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Unfinished Sympathy

Page 28

by Amélie S. Duncan

  I vaguely recalled Sophie calling out, “Action.” I could only think of Paul’s Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Each time I’d heard this music before, it had affected me. Paul’s performance surpassed my experience. I was so enraptured that it had to be love. When feelings are real, they make music seep right into the heart.

  I’d forgotten the cameras until Sophie yelled, “Cut!”

  “You were all wonderful,” she said. “Thank you so much for making this easy today.”

  I changed and got to sit in the wings to enjoy watching Paul do his scenes. He was a complete professional. He was perfect, but Sophie asked him to do it again. He never complained.

  They could only film in the castle one day, so Paul only had short breaks. When they came, he looked and called for me. He kissed me and held me. I was just as absorbed in him. I didn’t want the day to end; I never wanted to reach the end of our trip together.

  When it came time to go, he talked and thanked each crew member. When he reached me, he asked, “Was that all right?”

  I grinned. “You were amazing, as always, but you don’t need my praise.”

  “I always want to know what you think,” he said.

  “You were so right on. Flawless in your technique.”

  “I’ve been playing Beethoven most of my career,” he said. “She asked for some of myself in the pieces to make it my own, but she wanted it technically sound. I went as close as I could.”

  “You achieved it,” I said and linked arms with him. “I don’t even think I can think of Beethoven’s music without thinking of you now.”

  Our gazes locked, and we stood quietly in the moment.

  Paul sighed and stroked my face and hair. “I must ask Sophie if the designer will replicate your dress. I wish I could have come over to tell you how stunning you looked. How was it for you, watching that?”

  “You mean watching you romance the other women? You were acting. When things are real, you behave a lot differently.”

  “How so?” he asked, with a curve to his lips.

  “Your eyes are different. Your touch. It didn’t look the same as when you touch me,” I whispered.

  “I’m glad you know that,” he said. “When my heart is in it, it’s different.”

  My own heart leaped in my chest. I understood perfectly.

  We walked back through the castle to his trailer, and I helped him out of the frock coat.

  “Wow, this weighs a ton,” I said, handing it to an assistant.

  Paul laughed and agreed, but then his expression turned serious. He took my hands and said, “This may just get aired once and disappear. It would surprise you how many of my work projects have ended up scrapped. It’s the nature of the business. Most music, films, shorts, commercials, TV pilots don’t make it to the public. But we still put in the effort, like everyone else.”

  He kissed the back of my hand, and I thought he was sweet, but I couldn’t stop the disappointment rising inside me.

  “This could end up being for nothing?” I said despondently. “What a waste.”

  “It’s not a waste,” he said, his eyes darting over my face. “I don’t believe working on anything is a waste. I believe you grow and gain a wealth of experience. That alone makes it worth it.”

  I pursed my lips. “I don’t. I’ve been at the end of the losses too many times. I’d doubt I’d be able to put myself together again after another one.” It would be ridiculous.

  The assistant requested the rest of his costume, and I let go of his hands as he went about changing. When he was back in a T-shirt and jeans, he took me in his arms, and I relaxed against his chest.

  “What shall we do for our last day?” he asked. “We can take the rest of the tour of Prague Castle.”

  “You’ve been up since midnight,” I said. “We should veg out in the hotel, eat too much and fall asleep like logs.”

  “You’d do that?” he asked, stifling a yawn.

  “Yes,” I said. “We can visit Prague, but in the room, I can snuggle up with you.”

  He pulled me into the space between his legs. “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Taking trains without holding on to railings,” I joked.

  His eyes bore into mine. “You can hold me, always.”

  With all of Prague still available to explore, we went back to our bed and relaxed under the sheets, naked.

  “I want to kiss you,” Paul breathed. “I want to kiss you all over.”

  I only smiled. My silence would be my answer.

  I was in his hands, and I knew I’d take whatever he wanted me to. In any case, the tone of his voice suggested he was telling me what he was about to do to me. I wasn’t complaining.

  His face dipped down toward mine, and I felt his heated, passionate kisses against my lips first. Slowly, he made his way down my chin, his hand tousling my hair. His lips sucked and nibbled down my neck, before they went down to my breasts, my hips, my thighs. He left not one part of me wanting for his touch—every one of his gentle, yet fervent kisses sent a small, blissful tingle down my spine.

  As his tongue caressed my smooth skin, I realized that what he was doing to me now was just as dangerous as anything else he’d done. He’d left his mark.

  Our gazes met as I felt him press his length up against my sex.

  “This is all I want,” he whispered deeply.

  My lips parted as I felt him push into me, his heated erection filling me slowly. Moaning, I felt his weight pin me to the bed as he filled me to the hilt, his cock buried fully inside me and his hips grinding up against mine. The fastened beat of our hearts thumped against each other’s chests; my breasts and erect tits pressed up against his chiseled, firm pectorals. My hands reached around him, and I pulled him tighter against me. I wanted every inch of him. I wanted for him to know how much he meant to me.

  I… I lov-

  “Oh fuck,” I whispered, as he began driving into me without warning, thumping his pulsing, girthy shaft in and out of me fervently.

  He fucked me deep, and the tip of his cock hitting my G-spot with every stroke he took. The pleasure was overwhelming. I felt like I was losing my mind.

  “You feel so good, Aubrey. I love how you show me how much you want me.”

  Holding him tighter, I begged for him not to stop, my voice ragged. If I could have had my way, I would have wanted for this moment to last forever… but even as that thought crossed my mind, I felt myself quickly approaching my climax.

  “Paul!” I screamed, my orgasm exploding to life.

  I felt like I was coming apart—I saw a flash, and then my vision blurred as I shook with bursting pleasure. I felt my sex squeeze, contracting around his cock and initiating his own orgasm. As my pussy ebbed around his throbbing rod, I felt him begin to pour himself into me. He groaned, grunting without his usual, measured sense of control. As his fingers dug into my skin, I felt the last of his seed fill me.

  Him still inside me, we kissed, deeply. His hand stroked my cheek gently as he planted smaller, loving kisses on my lips, a warm smile on his face.

  “I want you… to move in with me. After the contract,” he said, looking into my eyes. “I don’t want to have to wake up without you by my side, not anymore.”

  I blinked up at him, taken by surprise. He kissed me again.

  My heart swelled as I thought about his last words. It was exciting… yet I was anxious. I wasn’t yet sure how I would respond to his request, but I didn’t want to dwell on that now. All I wanted was to rest in his strong, warm embrace.


  By Friday, we were back in New York. We made it as far as the Holland Tunnel to Jersey City before Paul had his hand up my skirt and his lips on my throat. “How about we work at my home office? We’re not due back until Monday. They’re not even expecting you today.” His baritone was as smooth as his caresses. No mercy.

  What I was wearing today wasn’t remotely sexy, including my Friday cotton undies. He let me see his wicked smile af
ter looking under my tulle skirt. “You want to play, my naughty co-ed?”

  A moan escaped my lips. Yes, please, but later.

  My hand clasped his fingers before they went inside my panties. “I’ll do whatever you want after work, no matter how obscene, if you stop now.”

  “Sold,” Paul said, but only after he kissed me deeply and massaged my breasts and rear, so I’d be just as hot and frustrated as he was, the fiend.

  I scolded him as I attempted to fix my creased blouse and straighten my skirt. He was better prepared than me, having hung his beige suit jacket on a hook in the back seat, and staying comfortable in his jeans and shirt. He looked nothing but fabulous. I sighed in defeat. I was completely in lust.

  I eyed my handbag but decided my compact mirror wouldn’t help. My hair was secure in a tight bun, but my face? I looked way too happy. I had to fix that.

  “I can’t go to Emono Games looking happy. I need to appear miserable and desperate. Anything else will have Human Resources sniffing around, and we’ll both have trouble,” I told him.

  Paul scoffed. “If you hate working at Emono, then you should leave. I wish I could hire you, but the non-poaching agreement says I can’t, at least for a year. I’ve been thinking about it, and what I can do is help you return professionally to your violin.”

  I furrowed my brows. “How could I possibly do that? I’m not good enough for an ensemble, let alone the New York Symphony.”

  “You can work in an ensemble now,” he said. “If you want the New York Symphony, return to Juilliard. My dad and I are financial donors. I know people on the board and—”

  “—No,” I said abruptly. My fear took up all the space in the car as my pulse began to race. “I’m… I’m done with the violin as a profession. I…. I don’t want to return to Juilliard. I’ve put it all behind me—”

  “I’ve watched and heard you play, that’s not true,” he said.

  “—I have. I… I play for you and the game,” I interjected. “I like working audio and getting involved in the production. I’m good at it—”

  “You can do both, just like I do,” he insisted. “I believe you have an exciting career ahead of you, if you want it.”

  My fingers rubbed the tension in my temples, trying to get rid of the pain spiking in my head. “Emono will hire me soon, and it’s stable. I’ll reevaluate my career later. Why are you pressuring me right now?” I asked, my tone hard.

  Paul calmly placed his arm around me, moving me close to his side as my nerves peaked.

  I took a deep breath and listened to him.

  “I said those things because I believe in you,” he said. “I was only letting you know you have options. I know you’re hardworking and dedicated. I’m highly impressed by what you brought to our company.”

  “Then you must believe in my work. I mean, after all the work and effort I poured in, do you really think it’s right for me to just walk away and give up? I’m actually happy for the first time in a long time, and you’re telling me I should change professions again, right when I can win? Don’t. I don’t want to hear it. As for Juilliard…” My eyes shifted to the window, and I stopped myself from continuing. The violin and Juilliard were the catalyst that would break what we were building. If I had to say more, I wouldn’t be able to hold myself together. I’d lose him.

  I wanted some distance to put myself back together. I moved out of his arms, but he clasped my hands.

  “Don’t shut me out,” he said, and kissed the back of them. “I’m dropping this for now, but you don’t get to shut yourself away.”

  My throat ached. I was sure my outburst would cause a distance to grow between us and I couldn’t bear it. But that wasn’t Paul. He stroked my arm comfortingly the rest of the way to Jersey City. There, we parked on a side street for me to walk the rest of the way unseen.

  Before we stepped out of the car, he cupped the side of my face. His eyes met mine and my heart swelled at the tenderness I found in his gaze.

  “Emono doesn’t deserve you. Always remember, there’s so much more ahead for you. I believe it,” he said, then brushed my lips.

  My stomach fluttered at his praise. Though what would he do if he discovered I wasn’t as good as he thought I was?

  We left the car to stand in the alley, facing each other. An ache grew between my ribs at the emptiness to come.

  He kissed me quickly. “I have a meeting with my dad this morning. I’ll be picking you up after work, and we can talk about you staying with me again.”

  “Paul,” I scolded, and grinned at him. Being with him felt so good it had to be a dream, but then he gave me another kiss before slipping back inside the car. All was better. For now.

  I hastened my pace on the sidewalk along with the people moving in and out of the retail stores and cafes. I was still hungry. Should I pick up breakfast? This thought crowded in with the others on my mind, and I became engrossed. So much that I didn’t hear my name being called until the pressure of fingers on my shoulder caught my attention.

  “Aubrey. Wait up.”

  I halted. It can’t be. But sure enough, when I turned around it was Gossip King Kyle behind me. Had he seen me?

  “Oh, hey,” I said as coolly as I could. “What’s up?”

  He smirked. “Nothing is up with me.”

  I adjusted my glasses. “Me neither. I really need to get moving.” I tapped the watch on my wrist.

  “Oh, come on.” Kyle knocked my shoulder with his. “I saw you get out of Paul Crane’s car.”

  “So? I can get a ride to work,” I said indifferently.

  “Is that what you call kissing…” was all Kyle got out of his big mouth before I stepped close to him and stuck my finger in his chest.

  “Stop. You tell anyone about what you saw, and I’ll tell everyone about the pet you don’t have that you use to get out of work.”

  His mouth dropped open. “Quinn told you?”

  I shook my head. “Nope, but I follow a lot of animals online. I saw the photo you sent around last time ‘Mr. Spots’ had a vet appointment.”

  “I used all my days off for the auditions.” Kyle’s glee had soured. “The show had dress rehearsals, and I couldn’t get time off. I don’t use the excuse often.”

  “That’s why it works,” I said, and held out my hand for him to shake.

  He shook it. “Damn, you’re cutthroat. I would tell no one, anyway. You’re lucky only I discovered your alley hook-up. If you’re hiding, don’t ride to work with him. How’s it going?”

  “Good,” I admitted as we walked on. “It’s new.”

  “Good for you, Irving,” Kyle replied, and put his hand on my shoulder. “You always looked so sad. Quinn and I were sure any day now you’d go full emo.”

  I poked him and we walked over to Quinn’s spot in front of the building. He came over to us and examined my new purse and gave me a nod of approval before linking my free arm with his, then he filled me in on what I’d missed at work—which wasn’t much—as we walked in. For all the worries I had at Emono Games, my contract had brought me Quinn and Kyle. They’d given me friendship.

  They’d also given me Paul. I love him.

  We were through security when my phone buzzed in the plastic tray. I checked the message.

  8:30 AM: All Staff Meeting Today in Conference Room Fifth Floor

  I tensed. Was this the meeting with Emono and Crane Productions, or were they ready to offer me the job? No. The message said, “all staff”

  “I got the same message,” Kyle said, frowning at his phone.

  We headed up the elevator and Quinn’s phone buzzed.

  “Looks like I’m heading to a meeting, too. I’ve also got a games news alert online,” Quinn said. “Gary has sold Emono Games.”


  The room was full, and Yasmine already at the front making an announcement at the podium.

  “…Tech is revolutionary in games publishing. Emono Games has the best team in the gaming world. Together
, we will go forward and make Emono the leading choice for gamers throughout the world.”

  “Who?” I asked in Quinn’s ear above the clapping.

  “Keane-X-Tech,” he answered.

  “Mr. Keane and Keane-X-Tech are keeping the New York City office open, which was a top priority for Gary,” Yasmine continued. “To keep us moving ahead, there will be changes. Human Resources will contact you individually with the new plan by teams. Thank you.”

  We all left as bewildered as before. I headed to my office and Yasmine was right behind me.

  “Aubrey, they told me you weren’t back yet,” she said. “I have already spoken with the audio team earlier today, but if you don’t mind, I can quickly go over what they decided with you.”

  Her facial expression gave nothing away. Still, my stomach knotted. No one had informed me of anything, which wasn’t a good start, but when I had received the liaison position, I had little communication.

  “I came in to prepare for Monday. I can meet with you now,” I said, and followed her to her office, taking a seat.

  “How was your break?” she asked casually.

  I wiped my hands down my skirt. “It was fine, thank you.”

  She smiled and nodded, then took out a folder from her cabinet and set it on the desk. “First of all, you still have a job here. Relax. Please.”

  I shifted in my seat. “Okay.”

  “As you know from our announcement, Emono Games is now Keane-X-Tech. In their negotiation, they cut projects for the benefit of keeping our New York City office open. One project was the soundtrack.”

  My eyes widened and my heart constricted as my thoughts went to Paul. After all his work and dedication to the project, they’re not finishing it? The title track we worked so hard on would now never be. “That’s unbelievable. All that work. I mean, we already have recorded songs for it.”

  “It was a decision made by our new CEO,” she said, her smile tight; the only way I could see that she wasn’t in agreement. “Since the soundtrack is on hold indefinitely, we’ve had to end the contract jobs for it. The original job we always had a slot for has returned to Daniel, who originally had the post.”


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