigs are flying, because I never thought I’d hear you say those words. Or maybe I should check to see if hell has frozen over.”

  “Are you going to help me or not?” I ask, exasperated.

  “Have some patience. I’m in shock at the moment.”

  “Are you done, drama queen?”

  “Not quite yet. I need a few more minutes.”

  “While you’re recovering, I’m going to head to the mall.”

  “Don’t you dare. You can’t be trusted to shop on your own.”

  “Well, let’s go. I don’t have that much time.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Art basically demanded I go as his date to a charity event.”

  “The lines are becoming blurred between you two.”

  “It’s like we’re in a relationship.”

  “This arrangement is a means to an end. It’s an illusion.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t lose sight of your goal. I hate to see you get hurt.”

  I’m already in too deep, but I can’t tell Anneli that. What the hell am I going to do once it’s over?

  “It’s fine. I know what I’m doing.” Maybe I’ll believe the lie if I say it enough.

  “Please tell me you’re on birth control.”

  “I’m on the Depo shot.”

  I don’t trust myself to take pills every day on time.

  “Good. What’s your spending limit?”

  “Five thousand dollars.”

  Anneli lets out a long whistle. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

  “It’s already noon, shit. I have to be back home by four.”

  “I got this. I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “See you then.”

  I’m breaking my own damn rules. I hadn’t planned on inviting Cin tonight. What the hell am I thinking? I’ve been treating her like she’s my fucking girlfriend, and Mason has become attached to her and Sebastian. It’ll be a shock to everyone here for sure, since I’ve never brought a date to any of these functions in the past. I’m attempting to be sociable with the group at the table, but I’m bored to death and not listening to a word being said. I sit between Leonard and Damon. The former owns several nightclubs across Florida, and the latter is the heir to Lux International Airlines. I made the mistake of accepting an invitation to Leonard’s club once, and he’s been asking to hang out again every time we’ve run into each other since. The two are best friends. I guess they’re looking to turn their duo into a trio, but I’m far from interested. Josh hit the streets with them almost daily during his stay. I only came tonight because, despite being a prick, I believe in contributing to a noble cause, and paying fifteen thousand per plate is pennies to me.

  “So, what do you say?” Damon asks.


  “Coming to my birthday party at Opulence.”

  One of Leonard’s establishments.

  “I can’t make it.”

  “I didn’t tell you a date.”

  “When is it?”

  “Next Saturday.”

  “I’m busy.”

  “You should come. It’ll be closed to the public and the most beautiful women in Orlando will be there.” Damon wags his eyebrows.

  The only woman on my radar is Cin.

  “Oh my, who is that?” Leonard asks.

  I follow the line of his vison to see who he’s referring to and my jaw drops. Not many things leave me speechless, but the sight of Cin coming towards me takes my fucking breath away. The simple, elegant black dress clings to her sexy curves. The V-neckline plunges low, showcasing her beautiful cleavage, and as she walks, the long slit going up her right leg reveals her thigh. Her long silky curls bounce with every step she takes. And my God, she’s actually wearing heels without fumbling all over the damn place. A beautiful smile lights up her face when her eyes land on me.

  “That’s who I’m taking home tonight,” Leonard says.

  “Actually, she’ll be going with me.” Damon grins.

  “Care to place a wager?” Leonard counters.

  “That’s my date, so the both of you need to fuck off.”

  Leonard scoffs. “Yeah right.”

  I stand when she reaches me. “You look gorgeous.”

  She blushes. “Thank you. I’m a real-life Cinderella.”

  “Oh shit. He’s serious,” I hear Damon say.

  “You’re in her seat,” I say to Leonard.

  He holds his hands up in surrender before standing and pulling out the chair for Cin.

  I bump him out the way. “I got it.”

  She sits down. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”


  “Hey, don’t be like that,” Leonard says.

  “You’re being rude,” Cin whispers.

  I glower at her. I’m about five seconds away from flipping the fucking table over. It was a mistake to invite her. Their eyes roam over her like she’s a big fat juicy steak.

  “My name is Leonard and he’s Damon.”


  “That’s a beautiful name,” he says, kissing the back of her hand, “for a beautiful woman.”

  I feel the monster beating at me, trying to break free.

  “It’s short for Cinnamon.”

  “I love cinnamon. It’s spicy with an unexpected sweetness. I eat it on practically everything.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth.” I scowl.

  “Chill, man,” Damon says.

  “Talk to her again, and I’ll knock your teeth down your throat.”

  “It’s okay,” Cin says.

  “Afraid of a little competition?” Leonard asks, smirking.

  “You’re not on my level and you couldn’t make it there even if you borrowed an airplane from Damon. But I tell you what—when I’m done with her, she’s all yours.”

  Shocked gasps come from the occupants sitting around the table. It seems we’ve gained an attentive audience.

  “Art,” Cin says, horrified.

  “She’s open to spreading her legs for money.”

  “You fucking bastard.”

  “The truth is a hard pill to swallow, isn’t it?”

  “Cinnamon tastes best when you put it directly on your tongue.” She licks her top lip while looking at Leona

  I grip her arm, yanking her from the chair. “It’s time for us to go.”

  “You’re hurting me.”

  A hand clutches my shoulder. “Let her go.”

  I swing around, grabbing the front of Leonard’s shirt. “Touch me again and you’re dead.”

  “Gentlemen, please. This isn’t the place for this,” an older man says.

  “You don’t have to go with him. I’ll take you home,” Leonard offers.

  “She knows who her bread and butter is.” I glare at her. “You better fall in place behind me.”

  I head towards the exit. She’ll always be a fucking whore, and I won’t forget that again.

  I can’t believe he embarrassed me like that. It’s difficult to keep my tears at bay. How can he make me feel special one moment and in the next treat me as if I’m a piece of shit? I follow him out the door into heavy rain. The night was pleasantly mild when I arrived, but now the wind is blowing and thunder cracks across the turbulent sky. The storm mirrors my emotions, taking me back to the night we were reunited.

  Art gives a ticket to the valet. “Make it quick.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Asshole! You made all those people think I’m a hooker!”

  He clasps my jaw. “Shut your fucking mouth.”

  “I won’t back down from you tonight.” I’m tired of his bullshit. If he wants a fight, I’ll give him one.

  “You’ll be dealt with soon enough.”

  “I despise you.”

  But I love him too. My heart calls to his—it can’t beat without him. We continuously stake along the thin line between love and hate.

  “I fucking hate you too. Now get in the damn car,” he says, flinging me away.

  I settle in the car and buckle the seatbelt, mentally preparing myself for what’s coming.

  The tires squeal as he speeds off.

  “Slow down!”

  “You want to fuck him?”


  “You heard me!”

  “That question doesn’t deserve an answer.”

  “You were flirting with him!”

  “That was after you started acting like a damn idiot!”

  He turns onto the highway, traveling close to a hundred miles per hour.

  “You’re going to get us killed!”

  “Maybe I should put us both out of our fucking misery.”

  He jerks the steering wheel left, driving over the median strip.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I scream.

  He speeds straight towards oncoming traffic. Motorists honk their horns, swerving out of the way to avoid a car accident.

  “You’re a lunatic!”

  “You made me look like a fucking fool!”

  “I’m sorry!” I’ll say anything to get him to stop this madness. I lose control of my bladder, peeing in my panties a little when we nearly have a head-on collision. I’ve never been so afraid in my life.

  “Since you want to behave like a slut, I’ll treat you like one.”

  I’ve seen Art livid plenty of times, but this is beyond that. The sense of danger within the small confines of the car is suffocating. I can almost taste the fear in my mouth. Should I be scared for my life?

  Art crosses back over the median and takes the next exit. He jerks the wheel, turning onto a dark, deserted street where he parks and jumps out of the car. I think about making a run for it, but he’ll catch me in seconds. When he comes around to the passenger door, I hit the locks.

  “Open this fucking door right now!”

  I shake my head.

  “It’ll be hell to pay if you don’t.”

  I flip him the bird.

  “Fine. You want to play, let’s go.”

  He walks away, disappearing into the night. I frantically search the surrounding area for any sign of him, but I can’t see anything through the rain. I climb into the driver’s seat, relieved I only have to push a button to start the engine. I’ll face his wrath later for leaving him stranded, but right now I need to get away. Before I can put my plan in motion the passenger-side window is shattered. A very pissed off Art stands there, holding a brick. He reaches inside the car, twisting my hair in his hand. I scream bloody murder as he hauls me through the window. Jagged pieces of glass pierce my flesh. He laughs at my attempt to fight him off—the sound maniacal and frightening.

  “It’s amusing you think you can escape me,” he sneers. “I’m stronger than you’ll ever be.”

  Art savagely tears at my dress and panties until I’m left only in heels, completely exposed to the elements.

  “I’ll take whatever I want from you and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He moves his hand between my legs. “And right now, I want this.” He rubs his nose against my cheek.

  Cold raindrops beat against my heated skin. I scratch at his chest and bite his shoulder. He wraps his hand around my neck and shakes me like a rag doll.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your goddamn teeth to yourself.”

  “Fuck you!” I shout.

  “It makes my dick hard when you talk dirty.”

  He drags me to the front of the car and slams me down on the hood. I immediately stand, but he seizes the back of my neck and slams me down once more.

  “If you move again, I’m going to take you back to my penthouse, handcuff you to the bed, and whip the skin off your ass.”

  He’ll do it, so I stay put. Art positions himself behind me, pushing my legs apart with his foot.

  “Someone might see us.”

  “Then let’s give them a show.”

  He thrusts forward, fully sheathing his dick inside me. My eyes flutter closed, drowning in the feeling of him. Each time we fuck, he takes me higher and higher. When I finally fall, every bone in my body will break and I’ll never heal from the irreversible damage. After this is over, he will move on with his life while I’ll be permanently disabled.

  “You belong to me. This pussy belongs to me,” he growls.

  My hard nipples slide over the wet metal as he pummels my pussy. Art always takes me on a sexual odyssey, leaving me desperate for more and impatient for what new heights he’ll transport me to. Thunder lights up the sky the exact moment I come.

  “Cin!” Art shouts, finding his own release.

  All my life I’ve been made to believe love between a man and a woman should be sweet and tender. For Art and me, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s intimidating, untamed, and filled with pain. Even so, I wouldn’t change the hurt for anything. We have no business being together. It’s obvious we bring out the worst in each other, but my world doesn’t work without him in it. It’s ablaze and I’m going to watch it fucking burn.

  My obsession with Cin has spanned nearly a decade. Sometimes I curse the fates that allowed us to meet again, and other times I praise them for bringing her back into my life. We’re almost two-and-a-half months into our arrangement and my mind is made up. I’m keeping her, even if she wants out. I’ve done something unforgivable to ensure she remains by my side. She can hate me, but there’ll be no turning back. I started following her, like a jealous husband. I’m paranoid she’ll cheat. If she does, someone is going to die. I’m waiting in the parking lot where she works for track practice to end. I drove a car she has never seen before, to catch her unaware. I like to watch how she behaves when I’m not around.

  A group of kids emerge from the back of the school. Cin trails after them with a man walking beside her. They’re too close together for my liking. My anger skyrockets when she grabs his shoulder and laughs at something he said. Who the fuck is this asshole? She’s breaking the rules by speaking with him, and for that she’s going to pay. I get out of the car, ready to kick some ass.

  Her eyes widen at my approach. “What are you doing here?”

  “Am I interrupting your planned rendezvous with this fucker?” I look the man up and down.

  “Art, don’t do this here,” she says in a panic

  “Is there a problem?” the man says, stepping in front of her.

  He doesn’t realize how much danger he’s in.

  “No, everything is okay.” She tries to move around him, but he holds out his arm. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She’s trying to save the dummy, but he’s not too bright.

  “I can call the police if this guy is bothering you.”

  I grip her arm, jerking her to my side. My fist flies when he reaches for her, punching the bastard in the face and knocking him to the ground.

  “Lights out, motherfucker.”

  “Jerry!” Cin moves to go to his side, but I tighten my hold on her. “We have to help him.”

  “Fuck him.”

  “Art, the kids are watching.”

  Fuck, and they’re recording with their cell phones. This will be all over social media and news outlets within the hour. My grandfather might even make an appearance in Florida after this fuckup. Damn, this woman makes me do stupid shit.

  “He needs an ambulance.”

  “Your lover will be fine,” I say, hauling her ass to my car.

  “Our relationship is purely professional!”

  “You’re a fucking liar.”

  “He’s just a colleague. We were talking, that’s all.”

  “Why were you walking so close to him? There’s something more going on. I’m not fucking stupid!”

  “Obviously you are! Why won’t you listen to me?”

  I open the door and shove her inside.

  “What about my car?”

  “It’ll be picked up later,” I say before slamming the door.

  “Your little stunt is probably going to get me fired!” she says as I zoom out of the parking lot.

  “I don’t give a fuck!” I shout.

  “Of course you don’t, you selfish prick!” she screams.

  “I’m selfish? That’s a joke coming from you.”

  “How long are you going to hold what I did over my head?”

  “Until the day I die.”

  “I was a teenager. But that’s still no excuse for cheating—”

  “You’re right. It isn’t.”

  “It was a mistake and I’ve apologized for it!”

  “Does that mean you should be freely forgiven?”

  “For God’s sake, it happened eight years ago!” She throws her arms up.

  “Yeah, well, you know the old adage. Once a cheater, always a cheater.”


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